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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# SD Card Information
# By John Lane 2012-08-03
# References:
# 1:
# 2:
import sys
def unstuff(x, start, size):
return (x >> start) & (2**size - 1)
def unstuffs(x,start,size):
s = ""
while (size > 0):
return s
def yesno (n):
return "yes" if n else "no"
def main(name, args):
if len(args) != 1:
print("Syntax: %s <card>" % (name, ))
print("Example: %s mmcblk0" % (name, ))
return 100
card = args[0]
dev = "/sys/class/block/%s/device" % (card, )
# CID : Card Identification
cid = int(open(dev+"/cid").read(), 16)
print("CID : Card Identification : %x" % cid)
# Bits 120-127 contain the MID. This identifies the card manufacturer
# The codes are allocated by SD-3C, LLC (
# and would not appear to be publicly available.
mid = unstuff(cid,120,8)
print("MID : Manufacturer ID : %d" % mid)
# Bits 104-119 contain the OID. This identifies the card OEM.
# The codes are allocated by SD-3C, LLC (
# and would not appear to be publicly available.
oid = unstuffs(cid,104,16)
print("OID : OEM/Application ID : %s : 0x%x" % (oid,unstuff(cid,104,16)))
# Bits 64-103 contain the product name, a 5 character ASCII string
pnm = unstuffs(cid,64,40)
print("PNM : Product Name : %s" % pnm)
# Bits 56-63 contain the product revision, 4 bits major and 4 bits minor.
prv_major = unstuff(cid,60,4)
prv_minor = unstuff(cid,56,4)
print("PRV : Product Revision : %d.%d" % (prv_major,prv_minor))
# Bits 24-55 contain the product serial number, a 32 bit binary number.
psn = unstuff(cid,24,32)
print("PSN : Product Serial Number : %x" % psn)
# Bits 20-23 are reserved
# Bits 8-19 contain the manufacturing date, 4 bits for month and
# 8 bits for year, with 0 meaning year 2000.
mdt_y = unstuff(cid,12,8)+2000
mdt_m = unstuff(cid,8,4)
print("MDT : Maunfacturing Date : %d.%d" % (mdt_y,mdt_m))
# Bits 1-7 contain the CRC checksum
cid_crc = unstuff(cid,1,7)
print("CRC : CRC : %d" % cid_crc)
# Bit 0 is unused
# CSD : Card-Specific Data
csd = int(open(dev+"/csd").read(), 16)
print("CSD : Card-Specific Data : %x" % csd)
# Bit 126-127 contain the CSD Structure version.
# This affects how some csd fields are interpreted.
csd_structure = unstuff(csd,126,2)
print("CSD_STRUCTURE: %d" % (csd_structure))
csd_version = csd_structure + 1
if csd_version > 2:
print("Out of range CSD_STRUCTURE: %d" % csd_structure)
return 100
print("CSD Version : %d" % csd_version)
# Bits 120-125 are reserved
# Bits 112-119 contain the data read access time.
# Bits 0-2 contain the time unit.
# Bits 3-6 contain the time value.
# Bit 7 is reserved,
taac = unstuff(csd,112,6)
taac_time_unit = 10**unstuff(taac,0,3)
taac_time_value = {
0: 0,
1: 1.0,
2: 1.2,
3: 1.3,
4: 1.5,
5: 2.0,
6: 2.5,
7: 3.0,
8: 3.5,
9: 4.0,
10: 4.5,
11: 5.0,
12: 5.5,
13: 6.0,
14: 7.0,
15: 8.0
print("TAAC: data read access time : %d : 0x%x" % (taac,taac))
print(" unit : %d" % taac_time_unit)
print(" value : %d => %f" % (unstuff(taac,3,4),taac_time_value))
print(" : %f (nanoseconds)" % (taac_time_unit * taac_time_value))
# Bits 104-111 contain the data read access time in clock cycles
# Unit multiplier is 100 clock cycles.
nsac = unstuff(csd,104,8)
print("NSAC: data read access time (in clock cycles) : %d" % (nsac*100))
# Bits 96-103 contain the maximum data transfer rate.
# Bits 0-2 contain the time unit.
# Bits 3-6 contain the time value.
# Bit 7 is reserved,
tran_speed = unstuff(csd,96,8)
tran_speed_unit = (10**unstuff(tran_speed,0,3)) / 10
tran_speed_value = {
0: 0,
1: 1.0,
2: 1.2,
3: 1.3,
4: 1.5,
5: 2.0,
6: 2.5,
7: 3.0,
8: 3.5,
9: 4.0,
10: 4.5,
11: 5.0,
12: 5.5,
13: 6.0,
14: 7.0,
15: 8.0
print("TRAN_SPEED : max data transfer rate : %d" % tran_speed)
print(" unit : %d" % tran_speed_unit)
print(" value : %d => %f" % (unstuff(tran_speed,3,4),tran_speed_value))
print(" : %f (Mbit/s) " % (tran_speed_unit * tran_speed_value))
# Bits 84-95 contain the card command classes.
ccc = unstuff(csd,84,12)
print("CCC : card command classes : %d" % ccc)
while ccc > 2**c:
if (ccc&(2**c)) != 0:
print(" : class %d" % c)
# Bits 80-83 contain the maximum read data block length.
# actual value is 2 ^ stored value
read_bl_len = unstuff(csd,80,4)
len_bl_read = 2**read_bl_len
print("READ_BL_LEN : max read data block length : %d" % read_bl_len)
print("LEN_BL_READ : max read block data length : %d bytes ( 2^%d)" % (len_bl_read,read_bl_len))
# Bit 79 is set if partial blocks for reads are allowed
# this is always allowed in an SD Memory Card. It means that smaller blocks
# can be used as well. The minimum block size will be one byte.
read_bl_partial = unstuff(csd,79,1)
print("READ_BL_PARTIAL : partial blocks for read allowed : %s (%d)" % (yesno(read_bl_partial),read_bl_partial))
# Bit 78 is set if write block misalignment is allowed. This defines if the data
# block to be written by one command can be spread over more than one
# physical block. The size of the memory block is defined by WRITE_BL_LEN.
write_blk_misalign = unstuff(csd,78,1)
print("WRITE_BLK_MISALIGN : write block misalignment : %s (%d)" % (yesno(write_blk_misalign),write_blk_misalign))
# Bit 77 is set if read block misalignment is allowed. This defines if the data
# block to be read by one command can be spread over more than one
# physical block. The size of the memory block is defined by READ_BL_LEN.
read_blk_misalign = unstuff(csd,77,1)
print("READ_BLK_MISALIGN : read block misalignment : %s (%d)" % (yesno(read_blk_misalign),read_blk_misalign))
# Bit 76 is set if DSR (Driver State Register) is implemented. This is true if
# the configurable driver stage is integrated on the card.
dsr_imp = unstuff(csd,76,1)
print("DSR_IMP : DSR implemented : %s (%d)" % (yesno(dsr_imp),dsr_imp))
# Bits 74-75 are reserved
# Bits 47-73 are implemented differently for CSD version 1 and 2
if csd_version == 1:
# Bits 62-73 contain the C_SIZE used to compute the user's data card capacity.
c_size = unstuff(csd,62,12)
print("C_SIZE : device size : %d : 0x%x" % (c_size,c_size))
# Lookup for max current at min Vdd
curr_min = {
0: 0.5,
1: 1,
2: 5,
3: 10,
4: 25,
5: 35,
6: 60,
# Lookup for max current at max Vdd
curr_max = {
0: 1,
1: 5,
2: 10,
3: 25,
4: 35,
5: 45,
6: 80,
# Bits 59-61 contain the maximum read current at the minimum power supply Vdd
vdd_r_curr_min = unstuff(csd,59,3)
print("VDD_R_CURR_MIN : max read current @ VDD min : %d : %d mA" % (vdd_r_curr_min,curr_min[vdd_r_curr_min]))
# Bits 56-58 contain the maximum read current at the maximum power supply Vdd
vdd_r_curr_max = unstuff(csd,56,3)
print("VDD_R_CURR_MAX : max read current @ VDD max : %d : %d mA" % (vdd_r_curr_max,curr_max[vdd_r_curr_max]))
# Bits 53-55 contain the maximum write current at the minimum power supply Vdd
vdd_w_curr_min = unstuff(csd,53,3)
print("VDD_W_CURR_MIN : max write current @ VDD min : %d : %d mA" % (vdd_w_curr_min,curr_min[vdd_w_curr_min]))
# Bits 50-52 contain the maximum write current at the maximum power supply Vdd
vdd_w_curr_max = unstuff(csd,50,3)
print("VDD_W_CURR_MAX : max write current @ VDD max : %d : %d mA" % (vdd_w_curr_max,curr_max[vdd_w_curr_max]))
# Bits 47-49 contains a coding factor for computing the total device size
c_size_mult = unstuff(csd,47,3)
print("C_SIZE_MULT : device size multiplier : %d" % c_size_mult)
# Card capacity is calculated from C_SIZE and C_SIZE_MULT
mult = 2**(c_size_mult+2)
blocknr = (c_size+1) * mult
block_len = 2**read_bl_len
memory_capacity = blocknr * block_len
print("User's data card capacity : %d : 0x%x (B)" % (memory_capacity,memory_capacity))
print(" : %d : 0x%x (KiB)" % (memory_capacity/1024,memory_capacity/1024))
print(" : %d : 0x%x (MiB)" % (memory_capacity/1024/1024,memory_capacity/1024/1024))
if csd_version == 2:
# Bits 70-73 are reserved
# Bits 48-69 contain the C_SIZE used to compute the user's data card capacity.
c_size = unstuff(csd,48,22)
print("C_SIZE : device size : %d : 0x%x" % (c_size,c_size))
print(" user data area capacity : %d KiB" % ((c_size+1) * 512))
print(" : %d MiB" % ((c_size+1) * 512 / 1024))
print(" : %d GiB" % ((c_size+1) * 512 / 1024**2))
# Bit 47 is reserved
# Bit 46 defines the erase block length. This is the granularity of the unit size
# of the data to be erased:
# 0 = granularity is SECTOR SIZE (i.e. can not erase single blocks)
# 1 = granularity is 512 bytes (i.e. can erase single blocks)
erase_block_en = unstuff(csd,46,1)
print("ERASE_BLOCK_EN : erase single block enable : %s (%d)" % (yesno(erase_block_en),erase_block_en))
# Bits 39-45 contain the size of an erasable sector as a number of write blocks
# The actual value is value +1.
sector_size = unstuff(csd,39,7)+1
write_bl_len = unstuff(csd,22,4) # captured out of sequence as needed for this calculation
len_bl_write = 2**write_bl_len # computed out of sequence as needed for this calculation
print("SECTOR_SIZE : erase sector size : %d : 0x%x (write blocks)" % (sector_size,sector_size))
print(" : %d B" % (sector_size*len_bl_write))
print(" : %d KiB" % (sector_size*len_bl_write/1024))
# Bits 32-38 contain the write protect group size.
# The actual value is value +1.
wp_grp_size = unstuff(csd,32,7)+1
print("WP_GRP_SIZE : write protect group size : %d" % wp_grp_size)
print(" : %d (KiB)" % (wp_grp_size*sector_size))
# Bit 31 defines if group write protection is available (0=no, 1=yes).
wp_grp_enable = unstuff(csd,31,1)
print("WP_GRP_ENABLE : write protect group enable : %s (%d)" % (yesno(wp_grp_enable),wp_grp_enable))
# Bits 29-30 are reserved
# Bits 26-28 defines the typical write time as a multiple of the read time
r2w_factor = 2**unstuff(csd,26,3)
print("R2W_FACTOR : write speed factor : %d" % r2w_factor)
print(" : writing is %d times slower than reading" % r2w_factor)
# Bits 22-25 contain the write block length, captured above
print("WRITE_BL_LEN : max write block data length : %d" % (write_bl_len))
print("LEN_BL_WRITE : max write block data length : %d bytes ( 2^%d)" % (len_bl_write,write_bl_len))
# Bit 21 defines wtether partial block sizes can be used in block write commands
write_bl_partial = unstuff(csd,21,1)
print("WRITE_BL_PARTIAL : partial blocks for write allowed : %s (%d)" % (yesno(write_bl_partial),write_bl_partial))
# Bits 16-20 are reserved
# Bit 15 indicates the selected group of file formats. This field is read only
# for ROM. Value is 0 or 1. 1 is reserved. 0: see file_format below.
file_format_grp = unstuff(csd,15,1)
print("FILE_FORMAT_GRP : file format group : %d" % file_format_grp)
# Bit 14 is the copy flag and indicates whether the contents are original (0) or
# have been copied (1). It's a one time programmable bit (except ROM card).
copy = unstuff(csd,14,1)
print("COPY : copy flag : %d" % copy)
# Bit 13 Permanently write protects the card. 0 = not permanently write protected
perm_write_protect = unstuff(csd,13,1)
print("PERM_WRITE_PROTECT : permanent write protection : %s (%d)" % (yesno(perm_write_protect),perm_write_protect))
# Bit 12 Tempoarily write protects the card. 0 = not write protected, 1 = write protecteed
tmp_write_protect = unstuff(csd,12,1)
print("TMP_WRITE_PROTECT : temporary write protection : %s (%d)" % (yesno(tmp_write_protect),tmp_write_protect))
# Bits 10-11 indicates the file format on the card
file_format = unstuff(csd,10,2)
file_format_value = "Reserved" if file_format_grp != 0 else {
0: "Hard disk-like file system with partition table",
1: "DOS FAT (floppy-like) with boot sector only (no partition table)",
2: "Universal File Format",
3: "Others/Unknown"
print("FILE_FORMAT : file format : %d : %s" % (file_format, file_format_value))
# Bits 8-9 are reserved
# Bits 1-7 contain the CRC
crc = unstuff(csd,1,7)
print("CRC : CRC : %d" % crc)
# Bit 0 is unused
# SCR : SD Card Configuration Register
scr = int(open(dev+"/scr").read(), 16)
print("SCR : SD Card Configuration Register : %x" % scr)
# Bits 60-63 contain the scr structure version
scr_structure = unstuff(scr,60,4)
scr_structure_version = "SCR version 1.0" if scr_structure == 0 else "reserved"
print("SCR_STRUCTURE : SCR Structure Version : %d : %s" % (scr_structure, scr_structure_version))
# Bits 56 to 59 contain the SD Memory Card spec version
sd_spec = unstuff(scr,56,4)
sd_spec3 = unstuff(scr,47,1)
print("SD_SPEC : SD Memory Card - Spec. Version : %d" % sd_spec)
print("SD_SPEC3 : Spec. Version 3.00 or higher : %d" % sd_spec3)
sd_spec_version = {
0 : "Version 1.0 and 1.01",
1 : "Version 1.10",
2 : "Version 2.00",
3 : "Version 3.0X"
print("SD_SPEC: SD Memory Card - Spec. Version : %s" % sd_spec_version)
# Bit 55 the data status after erase, either 0 or 1 (card vendor dependent)
data_stat_after_erase = unstuff(scr,55,1)
print("DATA_STAT_AFTER_ERASE : data status after erases : %d" % data_stat_after_erase)
# Bits 52-54 indicates the CPRM Security Specification Version for each capacity card.
sd_security = unstuff(scr,52,3)
sd_security_version = {
0 : "None",
1 : "Not Used",
2 : "SDSC Card (Security Version 1.01)",
3 : "SDHC Card (Security Version 2.00)",
4 : "SDXC Card (Security Version 3.xx)"
print("SD_SECURITY : CPRM Security Support : %d : %s" % (sd_security,sd_security_version))
# Bits 48 to 51 indicate the supported DAT bus widths
sd_bus_widths = unstuff(scr,48,4)
sd_bus_width_1bit = unstuff(scr,48,1)
sd_bus_width_4bit = unstuff(scr,50,1)
print("SD_BUS_WIDTHS : DAT Bus widths supported : %d" % sd_bus_widths)
if (sd_bus_width_1bit == 1): print(" : 1 bit (DAT0)")
if (sd_bus_width_4bit == 1): print(" : 4 bit (DAT0-3)")
# Bit 47 read with SD_SPEC, above
# Bits 43-46 indicates extended security
ex_security = unstuff(scr,43,4)
ex_security_supported = ("not supported","supported")[ex_security > 0]
print("EX_SECURITY : Extended Security Support : %d (%s)" % (ex_security,ex_security_supported))
# Bits 34 to 42 are reserved
# Bits 32-33 are command support bits
cmd_support = unstuff(scr,32,2)
cmd_support_scc = unstuff(scr,32,1)
cmd_support_sbc = unstuff(scr,33,1)
print("CMD_SUPPORT : Command Support bits : %d" % cmd_support)
if cmd_support_sbc == 1: print(" : Set Block Count (CMD23)")
if cmd_support_scc == 1: print(" : Speed Class Control (CMD20)")
# Bits 0 to 31 are reserved
# Preferred Erase Size
pes = int(open(dev+"/preferred_erase_size").read())
print("Preferred Erase Size : %d" % pes)
print(" : %d MiB" % (pes >> 20))
# Erase Size : the minimum size, in bytes, of an erase operation.
# 512 if the card is block-addressed, 0 otherwise.
es = int(open(dev+"/erase_size").read())
print("Erase Size : %d KiB" % es)
# Derived information follows
print("Derived Data")
print("LBA Sector Alignment")
sector_alignment_grain = pes/512
print("Align each partition with the preferred erase size")
print(" %d / 512 = %d sectors" % (pes,sector_alignment_grain))
sys.exit(main(sys.argv[0], sys.argv[1:]))
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