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Last active January 3, 2024 23:24
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A barebones recreation of Unity's coroutine system, complete with an example behaviour.
using System.Collections;
public abstract class Behaviour
private readonly List<Stack<IEnumerator>> _activeCoroutines = new();
public virtual void Start()
public virtual void Update()
protected void StartCoroutine(IEnumerator coroutine)
_activeCoroutines.Add(new Stack<IEnumerator>(new[] {coroutine}));
internal void UpdateCoroutines()
for (int index = 0; index < _activeCoroutines.Count; index++)
Stack<IEnumerator> instructions = _activeCoroutines[index];
if (instructions.Count == 0)
index--; // avoid skipping the next element
IEnumerator instruction = instructions.Peek();
if (!instruction.MoveNext())
if (instruction.Current is IEnumerator next && instruction != next)
using System.Collections;
public class MySimpleBehaviour : Behaviour
public override void Update()
Console.Title = $"Running at {1 / Time.DeltaTime:F0} fps";
public override void Start()
private IEnumerator Foo()
yield return Foo2();
Console.WriteLine("Foo finished!");
private IEnumerator Foo2()
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
yield return new WaitForSeconds(1);
Console.WriteLine("Foo2 finished!");
private IEnumerator Bar()
yield return new WaitForSeconds(1);
Console.WriteLine("Bar finished!");
internal static class Program
private static readonly List<Behaviour> BehaviourList = new();
private static void Main()
BehaviourList.Add(new MySimpleBehaviour());
foreach (Behaviour behaviour in BehaviourList)
long lastFrameTime = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
while (true)
// game loop
long frameTime = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
long deltaTime = frameTime - lastFrameTime;
lastFrameTime = frameTime;
Time.DeltaTime = (float) TimeSpan.FromTicks(deltaTime).TotalSeconds;
foreach (Behaviour behaviour in BehaviourList)
public static class Time
public static float DeltaTime { get; internal set; }
using System.Collections;
internal class WaitForSeconds : IEnumerator
private readonly DateTime _endTime;
public WaitForSeconds(float seconds)
_endTime = DateTime.Now + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(seconds);
public object Current => null;
public bool MoveNext() => DateTime.Now < _endTime;
public void Reset() { } // not important
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