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Created May 9, 2019 10:13
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Week 3.3 Assignment: Multiplayer Simon Says - A Game using gRPC and Kubernetes

Week 3.3 Assignment: Multiplayer Simon Says - A Game using gRPC and Kubernetes.

Implement a Simon Says game with gRPC streaming and create a deploy script for Kibernetes


You must have an access to a Kubernetes cluster with a working kubecli client. The cluster can be in the Cloud or running on your machine, e.g.: minikube. Up to you.

Install protobuf-compiler - You can download precompiled binaries of protoc for all platforms right on the ProtoBuf GitHub releases page.

Golang packages: go get -u go get -u go get -u

The contract

The following .proto specification is fix anything else is up to your imagination.

syntax = "proto3";

package simonsays;
option go_package = "symonsayspb"
    The Simon Says service.
    Allows you to actually play the game.
service SimonSays {
    Game process is the following:

    A Join Request should be sent to the game. This tells it
    to join a game (or start a new one if one isn't already waiting on a game).

    The Response stream will send through a BEGIN Response.State to let you know that
    the Game has been started.

    When the player recieves a START_TURN response, the server can take your input for the turn.

    When the player recieves a STOP_TURN response, the serer is no longer taking input for the turn.

    A WIN state says you won the game. A LOSE state means that you got an input wrong, and have lost.

    To send input, send a Request with an event type of Color.

    When you recieve a Response of type Color, then light up that colour.
    rpc Game(stream Request) returns (stream Response) {}

message Request {
    //A Player of the Simon says game.
    message Player {
        string id = 1;

    oneof event {
        Player join = 1;
        Color press = 2;

message Response {
    enum State {
        BEGIN = 0;
        START_TURN = 1;
        STOP_TURN = 2;
        WIN = 3;
        LOSE = 4;
    oneof event {
        State turn = 1;
        Color lightup = 2;

enum Color {
    RED  = 0;
    GREEN = 1;
    YELLOW = 2;
    BLUE = 3;

Little guide for start

Create your project under proper go path

Init a git repo under the same path you will use for


~$ cd ~/go/src/
olivernadj$ mkdir -p simonsays/simonsays_client
olivernadj$ cd simonsays
simonsays$ mkdir simonsays_server
simonsays$ mkdir simonsayspb
simonsays$ touch simonsayspb/simonsays.proto

simonsays$ tree
├── simonsays_client
├── simonsayspb
│   └── simonsays.proto
└── simonsays_server

Generate your gRPC code

simonsays$ protoc -I simonsayspb/ simonsayspb/simonsays.proto --go_out=plugins=grpc:simonsayspb

If all good you should have a new file simonsays.pb.go file under simonsayspb/





package main

import (
	symonsayspb ""

type server struct{}

func main() {
	fmt.Println("Simon says hello")
	lis, err := net.Listen("tcp", "")
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Failed to listen: %v", err)
	s := grpc.NewServer()
	symonsayspb.RegisterSimonSaysServer(s, &server{})
	if err := s.Serve(lis); err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to serve: %v", err)

func (s *server) Game(stream symonsayspb.SimonSays_GameServer) error {
	return status.Errorf(codes.Unimplemented, "method Game not implemented")

Try to run

Start the server in a separate console

simonsays$ go run simonsays_server/server.go 
Simon says hello server

# this message appear only if a client request has inicialised 
Game function was invoked with a streaming request

Start the clien in a separate console

simonsays$ go run simonsays_client/client.go 
Simon says hello client
Starting to do a BiDi Streaming RPC...
Sending message: join:<id:"John" > 
Received: turn:BEGIN, light:UNSPECIFIED
Sending message: join:<id:"Jane" > 
Received: turn:BEGIN, light:UNSPECIFIED
Sending message: press:BLUE 
Received: turn:UNSPECIFIED, light:BLUE
Sending message: press:GREEN 
Received: turn:UNSPECIFIED, light:GREEN


Implement business logic requested in .proto

Implement business logic requested in .proto and create Kubernetes deployment configs and script.

The force be with you!!!

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