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Created March 1, 2018 07:27
Getting started with Elastic v6
package main
import (
type Tweet struct {
User string `json:"user"`
Message string `json:"message"`
func main() {
// Create a client
client, err := elastic.NewClient()
if err != nil {
// Handle error
// Create an index
_, err = client.CreateIndex("tweets").Do(context.Background())
if err != nil {
// Handle error
// Add a document to the index
tweet := Tweet{User: "olivere", Message: "Take Five"}
_, err = client.Index().
if err != nil {
// Handle error
// Search with a term query
termQuery := elastic.NewTermQuery("user", "olivere")
searchResult, err := client.Search().
Index("tweets"). // search in index "tweets"
Query(termQuery). // specify the query
Sort("user.keyword", true). // sort by "user" field, ascending
From(0).Size(10). // take documents 0-9
Pretty(true). // pretty print request and response JSON
Do(context.Background()) // execute
if err != nil {
// Handle error
// searchResult is of type SearchResult and returns hits, suggestions,
// and all kinds of other information from Elasticsearch.
fmt.Printf("Query took %d milliseconds\n", searchResult.TookInMillis)
// Each is a convenience function that iterates over hits in a search result.
// It makes sure you don't need to check for nil values in the response.
// However, it ignores errors in serialization. If you want full control
// over iterating the hits, see below.
var ttyp Tweet
for _, item := range searchResult.Each(reflect.TypeOf(ttyp)) {
if t, ok := item.(Tweet); ok {
fmt.Printf("Tweet by %s: %s\n", t.User, t.Message)
// TotalHits is another convenience function that works even when something goes wrong.
fmt.Printf("Found a total of %d tweets\n", searchResult.TotalHits())
// Here's how you iterate through results with full control over each step.
if searchResult.Hits.TotalHits > 0 {
fmt.Printf("Found a total of %d tweets\n", searchResult.Hits.TotalHits)
// Iterate through results
for _, hit := range searchResult.Hits.Hits {
// hit.Index contains the name of the index
// Deserialize hit.Source into a Tweet (could also be just a map[string]interface{}).
var t Tweet
err := json.Unmarshal(*hit.Source, &t)
if err != nil {
// Deserialization failed
// Work with tweet
fmt.Printf("Tweet by %s: %s\n", t.User, t.Message)
} else {
// No hits
fmt.Print("Found no tweets\n")
// Delete the index again
_, err = client.DeleteIndex("tweets").Do(context.Background())
if err != nil {
// Handle error
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olivere commented Aug 26, 2018

For Go 1.11 (or Go 1.10.4) with modules support, use this import instead:

import (

	"" // <- notice the trailing v6

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Ok... trying this for the first time, and I get:

C:\zSandbox\GoWorkspace\src\\pgable000\predictElk>go build
go: downloading v6.2.5
bulkInsert.go:9:2: unknown import path "": cannot find module providing package

Any thoughts? (I am compiling on Windows 7, then will move the code to Linux.)

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ghost commented Jan 5, 2019

Module support comes with v7 if I recall correctly, so your only option is to manually enter the v6 release commit in your go.mod and wait for v7 to be released.

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