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Last active March 20, 2023 18:51
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Python interpreter console tkinter widget
import code
import hashlib
import queue
import sys
import threading
import tkinter as tk
import traceback
from tkinter.scrolledtext import ScrolledText
class Pipe:
"""mock stdin stdout or stderr"""
def __init__(self):
self.buffer = queue.Queue()
self.reading = False
def write(self, data):
def flush(self):
def readline(self):
self.reading = True
line = self.buffer.get()
self.reading = False
return line
class Console(tk.Frame):
"""A tkinter widget which behaves like an interpreter"""
def __init__(self, parent, _locals, exit_callback):
self.text = ConsoleText(self, wrap=tk.WORD)
self.text.pack(fill=tk.BOTH, expand=True) = code.InteractiveConsole(_locals)
# make the enter key call the self.enter function
self.text.bind("<Return>", self.enter)
self.prompt_flag = True
self.command_running = False
self.exit_callback = exit_callback
# replace all input and output
sys.stdout = Pipe()
sys.stderr = Pipe()
sys.stdin = Pipe()
def loop():
self.read_from_pipe(sys.stdout, "stdout")
self.read_from_pipe(sys.stderr, "stderr", foreground='red')
self.after(50, loop)
self.after(50, loop)
def prompt(self):
"""Add a '>>> ' to the console"""
self.prompt_flag = True
def read_from_pipe(self, pipe: Pipe, tag_name, **kwargs):
"""Method for writing data from the replaced stdout and stderr to the console widget"""
# write the >>>
if self.prompt_flag and not self.command_running:
self.prompt_flag = False
# get data from buffer
string_parts = []
while not pipe.buffer.empty():
part = pipe.buffer.get()
# write to console
str_data = ''.join(string_parts)
if str_data:
if self.command_running:
insert_position = "end-1c"
insert_position = "prompt_end"
self.text.write(str_data, tag_name, insert_position, **kwargs)
def enter(self, e):
"""The <Return> key press handler"""
if sys.stdin.reading:
# if stdin requested, then put data in stdin instead of running a new command
line = self.text.consume_last_line()
line = line + '\n'
# don't run multiple commands simultaneously
if self.command_running:
# get the command text
command = self.text.read_last_line()
# compile it
compiled = code.compile_command(command)
is_complete_command = compiled is not None
except (SyntaxError, OverflowError, ValueError):
# if there is an error compiling the command, print it to the console
# if it is a complete command
if is_complete_command:
# consume the line and run the command
self.command_running = True
def run_command():
except SystemExit:
self.after(0, self.exit_callback)
self.command_running = False
class ConsoleText(ScrolledText):
A Text widget which handles some application logic,
e.g. having a line of input at the end with everything else being uneditable
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
# make edits that occur during on_text_change not cause it to trigger again
def on_modified(event):
flag = self.edit_modified()
if flag:
self.after(10, self.on_text_change(event))
self.bind("<<Modified>>", on_modified)
# store info about what parts of the text have what colour
# used when colour info is lost and needs to be re-applied
self.console_tags = []
# the position just before the prompt (>>>)
# used when inserting command output and errors
self.mark_set("prompt_end", 1.0)
# keep track of where user input/commands start and the committed text ends
self.committed_hash = None
self.committed_text_backup = ""
def prompt(self):
"""Insert a prompt"""
self.mark_set("prompt_end", 'end-1c')
self.mark_gravity("prompt_end", tk.LEFT)
self.write(">>> ", "prompt", foreground="blue")
self.mark_gravity("prompt_end", tk.RIGHT)
def commit_all(self):
"""Mark all text as committed"""
def commit_to(self, pos):
"""Mark all text up to a certain position as committed"""
if self.index(pos) in (self.index("end-1c"), self.index("end")):
# don't let text become un-committed
self.mark_set("committed_text", "end-1c")
self.mark_gravity("committed_text", tk.LEFT)
# if text is added before the last prompt (">>> "), update the stored position of the tag
for i, (tag_name, _, _) in reversed(list(enumerate(self.console_tags))):
if tag_name == "prompt":
tag_ranges = self.tag_ranges("prompt")
self.console_tags[i] = ("prompt", tag_ranges[-2], tag_ranges[-1])
# update the hash and backup
self.committed_hash = self.get_committed_text_hash()
self.committed_text_backup = self.get_committed_text()
def get_committed_text_hash(self):
"""Get the hash of the committed area - used for detecting an attempt to edit it"""
return hashlib.md5(self.get_committed_text().encode()).digest()
def get_committed_text(self):
"""Get all text marked as committed"""
return self.get(1.0, "committed_text")
def write(self, string, tag_name, pos='end-1c', **kwargs):
"""Write some text to the console"""
# get position of the start of the text being added
start = self.index(pos)
# insert the text
self.insert(pos, string)
# commit text
# color text
self.tag_add(tag_name, start, pos)
self.tag_config(tag_name, **kwargs)
# save color in case it needs to be re-colured
self.console_tags.append((tag_name, start, self.index(pos)))
def on_text_change(self, event):
"""If the text is changed, check if the change is part of the committed text, and if it is revert the change"""
if self.get_committed_text_hash() != self.committed_hash:
# revert change
self.mark_gravity("committed_text", tk.RIGHT)
self.replace(1.0, "committed_text", self.committed_text_backup)
self.mark_gravity("committed_text", tk.LEFT)
# re-apply colours
for tag_name, start, end in self.console_tags:
self.tag_add(tag_name, start, end)
def read_last_line(self):
"""Read the user input, i.e. everything written after the committed text"""
return self.get("committed_text", "end-1c")
def consume_last_line(self):
"""Read the user input as in read_last_line, and mark it is committed"""
line = self.read_last_line()
return line
if __name__ == '__main__':
root = tk.Tk()
main_window = Console(root, locals(), root.destroy)
main_window.pack(fill=tk.BOTH, expand=True)
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Great code! Thank you!

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Can you use it with input() as well?

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@petr-is-good With this code, when you use the input() function, you can enter text in the tkinter console widget that goes to the input() function. Is that what you were asking?

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Well for me whenever I used input() it would completely freeze and I would have to open task manager and completely kill it, I tried to run the input() through exec() and that had the same outcome

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@petr-is-good That's very strange... I tested it again, and it works fine for me. Did you modify the code in any way? I can't think of any other reason why it might freeze - the code entered into the console is run in a separate thread, so the main thread is never blocked and shouldn't freeze.

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muesgit commented Sep 2, 2022

@petr-is-good That's very strange... I tested it again, and it works fine for me. Did you modify the code in any way? I can't think of any other reason why it might freeze - the code entered into the console is run in a separate thread, so the main thread is never blocked and shouldn't freeze.

hi, thank you for your awesome code, i have the same issue like @petr-is-good .
I created an instance of your Console and integrated it into a label_frame in tkinter.
This worked so far very well but whenever a python script with input() is executed the programm is stopped.

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hi, thank you for your awesome code, i have a similiar issue like @petr-is-good . I created an instance of your Console and integrated it into a label_frame in tkinter. This worked so far very well but whenever a python script with input() is executed the programm is stopped.

@muesgit can you give a minimal reproducible example and tell me what OS you're using? Then I can try to debug.

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muesgit commented Sep 5, 2022

hi, thank you for your awesome code, i have a similiar issue like @petr-is-good . I created an instance of your Console and integrated it into a label_frame in tkinter. This worked so far very well but whenever a python script with input() is executed the programm is stopped.

@muesgit can you give a minimal reproducible example and tell me what OS you're using? Then I can try to debug.

Alright here we go:
In my i have the following code:

root = tk.Tk()
# Container for Console In- and Outputs (this is all scripted without classes)
container_io = ttk.LabelFrame(root, text='User Interaction')
container_io.grid(column=0, row=len(options) + len(modexec), columnspan=3, sticky='nsew', padx=10, pady=10)
console = Console(container_io, locals(), container_io.destroy)

inside my i run the main of a, when i hit run trough a tk button the following function is executed

def runpipeline():
    Run the main of the software pipeline
    Pipeline.main(param1, param2, ...)

the Pipelines main simply looks like:

def main(parm1, param2 ...):

All the submodules are now exectued.
When i reach the submodule with the Input inside the code hangs.
The main of the submodule looks like:

def main(parm1, param2 ...):   
        key = input(txt['stp2'])

My OS is Windows10/11.
I use pycharm 22 as IDE

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@muesgit It looks like the problem is just caused by a tkinter misunderstanding - tkinter is single-threaded, with the event loop running on the main thread, so tkinter can't continue processing events until your button event handler has finished: when you call the input function, the application freezes until the user enters the input (which they can't enter because the console widget is frozen). For example, take the following tiny program:

import tkinter as tk

if __name__ == '__main__':
    root = tk.Tk()
    entry = tk.Entry(root)

    def callback():
        answer = input("what is the answer? ")
        print("the answer is:", answer)

    button = tk.Button(root, text="call input() function", command=callback)


When you run this this code and click the button, notice how the GUI becomes unresponsive until you enter input in the terminal? This is the same issue, except that in your case sys.stdin is redirected so that you can't enter the input into the terminal, but instead are forced to use the console widget, which is unresponsive.

Assuming that your intention is to have the user enter their response to the input(txt['stp2']) call inside the console widget, all you have to do is run your blocking code inside a separate thread, something like this:

def runpipeline():
    Run the main of the software pipeline
    pipeline_thread = threading.Thread(target=lambda: Pipeline.main(param1, param2, ...))

This will already solve your freezing problem, though you may want to make the input prompt text appear after the ">>> ". I could modify my Console widget to do that for you fairly easily, creating a method that allows you to submit code to the widget that will appear as if it were run from within the python shell - let me know if you'd be interested in that!

Did that help? Let me know if you have any questions/more problems with this code!

P.S. I made some minor tweaks to the console widget code above that fix some minor glitches - not the problem you're having, just some cosmetic stuff.

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muesgit commented Sep 6, 2022

Thank you for your fast answer. I tried this and I only get some minor improvements.
Whenever i run my first module which doesnt include the input function i get the Error
RuntimeError: main thread is not in main loop
This worked well before using Threading.
The improvement can be seen whenever i solely run my function which contains the input function.
Then the program execution continues and gives me the possibility to enter something although the input is never really recognised. I cant continue at this point.

For better understanding:
I have some radiobuttons on my gui where i can select, which submodule has to be executed or not

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olisolomons commented Sep 8, 2022

@muesgit It sounds like you are trying to mix blocking IO (the input function) with tkinter functions/method calls - this is a tricky thing to do with no single easy solution:

  • with the blocking IO inside you tkinter callbacks, the application freezes until the callback completes
  • with everything put into a new thread, tkinter function/methods can throw errors
  • you can try sending events back to the main thread in order to run all tkinter operations from there to avoid the errors - this works, but requires large changes to your code, and things start looking ugly
  • you can use asyncio, which is quite a nice solution since you keep all your callback code in one place, without sending any events on queues, and whilst keeping everything running on the main thread (though you have to change things everywhere to use async functions, and you have to do some strange stuff to make tkinter work with the asyncio event loop)
  • you can try one of the threaded tkinter libraries e.g. mttkinter, but I haven't tried this - maybe it magically solves all your problems, maybe it's out of date and doesn't work anymore...

I would personally try the async option first - here's an example (slightly messy 🙂) that seems to work, inspired by this:

# the python console code from my gist goes up here ^^

import asyncio
from contextlib import contextmanager

def console_command():
    """Make it look like a command is run entered from the console, rather than from elsewhere"""
    console.command_running = True
    console.command_running = False

async def do_something():
    with console_command():
        new_text = await asyncio.to_thread(input, 'new text:')

    label = tk.Label(root, text=new_text)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    root = tk.Tk()
    console = Console(root, locals(), root.destroy)
    console.pack(fill=tk.BOTH, expand=True)
    do_something_button = tk.Button(root, text="Do Something",
                                    command=lambda: loop.create_task(do_something()))

    loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

    def asyncio_event_loop_updater():
        root.after(50, asyncio_event_loop_updater)

    root.after(50, asyncio_event_loop_updater)

The console_command context manager is not necessary, but it makes the console layout look nicer.

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muesgit commented Sep 9, 2022

Thanks for sharing that thoughts, I havnt been familiar with asynchronous programming but it starts making sense. When you say

change things everywhere to use async functions

do you mean that i have to edit all the submodules?

I tried the mttkinter solution and it easily brings me a step closer. By using import as tkinter before the actual tkinter import as tk, the error message disapears. The exact error message is mentioned in the mttkinter documentation. But the disadvantage is that my Input is still not recognised. So i might need to test the async option.

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do you mean that i have to edit all the submodules?

Anywhere that you want to do any blocking IO - like calling the input function - would have to be inside an async function so that the tkinter gui can continue processing events whilst it waits for the operation to complete. This would mean changing at least some of your submodules to use async - basically, yes.

If mttkinter works, that might be easier. I assumed that you would do import mttkinter as tk instead of import tkinter as tk, but whatever works!

But the disadvantage is that my Input is still not recognised

I don't know why your input wouldn't be recognised, and wouldn't be able to debug without seeing more code (preferably something I can run myself). I suspect the problem is not related to tkinter or threads.

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muesgit commented Sep 9, 2022

I assumed the same with import mttkinter as tk but mttkinter seems to be a kind of wrapper.
I debugged the code now (sometimes i forget how useful this is ^^) and recognized an interesting behavior.
With your old implementation:

  • The first time when i run my module with input my input is recognized as an empty string.

  • The second time (without termination the mainloop) my input is recognized correctly.

With your new implementation:

  • First input is recognized, second is again empty string.

There must be a bug somewhere, but im already happy that i come closer and closer to a result.
Btw. my last input stays in the console, it wont be deleted. That might cause some problems.

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@muesgit That does sound rather strange... As I said earlier:

and [I] wouldn't be able to debug without seeing more code (preferably something I can run myself)

Something like this, though it doesn't have to be completely minimal. Or you can try to debug yourself if you'd rather not send me anything 🤷

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muesgit commented Sep 9, 2022

I created a minimal code and this indeed helped me already to precise, where the error happens.
It is not in your code.
Here is the minimal code:

All Modules are in one folder

Module 1 (

from console import Console
import mttkinter as tkinter
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import ttk
import threading
from scratches import scratch_5

def threadstart():
    input_thread = threading.Thread(target=lambda: scratch_5.main(True))

root = tk.Tk()

run_button = tk.Button(root, text='Start Input', command=threadstart)
run_button.grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky='nsew')

console_container = ttk.LabelFrame(root, text='User Interaction')
console_container.grid(column=0, row=1, sticky='nsew', padx=10, pady=10)

console = Console(console_container, locals(), console_container.destroy)


Module 2 (

from scratches import scratch_6

def main(a):
    if a == True:
        user_input = scratch_6.main()

if __name__ == '__main__':
    boolean = True

Module 3 (

input_dict = {
    'text': 'Please Enter Something'

def main():
    user_input = input(input_dict['text'])
    print('Your input is: ', user_input)
    return user_input

if __name__ == '__main__':

You dont even need module 1 to see that when you start module 2 and type something in only None is returned.
If you start module 3 by itself the expected value is returned.

Edit: It is actually strange because in my original project there is no issue like that and the structure is the same.

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@muesgit Everything all sorted then?

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muesgit commented Sep 9, 2022

Its not completely solved, but maybe not the right place to solve it here.

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@muesgit Good luck!

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muesgit commented Sep 9, 2022

@olisolomons Seems to work now, dont know why. Anyways many many thanks for your effort.

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