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Last active October 3, 2018 21:10
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Read and Write H2 DB's TimestampWithTimeZone from Clojure by converting them to instances of java.time.Instant. Requires Java 8.
(ns yourns.db
(:require [ :as jdbc]
;; note the java-time library from
(:import org.h2.util.DateTimeUtils))
(defn- h2-timestamp-with-timezone->instant
"Convert a h2 `TimestampWithTimeZone` to a `java.time.Instant`."
[^org.h2.api.TimestampWithTimeZone h2-timestamp]
(.toInstant (DateTimeUtils/convertTimestampTimeZoneToTimestamp
(.getYMD h2-timestamp)
(.getNanosSinceMidnight h2-timestamp)
(.getTimeZoneOffsetMins h2-timestamp))))
;; extend the jdbc protocol so that values are automatically converted
;; to `Instant`s upon retrieval from the DB
(extend-protocol jdbc/IResultSetReadColumn
(result-set-read-column [v _2 _3]
(h2-timestamp-with-timezone->instant v)))
;; while clj-time has to implement this also for writing to the
;; db (,
;; we don't have to to this for h2 - just insert `Instant`s and it
;; works!
;; let's walk through some quick examples!
(def ^:private db-spec
"The database spec, needed for connecting to the H2 DB. Let's use an
in-memory DB for our purposes here."
{:classname "org.h2.Driver"
:subprotocol "h2:mem"
:subname "test_db;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1"
:user "sa"
:password ""})
;; => #'backend.db/db-spec
;; create a table with a TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE field
(jdbc/execute! db-spec "CREATE TABLE food (id IDENTITY PRIMARY KEY, timestamp TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE)")
;; => [0]
;; insert something
(jdbc/insert! db-spec "food" {:timestamp (java-time/instant)})
;; => ({:id 1})
;; it works!
;; now, let's retrieve it and see whether we're receiving our
;; timestamp as `Instant`s:
(jdbc/query db-spec "SELECT * FROM food")
;; => ({:id 1,
;; :timestamp
;; #object[java.time.Instant 0x51506bf4 "2018-10-03T21:05:12.513Z"]})
;; success!
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