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Created April 14, 2011 08:04
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changeSet(author: "oliver (generated)", id: "1302702919266-23") {
dropForeignKeyConstraint(constraintName: "FK375DF2F9A2DB3C5A", baseTableName: "sec_user")
dropIndex(indexName: "FK375DF2F9A2DB3C5A", tableName: "sec_user")
renameColumn(oldColumnName: "rank_info_id", newColumnName: "rank_infoeu_id", columnDataType: "bigint NULL", tableName: "sec_user")
createIndex(indexName: "FK375DF2F9A2DB3C5A", tableName: "sec_user") {
column(name: "rank_infoeu_id")
addForeignKeyConstraint(baseColumnNames: "rank_infoeu_id", baseTableName: "sec_user", constraintName: "FK375DF2F9A2DB3C5A", deferrable: "false", initiallyDeferred: "false", referencedColumnNames: "id", referencedTableName: "rank_info", referencesUniqueColumn: "false")
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