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Last active December 20, 2015 09:58
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Example of if-less coding
- (void)switchPanel:(UIView*)currentPanel toPanel:(UIView*)newPanel;
if (currentPanel == newPanel) return;
/// This part of code describes all transitions between panels.
/// empty mean that panel is null;
/// non-empty : vice versa.
NSString *empty = @"empty", *non_empty = @"non-empty";
NSDictionary* switches = @{
empty : @{
non_empty : ^{
[self.panelContainer addSubview:newPanel];
non_empty : @{
empty : ^{
[currentPanel removeFromSuperview];
non_empty : ^{
newPanel.alpha = 0;
[self.panelContainer addSubview:newPanel];
[UIView animateWithDuration:0.5
newPanel.alpha = 1;
currentPanel.alpha = 0;
} completion:^(BOOL finished) {
[currentPanel removeFromSuperview];
void(^block)() = ({
NSString* currentPanelStatus = (currentPanel == nil) ? empty : non_empty;
NSString* newPanelStatus = (newPanel == nil) ? empty : non_empty;
NSAssert(block != NULL, @"Uncovered condition detected");
- (void)reloadView
NSAssert(self.panelContainer.subviews.count < 2, @"Inconsistent container content");
UIView* currentPanel = self.panelContainer.subviews[0];
UIView* newPanel = @{
@(PTLoginViewModelCredentialsState): self.credentialsPanel,
@(PTLoginViewModelLoadingState) : self.loadingPanel
[self switchPanel:currentPanel toPanel:newPanel];
[self.loginTextField setText:self.model.login];
[self.passTextField setText:self.model.password];
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