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Last active June 28, 2024 18:10
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  • Save olivercameron/482dcfe8f34d66b536b1048eefe8b40d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Name Purpose File Size Link
20 Newsgroups The text from 20000 messages taken from 20 Usenet newsgroups for text analysis, classification, etc. 61.6MB
Amazon Reviews Over 142 million product reviews for sentiment analysis, recommender systems, and more. 20GB
Football Strategy Thousands of scenarios to make the best coaching decisions. 876KB
Horses for Courses Horse-racing data for predicting race results. 19MB
Human Activity Recognition with Smartphones Sensor data for recognizing the human activity - walking, sitting, etc. 25MB
Labeled Faces in the Wild 13,000 named faces for facial recognition. Multiple training and test sets. 173MB
National Survey on Drug Use and Health Predict drug use based on health survey questions. 2GB
NORB 3D Object Recognition Binocular images of 50 toy figurines for 3D object recognition from image. Multiple files, over 5GB total
One Million Songs Audio features and metadata for a subset (10,000) of the one million popular songs dataset for recognition/classification. 1.8GB
SMS Spam Collection A collection of 5,574 SMS (text) messages, some spam, some normal, for spam filtering. 204KB
Hate Speech Identification A sampling of Twitter posts that have been judged based on whether they are offensive or contain hate speech, as a training set for text analysis. 2.66MB
Hidden Beauty of Flickr Pictures 15,000 Flickr photo IDs that have received ratings based on aesthetics, for image analysis. 138KB, use Flickr API to get images
Yahoo Instant Messenger Friends Connectivity Graph Connections between Yahoo users who communicate with each other using Yahoo messenger, can be used to identify key social contacts/influencers. Add dataset to cart to access. 28MB
Record of Heart Sound Recordings of normal and abnormal heartbeats, used to recognize heart murmur, etc. 47.7MB
Prostate Cancer Tumor and nontumor samples, used to recognize prostate cancer. 4.8MB
Wine Quality Chemical properties of red and white wines (separately) and quality, for classification. 3 files, 343KB total
Mushroom Identification For hypothetically classifying mushrooms as edible or poisonous based on its characteristics. 3 files, 480KB
UFO Reports 80,000 historic reports for classification or regression. This dataset has been standardized from the source data at 14.6MB
Militarized Interstate Disputes Nearly 200 years of international threats, conflicts, etc. for modelling or prediction. Includes action taken, level of hostility, fatalities, and outcomes. Multiple datasets, e.g., 962KB, 179KB
NBA & MLB Stats Current and past season stats for teams and players for fantasy sports predictions. Multiple datasets, e.g., 2016 MLB batters = 65KB
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