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Created May 17, 2018 13:07
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Query DSL Example #1
package main
import (
_ "log"
const (
indexName = "films"
mapping = `
func main() {
opts := []elastic.ClientOptionFunc{
// Uncomment next line to show response from Elasticsearch
//elastic.SetTraceLog(log.New(os.Stdout, "", 0)),
client, err := elastic.NewClient(opts...)
if err != nil {
// Create some sample films
err = createAndPopulateIndex(client)
if err != nil {
// Create a finder
f := NewFinder()
// f = f.Year(2014)
f = f.From(0).Size(100)
f = f.Pretty(true)
// Provide a timeout of 5 seconds
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 5*time.Second)
defer cancel()
// Execute the finder
res, err := f.Find(ctx, client)
if err != nil {
// Output results
fmt.Printf("Searched through %d films\n", res.Total)
fmt.Println("Films found:")
for i, film := range res.Films {
prefix := "├"
if i == len(res.Films)-1 {
prefix = "└"
fmt.Printf("%s %s from %d\n", prefix, film.Title, film.Year)
fmt.Println("Broken down by genre:")
for genre, count := range res.Genres {
fmt.Printf("- %2d× %s\n", count, genre)
fmt.Println("Broken down by year and genres:")
for year, genre := range res.YearsAndGenres {
fmt.Printf("- %4d\n", year)
for i, nc := range genre {
prefix := "├"
if i == len(genre)-1 {
prefix = "└"
fmt.Printf(" %s%2d× %s\n", prefix, nc.Count, nc.Name)
// Film represents a movie with some properties.
type Film struct {
Title string `json:"title"`
Genre []string `json:"genre"`
Year int `json:"year"`
Director string `json:"director"`
// Finder specifies a finder for films.
type Finder struct {
genre string
year int
from, size int
sort []string
pretty bool
// FinderResponse is the outcome of calling Finder.Find.
type FinderResponse struct {
Total int64
Films []*Film
Genres map[string]int64
YearsAndGenres map[int][]NameCount // {1994: [{"Crime":1}, {"Drama":2}], ...}
// NameCount represents a name associated with a count.
type NameCount struct {
Name string
Count int64
// NewFinder creates a new finder for films.
// Use the funcs to set up filters and search properties,
// then call Find to execute.
func NewFinder() *Finder {
return &Finder{}
// Genre filters the results by the given genre.
func (f *Finder) Genre(genre string) *Finder {
f.genre = genre
return f
// Year filters the results by the specified year.
func (f *Finder) Year(year int) *Finder {
f.year = year
return f
// From specifies the start index for pagination.
func (f *Finder) From(from int) *Finder {
f.from = from
return f
// Size specifies the number of items to return in pagination.
func (f *Finder) Size(size int) *Finder {
f.size = size
return f
// Sort specifies one or more sort orders.
// Use a dash (-) to make the sort order descending.
// Example: "name" or "-year".
func (f *Finder) Sort(sort ...string) *Finder {
if f.sort == nil {
f.sort = make([]string, 0)
f.sort = append(f.sort, sort...)
return f
// Pretty, when enabled, asks the server to return the
// response formatted and indented.
func (f *Finder) Pretty(pretty bool) *Finder {
f.pretty = pretty
return f
// Find executes the search and returns a response.
func (f *Finder) Find(ctx context.Context, client *elastic.Client) (FinderResponse, error) {
var resp FinderResponse
// Create service and use query, aggregations, sort, filter, pagination funcs
search := client.Search().Index(indexName).Type("_doc").Pretty(f.pretty)
search = f.query(search)
search = f.aggs(search)
search = f.sorting(search)
search = f.paginate(search)
// TODO Add other properties here, e.g. timeouts, explain or pretty printing
// Execute query
sr, err := search.Do(ctx)
if err != nil {
return resp, err
// Decode response
films, err := f.decodeFilms(sr)
if err != nil {
return resp, err
resp.Films = films
resp.Total = sr.Hits.TotalHits
// Deserialize aggregations
if agg, found := sr.Aggregations.Terms("all_genres"); found {
resp.Genres = make(map[string]int64)
for _, bucket := range agg.Buckets {
resp.Genres[bucket.Key.(string)] = bucket.DocCount
// Use the correct function on sr.Aggregations.XXX. It must match the
// aggregation type specified at query time.
// See
// for all kinds of aggregation types.
if agg, found := sr.Aggregations.Terms("years_and_genres"); found {
resp.YearsAndGenres = make(map[int][]NameCount)
for _, bucket := range agg.Buckets {
// JSON doesn't have integer types: All numeric values are float64
floatValue, ok := bucket.Key.(float64)
if !ok {
panic("expected a float64")
var (
year = int(floatValue)
genresForYear []NameCount
// Iterate over the sub-aggregation
if subAgg, found := bucket.Terms("genres_by_year"); found {
for _, subBucket := range subAgg.Buckets {
genresForYear = append(genresForYear, NameCount{
Name: subBucket.Key.(string),
Count: subBucket.DocCount,
resp.YearsAndGenres[year] = genresForYear
return resp, nil
// query sets up the query in the search service.
func (f *Finder) query(service *elastic.SearchService) *elastic.SearchService {
if f.genre == "" && f.year == 0 {
service = service.Query(elastic.NewMatchAllQuery())
return service
q := elastic.NewBoolQuery()
if f.genre != "" {
q = q.Must(elastic.NewTermQuery("genre", f.genre))
if f.year > 0 {
q = q.Must(elastic.NewTermQuery("year", f.year))
// TODO Add other queries and filters here, maybe differentiating between AND/OR etc.
service = service.Query(q)
return service
// aggs sets up the aggregations in the service.
func (f *Finder) aggs(service *elastic.SearchService) *elastic.SearchService {
// Terms aggregation by genre
agg := elastic.NewTermsAggregation().Field("genre")
service = service.Aggregation("all_genres", agg)
// Add a terms aggregation of Year, and add a sub-aggregation for Genre
subAgg := elastic.NewTermsAggregation().Field("genre")
agg = elastic.NewTermsAggregation().Field("year").
SubAggregation("genres_by_year", subAgg)
service = service.Aggregation("years_and_genres", agg)
return service
// paginate sets up pagination in the service.
func (f *Finder) paginate(service *elastic.SearchService) *elastic.SearchService {
if f.from > 0 {
service = service.From(f.from)
if f.size > 0 {
service = service.Size(f.size)
return service
// sorting applies sorting to the service.
func (f *Finder) sorting(service *elastic.SearchService) *elastic.SearchService {
if len(f.sort) == 0 {
// Sort by score by default
service = service.Sort("_score", false)
return service
// Sort by fields; prefix of "-" means: descending sort order.
for _, s := range f.sort {
s = strings.TrimSpace(s)
var field string
var asc bool
if strings.HasPrefix(s, "-") {
field = s[1:]
asc = false
} else {
field = s
asc = true
// Maybe check for permitted fields to sort
service = service.Sort(field, asc)
return service
// decodeFilms takes a search result and deserializes the films.
func (f *Finder) decodeFilms(res *elastic.SearchResult) ([]*Film, error) {
if res == nil || res.TotalHits() == 0 {
return nil, nil
var films []*Film
for _, hit := range res.Hits.Hits {
film := new(Film)
if err := json.Unmarshal(*hit.Source, film); err != nil {
return nil, err
// TODO Add Score here, e.g.:
// film.Score = *hit.Score
films = append(films, film)
return films, nil
// -- Helpers --
func createAndPopulateIndex(client *elastic.Client) error {
ctx := context.Background()
exists, err := client.IndexExists(indexName).Do(ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
if exists {
_, err = client.DeleteIndex(indexName).Do(ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
// Create index with mapping
_, err = client.CreateIndex(indexName).Body(mapping).Do(ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
// Populate some films
films := []Film{
{Title: "The Shawshank Redemption", Genre: []string{"Crime", "Drama"}, Year: 1994, Director: "Frank Darabont"},
{Title: "The Godfather", Genre: []string{"Crime", "Drama"}, Year: 1972, Director: "Francis Ford Coppola"},
{Title: "The Godfather: Part II", Genre: []string{"Crime", "Drama"}, Year: 1974, Director: "Francis Ford Coppola"},
{Title: "The Dark Knight", Genre: []string{"Action", "Crime", "Drama"}, Year: 2008, Director: "Christopher Nolan"},
{Title: "12 Angry Men", Genre: []string{"Crime", "Drama"}, Year: 1957, Director: "Sidney Lumet"},
{Title: "Schindler's List", Genre: []string{"Biography", "Drama", "History"}, Year: 1993, Director: "Steven Spielberg"},
{Title: "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King", Genre: []string{"Adventure", "Drama", "Fantasy"}, Year: 2003, Director: "Peter Jackson"},
{Title: "Pulp Fiction", Genre: []string{"Crime", "Drama"}, Year: 1994, Director: "Quentin Tarantino"},
{Title: "Il buono, il brutto, il cattivo", Genre: []string{"Western"}, Year: 1966, Director: "Sergio Leone"},
{Title: "Fight Club", Genre: []string{"Drama"}, Year: 1999, Director: "David Fincher"},
for _, film := range films {
_, err = client.Index().
if err != nil {
return err
_, err = client.Flush(indexName).WaitIfOngoing(true).Do(ctx)
return err
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