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Created March 21, 2015 04:19
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namespace Nooku\Component\Overrides;
use Nooku\Library;
use Nooku\Component\Users;
class UsersDispatcherAuthenticatorFacebook extends Library\DispatcherAuthenticatorAbstract
* A redirect url
* @var string
protected $_redirect_url;
* The Facebook access token to be used
* @var string
protected $_access_token;
* @var \DateTime
protected $_token_expiry;
* Constructor.
* @param Library\ObjectConfig $config Configuration options
public function __construct(Library\ObjectConfig $config)
$this->addCommandCallback('before.dispatch', 'authenticateRequest');
$this->addCommandCallback('', 'authenticateRequest');
$this->_access_token = $config->access_token;
* Initializes the options for the object
* Called from {@link __construct()} as a first step of object instantiation.
* @param ObjectConfig $config A ObjectConfig object with configuration options
* @return void
protected function _initialize(Library\ObjectConfig $config)
'client_id' => '',
'client_secret' => '',
'redirect_url' => null,
'access_token' => null,
'scopes' => array(),
'auto_auth' => false,
'create_user' => true
* Gets the facebook access token
* @return string
public function getAccessToken()
return $this->_access_token;
* Set the facebook access token
* @param $token
protected function setAccessToken($token)
$this->_access_token = $token;
* Gets the token expiry time
* @return \DateTime
public function getTokenExpiry()
return $this->_token_expiry;
* Set token expiry
* @param \DateTime $expiry
protected function setTokenExpiry(\DateTime $expiry)
$this->_token_expiry = $expiry;
* Authenticate user against facebook api
* @param Library\DispatcherContextInterface $context A dispatcher context object
* @return boolean Returns FALSE if the check failed. Otherwise TRUE.
public function authenticateRequest(Library\DispatcherContextInterface $context)
//If authenticated, don't continue
$is_session = $context->getSubject()->getController()->getIdentifier()->package == 'users' && $context->getSubject()->getController()->getIdentifier()->name == 'session';
$code = $context->getRequest()->getQuery()->code;
$access_token = $context->getRequest()->getQuery()->access_token ?: $this->getAccessToken();
* Execution only continues if no code or access token supplied,
* Action is dispatch and auto_auth is disabled, or action is post and it's not the user session controller
if(!$code && !$access_token && (($context->action == 'dispatch' && !$this->getConfig()->auto_auth) || ($context->action == 'post' && !$is_session))){
//If no code or access token, redirect to facebook to get code
if(!$access_token && !$code){
//Get access token from code
$this->exchangeCodeForAccessToken($code, $context);
//Validate the token
}else if($access_token){
//If no access token, stop
//Authenticate the user
if(false == $user = $this->_authenticateUser($this->getAccessToken(), $this->getTokenExpiry())){
//Set user data in context
$this->_loginUser($user->id, $context);
//Get the original querystring
$state = rawurldecode($context->getRequest()->getQuery()->state);
parse_str($state, $querystring);
//Start a session if fb_start_session is set, previously a POST based login
if($context->action == 'dispatch' && isset($querystring['fb_start_session']) && $querystring['fb_start_session'] == 1){
//Create new session
//If we were redirected with a code, redirect to the origin redirect URL with state
$redirect_url = $this->_getRedirectUrl($context);
* Starts the session
* @param Library\DispatcherContextInterface $context
protected function _startSession(Library\DispatcherContextInterface $context)
$session = $context->getUser()->getSession();
//Set Session Name
//Set Session Options
'cookie_path' => (string) $context->request->getBaseUrl()->getPath() ?: '/',
'cookie_domain' => (string) $context->request->getBaseUrl()->getHost()
//Start the session (if not started already)
* Gets the redirect URL for facebook
* @param Library\DispatcherContextInterface $context
* @return Library\HttpUrl
protected function _getRedirectUrl(Library\DispatcherContextInterface $context = null)
$redirect_url = $this->getConfig()->redirect_url;
//Convert url to relative
if($redirect_url && substr($redirect_url,0,4) != 'http'){
$redirect_url = $context->getRequest()->getUrl()->toString(Library\HttpUrl::AUTHORITY).$redirect_url;
//Create URL object or use request URL
$redirect_url = $this->getObject('lib:http.url', array('url' => $redirect_url ?: $context->getRequest()->getUrl()->toString(Library\HttpUrl::AUTHORITY)));
//Facebook requires urls to end in a slash
$this->_redirect_url = $redirect_url->setPath(rtrim($redirect_url->getPath(),'/').'/');
return $this->_redirect_url;
* Redirect the user to the facebook oauth dialog/page
* @param Library\DispatcherContextInterface $context
protected function _redirectToFacebook(Library\DispatcherContextInterface $context)
//Create scopes
$scopes = $this->getConfig()->scopes->toArray();
if(!in_array('email', $scopes)){
$scopes[] = 'email';
$scopes = implode(',',$scopes);
$redirect_url = $this->_getRedirectUrl($context);
$querystring = $redirect_url->getQuery(true);
if($context->action == 'post' || $this->getConfig()->auto_auth){
$querystring['fb_start_session'] = 1;
$querystring = rawurlencode(http_build_query($querystring));
//Clear query string, facebook requires a path only url
//Redirect to facebook auth
* Authenticates a user with facebook using the supplied access token.
* If user returned, a local user is created if create_user = true in config
* User account is updated with access token and expiry
* @param $access_token
* @param \DateTime $token_expiry
* @return bool
* @throws \RuntimeException
protected function _authenticateUser($access_token, \DateTime $token_expiry)
//Fetch facebook user
$fb_user = $this->getFacebookUser($access_token);
//Ensure we have the users email address
if(!isset($fb_user->email) || !$fb_user->email){
throw new \RuntimeException('User email address missing from facebook response');
//Fetch user
$user = $this->getObject('com:users.model.users')->email($fb_user->email)->fetch();
//Do nothing if the user is new and we're not creating users
if(!$this->getConfig()->create_user && $user->isNew()){
return false;
//Format expiry date
$expiry_date = $token_expiry->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
//If new user, create user account
$user = $this->_createUser(array(
'email' => $fb_user->email,
'name' => $fb_user->name,
'facebook_access_token' => $access_token,
'facebook_token_expiry' => $expiry_date
//Update the token and expiry if different
if($user->facebook_access_token != $access_token || $user->facebook_token_expiry != $expiry_date){
$user->facebook_access_token = $access_token;
$user->facebook_token_expiry = $expiry_date;
return $user;
* Creates a new user with the supplied data, disables activation as we know the user is active
* @param array $user_data
* @return mixed
protected function _createUser($user_data = array())
$user_data['password'] = hash_hmac('sha256', time().$user_data['facebook_access_token'], $this->getConfig()->client_secret);
$user = $this->getObject('com:users.controller.user')->add($user_data);
$user->password = null;
$user->enabled = 1;
$user->activation = null;
return $user;
* Log the user in
* @param string $username A user key or name
* @param array $data Optional user data
* @return bool
protected function _loginUser($username, Library\DispatcherContextInterface $context)
//Set user data in context
$data = $this->getObject('user.provider')->load($username)->toArray();
$data['authentic'] = true;
* FACEBOOK API access methods
* Produces the app token string
* @return string
public function getAppToken()
return $this->getConfig()->client_id.'|'.$this->getConfig()->client_secret;
* Gets the access token from facebook by exchanging the code for an access token
* @param $code
* @return Library\ObjectConfig
public function exchangeCodeForAccessToken($code, Library\DispatcherContextInterface $context)
$client_id = $this->getConfig()->client_id;
$client_secret = $this->getConfig()->client_secret;
$redirect_url = $this->_getRedirectUrl($context);
//Make request for token
$response = $this->_queryFacebook('oauth/access_token', array('client_id' => $client_id, 'client_secret' => $client_secret, 'redirect_uri' => (string) $redirect_url, 'code' => $code));
//Parse out the response, it's a querystring
$query = array();
parse_str($response, $query);
$token = new Library\ObjectConfig($query);
//Store access token
$access_token = $token->access_token;
//Convert expiry date
$expiry_date = new \DateTime();
$expiry_date->add(new \DateInterval('PT'.$token->expires.'S'));
return $token;
* Validate an access token
* @param $token
* @return bool
public function isAccessTokenValid($token)
$response = $this->validateAccessToken($token);
return isset($response->data) && isset($response->data->is_valid) && $response->data->is_valid;
* Validates an access token against the facebook api, returning the token information or error
* @param $token
* @return mixed
public function validateAccessToken($access_token)
$token = $this->_queryFacebook('debug_token', array('input_token' => $access_token, 'access_token' => $this->getAppToken()));
//Ensure correct token data present
if(!$token || !(isset($token->data) && isset($token->data->is_valid) && $token->data->is_valid)){
throw new \RuntimeException('The supplied access token is invalid');
//Store token
//Store expiry date
$expiry_date = new \DateTime();
$expiry_date->add(new \DateInterval('PT'.$token->data->expires_at.'S'));
return $token;
* Gets the user object from facebook
* @param $token
* @return object
public function getFacebookUser($token)
return $this->_queryFacebook('me', array('access_token' => $token));
* Queries facebook API for the url and the given query params
* @param $url
* @param array $params
* @return mixed
* @throws \RuntimeException
protected function _queryFacebook($url, $params = array())
$curl = curl_init();
curl_setopt_array($curl, array(
CURLOPT_URL => ''.$url.'?'.http_build_query($params)
//Fetch curl result
$response = curl_exec($curl);
//Ensure the result was successful
$httpcode = curl_getinfo($curl, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
if($httpcode != 200){
$data = json_decode($response);
throw new \RuntimeException(isset($data->error) ? $data->error->message : 'An unexpected error occurred whilst communicating with facebook. '.$response);
//Detect content type
$content_type = array_shift(explode(';',curl_getinfo($curl, CURLINFO_CONTENT_TYPE)));
//Return json decoded object if json
return $content_type == 'application/json' ? json_decode($response) : $response;
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