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Last active November 18, 2020 05:38
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// Commit reference.
message Commit {
// The type of the repo.
string repo_type = 1;
// The URL of the repo.
string repo_url = 2;
// The commit reference. In some cases, this may be a range in the form "A:B"
// which means the commit range from A (exclusive) to B (inclusive).
string commit = 3;
// Package information and version.
message Package {
// Name of the package.
string name = 1;
// The ecosystem for this package.
string ecosystem = 2;
message Affects {
// The commit that this vulnerability was introduced in.
Commit introduced_in = 1;
// The commit that this vulnerability was fixed in. If the vulnerability is
// not fixed, this will be unset.
Commit fixed_in = 2;
// List of affected versions. This should match tag names in the upstream
// repository.
repeated string versions = 3;
// (Optional) List of impacted APIs/methods.
repeated string apis = 4;
// A vulnerability entry.
message Vulnerability {
// Vulnerability severity information.
enum Severity {
NONE = 0;
LOW = 1;
HIGH = 3;
// Unique identifier for this vulnerability (assigned by OSV).
string id = 1;
// Package information.
Package package = 2;
// One line summary for the vulnerability.
string summary = 3;
// Any additional human readable details for the vulnerability.
string details = 4;
// Severity of the vulnerability.
Severity severity = 5;
// Commit and version impacts.
Affects affects = 6;
// Links to more information/advisories.
repeated string references = 7;
// CVEs, if allocated.
repeated string cves = 8;
// Additional metadata specific to the package ecosystem. For the JSON REST
// endpoint, this is any JSON object.
google.protobuf.Struct additional_metadata = 9;
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