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Created April 4, 2015 09:32
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(ns condense.performance
(:require-macros [cljs.core.async.macros :refer [go alt!]])
(:require [om.core :as om]
[cljs.core.async :refer [put! chan dropping-buffer timeout]]))
; Globals
(def perf-counters (atom {}))
; Internal use. We watch the atom and use a dropping channel to
; feed into the state machine.
(def counter-ch (chan (dropping-buffer 1)))
(add-watch perf-counters :counter-listener #(put! counter-ch :changed))
(defn debug-view
"Wrapper view for counting render events. Answers the question:
how many components are being rerendered."
[[f cursor opts] owner]
(display-name [_] "PerformanceDebugWrapper")
(render [c]
(let [fname (.. c -f -name)]
(swap! perf-counters update-in [fname] inc))
(om/build* f cursor opts))))
(defn performance-instrument
"Instrument function for use counting :instrument (build) and render calls"
[f cursor opts]
(swap! perf-counters update-in ["instrument"] inc)
(om/build* debug-view [f cursor opts]))
(defn enable-performance-reporting
"Sets up a core async loop to report on counters. Waits for 1 second of
silence before reporting aggregates since last report."
(go (loop [state :idle
before @perf-counters]
(case state
:idle (alt! counter-ch (recur :active before))
:active (let [timeout-ch (timeout 1000)
after @perf-counters]
(alt! timeout-ch (do (println :timeout (str (->> (merge-with - after before)
(filter (comp pos? second))
(sort-by (comp - second)))))
(recur :idle after))
counter-ch (do (recur :active before))))))))
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