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Last active May 20, 2016 10:32
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  • Save olemak/8ed80c649ba81afa91aa516e5692c6cb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save olemak/8ed80c649ba81afa91aa516e5692c6cb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Adds a copy button after the tags you define (like code or pre). Clicking the button copies the preceeding element/tag text content to the OS clipboard.
function reactionaryCopybutton() {
var container = arguments.length <= 0 || arguments[0] === undefined ? document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0] : arguments[0];
var tags = arguments.length <= 1 || arguments[1] === undefined ? ['blockquote', 'pre', 'code'] : arguments[1];
var errorExplanation = 'Try to invoke reactionaryCopybutton() without parameters, or write something like this:';
var codesuggestion = '\tvar main = document.getElementById(\'#yourContentContainer\');\n\tvar tags = [\'pre\'];\n\treactionaryCopybutton(main, tags);';
try {
container.nodeType !== 1;
container['typeof'] !== 'undefined';
container !== 'NULL';
} catch (err) {
console.error(err + ' \n%cFirst argument must be a DOM node (or undefined).', 'font-weight: bold'); + '\n %c' + codesuggestion, 'color: #ababab');
try {
if (!Array.isArray(tags)) {
throw 'Tags is not an array';
} catch (err) {
console.error(err + ' \n%cSecond argument must be an Array of HTML tags (or empty)', 'font-weight: bold'); + '\n %c' + codesuggestion, 'color: #ababab');
if (document.execCommand) {
var hiddenCopyContainer = document.createElement('TEXTAREA'); = 'absolute'; = '-200vw'; = 'hiddenCopyContainer';
var blocks = container.querySelectorAll(tags.join());
if (blocks.length > 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < blocks.length; i++) {
var copyButton = document.createElement('BUTTON');
copyButton.className = 'reactionary-copy-button';
copyButton.innerHTML = '<h5>Copy</h5>';
copyButton.addEventListener('click', reactionaryCopyClickListener.bind(null, blocks[i].innerText));
function reactionaryCopyClickListener(textToCopy) {
var hiddenCopyContainer = document.getElementById('hiddenCopyContainer');
hiddenCopyContainer.value = textToCopy;;
Copy link

olemak commented May 20, 2016

The first version was in EcmaScript 2015, so I figured it was a good idea to transpile it before sharing :)
Also added arguments, so rather than changing settings inside the function, it now accepts arguments.
And now that it accepts arguments, it needed to vet those arguments, so there are now tests for each of the arguments!

The two arguments are:
1: container - A DOM element. Limits the part of the document that the function affects. Default is the body node.
2: tags - An array of tag names that determines what element types (inside "container") that will receive copy buttons. Default is ['pre','code','blockquote'].

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