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Created October 30, 2016 21:49
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2014,AL,Alabama,Chronic Health Indicators,Depression,Ever told you that you have a form of depression?,Yes,Overall,Overall,1961,21.1,19.9,22.4,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic17,01,BO1,CAT1,ADDEPEV2,RESP046,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Demographics,Disability status,"Are you blind or do you have serious difficulty seeing, even when wearing glasses?",Yes,Overall,Overall,684,6.2,5.5,6.9,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,01,BO1,CAT1,BLIND,RESP046,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Chronic Health Indicators,COPD,Ever told you have COPD?,Yes,Overall,Overall,1087,9.5,8.7,10.3,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic14,01,BO1,CAT1,CHCCOPD1,RESP046,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Chronic Health Indicators,Kidney,Ever told you have kidney disease?,Yes,Overall,Overall,328,2.8,2.3,3.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic35,01,BO1,CAT1,CHCKIDNY,RESP046,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Chronic Health Indicators,Other Cancer,Ever told you had any other types of cancer?,Yes,Overall,Overall,942,7.3,6.6,8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic40,01,BO1,CAT1,CHCOCNCR,RESP046,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Chronic Health Indicators,Skin Cancer,Ever told you had skin cancer?,Yes,Overall,Overall,1025,7.3,6.7,7.9,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic53,01,BO1,CAT1,CHCSCNCR,RESP046,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Health Care Access/Coverage,Last Checkup,About how long has it been since you last visited a doctor for a routine checkup?,Within the past year,Overall,Overall,6680,71.4,69.8,73,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic36,01,BO1,CAT1,CHECKUP1,RESP063,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Chronic Health Indicators,Cardiovascular Disease,Ever told you had angina or coronary heart disease?,Yes,Overall,Overall,678,4.9,4.4,5.4,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic10,01,BO1,CAT1,CVDCRHD4,RESP046,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Chronic Health Indicators,Cardiovascular Disease,Ever told you had a heart attack (myocardial infarction)?,Yes,Overall,Overall,644,5.2,4.7,5.7,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic10,01,BO1,CAT1,CVDINFR4,RESP046,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Chronic Health Indicators,Cardiovascular Disease,Ever told you had a stroke?,Yes,Overall,Overall,536,4.3,3.7,4.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic10,01,BO1,CAT1,CVDSTRK3,RESP046,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Demographics,Disability status,"Do you have serious difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions?",Yes,Overall,Overall,1429,16.2,15,17.4,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,01,BO1,CAT1,DECIDE,RESP046,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Chronic Health Indicators,Diabetes,Have you ever been told by a doctor that you have diabetes?,Yes,Overall,Overall,1528,11.8,11,12.6,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic18,01,BO1,CAT1,DIABETE3,RESP046,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Demographics,Disability status,Do you have difficulty doing errands alone?,Yes,Overall,Overall,1135,10.1,9.3,10.9,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,01,BO1,CAT1,DIFFALON,RESP046,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Demographics,Disability status,Do you have difficulty dressing or bathing?,Yes,Overall,Overall,575,5.1,4.5,5.7,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,01,BO1,CAT1,DIFFDRES,RESP046,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Demographics,Disability status,Do you have serious difficulty walking or climbing stairs?,Yes,Overall,Overall,2322,18.8,17.8,19.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,01,BO1,CAT1,DIFFWALK,RESP046,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Alcohol Consumption,Alcohol Consumption,Adults who have had at least one drink of alcohol within the past 30 days,Yes,Overall,Overall,2887,41.5,39.8,43.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS01,Topic03,01,BO1,CAT1,DRNKANY5,RESP046,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Health Status,Overall Health,How is your general health?,Excellent,Overall,Overall,1146,17.7,16.4,19.1,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic41,01,BO1,CAT1,GENHLTH,RESP056,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,HIV-AIDS,HIV Test,Have you ever been tested for HIV?,Yes,Overall,Overall,2512,40.4,38.7,42.1,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS09,Topic32,01,BO1,CAT1,HIVTST6,RESP046,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Health Care Access/Coverage,Health Care Coverage,Do you have any kind of health care coverage?,Yes,Overall,Overall,7825,85,83.6,86.3,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic29,01,BO1,CAT1,HLTHPLN1,RESP046,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Demographics,Internet,Have you used the internet in the past 30 days?,Yes,Overall,Overall,5756,77.7,76.6,78.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic34,01,BO1,CAT1,INTERNET,RESP046,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Health Care Access/Coverage,Health Care Cost,Was there a time in the past 12 months when you needed to see a doctor but could not because of cost?,Yes,Overall,Overall,1249,18.1,16.7,19.4,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic28,01,BO1,CAT1,MEDCOST,RESP046,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Health Care Access/Coverage,Personal Care Provider,Do you have one person you think of as your personal doctor or health care provider?,"Yes, only one",Overall,Overall,6312,64.9,63.3,66.5,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic43,01,BO1,CAT1,PERSDOC2,RESP050,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Demographics,Disability status,"Adults who are limited in any activities because of physical, mental, or emotional problems",Yes,Overall,Overall,2867,26.2,24.9,27.4,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,01,BO1,CAT1,QLACTLM2,RESP046,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Immunization,Shingle Vaccination,Have you ever had the shingles or zoster vaccine?,Yes,Overall,Overall,1092,16.7,15.6,17.9,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS11,Topic63,01,BO1,CAT1,SHINGLE2,RESP046,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Demographics,Disability status,Adults with health problem(s) that requires the use of special equipment,Yes,Overall,Overall,1422,11.1,10.3,11.9,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,01,BO1,CAT1,USEEQUIP,RESP046,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Tobacco Use,Smokeless Tobacco,"Do you currently use chewing tobacco, snuff, or snus?",Every day,Overall,Overall,227,3.7,3,4.3,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic54,01,BO1,CAT1,USENOW3,RESP079,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Demographics,Veteran Status,Have you ever served on active duty in the United States Armed Forces?,Yes,Overall,Overall,1180,12.2,11.2,13.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic61,01,BO1,CAT1,VETERAN3,RESP046,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Oral Health,All Teeth Removed,Adults aged 65+ who have had all their natural teeth extracted (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,624,22.8,20.8,24.9,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS13,Topic04,01,BO1,CAT1,_ALTETH2,RESP046,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Overweight and Obesity (BMI),BMI Categories,Weight classification by Body Mass Index (BMI) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Obese (BMI 30.0 - 99.8),Overall,Overall,2814,33.3,31.7,34.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS14,Topic09,01,BO1,CAT1,_BMI5CAT,RESP039,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Chronic Health Indicators,Asthma,Adults who have been told they currently have asthma (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,879,9.5,8.6,10.5,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic06,01,BO1,CAT1,_CASTHM1,RESP046,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Colorectal Cancer Screening,USPSTF Recommendations,Respondents aged 50-75 who have fully met the USPSTF recommendation (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Met USPSTF recommendations for testing,Overall,Overall,3046,64.8,62.9,66.7,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic64,01,BO1,CAT1,_CRCREC,RESP192,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Oral Health,Dental Visit,Visited the dentist or dental clinic within the past year for any reason (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,5143,60.2,58.6,61.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS13,Topic16,01,BO1,CAT1,_DENVST2,RESP046,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Chronic Health Indicators,Arthritis,Adults who have been told they have arthritis (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,3914,31.1,30,32.3,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic05,01,BO1,CAT1,_DRDXAR1,RESP046,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Oral Health,Teeth Removed,Adults that have had any permanent teeth extracted (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,5276,49.9,48.4,51.4,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS13,Topic57,01,BO1,CAT1,_EXTETH2,RESP046,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Immunization,Flu Shot,Adults aged 65+ who have had a flu shot within the past year (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,1942,64.5,62.2,66.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS11,Topic26,01,BO1,CAT1,_FLSHOT6,RESP046,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Health Care Access/Coverage,Under 65 Coverage,Adults aged 18-64 who have any kind of health care coverage (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,4650,81.9,80.3,83.4,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic59,01,BO1,CAT1,_HCVU651,RESP046,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Chronic Health Indicators,Asthma,Adults who have ever been told they have asthma (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,1263,14.9,13.7,16.1,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic06,01,BO1,CAT1,_LTASTH1,RESP046,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Women's Health,Mammogram,Women aged 50-74 who have had a mammogram within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Received a mammogram within the past 2 years,Overall,Overall,2302,76.7,74.5,78.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic37,01,BO1,CAT1,_MAM5021,RESP186,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Women's Health,Mammogram,Women aged 50+ who have had a mammogram within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,2860,74.4,72.4,76.3,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic37,01,BO1,CAT1,_MAM502Y,RESP046,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Immunization,Pneumonia Vaccination,Adults aged 65+ who have ever had a pneumonia vaccination (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,1972,67.6,65.3,69.9,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS11,Topic46,01,BO1,CAT1,_PNEUMO2,RESP046,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Alcohol Consumption,Binge Drinking,"Binge drinkers (males having five or more drinks on one occasion, females having four or more drinks on one occasion) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions)",Yes,Overall,Overall,677,12.9,11.6,14.1,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS01,Topic07,01,BO1,CAT1,_RFBING5,RESP046,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Colorectal Cancer Screening,Blood Stool Test,Adults aged 50+ who have had a blood stool test within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,785,12.5,11.5,13.6,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic08,01,BO1,CAT1,_RFBLDS2,RESP046,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Colorectal Cancer Screening,Blood Stool Test,Adults aged 50-75 who have had a blood stool test within the past year (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Had a blood stool test in the past year,Overall,Overall,400,7.7,6.7,8.7,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic08,01,BO1,CAT1,_RFBLDS3,RESP190,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Alcohol Consumption,Heavy Drinking,Heavy drinkers (adult men having more than two drinks per day and adult women having more than one drink per day) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,322,4.5,3.9,5.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS01,Topic30,01,BO1,CAT1,_RFDRHV4,RESP046,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Health Status,Fair or Poor Health,Health Status (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Good or Better Health,Overall,Overall,6265,78.5,77.3,79.6,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic24,01,BO1,CAT1,_RFHLTH,RESP061,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Women's Health,Mammogram,Women aged 40+ who have had a mammogram within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,3271,71.2,69.2,73.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic37,01,BO1,CAT1,_RFMAM2Y,RESP046,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Women's Health,Pap Test,Women aged 18+ who have had a pap test within the past three years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,2228,76.8,74.8,78.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic42,01,BO1,CAT1,_RFPAP32,RESP046,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Women's Health,Pap Test,Women aged 21-65 who have had a pap test in the past three years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Received a Pap test within the past 3 years,Overall,Overall,1686,82.9,80.8,85,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic42,01,BO1,CAT1,_RFPAP33,RESP188,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Prostate Cancer,PSA Test,Men aged 40+ who have had a PSA test within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,1196,46.9,44.2,49.6,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS16,Topic47,01,BO1,CAT1,_RFPSA21,RESP046,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Injury,Seatbelt Use,Always wears a seat belt? (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Always Wears a Seatbelt,Overall,Overall,7446,86.6,85.4,87.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS12,Topic50,01,BO1,CAT1,_RFSEAT3,RESP184,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Colorectal Cancer Screening,Sigmoidoscopy,Adults aged 50+ who have ever had a sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,4019,68,66.4,69.7,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic52,01,BO1,CAT1,_RFSIGM2,RESP046,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Tobacco Use,Current Smoker Status,Adults who are current smokers (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,1490,21.7,20.2,23.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic15,01,BO1,CAT1,_RFSMOK3,RESP046,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Tobacco Use,Smoker Status,Four Level Smoking Status (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Smoke everyday,Overall,Overall,1048,15,13.7,16.3,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic55,01,BO1,CAT1,_SMOKER3,RESP068,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Physical Activity,Exercise,"During the past month, did you participate in any physical activities? (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions)",Yes,Overall,Overall,6056,73.2,71.8,74.6,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS15,Topic23,01,BO1,CAT1,_TOTINDA,RESP046,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Chronic Health Indicators,Depression,Ever told you that you have a form of depression?,No,Overall,Overall,6650,78.9,77.6,80.1,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic17,01,BO1,CAT1,ADDEPEV2,RESP054,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Demographics,Disability status,"Are you blind or do you have serious difficulty seeing, even when wearing glasses?",No,Overall,Overall,7745,93.8,93.1,94.5,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,01,BO1,CAT1,BLIND,RESP054,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Chronic Health Indicators,COPD,Ever told you have COPD?,No,Overall,Overall,7514,90.5,89.7,91.3,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic14,01,BO1,CAT1,CHCCOPD1,RESP054,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Chronic Health Indicators,Kidney,Ever told you have kidney disease?,No,Overall,Overall,8295,97.2,96.8,97.7,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic35,01,BO1,CAT1,CHCKIDNY,RESP054,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Chronic Health Indicators,Other Cancer,Ever told you had any other types of cancer?,No,Overall,Overall,7681,92.7,92,93.4,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic40,01,BO1,CAT1,CHCOCNCR,RESP054,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Chronic Health Indicators,Skin Cancer,Ever told you had skin cancer?,No,Overall,Overall,7595,92.7,92.1,93.3,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic53,01,BO1,CAT1,CHCSCNCR,RESP054,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Health Care Access/Coverage,Last Checkup,About how long has it been since you last visited a doctor for a routine checkup?,Within the past 2 years,Overall,Overall,801,12.4,11.2,13.6,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic36,01,BO1,CAT1,CHECKUP1,RESP064,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Chronic Health Indicators,Cardiovascular Disease,Ever told you had angina or coronary heart disease?,No,Overall,Overall,7848,95.1,94.6,95.6,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic10,01,BO1,CAT1,CVDCRHD4,RESP054,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Chronic Health Indicators,Cardiovascular Disease,Ever told you had a heart attack (myocardial infarction)?,No,Overall,Overall,7953,94.8,94.3,95.3,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic10,01,BO1,CAT1,CVDINFR4,RESP054,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Chronic Health Indicators,Cardiovascular Disease,Ever told you had a stroke?,No,Overall,Overall,8089,95.7,95.2,96.3,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic10,01,BO1,CAT1,CVDSTRK3,RESP054,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Demographics,Disability status,"Do you have serious difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions?",No,Overall,Overall,6965,83.8,82.6,85,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,01,BO1,CAT1,DECIDE,RESP054,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Chronic Health Indicators,Diabetes,Have you ever been told by a doctor that you have diabetes?,"Yes, pregnancy-related",Overall,Overall,62,0.7,0.5,0.9,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic18,01,BO1,CAT1,DIABETE3,RESP051,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Demographics,Disability status,Do you have difficulty doing errands alone?,No,Overall,Overall,7264,89.9,89.1,90.7,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,01,BO1,CAT1,DIFFALON,RESP054,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Demographics,Disability status,Do you have difficulty dressing or bathing?,No,Overall,Overall,7836,94.9,94.3,95.5,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,01,BO1,CAT1,DIFFDRES,RESP054,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Demographics,Disability status,Do you have serious difficulty walking or climbing stairs?,No,Overall,Overall,6080,81.2,80.2,82.2,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,01,BO1,CAT1,DIFFWALK,RESP054,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Alcohol Consumption,Alcohol Consumption,Adults who have had at least one drink of alcohol within the past 30 days,No,Overall,Overall,5415,58.5,56.8,60.2,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS01,Topic03,01,BO1,CAT1,DRNKANY5,RESP054,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Health Status,Overall Health,How is your general health?,Very good,Overall,Overall,2227,28.5,27,30,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic41,01,BO1,CAT1,GENHLTH,RESP057,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,HIV-AIDS,HIV Test,Have you ever been tested for HIV?,No,Overall,Overall,5357,59.6,57.9,61.3,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS09,Topic32,01,BO1,CAT1,HIVTST6,RESP054,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Health Care Access/Coverage,Health Care Coverage,Do you have any kind of health care coverage?,No,Overall,Overall,806,15,13.7,16.4,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic29,01,BO1,CAT1,HLTHPLN1,RESP054,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Demographics,Internet,Have you used the internet in the past 30 days?,No,Overall,Overall,2771,22.3,21.2,23.4,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic34,01,BO1,CAT1,INTERNET,RESP054,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Health Care Access/Coverage,Health Care Cost,Was there a time in the past 12 months when you needed to see a doctor but could not because of cost?,No,Overall,Overall,7380,81.9,80.6,83.3,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic28,01,BO1,CAT1,MEDCOST,RESP054,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Health Care Access/Coverage,Personal Care Provider,Do you have one person you think of as your personal doctor or health care provider?,More than one,Overall,Overall,1047,9.6,8.7,10.4,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic43,01,BO1,CAT1,PERSDOC2,RESP053,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Demographics,Disability status,"Adults who are limited in any activities because of physical, mental, or emotional problems",No,Overall,Overall,5561,73.8,72.6,75.1,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,01,BO1,CAT1,QLACTLM2,RESP054,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Immunization,Shingle Vaccination,Have you ever had the shingles or zoster vaccine?,No,Overall,Overall,4628,83.3,82.1,84.4,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS11,Topic63,01,BO1,CAT1,SHINGLE2,RESP054,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Demographics,Disability status,Adults with health problem(s) that requires the use of special equipment,No,Overall,Overall,7030,88.9,88.1,89.7,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,01,BO1,CAT1,USEEQUIP,RESP054,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Tobacco Use,Smokeless Tobacco,"Do you currently use chewing tobacco, snuff, or snus?",Some days,Overall,Overall,134,2.4,1.8,3,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic54,01,BO1,CAT1,USENOW3,RESP080,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Demographics,Veteran Status,Have you ever served on active duty in the United States Armed Forces?,No,Overall,Overall,7462,87.8,86.8,88.8,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic61,01,BO1,CAT1,VETERAN3,RESP054,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Oral Health,All Teeth Removed,Adults aged 65+ who have had all their natural teeth extracted (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,2392,77.2,75.1,79.2,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS13,Topic04,01,BO1,CAT1,_ALTETH2,RESP054,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Overweight and Obesity (BMI),BMI Categories,Weight classification by Body Mass Index (BMI) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Overweight (BMI 25.0-29.9),Overall,Overall,2814,32.9,31.4,34.5,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS14,Topic09,01,BO1,CAT1,_BMI5CAT,RESP040,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Chronic Health Indicators,Asthma,Adults who have been told they currently have asthma (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,7699,90.5,89.5,91.4,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic06,01,BO1,CAT1,_CASTHM1,RESP054,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Colorectal Cancer Screening,USPSTF Recommendations,Respondents aged 50-75 who have fully met the USPSTF recommendation (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Did not meet USPSTF recommendations for testing,Overall,Overall,1404,35.2,33.3,37.1,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic64,01,BO1,CAT1,_CRCREC,RESP193,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Oral Health,Dental Visit,Visited the dentist or dental clinic within the past year for any reason (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,3370,39.8,38.2,41.4,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS13,Topic16,01,BO1,CAT1,_DENVST2,RESP054,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Chronic Health Indicators,Arthritis,Adults who have been told they have arthritis (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,4693,68.9,67.7,70,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic05,01,BO1,CAT1,_DRDXAR1,RESP054,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Oral Health,Teeth Removed,Adults that have had any permanent teeth extracted (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,3199,50.1,48.6,51.6,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS13,Topic57,01,BO1,CAT1,_EXTETH2,RESP054,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Immunization,Flu Shot,Adults aged 65+ who have had a flu shot within the past year (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,1081,35.5,33.2,37.8,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS11,Topic26,01,BO1,CAT1,_FLSHOT6,RESP054,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Health Care Access/Coverage,Under 65 Coverage,Adults aged 18-64 who have any kind of health care coverage (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,790,18.1,16.6,19.7,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic59,01,BO1,CAT1,_HCVU651,RESP054,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Chronic Health Indicators,Asthma,Adults who have ever been told they have asthma (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,7357,85.1,83.9,86.3,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic06,01,BO1,CAT1,_LTASTH1,RESP054,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Women's Health,Mammogram,Women aged 50-74 who have had a mammogram within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Did not receive a mammogram within the past 2 years,Overall,Overall,609,23.3,21.2,25.5,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic37,01,BO1,CAT1,_MAM5021,RESP187,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Women's Health,Mammogram,Women aged 50+ who have had a mammogram within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,871,25.6,23.7,27.6,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic37,01,BO1,CAT1,_MAM502Y,RESP054,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Immunization,Pneumonia Vaccination,Adults aged 65+ who have ever had a pneumonia vaccination (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,958,32.4,30.1,34.7,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS11,Topic46,01,BO1,CAT1,_PNEUMO2,RESP054,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Alcohol Consumption,Binge Drinking,"Binge drinkers (males having five or more drinks on one occasion, females having four or more drinks on one occasion) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions)",No,Overall,Overall,7553,87.1,85.9,88.4,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS01,Topic07,01,BO1,CAT1,_RFBING5,RESP054,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Colorectal Cancer Screening,Blood Stool Test,Adults aged 50+ who have had a blood stool test within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,4737,87.5,86.4,88.5,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic08,01,BO1,CAT1,_RFBLDS2,RESP054,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Colorectal Cancer Screening,Blood Stool Test,Adults aged 50-75 who have had a blood stool test within the past year (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Have not had a blood stool test in the past year,Overall,Overall,4100,92.3,91.3,93.3,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic08,01,BO1,CAT1,_RFBLDS3,RESP191,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Alcohol Consumption,Heavy Drinking,Heavy drinkers (adult men having more than two drinks per day and adult women having more than one drink per day) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,7886,95.5,94.8,96.1,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS01,Topic30,01,BO1,CAT1,_RFDRHV4,RESP054,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Health Status,Fair or Poor Health,Health Status (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Fair or Poor Health,Overall,Overall,2359,21.5,20.4,22.7,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic24,01,BO1,CAT1,_RFHLTH,RESP062,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Women's Health,Mammogram,Women aged 40+ who have had a mammogram within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,1072,28.8,26.8,30.8,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic37,01,BO1,CAT1,_RFMAM2Y,RESP054,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Women's Health,Pap Test,Women aged 18+ who have had a pap test within the past three years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,715,23.2,21.2,25.2,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic42,01,BO1,CAT1,_RFPAP32,RESP054,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Women's Health,Pap Test,Women aged 21-65 who have had a pap test in the past three years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Did not receive a Pap test within the past 3 years,Overall,Overall,370,17.1,15,19.2,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic42,01,BO1,CAT1,_RFPAP33,RESP189,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Prostate Cancer,PSA Test,Men aged 40+ who have had a PSA test within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,958,53.1,50.4,55.8,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS16,Topic47,01,BO1,CAT1,_RFPSA21,RESP054,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Injury,Seatbelt Use,Always wears a seat belt? (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Does Not Always Wear a Seatbelt,Overall,Overall,871,13.4,12.2,14.6,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS12,Topic50,01,BO1,CAT1,_RFSEAT3,RESP185,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Colorectal Cancer Screening,Sigmoidoscopy,Adults aged 50+ who have ever had a sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,1626,32,30.3,33.6,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic52,01,BO1,CAT1,_RFSIGM2,RESP054,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Tobacco Use,Current Smoker Status,Adults who are current smokers (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,6878,78.3,76.8,79.8,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic15,01,BO1,CAT1,_RFSMOK3,RESP054,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Tobacco Use,Smoker Status,Four Level Smoking Status (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Smoke some days,Overall,Overall,442,6.7,5.7,7.6,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic55,01,BO1,CAT1,_SMOKER3,RESP069,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Physical Activity,Exercise,"During the past month, did you participate in any physical activities? (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions)",No,Overall,Overall,2583,26.8,25.4,28.2,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS15,Topic23,01,BO1,CAT1,_TOTINDA,RESP054,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Health Care Access/Coverage,Last Checkup,About how long has it been since you last visited a doctor for a routine checkup?,Within the past 5 years,Overall,Overall,418,7.2,6.3,8.1,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic36,01,BO1,CAT1,CHECKUP1,RESP065,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Chronic Health Indicators,Diabetes,Have you ever been told by a doctor that you have diabetes?,"No, pre-diabetes or borderline diabetes",Overall,Overall,157,1.5,1.1,1.8,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic18,01,BO1,CAT1,DIABETE3,RESP052,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Health Status,Overall Health,How is your general health?,Good,Overall,Overall,2892,32.3,30.8,33.8,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic41,01,BO1,CAT1,GENHLTH,RESP058,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Health Care Access/Coverage,Personal Care Provider,Do you have one person you think of as your personal doctor or health care provider?,No,Overall,Overall,1275,25.6,24,27.1,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic43,01,BO1,CAT1,PERSDOC2,RESP054,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Tobacco Use,Smokeless Tobacco,"Do you currently use chewing tobacco, snuff, or snus?",Not at all,Overall,Overall,8043,93.9,93,94.8,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic54,01,BO1,CAT1,USENOW3,RESP081,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Overweight and Obesity (BMI),BMI Categories,Weight classification by Body Mass Index (BMI) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Normal Weight (BMI 18.5-24.9),Overall,Overall,2425,32.2,30.5,33.8,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS14,Topic09,01,BO1,CAT1,_BMI5CAT,RESP041,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Tobacco Use,Smoker Status,Four Level Smoking Status (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Former smoker,Overall,Overall,2271,23.1,21.9,24.3,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic55,01,BO1,CAT1,_SMOKER3,RESP070,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Health Care Access/Coverage,Last Checkup,About how long has it been since you last visited a doctor for a routine checkup?,5 or more years ago,Overall,Overall,501,9,7.9,10.1,4,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic36,01,BO1,CAT1,CHECKUP1,RESP066,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Chronic Health Indicators,Diabetes,Have you ever been told by a doctor that you have diabetes?,No,Overall,Overall,6892,86,85.1,86.9,4,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic18,01,BO1,CAT1,DIABETE3,RESP054,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Health Status,Overall Health,How is your general health?,Fair,Overall,Overall,1578,14.9,13.9,15.9,4,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic41,01,BO1,CAT1,GENHLTH,RESP059,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Overweight and Obesity (BMI),BMI Categories,Weight classification by Body Mass Index (BMI) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Underweight (BMI 12.0-18.4),Overall,Overall,137,1.6,1.2,2,4,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS14,Topic09,01,BO1,CAT1,_BMI5CAT,RESP042,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Tobacco Use,Smoker Status,Four Level Smoking Status (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Never smoked,Overall,Overall,4607,55.2,53.6,56.9,4,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic55,01,BO1,CAT1,_SMOKER3,RESP071,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Health Care Access/Coverage,Last Checkup,About how long has it been since you last visited a doctor for a routine checkup?,Never,Overall,Overall,77,0,0,0,5,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic36,01,BO1,CAT1,CHECKUP1,RESP067,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AL,Alabama,Health Status,Overall Health,How is your general health?,Poor,Overall,Overall,781,6.6,6,7.2,5,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic41,01,BO1,CAT1,GENHLTH,RESP060,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Chronic Health Indicators,Depression,Ever told you that you have a form of depression?,Yes,Overall,Overall,717,15.4,13.9,16.9,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic17,02,BO1,CAT1,ADDEPEV2,RESP046,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Demographics,Disability status,"Are you blind or do you have serious difficulty seeing, even when wearing glasses?",Yes,Overall,Overall,164,2.7,2.2,3.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,02,BO1,CAT1,BLIND,RESP046,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Chronic Health Indicators,COPD,Ever told you have COPD?,Yes,Overall,Overall,258,4.4,3.6,5.1,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic14,02,BO1,CAT1,CHCCOPD1,RESP046,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Chronic Health Indicators,Kidney,Ever told you have kidney disease?,Yes,Overall,Overall,117,2.2,1.5,2.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic35,02,BO1,CAT1,CHCKIDNY,RESP046,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Chronic Health Indicators,Other Cancer,Ever told you had any other types of cancer?,Yes,Overall,Overall,360,5.5,4.8,6.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic40,02,BO1,CAT1,CHCOCNCR,RESP046,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Chronic Health Indicators,Skin Cancer,Ever told you had skin cancer?,Yes,Overall,Overall,219,3.4,2.8,3.9,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic53,02,BO1,CAT1,CHCSCNCR,RESP046,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Health Care Access/Coverage,Last Checkup,About how long has it been since you last visited a doctor for a routine checkup?,Within the past year,Overall,Overall,2725,58.7,56.6,60.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic36,02,BO1,CAT1,CHECKUP1,RESP063,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Chronic Health Indicators,Cardiovascular Disease,Ever told you had angina or coronary heart disease?,Yes,Overall,Overall,156,2.5,2,3,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic10,02,BO1,CAT1,CVDCRHD4,RESP046,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Chronic Health Indicators,Cardiovascular Disease,Ever told you had a heart attack (myocardial infarction)?,Yes,Overall,Overall,182,3.5,2.8,4.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic10,02,BO1,CAT1,CVDINFR4,RESP046,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Chronic Health Indicators,Cardiovascular Disease,Ever told you had a stroke?,Yes,Overall,Overall,142,2.6,2,3.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic10,02,BO1,CAT1,CVDSTRK3,RESP046,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Demographics,Disability status,"Do you have serious difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions?",Yes,Overall,Overall,295,7.5,6.2,8.7,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,02,BO1,CAT1,DECIDE,RESP046,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Chronic Health Indicators,Diabetes,Have you ever been told by a doctor that you have diabetes?,Yes,Overall,Overall,403,7.6,6.7,8.6,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic18,02,BO1,CAT1,DIABETE3,RESP046,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Demographics,Disability status,Do you have difficulty doing errands alone?,Yes,Overall,Overall,224,4.7,3.7,5.6,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,02,BO1,CAT1,DIFFALON,RESP046,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Demographics,Disability status,Do you have difficulty dressing or bathing?,Yes,Overall,Overall,151,2.7,2.1,3.3,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,02,BO1,CAT1,DIFFDRES,RESP046,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Demographics,Disability status,Do you have serious difficulty walking or climbing stairs?,Yes,Overall,Overall,508,9.3,8.2,10.3,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,02,BO1,CAT1,DIFFWALK,RESP046,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Alcohol Consumption,Alcohol Consumption,Adults who have had at least one drink of alcohol within the past 30 days,Yes,Overall,Overall,2385,56.4,54.3,58.6,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS01,Topic03,02,BO1,CAT1,DRNKANY5,RESP046,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Health Status,Overall Health,How is your general health?,Excellent,Overall,Overall,869,21,19.3,22.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic41,02,BO1,CAT1,GENHLTH,RESP056,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,HIV-AIDS,HIV Test,Have you ever been tested for HIV?,Yes,Overall,Overall,1554,41.2,39.1,43.3,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS09,Topic32,02,BO1,CAT1,HIVTST6,RESP046,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Health Care Access/Coverage,Health Care Coverage,Do you have any kind of health care coverage?,Yes,Overall,Overall,3905,85.3,83.7,86.9,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic29,02,BO1,CAT1,HLTHPLN1,RESP046,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Demographics,Internet,Have you used the internet in the past 30 days?,Yes,Overall,Overall,3775,89.4,88.3,90.5,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic34,02,BO1,CAT1,INTERNET,RESP046,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Health Care Access/Coverage,Health Care Cost,Was there a time in the past 12 months when you needed to see a doctor but could not because of cost?,Yes,Overall,Overall,447,11.6,10.2,13,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic28,02,BO1,CAT1,MEDCOST,RESP046,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Health Care Access/Coverage,Personal Care Provider,Do you have one person you think of as your personal doctor or health care provider?,"Yes, only one",Overall,Overall,2599,53.2,51.2,55.3,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic43,02,BO1,CAT1,PERSDOC2,RESP050,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Demographics,Disability status,"Adults who are limited in any activities because of physical, mental, or emotional problems",Yes,Overall,Overall,995,19.2,17.6,20.7,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,02,BO1,CAT1,QLACTLM2,RESP046,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Immunization,Shingle Vaccination,Have you ever had the shingles or zoster vaccine?,Yes,Overall,Overall,574,23.9,21.6,26.3,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS11,Topic63,02,BO1,CAT1,SHINGLE2,RESP046,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Demographics,Disability status,Adults with health problem(s) that requires the use of special equipment,Yes,Overall,Overall,391,7,6.1,7.9,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,02,BO1,CAT1,USEEQUIP,RESP046,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Tobacco Use,Smokeless Tobacco,"Do you currently use chewing tobacco, snuff, or snus?",Every day,Overall,Overall,121,3,2.3,3.7,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic54,02,BO1,CAT1,USENOW3,RESP079,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Demographics,Veteran Status,Have you ever served on active duty in the United States Armed Forces?,Yes,Overall,Overall,711,16.4,14.9,17.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic61,02,BO1,CAT1,VETERAN3,RESP046,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Oral Health,All Teeth Removed,Adults aged 65+ who have had all their natural teeth extracted (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,113,15.5,11.6,19.3,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS13,Topic04,02,BO1,CAT1,_ALTETH2,RESP046,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Overweight and Obesity (BMI),BMI Categories,Weight classification by Body Mass Index (BMI) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Obese (BMI 30.0 - 99.8),Overall,Overall,1239,29.3,27.3,31.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS14,Topic09,02,BO1,CAT1,_BMI5CAT,RESP039,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Chronic Health Indicators,Asthma,Adults who have been told they currently have asthma (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,367,8.1,6.9,9.3,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic06,02,BO1,CAT1,_CASTHM1,RESP046,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Colorectal Cancer Screening,USPSTF Recommendations,Respondents aged 50-75 who have fully met the USPSTF recommendation (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Met USPSTF recommendations for testing,Overall,Overall,1270,61.5,58.6,64.4,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic64,02,BO1,CAT1,_CRCREC,RESP192,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Oral Health,Dental Visit,Visited the dentist or dental clinic within the past year for any reason (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,2921,64.2,62.1,66.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS13,Topic16,02,BO1,CAT1,_DENVST2,RESP046,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Chronic Health Indicators,Arthritis,Adults who have been told they have arthritis (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,1261,22.3,20.8,23.7,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic05,02,BO1,CAT1,_DRDXAR1,RESP046,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Oral Health,Teeth Removed,Adults that have had any permanent teeth extracted (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,2009,42.4,40.4,44.4,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS13,Topic57,02,BO1,CAT1,_EXTETH2,RESP046,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Immunization,Flu Shot,Adults aged 65+ who have had a flu shot within the past year (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,480,52,47.4,56.6,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS11,Topic26,02,BO1,CAT1,_FLSHOT6,RESP046,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Chronic Health Indicators,Cardiovascular Disease,Ever told you had a stroke?,Yes,Overall,Overall,695,2.7,2.3,3,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic10,04,BO1,CAT1,CVDSTRK3,RESP046,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Health Care Access/Coverage,Under 65 Coverage,Adults aged 18-64 who have any kind of health care coverage (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,2882,82.5,80.6,84.5,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic59,02,BO1,CAT1,_HCVU651,RESP046,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Chronic Health Indicators,Asthma,Adults who have ever been told they have asthma (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,549,12.4,11,13.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic06,02,BO1,CAT1,_LTASTH1,RESP046,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Women's Health,Mammogram,Women aged 50-74 who have had a mammogram within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Received a mammogram within the past 2 years,Overall,Overall,774,69.2,65.5,73,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic37,02,BO1,CAT1,_MAM5021,RESP186,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Women's Health,Mammogram,Women aged 50+ who have had a mammogram within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,886,67.6,63.8,71.4,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic37,02,BO1,CAT1,_MAM502Y,RESP046,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Immunization,Pneumonia Vaccination,Adults aged 65+ who have ever had a pneumonia vaccination (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,570,61.4,56.8,66,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS11,Topic46,02,BO1,CAT1,_PNEUMO2,RESP046,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Alcohol Consumption,Binge Drinking,"Binge drinkers (males having five or more drinks on one occasion, females having four or more drinks on one occasion) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions)",Yes,Overall,Overall,697,20,18.2,21.7,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS01,Topic07,02,BO1,CAT1,_RFBING5,RESP046,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Colorectal Cancer Screening,Blood Stool Test,Adults aged 50+ who have had a blood stool test within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,190,8.3,6.8,9.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic08,02,BO1,CAT1,_RFBLDS2,RESP046,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Colorectal Cancer Screening,Blood Stool Test,Adults aged 50-75 who have had a blood stool test within the past year (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Had a blood stool test in the past year,Overall,Overall,89,4.6,3.4,5.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic08,02,BO1,CAT1,_RFBLDS3,RESP190,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Alcohol Consumption,Heavy Drinking,Heavy drinkers (adult men having more than two drinks per day and adult women having more than one drink per day) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,350,8.6,7.4,9.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS01,Topic30,02,BO1,CAT1,_RFDRHV4,RESP046,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Health Status,Fair or Poor Health,Health Status (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Good or Better Health,Overall,Overall,3754,86.6,85.2,87.9,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic24,02,BO1,CAT1,_RFHLTH,RESP061,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Women's Health,Mammogram,Women aged 40+ who have had a mammogram within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,1075,61.4,58,64.7,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic37,02,BO1,CAT1,_RFMAM2Y,RESP046,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Women's Health,Pap Test,Women aged 18+ who have had a pap test within the past three years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,1304,70.7,67.5,73.9,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic42,02,BO1,CAT1,_RFPAP32,RESP046,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Women's Health,Pap Test,Women aged 21-65 who have had a pap test in the past three years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Received a Pap test within the past 3 years,Overall,Overall,1134,78.6,75.5,81.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic42,02,BO1,CAT1,_RFPAP33,RESP188,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Prostate Cancer,PSA Test,Men aged 40+ who have had a PSA test within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,503,34.7,31.4,38,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS16,Topic47,02,BO1,CAT1,_RFPSA21,RESP046,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Injury,Seatbelt Use,Always wears a seat belt? (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Always Wears a Seatbelt,Overall,Overall,3464,83.9,82.3,85.5,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS12,Topic50,02,BO1,CAT1,_RFSEAT3,RESP184,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Colorectal Cancer Screening,Sigmoidoscopy,Adults aged 50+ who have ever had a sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,1604,67,64.4,69.6,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic52,02,BO1,CAT1,_RFSIGM2,RESP046,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Tobacco Use,Current Smoker Status,Adults who are current smokers (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,749,19.5,17.8,21.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic15,02,BO1,CAT1,_RFSMOK3,RESP046,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Tobacco Use,Smoker Status,Four Level Smoking Status (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Smoke everyday,Overall,Overall,523,13.1,11.7,14.5,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic55,02,BO1,CAT1,_SMOKER3,RESP068,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Physical Activity,Exercise,"During the past month, did you participate in any physical activities? (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions)",Yes,Overall,Overall,3563,80.8,79.2,82.5,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS15,Topic23,02,BO1,CAT1,_TOTINDA,RESP046,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Chronic Health Indicators,Depression,Ever told you that you have a form of depression?,No,Overall,Overall,3656,84.6,83.1,86.1,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic17,02,BO1,CAT1,ADDEPEV2,RESP054,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Demographics,Disability status,"Are you blind or do you have serious difficulty seeing, even when wearing glasses?",No,Overall,Overall,4093,97.3,96.8,97.8,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,02,BO1,CAT1,BLIND,RESP054,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Chronic Health Indicators,COPD,Ever told you have COPD?,No,Overall,Overall,4111,95.6,94.9,96.4,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic14,02,BO1,CAT1,CHCCOPD1,RESP054,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Chronic Health Indicators,Kidney,Ever told you have kidney disease?,No,Overall,Overall,4263,97.8,97.2,98.5,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic35,02,BO1,CAT1,CHCKIDNY,RESP054,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Chronic Health Indicators,Other Cancer,Ever told you had any other types of cancer?,No,Overall,Overall,4017,94.5,93.8,95.2,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic40,02,BO1,CAT1,CHCOCNCR,RESP054,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Chronic Health Indicators,Skin Cancer,Ever told you had skin cancer?,No,Overall,Overall,4160,96.6,96.1,97.2,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic53,02,BO1,CAT1,CHCSCNCR,RESP054,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Health Care Access/Coverage,Last Checkup,About how long has it been since you last visited a doctor for a routine checkup?,Within the past 2 years,Overall,Overall,686,16.3,14.8,17.9,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic36,02,BO1,CAT1,CHECKUP1,RESP064,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Chronic Health Indicators,Cardiovascular Disease,Ever told you had angina or coronary heart disease?,No,Overall,Overall,4202,97.5,97,98,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic10,02,BO1,CAT1,CVDCRHD4,RESP054,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Chronic Health Indicators,Cardiovascular Disease,Ever told you had a heart attack (myocardial infarction)?,No,Overall,Overall,4183,96.5,95.8,97.2,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic10,02,BO1,CAT1,CVDINFR4,RESP054,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Chronic Health Indicators,Cardiovascular Disease,Ever told you had a stroke?,No,Overall,Overall,4233,97.4,96.8,98,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic10,02,BO1,CAT1,CVDSTRK3,RESP054,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Demographics,Disability status,"Do you have serious difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions?",No,Overall,Overall,3951,92.5,91.3,93.8,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,02,BO1,CAT1,DECIDE,RESP054,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Chronic Health Indicators,Diabetes,Have you ever been told by a doctor that you have diabetes?,"Yes, pregnancy-related",Overall,Overall,42,0.7,0.5,1,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic18,02,BO1,CAT1,DIABETE3,RESP051,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Demographics,Disability status,Do you have difficulty doing errands alone?,No,Overall,Overall,4028,95.3,94.4,96.3,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,02,BO1,CAT1,DIFFALON,RESP054,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Demographics,Disability status,Do you have difficulty dressing or bathing?,No,Overall,Overall,4100,97.3,96.7,97.9,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,02,BO1,CAT1,DIFFDRES,RESP054,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Demographics,Disability status,Do you have serious difficulty walking or climbing stairs?,No,Overall,Overall,3742,90.7,89.7,91.8,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,02,BO1,CAT1,DIFFWALK,RESP054,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Alcohol Consumption,Alcohol Consumption,Adults who have had at least one drink of alcohol within the past 30 days,No,Overall,Overall,1798,43.6,41.4,45.7,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS01,Topic03,02,BO1,CAT1,DRNKANY5,RESP054,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Health Status,Overall Health,How is your general health?,Very good,Overall,Overall,1558,35.1,33.1,37.2,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic41,02,BO1,CAT1,GENHLTH,RESP057,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,HIV-AIDS,HIV Test,Have you ever been tested for HIV?,No,Overall,Overall,2489,58.8,56.7,60.9,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS09,Topic32,02,BO1,CAT1,HIVTST6,RESP054,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Health Care Access/Coverage,Health Care Coverage,Do you have any kind of health care coverage?,No,Overall,Overall,448,14.7,13.1,16.3,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic29,02,BO1,CAT1,HLTHPLN1,RESP054,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Demographics,Internet,Have you used the internet in the past 30 days?,No,Overall,Overall,531,10.6,9.5,11.7,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic34,02,BO1,CAT1,INTERNET,RESP054,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Health Care Access/Coverage,Health Care Cost,Was there a time in the past 12 months when you needed to see a doctor but could not because of cost?,No,Overall,Overall,3924,88.4,87,89.8,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic28,02,BO1,CAT1,MEDCOST,RESP054,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Health Care Access/Coverage,Personal Care Provider,Do you have one person you think of as your personal doctor or health care provider?,More than one,Overall,Overall,565,12.6,11.2,13.9,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic43,02,BO1,CAT1,PERSDOC2,RESP053,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Demographics,Disability status,"Adults who are limited in any activities because of physical, mental, or emotional problems",No,Overall,Overall,3267,80.8,79.3,82.4,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,02,BO1,CAT1,QLACTLM2,RESP054,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Immunization,Shingle Vaccination,Have you ever had the shingles or zoster vaccine?,No,Overall,Overall,1852,76.1,73.7,78.4,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS11,Topic63,02,BO1,CAT1,SHINGLE2,RESP054,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Demographics,Disability status,Adults with health problem(s) that requires the use of special equipment,No,Overall,Overall,3875,93,92.1,93.9,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,02,BO1,CAT1,USEEQUIP,RESP054,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Tobacco Use,Smokeless Tobacco,"Do you currently use chewing tobacco, snuff, or snus?",Some days,Overall,Overall,77,2.2,1.6,2.8,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic54,02,BO1,CAT1,USENOW3,RESP080,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Demographics,Veteran Status,Have you ever served on active duty in the United States Armed Forces?,No,Overall,Overall,3667,83.6,82.2,85.1,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic61,02,BO1,CAT1,VETERAN3,RESP054,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Oral Health,All Teeth Removed,Adults aged 65+ who have had all their natural teeth extracted (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,826,84.5,80.7,88.4,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS13,Topic04,02,BO1,CAT1,_ALTETH2,RESP054,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Overweight and Obesity (BMI),BMI Categories,Weight classification by Body Mass Index (BMI) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Overweight (BMI 25.0-29.9),Overall,Overall,1487,35.2,33.1,37.2,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS14,Topic09,02,BO1,CAT1,_BMI5CAT,RESP040,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Chronic Health Indicators,Asthma,Adults who have been told they currently have asthma (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,3993,91.9,90.7,93.1,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic06,02,BO1,CAT1,_CASTHM1,RESP054,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Colorectal Cancer Screening,USPSTF Recommendations,Respondents aged 50-75 who have fully met the USPSTF recommendation (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Did not meet USPSTF recommendations for testing,Overall,Overall,782,38.5,35.6,41.4,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic64,02,BO1,CAT1,_CRCREC,RESP193,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Oral Health,Dental Visit,Visited the dentist or dental clinic within the past year for any reason (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,1443,35.8,33.8,37.9,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS13,Topic16,02,BO1,CAT1,_DENVST2,RESP054,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Chronic Health Indicators,Arthritis,Adults who have been told they have arthritis (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,3091,77.7,76.3,79.2,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic05,02,BO1,CAT1,_DRDXAR1,RESP054,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Oral Health,Teeth Removed,Adults that have had any permanent teeth extracted (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,2285,57.6,55.6,59.6,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS13,Topic57,02,BO1,CAT1,_EXTETH2,RESP054,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Immunization,Flu Shot,Adults aged 65+ who have had a flu shot within the past year (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,460,48,43.4,52.6,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS11,Topic26,02,BO1,CAT1,_FLSHOT6,RESP054,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Health Care Access/Coverage,Under 65 Coverage,Adults aged 18-64 who have any kind of health care coverage (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,430,17.5,15.5,19.4,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic59,02,BO1,CAT1,_HCVU651,RESP054,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Chronic Health Indicators,Asthma,Adults who have ever been told they have asthma (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,3826,87.6,86.2,89,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic06,02,BO1,CAT1,_LTASTH1,RESP054,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Women's Health,Mammogram,Women aged 50-74 who have had a mammogram within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Did not receive a mammogram within the past 2 years,Overall,Overall,359,30.8,27,34.5,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic37,02,BO1,CAT1,_MAM5021,RESP187,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Women's Health,Mammogram,Women aged 50+ who have had a mammogram within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,434,32.4,28.6,36.2,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic37,02,BO1,CAT1,_MAM502Y,RESP054,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Immunization,Pneumonia Vaccination,Adults aged 65+ who have ever had a pneumonia vaccination (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,329,38.6,34,43.2,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS11,Topic46,02,BO1,CAT1,_PNEUMO2,RESP054,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Alcohol Consumption,Binge Drinking,"Binge drinkers (males having five or more drinks on one occasion, females having four or more drinks on one occasion) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions)",No,Overall,Overall,3437,80,78.3,81.8,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS01,Topic07,02,BO1,CAT1,_RFBING5,RESP054,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Colorectal Cancer Screening,Blood Stool Test,Adults aged 50+ who have had a blood stool test within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,2184,91.7,90.2,93.2,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic08,02,BO1,CAT1,_RFBLDS2,RESP054,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Colorectal Cancer Screening,Blood Stool Test,Adults aged 50-75 who have had a blood stool test within the past year (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Have not had a blood stool test in the past year,Overall,Overall,2017,95.4,94.2,96.6,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic08,02,BO1,CAT1,_RFBLDS3,RESP191,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Alcohol Consumption,Heavy Drinking,Heavy drinkers (adult men having more than two drinks per day and adult women having more than one drink per day) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,3776,91.4,90.2,92.6,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS01,Topic30,02,BO1,CAT1,_RFDRHV4,RESP054,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Health Status,Fair or Poor Health,Health Status (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Fair or Poor Health,Overall,Overall,617,13.4,12.1,14.8,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic24,02,BO1,CAT1,_RFHLTH,RESP062,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Women's Health,Mammogram,Women aged 40+ who have had a mammogram within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,608,38.6,35.3,42,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic37,02,BO1,CAT1,_RFMAM2Y,RESP054,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Women's Health,Pap Test,Women aged 18+ who have had a pap test within the past three years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,443,29.3,26.1,32.5,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic42,02,BO1,CAT1,_RFPAP32,RESP054,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Women's Health,Pap Test,Women aged 21-65 who have had a pap test in the past three years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Did not receive a Pap test within the past 3 years,Overall,Overall,286,21.4,18.2,24.5,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic42,02,BO1,CAT1,_RFPAP33,RESP189,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Prostate Cancer,PSA Test,Men aged 40+ who have had a PSA test within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,786,65.3,62,68.6,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS16,Topic47,02,BO1,CAT1,_RFPSA21,RESP054,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Injury,Seatbelt Use,Always wears a seat belt? (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Does Not Always Wear a Seatbelt,Overall,Overall,727,16.1,14.5,17.7,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS12,Topic50,02,BO1,CAT1,_RFSEAT3,RESP185,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Colorectal Cancer Screening,Sigmoidoscopy,Adults aged 50+ who have ever had a sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,793,33,30.4,35.6,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic52,02,BO1,CAT1,_RFSIGM2,RESP054,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Tobacco Use,Current Smoker Status,Adults who are current smokers (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,3477,80.5,78.8,82.2,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic15,02,BO1,CAT1,_RFSMOK3,RESP054,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Tobacco Use,Smoker Status,Four Level Smoking Status (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Smoke some days,Overall,Overall,226,6.4,5.3,7.5,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic55,02,BO1,CAT1,_SMOKER3,RESP069,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Physical Activity,Exercise,"During the past month, did you participate in any physical activities? (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions)",No,Overall,Overall,815,19.2,17.5,20.8,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS15,Topic23,02,BO1,CAT1,_TOTINDA,RESP054,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Health Care Access/Coverage,Last Checkup,About how long has it been since you last visited a doctor for a routine checkup?,Within the past 5 years,Overall,Overall,415,11.7,10.2,13.2,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic36,02,BO1,CAT1,CHECKUP1,RESP065,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Chronic Health Indicators,Diabetes,Have you ever been told by a doctor that you have diabetes?,"No, pre-diabetes or borderline diabetes",Overall,Overall,77,1.5,1,2,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic18,02,BO1,CAT1,DIABETE3,RESP052,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Health Status,Overall Health,How is your general health?,Good,Overall,Overall,1327,30.4,28.5,32.4,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic41,02,BO1,CAT1,GENHLTH,RESP058,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Health Care Access/Coverage,Personal Care Provider,Do you have one person you think of as your personal doctor or health care provider?,No,Overall,Overall,1152,34.2,32.2,36.2,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic43,02,BO1,CAT1,PERSDOC2,RESP054,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Tobacco Use,Smokeless Tobacco,"Do you currently use chewing tobacco, snuff, or snus?",Not at all,Overall,Overall,4006,94.8,93.8,95.7,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic54,02,BO1,CAT1,USENOW3,RESP081,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Overweight and Obesity (BMI),BMI Categories,Weight classification by Body Mass Index (BMI) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Normal Weight (BMI 18.5-24.9),Overall,Overall,1362,34.3,32.2,36.4,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS14,Topic09,02,BO1,CAT1,_BMI5CAT,RESP041,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Tobacco Use,Smoker Status,Four Level Smoking Status (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Former smoker,Overall,Overall,1247,26,24.3,27.8,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic55,02,BO1,CAT1,_SMOKER3,RESP070,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Health Care Access/Coverage,Last Checkup,About how long has it been since you last visited a doctor for a routine checkup?,5 or more years ago,Overall,Overall,473,13.3,11.7,14.8,4,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic36,02,BO1,CAT1,CHECKUP1,RESP066,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Chronic Health Indicators,Diabetes,Have you ever been told by a doctor that you have diabetes?,No,Overall,Overall,3861,90.1,89,91.2,4,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic18,02,BO1,CAT1,DIABETE3,RESP054,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Health Status,Overall Health,How is your general health?,Fair,Overall,Overall,438,9.7,8.4,10.9,4,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic41,02,BO1,CAT1,GENHLTH,RESP059,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Overweight and Obesity (BMI),BMI Categories,Weight classification by Body Mass Index (BMI) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Underweight (BMI 12.0-18.4),Overall,Overall,54,1.2,0.7,1.7,4,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS14,Topic09,02,BO1,CAT1,_BMI5CAT,RESP042,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Tobacco Use,Smoker Status,Four Level Smoking Status (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Never smoked,Overall,Overall,2230,54.5,52.4,56.6,4,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic55,02,BO1,CAT1,_SMOKER3,RESP071,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Health Care Access/Coverage,Last Checkup,About how long has it been since you last visited a doctor for a routine checkup?,Never,Overall,Overall,35,0,0,0,5,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic36,02,BO1,CAT1,CHECKUP1,RESP067,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AK,Alaska,Health Status,Overall Health,How is your general health?,Poor,Overall,Overall,179,3.8,3,4.5,5,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic41,02,BO1,CAT1,GENHLTH,RESP060,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Chronic Health Indicators,Depression,Ever told you that you have a form of depression?,Yes,Overall,Overall,2809,18.7,17.6,19.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic17,04,BO1,CAT1,ADDEPEV2,RESP046,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Demographics,Disability status,"Are you blind or do you have serious difficulty seeing, even when wearing glasses?",Yes,Overall,Overall,743,4.7,4.1,5.4,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,04,BO1,CAT1,BLIND,RESP046,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Chronic Health Indicators,COPD,Ever told you have COPD?,Yes,Overall,Overall,1416,6.5,5.9,7,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic14,04,BO1,CAT1,CHCCOPD1,RESP046,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Chronic Health Indicators,Kidney,Ever told you have kidney disease?,Yes,Overall,Overall,792,3.2,2.8,3.6,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic35,04,BO1,CAT1,CHCKIDNY,RESP046,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Chronic Health Indicators,Other Cancer,Ever told you had any other types of cancer?,Yes,Overall,Overall,1648,6.3,5.8,6.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic40,04,BO1,CAT1,CHCOCNCR,RESP046,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Chronic Health Indicators,Skin Cancer,Ever told you had skin cancer?,Yes,Overall,Overall,2209,7.4,6.9,7.9,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic53,04,BO1,CAT1,CHCSCNCR,RESP046,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Health Care Access/Coverage,Last Checkup,About how long has it been since you last visited a doctor for a routine checkup?,Within the past year,Overall,Overall,10859,63.4,61.9,64.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic36,04,BO1,CAT1,CHECKUP1,RESP063,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Chronic Health Indicators,Cardiovascular Disease,Ever told you had angina or coronary heart disease?,Yes,Overall,Overall,1022,3.6,3.2,3.9,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic10,04,BO1,CAT1,CVDCRHD4,RESP046,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Chronic Health Indicators,Cardiovascular Disease,Ever told you had a heart attack (myocardial infarction)?,Yes,Overall,Overall,986,3.9,3.5,4.3,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic10,04,BO1,CAT1,CVDINFR4,RESP046,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Demographics,Disability status,"Do you have serious difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions?",Yes,Overall,Overall,1333,10.8,9.8,11.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,04,BO1,CAT1,DECIDE,RESP046,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Chronic Health Indicators,Diabetes,Have you ever been told by a doctor that you have diabetes?,Yes,Overall,Overall,2024,9.2,8.5,9.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic18,04,BO1,CAT1,DIABETE3,RESP046,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Demographics,Disability status,Do you have difficulty doing errands alone?,Yes,Overall,Overall,1156,6.2,5.6,6.9,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,04,BO1,CAT1,DIFFALON,RESP046,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Demographics,Disability status,Do you have difficulty dressing or bathing?,Yes,Overall,Overall,651,3.4,2.9,3.9,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,04,BO1,CAT1,DIFFDRES,RESP046,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Demographics,Disability status,Do you have serious difficulty walking or climbing stairs?,Yes,Overall,Overall,2790,13.3,12.4,14.1,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,04,BO1,CAT1,DIFFWALK,RESP046,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Alcohol Consumption,Alcohol Consumption,Adults who have had at least one drink of alcohol within the past 30 days,Yes,Overall,Overall,7093,51.9,50.4,53.4,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS01,Topic03,04,BO1,CAT1,DRNKANY5,RESP046,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Health Status,Overall Health,How is your general health?,Excellent,Overall,Overall,2668,19.7,18.5,20.9,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic41,04,BO1,CAT1,GENHLTH,RESP056,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,HIV-AIDS,HIV Test,Have you ever been tested for HIV?,Yes,Overall,Overall,3319,35.1,33.6,36.6,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS09,Topic32,04,BO1,CAT1,HIVTST6,RESP046,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Health Care Access/Coverage,Health Care Coverage,Do you have any kind of health care coverage?,Yes,Overall,Overall,13749,84.7,83.4,85.9,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic29,04,BO1,CAT1,HLTHPLN1,RESP046,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Demographics,Internet,Have you used the internet in the past 30 days?,Yes,Overall,Overall,11540,84,83,85,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic34,04,BO1,CAT1,INTERNET,RESP046,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Health Care Access/Coverage,Health Care Cost,Was there a time in the past 12 months when you needed to see a doctor but could not because of cost?,Yes,Overall,Overall,1623,16.1,14.9,17.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic28,04,BO1,CAT1,MEDCOST,RESP046,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Health Care Access/Coverage,Personal Care Provider,Do you have one person you think of as your personal doctor or health care provider?,"Yes, only one",Overall,Overall,11568,64.2,62.8,65.6,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic43,04,BO1,CAT1,PERSDOC2,RESP050,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Demographics,Disability status,"Adults who are limited in any activities because of physical, mental, or emotional problems",Yes,Overall,Overall,3845,20.8,19.6,21.9,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,04,BO1,CAT1,QLACTLM2,RESP046,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Immunization,Shingle Vaccination,Have you ever had the shingles or zoster vaccine?,Yes,Overall,Overall,3021,23.8,22.8,24.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS11,Topic63,04,BO1,CAT1,SHINGLE2,RESP046,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Demographics,Disability status,Adults with health problem(s) that requires the use of special equipment,Yes,Overall,Overall,2002,8.2,7.6,8.9,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,04,BO1,CAT1,USEEQUIP,RESP046,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Tobacco Use,Smokeless Tobacco,"Do you currently use chewing tobacco, snuff, or snus?",Every day,Overall,Overall,142,1.4,1.1,1.7,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic54,04,BO1,CAT1,USENOW3,RESP079,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Demographics,Veteran Status,Have you ever served on active duty in the United States Armed Forces?,Yes,Overall,Overall,2491,11.8,11,12.5,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic61,04,BO1,CAT1,VETERAN3,RESP046,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Oral Health,All Teeth Removed,Adults aged 65+ who have had all their natural teeth extracted (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,714,12.5,11.3,13.7,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS13,Topic04,04,BO1,CAT1,_ALTETH2,RESP046,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Overweight and Obesity (BMI),BMI Categories,Weight classification by Body Mass Index (BMI) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Obese (BMI 30.0 - 99.8),Overall,Overall,3777,28.9,27.5,30.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS14,Topic09,04,BO1,CAT1,_BMI5CAT,RESP039,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Chronic Health Indicators,Asthma,Adults who have been told they currently have asthma (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,1456,9.7,8.8,10.5,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic06,04,BO1,CAT1,_CASTHM1,RESP046,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Colorectal Cancer Screening,USPSTF Recommendations,Respondents aged 50-75 who have fully met the USPSTF recommendation (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Met USPSTF recommendations for testing,Overall,Overall,5004,63.3,61.7,65,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic64,04,BO1,CAT1,_CRCREC,RESP192,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Oral Health,Dental Visit,Visited the dentist or dental clinic within the past year for any reason (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,9652,58.5,57.1,60,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS13,Topic16,04,BO1,CAT1,_DENVST2,RESP046,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Chronic Health Indicators,Arthritis,Adults who have been told they have arthritis (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,5566,22.9,22,23.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic05,04,BO1,CAT1,_DRDXAR1,RESP046,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Oral Health,Teeth Removed,Adults that have had any permanent teeth extracted (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,7641,41.8,40.5,43.1,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS13,Topic57,04,BO1,CAT1,_EXTETH2,RESP046,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Immunization,Flu Shot,Adults aged 65+ who have had a flu shot within the past year (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,3521,56.4,54.6,58.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS11,Topic26,04,BO1,CAT1,_FLSHOT6,RESP046,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Health Care Access/Coverage,Under 65 Coverage,Adults aged 18-64 who have any kind of health care coverage (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,7047,81.8,80.3,83.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic59,04,BO1,CAT1,_HCVU651,RESP046,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Chronic Health Indicators,Asthma,Adults who have ever been told they have asthma (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,2102,14.5,13.5,15.6,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic06,04,BO1,CAT1,_LTASTH1,RESP046,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Women's Health,Mammogram,Women aged 50-74 who have had a mammogram within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Received a mammogram within the past 2 years,Overall,Overall,3388,75.9,73.8,77.9,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic37,04,BO1,CAT1,_MAM5021,RESP186,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Women's Health,Mammogram,Women aged 50+ who have had a mammogram within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,4522,74.4,72.7,76.1,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic37,04,BO1,CAT1,_MAM502Y,RESP046,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Immunization,Pneumonia Vaccination,Adults aged 65+ who have ever had a pneumonia vaccination (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,4272,71.7,70,73.3,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS11,Topic46,04,BO1,CAT1,_PNEUMO2,RESP046,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Alcohol Consumption,Binge Drinking,"Binge drinkers (males having five or more drinks on one occasion, females having four or more drinks on one occasion) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions)",Yes,Overall,Overall,1224,15.7,14.5,17,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS01,Topic07,04,BO1,CAT1,_RFBING5,RESP046,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Colorectal Cancer Screening,Blood Stool Test,Adults aged 50+ who have had a blood stool test within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,1751,16,15.1,17,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic08,04,BO1,CAT1,_RFBLDS2,RESP046,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Colorectal Cancer Screening,Blood Stool Test,Adults aged 50-75 who have had a blood stool test within the past year (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Had a blood stool test in the past year,Overall,Overall,820,10,9.1,11,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic08,04,BO1,CAT1,_RFBLDS3,RESP190,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Alcohol Consumption,Heavy Drinking,Heavy drinkers (adult men having more than two drinks per day and adult women having more than one drink per day) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,732,5.9,5.2,6.6,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS01,Topic30,04,BO1,CAT1,_RFDRHV4,RESP046,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Health Status,Fair or Poor Health,Health Status (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Good or Better Health,Overall,Overall,11902,81.6,80.5,82.7,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic24,04,BO1,CAT1,_RFHLTH,RESP061,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Women's Health,Mammogram,Women aged 40+ who have had a mammogram within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,5094,68.8,66.9,70.7,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic37,04,BO1,CAT1,_RFMAM2Y,RESP046,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Women's Health,Pap Test,Women aged 18+ who have had a pap test within the past three years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,3599,71.2,69.1,73.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic42,04,BO1,CAT1,_RFPAP32,RESP046,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Women's Health,Pap Test,Women aged 21-65 who have had a pap test in the past three years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Received a Pap test within the past 3 years,Overall,Overall,2680,79.8,77.6,81.9,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic42,04,BO1,CAT1,_RFPAP33,RESP188,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Prostate Cancer,PSA Test,Men aged 40+ who have had a PSA test within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,2369,39,36.9,41.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS16,Topic47,04,BO1,CAT1,_RFPSA21,RESP046,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Injury,Seatbelt Use,Always wears a seat belt? (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Always Wears a Seatbelt,Overall,Overall,12279,84.9,83.8,86.1,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS12,Topic50,04,BO1,CAT1,_RFSEAT3,RESP184,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Colorectal Cancer Screening,Sigmoidoscopy,Adults aged 50+ who have ever had a sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,7250,68,66.6,69.4,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic52,04,BO1,CAT1,_RFSIGM2,RESP046,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Tobacco Use,Current Smoker Status,Adults who are current smokers (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,1811,16.9,15.7,18.1,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic15,04,BO1,CAT1,_RFSMOK3,RESP046,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Tobacco Use,Smoker Status,Four Level Smoking Status (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Smoke everyday,Overall,Overall,1266,11.2,10.3,12.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic55,04,BO1,CAT1,_SMOKER3,RESP068,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Physical Activity,Exercise,"During the past month, did you participate in any physical activities? (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions)",Yes,Overall,Overall,11484,79.2,78,80.4,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS15,Topic23,04,BO1,CAT1,_TOTINDA,RESP046,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Chronic Health Indicators,Depression,Ever told you that you have a form of depression?,No,Overall,Overall,11992,81.3,80.2,82.4,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic17,04,BO1,CAT1,ADDEPEV2,RESP054,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Demographics,Disability status,"Are you blind or do you have serious difficulty seeing, even when wearing glasses?",No,Overall,Overall,13411,95.3,94.6,95.9,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,04,BO1,CAT1,BLIND,RESP054,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Chronic Health Indicators,COPD,Ever told you have COPD?,No,Overall,Overall,13364,93.5,93,94.1,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic14,04,BO1,CAT1,CHCCOPD1,RESP054,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Chronic Health Indicators,Kidney,Ever told you have kidney disease?,No,Overall,Overall,14006,96.8,96.4,97.2,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic35,04,BO1,CAT1,CHCKIDNY,RESP054,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Chronic Health Indicators,Other Cancer,Ever told you had any other types of cancer?,No,Overall,Overall,13174,93.7,93.2,94.2,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic40,04,BO1,CAT1,CHCOCNCR,RESP054,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Chronic Health Indicators,Skin Cancer,Ever told you had skin cancer?,No,Overall,Overall,12604,92.6,92.1,93.1,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic53,04,BO1,CAT1,CHCSCNCR,RESP054,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Health Care Access/Coverage,Last Checkup,About how long has it been since you last visited a doctor for a routine checkup?,Within the past 2 years,Overall,Overall,1827,15.9,14.7,17,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic36,04,BO1,CAT1,CHECKUP1,RESP064,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Chronic Health Indicators,Cardiovascular Disease,Ever told you had angina or coronary heart disease?,No,Overall,Overall,13709,96.4,96.1,96.8,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic10,04,BO1,CAT1,CVDCRHD4,RESP054,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Chronic Health Indicators,Cardiovascular Disease,Ever told you had a heart attack (myocardial infarction)?,No,Overall,Overall,13795,96.1,95.7,96.5,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic10,04,BO1,CAT1,CVDINFR4,RESP054,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Chronic Health Indicators,Cardiovascular Disease,Ever told you had a stroke?,No,Overall,Overall,14116,97.3,97,97.7,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic10,04,BO1,CAT1,CVDSTRK3,RESP054,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Demographics,Disability status,"Do you have serious difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions?",No,Overall,Overall,12741,89.2,88.2,90.2,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,04,BO1,CAT1,DECIDE,RESP054,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Chronic Health Indicators,Diabetes,Have you ever been told by a doctor that you have diabetes?,"Yes, pregnancy-related",Overall,Overall,122,1,0.7,1.3,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic18,04,BO1,CAT1,DIABETE3,RESP051,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Demographics,Disability status,Do you have difficulty doing errands alone?,No,Overall,Overall,12925,93.8,93.1,94.4,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,04,BO1,CAT1,DIFFALON,RESP054,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Demographics,Disability status,Do you have difficulty dressing or bathing?,No,Overall,Overall,13475,96.6,96.1,97.1,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,04,BO1,CAT1,DIFFDRES,RESP054,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Demographics,Disability status,Do you have serious difficulty walking or climbing stairs?,No,Overall,Overall,11308,86.7,85.9,87.6,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,04,BO1,CAT1,DIFFWALK,RESP054,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Alcohol Consumption,Alcohol Consumption,Adults who have had at least one drink of alcohol within the past 30 days,No,Overall,Overall,6823,48.1,46.6,49.6,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS01,Topic03,04,BO1,CAT1,DRNKANY5,RESP054,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Health Status,Overall Health,How is your general health?,Very good,Overall,Overall,4807,31.4,30.1,32.8,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic41,04,BO1,CAT1,GENHLTH,RESP057,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,HIV-AIDS,HIV Test,Have you ever been tested for HIV?,No,Overall,Overall,9757,64.9,63.4,66.4,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS09,Topic32,04,BO1,CAT1,HIVTST6,RESP054,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Health Care Access/Coverage,Health Care Coverage,Do you have any kind of health care coverage?,No,Overall,Overall,1053,15.3,14.1,16.6,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic29,04,BO1,CAT1,HLTHPLN1,RESP054,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Demographics,Internet,Have you used the internet in the past 30 days?,No,Overall,Overall,2879,16,15,17,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic34,04,BO1,CAT1,INTERNET,RESP054,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Health Care Access/Coverage,Health Care Cost,Was there a time in the past 12 months when you needed to see a doctor but could not because of cost?,No,Overall,Overall,13182,83.9,82.8,85.1,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic28,04,BO1,CAT1,MEDCOST,RESP054,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Health Care Access/Coverage,Personal Care Provider,Do you have one person you think of as your personal doctor or health care provider?,More than one,Overall,Overall,941,6.1,5.4,6.8,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic43,04,BO1,CAT1,PERSDOC2,RESP053,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Demographics,Disability status,"Adults who are limited in any activities because of physical, mental, or emotional problems",No,Overall,Overall,10334,79.2,78.1,80.4,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,04,BO1,CAT1,QLACTLM2,RESP054,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Immunization,Shingle Vaccination,Have you ever had the shingles or zoster vaccine?,No,Overall,Overall,7147,76.2,75.2,77.2,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS11,Topic63,04,BO1,CAT1,SHINGLE2,RESP054,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Demographics,Disability status,Adults with health problem(s) that requires the use of special equipment,No,Overall,Overall,12214,91.8,91.1,92.4,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,04,BO1,CAT1,USEEQUIP,RESP054,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Tobacco Use,Smokeless Tobacco,"Do you currently use chewing tobacco, snuff, or snus?",Some days,Overall,Overall,135,1.9,1.4,2.3,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic54,04,BO1,CAT1,USENOW3,RESP080,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Demographics,Veteran Status,Have you ever served on active duty in the United States Armed Forces?,No,Overall,Overall,12341,88.2,87.5,89,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic61,04,BO1,CAT1,VETERAN3,RESP054,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Oral Health,All Teeth Removed,Adults aged 65+ who have had all their natural teeth extracted (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,5534,87.5,86.3,88.7,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS13,Topic04,04,BO1,CAT1,_ALTETH2,RESP054,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Overweight and Obesity (BMI),BMI Categories,Weight classification by Body Mass Index (BMI) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Overweight (BMI 25.0-29.9),Overall,Overall,5069,34.6,33.2,36,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS14,Topic09,04,BO1,CAT1,_BMI5CAT,RESP040,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Chronic Health Indicators,Asthma,Adults who have been told they currently have asthma (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,13294,90.3,89.5,91.2,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic06,04,BO1,CAT1,_CASTHM1,RESP054,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Colorectal Cancer Screening,USPSTF Recommendations,Respondents aged 50-75 who have fully met the USPSTF recommendation (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Did not meet USPSTF recommendations for testing,Overall,Overall,2307,36.7,35,38.3,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic64,04,BO1,CAT1,_CRCREC,RESP193,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Oral Health,Dental Visit,Visited the dentist or dental clinic within the past year for any reason (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,5080,41.5,40,42.9,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS13,Topic16,04,BO1,CAT1,_DENVST2,RESP054,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Chronic Health Indicators,Arthritis,Adults who have been told they have arthritis (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,9228,77.1,76.2,78,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic05,04,BO1,CAT1,_DRDXAR1,RESP054,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Oral Health,Teeth Removed,Adults that have had any permanent teeth extracted (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,6794,58.2,56.9,59.5,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS13,Topic57,04,BO1,CAT1,_EXTETH2,RESP054,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Immunization,Flu Shot,Adults aged 65+ who have had a flu shot within the past year (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,2602,43.6,41.9,45.4,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS11,Topic26,04,BO1,CAT1,_FLSHOT6,RESP054,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Health Care Access/Coverage,Under 65 Coverage,Adults aged 18-64 who have any kind of health care coverage (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,989,18.2,16.8,19.7,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic59,04,BO1,CAT1,_HCVU651,RESP054,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Chronic Health Indicators,Asthma,Adults who have ever been told they have asthma (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,12719,85.5,84.4,86.5,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic06,04,BO1,CAT1,_LTASTH1,RESP054,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Women's Health,Mammogram,Women aged 50-74 who have had a mammogram within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Did not receive a mammogram within the past 2 years,Overall,Overall,1010,24.1,22.1,26.2,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic37,04,BO1,CAT1,_MAM5021,RESP187,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Women's Health,Mammogram,Women aged 50+ who have had a mammogram within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,1541,25.6,23.9,27.3,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic37,04,BO1,CAT1,_MAM502Y,RESP054,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Immunization,Pneumonia Vaccination,Adults aged 65+ who have ever had a pneumonia vaccination (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,1646,28.3,26.7,30,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS11,Topic46,04,BO1,CAT1,_PNEUMO2,RESP054,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Alcohol Consumption,Binge Drinking,"Binge drinkers (males having five or more drinks on one occasion, females having four or more drinks on one occasion) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions)",No,Overall,Overall,12519,84.3,83,85.5,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS01,Topic07,04,BO1,CAT1,_RFBING5,RESP054,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Colorectal Cancer Screening,Blood Stool Test,Adults aged 50+ who have had a blood stool test within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,8029,84,83,84.9,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic08,04,BO1,CAT1,_RFBLDS2,RESP054,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Colorectal Cancer Screening,Blood Stool Test,Adults aged 50-75 who have had a blood stool test within the past year (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Have not had a blood stool test in the past year,Overall,Overall,6663,90,89,90.9,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic08,04,BO1,CAT1,_RFBLDS3,RESP191,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Alcohol Consumption,Heavy Drinking,Heavy drinkers (adult men having more than two drinks per day and adult women having more than one drink per day) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,13019,94.1,93.4,94.8,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS01,Topic30,04,BO1,CAT1,_RFDRHV4,RESP054,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Health Status,Fair or Poor Health,Health Status (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Fair or Poor Health,Overall,Overall,2930,18.4,17.3,19.5,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic24,04,BO1,CAT1,_RFHLTH,RESP062,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Women's Health,Mammogram,Women aged 40+ who have had a mammogram within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,1897,31.2,29.3,33.1,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic37,04,BO1,CAT1,_RFMAM2Y,RESP054,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Women's Health,Pap Test,Women aged 18+ who have had a pap test within the past three years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,1532,28.8,26.8,30.9,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic42,04,BO1,CAT1,_RFPAP32,RESP054,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Women's Health,Pap Test,Women aged 21-65 who have had a pap test in the past three years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Did not receive a Pap test within the past 3 years,Overall,Overall,662,20.2,18.1,22.4,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic42,04,BO1,CAT1,_RFPAP33,RESP189,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Prostate Cancer,PSA Test,Men aged 40+ who have had a PSA test within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,1939,61,58.8,63.1,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS16,Topic47,04,BO1,CAT1,_RFPSA21,RESP054,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Injury,Seatbelt Use,Always wears a seat belt? (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Does Not Always Wear a Seatbelt,Overall,Overall,1504,15.1,13.9,16.2,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS12,Topic50,04,BO1,CAT1,_RFSEAT3,RESP185,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Colorectal Cancer Screening,Sigmoidoscopy,Adults aged 50+ who have ever had a sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,2665,32,30.6,33.4,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic52,04,BO1,CAT1,_RFSIGM2,RESP054,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Tobacco Use,Current Smoker Status,Adults who are current smokers (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,12191,83.1,81.9,84.3,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic15,04,BO1,CAT1,_RFSMOK3,RESP054,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Tobacco Use,Smoker Status,Four Level Smoking Status (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Smoke some days,Overall,Overall,545,5.7,4.9,6.4,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic55,04,BO1,CAT1,_SMOKER3,RESP069,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Physical Activity,Exercise,"During the past month, did you participate in any physical activities? (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions)",No,Overall,Overall,3345,20.8,19.6,22,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS15,Topic23,04,BO1,CAT1,_TOTINDA,RESP054,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Health Care Access/Coverage,Last Checkup,About how long has it been since you last visited a doctor for a routine checkup?,Within the past 5 years,Overall,Overall,1005,11.7,10.6,12.7,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic36,04,BO1,CAT1,CHECKUP1,RESP065,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Chronic Health Indicators,Diabetes,Have you ever been told by a doctor that you have diabetes?,"No, pre-diabetes or borderline diabetes",Overall,Overall,234,1.4,1.1,1.8,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic18,04,BO1,CAT1,DIABETE3,RESP052,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Health Status,Overall Health,How is your general health?,Good,Overall,Overall,4427,30.5,29.1,31.8,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic41,04,BO1,CAT1,GENHLTH,RESP058,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Health Care Access/Coverage,Personal Care Provider,Do you have one person you think of as your personal doctor or health care provider?,No,Overall,Overall,2278,29.7,28.3,31.1,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic43,04,BO1,CAT1,PERSDOC2,RESP054,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Tobacco Use,Smokeless Tobacco,"Do you currently use chewing tobacco, snuff, or snus?",Not at all,Overall,Overall,13778,96.7,96.2,97.3,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic54,04,BO1,CAT1,USENOW3,RESP081,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Overweight and Obesity (BMI),BMI Categories,Weight classification by Body Mass Index (BMI) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Normal Weight (BMI 18.5-24.9),Overall,Overall,4729,34.2,32.8,35.7,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS14,Topic09,04,BO1,CAT1,_BMI5CAT,RESP041,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Tobacco Use,Smoker Status,Four Level Smoking Status (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Former smoker,Overall,Overall,4638,25.2,24,26.4,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic55,04,BO1,CAT1,_SMOKER3,RESP070,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Health Care Access/Coverage,Last Checkup,About how long has it been since you last visited a doctor for a routine checkup?,5 or more years ago,Overall,Overall,838,9.1,8.1,10,4,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic36,04,BO1,CAT1,CHECKUP1,RESP066,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Chronic Health Indicators,Diabetes,Have you ever been told by a doctor that you have diabetes?,No,Overall,Overall,12451,88.4,87.6,89.1,4,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic18,04,BO1,CAT1,DIABETE3,RESP054,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Health Status,Overall Health,How is your general health?,Fair,Overall,Overall,2121,14.2,13.2,15.2,4,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic41,04,BO1,CAT1,GENHLTH,RESP059,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Overweight and Obesity (BMI),BMI Categories,Weight classification by Body Mass Index (BMI) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Underweight (BMI 12.0-18.4),Overall,Overall,274,2.3,1.8,2.8,4,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS14,Topic09,04,BO1,CAT1,_BMI5CAT,RESP042,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Tobacco Use,Smoker Status,Four Level Smoking Status (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Never smoked,Overall,Overall,7553,57.9,56.4,59.3,4,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic55,04,BO1,CAT1,_SMOKER3,RESP071,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Health Care Access/Coverage,Last Checkup,About how long has it been since you last visited a doctor for a routine checkup?,Never,Overall,Overall,135,0,0,0,5,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic36,04,BO1,CAT1,CHECKUP1,RESP067,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AZ,Arizona,Health Status,Overall Health,How is your general health?,Poor,Overall,Overall,809,4.2,3.7,4.7,5,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic41,04,BO1,CAT1,GENHLTH,RESP060,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Chronic Health Indicators,Depression,Ever told you that you have a form of depression?,Yes,Overall,Overall,1111,21.5,19.6,23.3,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic17,05,BO1,CAT1,ADDEPEV2,RESP046,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Demographics,Disability status,"Are you blind or do you have serious difficulty seeing, even when wearing glasses?",Yes,Overall,Overall,405,6.3,5.2,7.3,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,05,BO1,CAT1,BLIND,RESP046,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Chronic Health Indicators,COPD,Ever told you have COPD?,Yes,Overall,Overall,650,8.2,7.2,9.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic14,05,BO1,CAT1,CHCCOPD1,RESP046,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Chronic Health Indicators,Kidney,Ever told you have kidney disease?,Yes,Overall,Overall,246,2.7,2.2,3.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic35,05,BO1,CAT1,CHCKIDNY,RESP046,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Chronic Health Indicators,Other Cancer,Ever told you had any other types of cancer?,Yes,Overall,Overall,588,6.1,5.3,6.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic40,05,BO1,CAT1,CHCOCNCR,RESP046,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Chronic Health Indicators,Skin Cancer,Ever told you had skin cancer?,Yes,Overall,Overall,595,5.7,5,6.3,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic53,05,BO1,CAT1,CHCSCNCR,RESP046,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Health Care Access/Coverage,Last Checkup,About how long has it been since you last visited a doctor for a routine checkup?,Within the past year,Overall,Overall,3873,66.2,63.8,68.5,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic36,05,BO1,CAT1,CHECKUP1,RESP063,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Chronic Health Indicators,Cardiovascular Disease,Ever told you had angina or coronary heart disease?,Yes,Overall,Overall,525,5.5,4.7,6.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic10,05,BO1,CAT1,CVDCRHD4,RESP046,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Chronic Health Indicators,Cardiovascular Disease,Ever told you had a heart attack (myocardial infarction)?,Yes,Overall,Overall,510,5.9,5.1,6.7,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic10,05,BO1,CAT1,CVDINFR4,RESP046,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Chronic Health Indicators,Cardiovascular Disease,Ever told you had a stroke?,Yes,Overall,Overall,367,4.6,3.8,5.4,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic10,05,BO1,CAT1,CVDSTRK3,RESP046,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Demographics,Disability status,"Do you have serious difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions?",Yes,Overall,Overall,741,15.8,14.1,17.6,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,05,BO1,CAT1,DECIDE,RESP046,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Chronic Health Indicators,Diabetes,Have you ever been told by a doctor that you have diabetes?,Yes,Overall,Overall,966,11.5,10.4,12.6,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic18,05,BO1,CAT1,DIABETE3,RESP046,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Demographics,Disability status,Do you have difficulty doing errands alone?,Yes,Overall,Overall,614,10.7,9.3,12.1,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,05,BO1,CAT1,DIFFALON,RESP046,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Demographics,Disability status,Do you have difficulty dressing or bathing?,Yes,Overall,Overall,360,5.9,4.9,6.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,05,BO1,CAT1,DIFFDRES,RESP046,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Demographics,Disability status,Do you have serious difficulty walking or climbing stairs?,Yes,Overall,Overall,1423,20.1,18.5,21.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,05,BO1,CAT1,DIFFWALK,RESP046,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Alcohol Consumption,Alcohol Consumption,Adults who have had at least one drink of alcohol within the past 30 days,Yes,Overall,Overall,1645,41,38.6,43.4,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS01,Topic03,05,BO1,CAT1,DRNKANY5,RESP046,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Health Status,Overall Health,How is your general health?,Excellent,Overall,Overall,655,16,14.2,17.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic41,05,BO1,CAT1,GENHLTH,RESP056,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,HIV-AIDS,HIV Test,Have you ever been tested for HIV?,Yes,Overall,Overall,1098,36,33.6,38.4,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS09,Topic32,05,BO1,CAT1,HIVTST6,RESP046,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Health Care Access/Coverage,Health Care Coverage,Do you have any kind of health care coverage?,Yes,Overall,Overall,4782,82.5,80.4,84.5,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic29,05,BO1,CAT1,HLTHPLN1,RESP046,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Demographics,Internet,Have you used the internet in the past 30 days?,Yes,Overall,Overall,3364,79.6,78,81.1,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic34,05,BO1,CAT1,INTERNET,RESP046,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Health Care Access/Coverage,Health Care Cost,Was there a time in the past 12 months when you needed to see a doctor but could not because of cost?,Yes,Overall,Overall,668,19,17,20.9,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic28,05,BO1,CAT1,MEDCOST,RESP046,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Health Care Access/Coverage,Personal Care Provider,Do you have one person you think of as your personal doctor or health care provider?,"Yes, only one",Overall,Overall,4269,71.6,69.3,73.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic43,05,BO1,CAT1,PERSDOC2,RESP050,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Demographics,Disability status,"Adults who are limited in any activities because of physical, mental, or emotional problems",Yes,Overall,Overall,1615,25.4,23.6,27.3,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,05,BO1,CAT1,QLACTLM2,RESP046,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Immunization,Shingle Vaccination,Have you ever had the shingles or zoster vaccine?,Yes,Overall,Overall,844,19.6,18,21.1,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS11,Topic63,05,BO1,CAT1,SHINGLE2,RESP046,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Demographics,Disability status,Adults with health problem(s) that requires the use of special equipment,Yes,Overall,Overall,860,10.8,9.6,12.1,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,05,BO1,CAT1,USEEQUIP,RESP046,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Tobacco Use,Smokeless Tobacco,"Do you currently use chewing tobacco, snuff, or snus?",Every day,Overall,Overall,110,4.5,3.4,5.7,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic54,05,BO1,CAT1,USENOW3,RESP079,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Demographics,Veteran Status,Have you ever served on active duty in the United States Armed Forces?,Yes,Overall,Overall,809,12.5,11.1,13.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic61,05,BO1,CAT1,VETERAN3,RESP046,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Oral Health,All Teeth Removed,Adults aged 65+ who have had all their natural teeth extracted (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,466,22.4,19.9,24.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS13,Topic04,05,BO1,CAT1,_ALTETH2,RESP046,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Overweight and Obesity (BMI),BMI Categories,Weight classification by Body Mass Index (BMI) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Obese (BMI 30.0 - 99.8),Overall,Overall,1672,35.9,33.6,38.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS14,Topic09,05,BO1,CAT1,_BMI5CAT,RESP039,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Chronic Health Indicators,Asthma,Adults who have been told they currently have asthma (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,467,8.6,7.4,9.9,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic06,05,BO1,CAT1,_CASTHM1,RESP046,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Colorectal Cancer Screening,USPSTF Recommendations,Respondents aged 50-75 who have fully met the USPSTF recommendation (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Met USPSTF recommendations for testing,Overall,Overall,1639,60.5,57.9,63.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic64,05,BO1,CAT1,_CRCREC,RESP192,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Oral Health,Dental Visit,Visited the dentist or dental clinic within the past year for any reason (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,3047,57.3,55,59.6,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS13,Topic16,05,BO1,CAT1,_DENVST2,RESP046,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Chronic Health Indicators,Arthritis,Adults who have been told they have arthritis (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,2251,27.7,26.1,29.3,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic05,05,BO1,CAT1,_DRDXAR1,RESP046,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Oral Health,Teeth Removed,Adults that have had any permanent teeth extracted (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,3256,51.4,49.2,53.6,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS13,Topic57,05,BO1,CAT1,_EXTETH2,RESP046,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Immunization,Flu Shot,Adults aged 65+ who have had a flu shot within the past year (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,1386,64,61.4,66.7,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS11,Topic26,05,BO1,CAT1,_FLSHOT6,RESP046,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Health Care Access/Coverage,Under 65 Coverage,Adults aged 18-64 who have any kind of health care coverage (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,2386,79.2,76.8,81.6,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic59,05,BO1,CAT1,_HCVU651,RESP046,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Chronic Health Indicators,Asthma,Adults who have ever been told they have asthma (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,680,13.2,11.7,14.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic06,05,BO1,CAT1,_LTASTH1,RESP046,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Women's Health,Mammogram,Women aged 50-74 who have had a mammogram within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Received a mammogram within the past 2 years,Overall,Overall,1156,67.3,63.9,70.7,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic37,05,BO1,CAT1,_MAM5021,RESP186,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Women's Health,Mammogram,Women aged 50+ who have had a mammogram within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,1566,65.6,62.8,68.4,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic37,05,BO1,CAT1,_MAM502Y,RESP046,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Immunization,Pneumonia Vaccination,Adults aged 65+ who have ever had a pneumonia vaccination (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,1522,71,68.5,73.6,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS11,Topic46,05,BO1,CAT1,_PNEUMO2,RESP046,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Alcohol Consumption,Binge Drinking,"Binge drinkers (males having five or more drinks on one occasion, females having four or more drinks on one occasion) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions)",Yes,Overall,Overall,383,14.3,12.4,16.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS01,Topic07,05,BO1,CAT1,_RFBING5,RESP046,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Colorectal Cancer Screening,Blood Stool Test,Adults aged 50+ who have had a blood stool test within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,468,13,11.5,14.6,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic08,05,BO1,CAT1,_RFBLDS2,RESP046,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Colorectal Cancer Screening,Blood Stool Test,Adults aged 50-75 who have had a blood stool test within the past year (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Had a blood stool test in the past year,Overall,Overall,194,6.6,5.3,7.9,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic08,05,BO1,CAT1,_RFBLDS3,RESP190,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Alcohol Consumption,Heavy Drinking,Heavy drinkers (adult men having more than two drinks per day and adult women having more than one drink per day) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,197,5.3,4.1,6.4,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS01,Topic30,05,BO1,CAT1,_RFDRHV4,RESP046,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Health Status,Fair or Poor Health,Health Status (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Good or Better Health,Overall,Overall,3758,77.7,75.9,79.5,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic24,05,BO1,CAT1,_RFHLTH,RESP061,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Women's Health,Mammogram,Women aged 40+ who have had a mammogram within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,1769,63.2,60.2,66.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic37,05,BO1,CAT1,_RFMAM2Y,RESP046,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Women's Health,Pap Test,Women aged 18+ who have had a pap test within the past three years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,1125,71.2,68,74.3,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic42,05,BO1,CAT1,_RFPAP32,RESP046,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Women's Health,Pap Test,Women aged 21-65 who have had a pap test in the past three years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Received a Pap test within the past 3 years,Overall,Overall,811,77.7,74.1,81.3,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic42,05,BO1,CAT1,_RFPAP33,RESP188,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Prostate Cancer,PSA Test,Men aged 40+ who have had a PSA test within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,739,42.5,38.8,46.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS16,Topic47,05,BO1,CAT1,_RFPSA21,RESP046,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Injury,Seatbelt Use,Always wears a seat belt? (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Always Wears a Seatbelt,Overall,Overall,4156,81.9,80,83.9,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS12,Topic50,05,BO1,CAT1,_RFSEAT3,RESP184,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Colorectal Cancer Screening,Sigmoidoscopy,Adults aged 50+ who have ever had a sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,2426,64.6,62.4,66.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic52,05,BO1,CAT1,_RFSIGM2,RESP046,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Tobacco Use,Current Smoker Status,Adults who are current smokers (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,917,25.4,23.3,27.6,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic15,05,BO1,CAT1,_RFSMOK3,RESP046,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Tobacco Use,Smoker Status,Four Level Smoking Status (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Smoke everyday,Overall,Overall,643,18.1,16.2,20.1,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic55,05,BO1,CAT1,_SMOKER3,RESP068,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Physical Activity,Exercise,"During the past month, did you participate in any physical activities? (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions)",Yes,Overall,Overall,3418,70.6,68.6,72.5,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS15,Topic23,05,BO1,CAT1,_TOTINDA,RESP046,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Chronic Health Indicators,Depression,Ever told you that you have a form of depression?,No,Overall,Overall,4114,78.5,76.7,80.4,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic17,05,BO1,CAT1,ADDEPEV2,RESP054,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Demographics,Disability status,"Are you blind or do you have serious difficulty seeing, even when wearing glasses?",No,Overall,Overall,4578,93.7,92.7,94.8,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,05,BO1,CAT1,BLIND,RESP054,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Chronic Health Indicators,COPD,Ever told you have COPD?,No,Overall,Overall,4567,91.8,90.8,92.8,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic14,05,BO1,CAT1,CHCCOPD1,RESP054,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Chronic Health Indicators,Kidney,Ever told you have kidney disease?,No,Overall,Overall,4989,97.3,96.8,97.8,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic35,05,BO1,CAT1,CHCKIDNY,RESP054,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Chronic Health Indicators,Other Cancer,Ever told you had any other types of cancer?,No,Overall,Overall,4645,93.9,93.2,94.7,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic40,05,BO1,CAT1,CHCOCNCR,RESP054,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Chronic Health Indicators,Skin Cancer,Ever told you had skin cancer?,No,Overall,Overall,4639,94.3,93.7,95,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic53,05,BO1,CAT1,CHCSCNCR,RESP054,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Health Care Access/Coverage,Last Checkup,About how long has it been since you last visited a doctor for a routine checkup?,Within the past 2 years,Overall,Overall,484,11.8,10.2,13.4,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic36,05,BO1,CAT1,CHECKUP1,RESP064,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Chronic Health Indicators,Cardiovascular Disease,Ever told you had angina or coronary heart disease?,No,Overall,Overall,4660,94.5,93.8,95.3,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic10,05,BO1,CAT1,CVDCRHD4,RESP054,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Chronic Health Indicators,Cardiovascular Disease,Ever told you had a heart attack (myocardial infarction)?,No,Overall,Overall,4713,94.1,93.3,94.9,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic10,05,BO1,CAT1,CVDINFR4,RESP054,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Chronic Health Indicators,Cardiovascular Disease,Ever told you had a stroke?,No,Overall,Overall,4873,95.4,94.6,96.2,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic10,05,BO1,CAT1,CVDSTRK3,RESP054,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Demographics,Disability status,"Do you have serious difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions?",No,Overall,Overall,4204,84.2,82.4,85.9,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,05,BO1,CAT1,DECIDE,RESP054,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Chronic Health Indicators,Diabetes,Have you ever been told by a doctor that you have diabetes?,"Yes, pregnancy-related",Overall,Overall,42,1.2,0.7,1.7,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic18,05,BO1,CAT1,DIABETE3,RESP051,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Demographics,Disability status,Do you have difficulty doing errands alone?,No,Overall,Overall,4334,89.3,87.9,90.7,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,05,BO1,CAT1,DIFFALON,RESP054,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Demographics,Disability status,Do you have difficulty dressing or bathing?,No,Overall,Overall,4608,94.1,93.2,95.1,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,05,BO1,CAT1,DIFFDRES,RESP054,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Demographics,Disability status,Do you have serious difficulty walking or climbing stairs?,No,Overall,Overall,3529,79.9,78.2,81.5,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,05,BO1,CAT1,DIFFWALK,RESP054,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Alcohol Consumption,Alcohol Consumption,Adults who have had at least one drink of alcohol within the past 30 days,No,Overall,Overall,3253,59,56.6,61.4,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS01,Topic03,05,BO1,CAT1,DRNKANY5,RESP054,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Health Status,Overall Health,How is your general health?,Very good,Overall,Overall,1372,29.3,27.2,31.4,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic41,05,BO1,CAT1,GENHLTH,RESP057,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,HIV-AIDS,HIV Test,Have you ever been tested for HIV?,No,Overall,Overall,3474,64,61.6,66.4,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS09,Topic32,05,BO1,CAT1,HIVTST6,RESP054,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Health Care Access/Coverage,Health Care Coverage,Do you have any kind of health care coverage?,No,Overall,Overall,440,17.5,15.5,19.6,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic29,05,BO1,CAT1,HLTHPLN1,RESP054,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Demographics,Internet,Have you used the internet in the past 30 days?,No,Overall,Overall,1711,20.4,18.9,22,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic34,05,BO1,CAT1,INTERNET,RESP054,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Health Care Access/Coverage,Health Care Cost,Was there a time in the past 12 months when you needed to see a doctor but could not because of cost?,No,Overall,Overall,4572,81,79.1,83,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic28,05,BO1,CAT1,MEDCOST,RESP054,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Health Care Access/Coverage,Personal Care Provider,Do you have one person you think of as your personal doctor or health care provider?,More than one,Overall,Overall,357,4.3,3.6,5,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic43,05,BO1,CAT1,PERSDOC2,RESP053,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Demographics,Disability status,"Adults who are limited in any activities because of physical, mental, or emotional problems",No,Overall,Overall,3366,74.6,72.7,76.4,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,05,BO1,CAT1,QLACTLM2,RESP054,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Immunization,Shingle Vaccination,Have you ever had the shingles or zoster vaccine?,No,Overall,Overall,2802,80.4,78.9,82,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS11,Topic63,05,BO1,CAT1,SHINGLE2,RESP054,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Demographics,Disability status,Adults with health problem(s) that requires the use of special equipment,No,Overall,Overall,4145,89.2,87.9,90.4,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,05,BO1,CAT1,USEEQUIP,RESP054,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Tobacco Use,Smokeless Tobacco,"Do you currently use chewing tobacco, snuff, or snus?",Some days,Overall,Overall,76,2.1,1.3,2.8,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic54,05,BO1,CAT1,USENOW3,RESP080,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Demographics,Veteran Status,Have you ever served on active duty in the United States Armed Forces?,No,Overall,Overall,4440,87.5,86.2,88.9,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic61,05,BO1,CAT1,VETERAN3,RESP054,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Oral Health,All Teeth Removed,Adults aged 65+ who have had all their natural teeth extracted (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,1762,77.6,75.2,80.1,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS13,Topic04,05,BO1,CAT1,_ALTETH2,RESP054,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,CA,California,HIV-AIDS,HIV Test,Have you ever been tested for HIV?,Yes,Overall,Overall,2666,40.9,39.3,42.4,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS09,Topic32,06,BO1,CAT1,HIVTST6,RESP046,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Overweight and Obesity (BMI),BMI Categories,Weight classification by Body Mass Index (BMI) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Overweight (BMI 25.0-29.9),Overall,Overall,1723,34.5,32.2,36.8,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS14,Topic09,05,BO1,CAT1,_BMI5CAT,RESP040,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Chronic Health Indicators,Asthma,Adults who have been told they currently have asthma (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,4748,91.4,90.1,92.6,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic06,05,BO1,CAT1,_CASTHM1,RESP054,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Colorectal Cancer Screening,USPSTF Recommendations,Respondents aged 50-75 who have fully met the USPSTF recommendation (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Did not meet USPSTF recommendations for testing,Overall,Overall,917,39.5,36.8,42.1,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic64,05,BO1,CAT1,_CRCREC,RESP193,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Oral Health,Dental Visit,Visited the dentist or dental clinic within the past year for any reason (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,2135,42.7,40.4,45,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS13,Topic16,05,BO1,CAT1,_DENVST2,RESP054,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Chronic Health Indicators,Arthritis,Adults who have been told they have arthritis (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,2975,72.3,70.7,73.9,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic05,05,BO1,CAT1,_DRDXAR1,RESP054,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Oral Health,Teeth Removed,Adults that have had any permanent teeth extracted (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,1784,48.6,46.4,50.8,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS13,Topic57,05,BO1,CAT1,_EXTETH2,RESP054,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Immunization,Flu Shot,Adults aged 65+ who have had a flu shot within the past year (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,831,36,33.3,38.6,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS11,Topic26,05,BO1,CAT1,_FLSHOT6,RESP054,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Health Care Access/Coverage,Under 65 Coverage,Adults aged 18-64 who have any kind of health care coverage (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,392,20.8,18.4,23.2,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic59,05,BO1,CAT1,_HCVU651,RESP054,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Chronic Health Indicators,Asthma,Adults who have ever been told they have asthma (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,4565,86.8,85.2,88.3,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic06,05,BO1,CAT1,_LTASTH1,RESP054,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Women's Health,Mammogram,Women aged 50-74 who have had a mammogram within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Did not receive a mammogram within the past 2 years,Overall,Overall,451,32.7,29.3,36.1,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic37,05,BO1,CAT1,_MAM5021,RESP187,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Women's Health,Mammogram,Women aged 50+ who have had a mammogram within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,704,34.4,31.6,37.2,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic37,05,BO1,CAT1,_MAM502Y,RESP054,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Immunization,Pneumonia Vaccination,Adults aged 65+ who have ever had a pneumonia vaccination (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,633,29,26.4,31.5,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS11,Topic46,05,BO1,CAT1,_PNEUMO2,RESP054,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Alcohol Consumption,Binge Drinking,"Binge drinkers (males having five or more drinks on one occasion, females having four or more drinks on one occasion) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions)",No,Overall,Overall,4463,85.7,83.8,87.6,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS01,Topic07,05,BO1,CAT1,_RFBING5,RESP054,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Colorectal Cancer Screening,Blood Stool Test,Adults aged 50+ who have had a blood stool test within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,3000,87,85.4,88.5,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic08,05,BO1,CAT1,_RFBLDS2,RESP054,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Colorectal Cancer Screening,Blood Stool Test,Adults aged 50-75 who have had a blood stool test within the past year (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Have not had a blood stool test in the past year,Overall,Overall,2411,93.4,92.1,94.7,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic08,05,BO1,CAT1,_RFBLDS3,RESP191,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Alcohol Consumption,Heavy Drinking,Heavy drinkers (adult men having more than two drinks per day and adult women having more than one drink per day) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,4648,94.7,93.6,95.9,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS01,Topic30,05,BO1,CAT1,_RFDRHV4,RESP054,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Health Status,Fair or Poor Health,Health Status (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Fair or Poor Health,Overall,Overall,1480,22.3,20.5,24.1,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic24,05,BO1,CAT1,_RFHLTH,RESP062,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,CA,California,Health Care Access/Coverage,Health Care Coverage,Do you have any kind of health care coverage?,Yes,Overall,Overall,7756,84.9,83.9,85.9,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic29,06,BO1,CAT1,HLTHPLN1,RESP046,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Women's Health,Mammogram,Women aged 40+ who have had a mammogram within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,827,36.8,33.8,39.8,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic37,05,BO1,CAT1,_RFMAM2Y,RESP054,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Women's Health,Pap Test,Women aged 18+ who have had a pap test within the past three years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,542,28.8,25.7,32,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic42,05,BO1,CAT1,_RFPAP32,RESP054,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Women's Health,Pap Test,Women aged 21-65 who have had a pap test in the past three years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Did not receive a Pap test within the past 3 years,Overall,Overall,231,22.3,18.7,25.9,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic42,05,BO1,CAT1,_RFPAP33,RESP189,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Prostate Cancer,PSA Test,Men aged 40+ who have had a PSA test within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,652,57.5,53.8,61.2,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS16,Topic47,05,BO1,CAT1,_RFPSA21,RESP054,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Injury,Seatbelt Use,Always wears a seat belt? (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Does Not Always Wear a Seatbelt,Overall,Overall,707,18.1,16.1,20,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS12,Topic50,05,BO1,CAT1,_RFSEAT3,RESP185,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Colorectal Cancer Screening,Sigmoidoscopy,Adults aged 50+ who have ever had a sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,1119,35.4,33.2,37.6,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic52,05,BO1,CAT1,_RFSIGM2,RESP054,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Tobacco Use,Current Smoker Status,Adults who are current smokers (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,4008,74.6,72.4,76.7,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic15,05,BO1,CAT1,_RFSMOK3,RESP054,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Tobacco Use,Smoker Status,Four Level Smoking Status (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Smoke some days,Overall,Overall,274,7.3,6,8.6,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic55,05,BO1,CAT1,_SMOKER3,RESP069,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Physical Activity,Exercise,"During the past month, did you participate in any physical activities? (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions)",No,Overall,Overall,1832,29.4,27.5,31.4,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS15,Topic23,05,BO1,CAT1,_TOTINDA,RESP054,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Health Care Access/Coverage,Last Checkup,About how long has it been since you last visited a doctor for a routine checkup?,Within the past 5 years,Overall,Overall,314,11.2,9.5,12.9,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic36,05,BO1,CAT1,CHECKUP1,RESP065,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Chronic Health Indicators,Diabetes,Have you ever been told by a doctor that you have diabetes?,"No, pre-diabetes or borderline diabetes",Overall,Overall,46,0.9,0.4,1.3,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic18,05,BO1,CAT1,DIABETE3,RESP052,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Health Status,Overall Health,How is your general health?,Good,Overall,Overall,1731,32.4,30.2,34.6,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic41,05,BO1,CAT1,GENHLTH,RESP058,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Health Care Access/Coverage,Personal Care Provider,Do you have one person you think of as your personal doctor or health care provider?,No,Overall,Overall,609,24.1,21.9,26.3,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic43,05,BO1,CAT1,PERSDOC2,RESP054,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Tobacco Use,Smokeless Tobacco,"Do you currently use chewing tobacco, snuff, or snus?",Not at all,Overall,Overall,4766,93.4,92.1,94.8,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic54,05,BO1,CAT1,USENOW3,RESP081,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Overweight and Obesity (BMI),BMI Categories,Weight classification by Body Mass Index (BMI) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Normal Weight (BMI 18.5-24.9),Overall,Overall,1405,27.8,25.6,29.9,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS14,Topic09,05,BO1,CAT1,_BMI5CAT,RESP041,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Tobacco Use,Smoker Status,Four Level Smoking Status (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Former smoker,Overall,Overall,1489,23.7,21.9,25.5,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic55,05,BO1,CAT1,_SMOKER3,RESP070,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Health Care Access/Coverage,Last Checkup,About how long has it been since you last visited a doctor for a routine checkup?,5 or more years ago,Overall,Overall,367,10.8,9.3,12.4,4,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic36,05,BO1,CAT1,CHECKUP1,RESP066,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Chronic Health Indicators,Diabetes,Have you ever been told by a doctor that you have diabetes?,No,Overall,Overall,4199,86.4,85.2,87.7,4,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic18,05,BO1,CAT1,DIABETE3,RESP054,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Health Status,Overall Health,How is your general health?,Fair,Overall,Overall,975,15.4,13.8,17,4,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic41,05,BO1,CAT1,GENHLTH,RESP059,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Overweight and Obesity (BMI),BMI Categories,Weight classification by Body Mass Index (BMI) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Underweight (BMI 12.0-18.4),Overall,Overall,86,1.8,1.1,2.6,4,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS14,Topic09,05,BO1,CAT1,_BMI5CAT,RESP042,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Tobacco Use,Smoker Status,Four Level Smoking Status (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Never smoked,Overall,Overall,2519,50.9,48.5,53.2,4,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic55,05,BO1,CAT1,_SMOKER3,RESP071,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Health Care Access/Coverage,Last Checkup,About how long has it been since you last visited a doctor for a routine checkup?,Never,Overall,Overall,89,0,0,0,5,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic36,05,BO1,CAT1,CHECKUP1,RESP067,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,AR,Arkansas,Health Status,Overall Health,How is your general health?,Poor,Overall,Overall,505,6.9,5.9,7.9,5,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic41,05,BO1,CAT1,GENHLTH,RESP060,"(34.74865012400045, -92.27449074299966)"
2014,CA,California,Chronic Health Indicators,Depression,Ever told you that you have a form of depression?,Yes,Overall,Overall,1317,13.1,12.3,14,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic17,06,BO1,CAT1,ADDEPEV2,RESP046,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Demographics,Disability status,"Are you blind or do you have serious difficulty seeing, even when wearing glasses?",Yes,Overall,Overall,416,4.8,4.2,5.5,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,06,BO1,CAT1,BLIND,RESP046,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Chronic Health Indicators,COPD,Ever told you have COPD?,Yes,Overall,Overall,532,4.7,4.2,5.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic14,06,BO1,CAT1,CHCCOPD1,RESP046,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Chronic Health Indicators,Kidney,Ever told you have kidney disease?,Yes,Overall,Overall,251,2.4,2,2.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic35,06,BO1,CAT1,CHCKIDNY,RESP046,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Chronic Health Indicators,Other Cancer,Ever told you had any other types of cancer?,Yes,Overall,Overall,675,5.8,5.2,6.4,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic40,06,BO1,CAT1,CHCOCNCR,RESP046,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Chronic Health Indicators,Skin Cancer,Ever told you had skin cancer?,Yes,Overall,Overall,694,4.6,4.2,5.1,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic53,06,BO1,CAT1,CHCSCNCR,RESP046,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Health Care Access/Coverage,Last Checkup,About how long has it been since you last visited a doctor for a routine checkup?,Within the past year,Overall,Overall,6012,67.3,66,68.6,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic36,06,BO1,CAT1,CHECKUP1,RESP063,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Chronic Health Indicators,Cardiovascular Disease,Ever told you had angina or coronary heart disease?,Yes,Overall,Overall,406,3.6,3.2,4,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic10,06,BO1,CAT1,CVDCRHD4,RESP046,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Chronic Health Indicators,Cardiovascular Disease,Ever told you had a heart attack (myocardial infarction)?,Yes,Overall,Overall,410,3.4,3,3.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic10,06,BO1,CAT1,CVDINFR4,RESP046,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Chronic Health Indicators,Cardiovascular Disease,Ever told you had a stroke?,Yes,Overall,Overall,277,2.7,2.3,3.1,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic10,06,BO1,CAT1,CVDSTRK3,RESP046,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Demographics,Disability status,"Do you have serious difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions?",Yes,Overall,Overall,876,10.6,9.7,11.4,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,06,BO1,CAT1,DECIDE,RESP046,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Chronic Health Indicators,Diabetes,Have you ever been told by a doctor that you have diabetes?,Yes,Overall,Overall,980,9.9,9.2,10.6,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic18,06,BO1,CAT1,DIABETE3,RESP046,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Demographics,Disability status,Do you have difficulty doing errands alone?,Yes,Overall,Overall,611,6.8,6.1,7.5,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,06,BO1,CAT1,DIFFALON,RESP046,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Demographics,Disability status,Do you have difficulty dressing or bathing?,Yes,Overall,Overall,351,3.8,3.3,4.3,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,06,BO1,CAT1,DIFFDRES,RESP046,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Demographics,Disability status,Do you have serious difficulty walking or climbing stairs?,Yes,Overall,Overall,1184,11.9,11.1,12.7,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,06,BO1,CAT1,DIFFWALK,RESP046,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Alcohol Consumption,Alcohol Consumption,Adults who have had at least one drink of alcohol within the past 30 days,Yes,Overall,Overall,4206,53.8,52.3,55.3,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS01,Topic03,06,BO1,CAT1,DRNKANY5,RESP046,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Health Status,Overall Health,How is your general health?,Excellent,Overall,Overall,1879,20.7,19.6,21.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic41,06,BO1,CAT1,GENHLTH,RESP056,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Demographics,Internet,Have you used the internet in the past 30 days?,Yes,Overall,Overall,6815,81.1,80.1,82.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic34,06,BO1,CAT1,INTERNET,RESP046,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Health Care Access/Coverage,Health Care Cost,Was there a time in the past 12 months when you needed to see a doctor but could not because of cost?,Yes,Overall,Overall,1075,13.5,12.6,14.5,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic28,06,BO1,CAT1,MEDCOST,RESP046,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Health Care Access/Coverage,Personal Care Provider,Do you have one person you think of as your personal doctor or health care provider?,"Yes, only one",Overall,Overall,6258,67.5,66.3,68.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic43,06,BO1,CAT1,PERSDOC2,RESP050,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Demographics,Disability status,"Adults who are limited in any activities because of physical, mental, or emotional problems",Yes,Overall,Overall,1934,19.2,18.2,20.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,06,BO1,CAT1,QLACTLM2,RESP046,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Immunization,Shingle Vaccination,Have you ever had the shingles or zoster vaccine?,Yes,Overall,Overall,1120,26,24.2,27.7,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS11,Topic63,06,BO1,CAT1,SHINGLE2,RESP046,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Demographics,Disability status,Adults with health problem(s) that requires the use of special equipment,Yes,Overall,Overall,885,8.4,7.8,9.1,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,06,BO1,CAT1,USEEQUIP,RESP046,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Tobacco Use,Smokeless Tobacco,"Do you currently use chewing tobacco, snuff, or snus?",Every day,Overall,Overall,62,0.8,0.6,1.1,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic54,06,BO1,CAT1,USENOW3,RESP079,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Demographics,Veteran Status,Have you ever served on active duty in the United States Armed Forces?,Yes,Overall,Overall,989,9.1,8.4,9.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic61,06,BO1,CAT1,VETERAN3,RESP046,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Oral Health,All Teeth Removed,Adults aged 65+ who have had all their natural teeth extracted (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,158,9,7.3,10.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS13,Topic04,06,BO1,CAT1,_ALTETH2,RESP046,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Overweight and Obesity (BMI),BMI Categories,Weight classification by Body Mass Index (BMI) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Obese (BMI 30.0 - 99.8),Overall,Overall,1967,24.4,23.2,25.6,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS14,Topic09,06,BO1,CAT1,_BMI5CAT,RESP039,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Chronic Health Indicators,Asthma,Adults who have been told they currently have asthma (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,722,7.7,7,8.4,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic06,06,BO1,CAT1,_CASTHM1,RESP046,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Colorectal Cancer Screening,USPSTF Recommendations,Respondents aged 50-75 who have fully met the USPSTF recommendation (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Met USPSTF recommendations for testing,Overall,Overall,2042,66.3,64.1,68.6,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic64,06,BO1,CAT1,_CRCREC,RESP192,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Oral Health,Dental Visit,Visited the dentist or dental clinic within the past year for any reason (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,5977,64.9,63.6,66.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS13,Topic16,06,BO1,CAT1,_DENVST2,RESP046,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Chronic Health Indicators,Arthritis,Adults who have been told they have arthritis (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,2159,19.7,18.7,20.6,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic05,06,BO1,CAT1,_DRDXAR1,RESP046,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Oral Health,Teeth Removed,Adults that have had any permanent teeth extracted (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,3693,39.8,38.6,41.1,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS13,Topic57,06,BO1,CAT1,_EXTETH2,RESP046,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Immunization,Flu Shot,Adults aged 65+ who have had a flu shot within the past year (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,1055,58.6,55.5,61.7,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS11,Topic26,06,BO1,CAT1,_FLSHOT6,RESP046,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Health Care Access/Coverage,Under 65 Coverage,Adults aged 18-64 who have any kind of health care coverage (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,5443,82,80.7,83.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic59,06,BO1,CAT1,_HCVU651,RESP046,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Chronic Health Indicators,Asthma,Adults who have ever been told they have asthma (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,1184,12.7,11.8,13.5,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic06,06,BO1,CAT1,_LTASTH1,RESP046,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Women's Health,Mammogram,Women aged 50-74 who have had a mammogram within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Received a mammogram within the past 2 years,Overall,Overall,1308,82.8,80.5,85.1,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic37,06,BO1,CAT1,_MAM5021,RESP186,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Women's Health,Mammogram,Women aged 50+ who have had a mammogram within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,1628,78.9,76.5,81.3,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic37,06,BO1,CAT1,_MAM502Y,RESP046,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Immunization,Pneumonia Vaccination,Adults aged 65+ who have ever had a pneumonia vaccination (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,1243,70.9,68,73.9,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS11,Topic46,06,BO1,CAT1,_PNEUMO2,RESP046,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Alcohol Consumption,Binge Drinking,"Binge drinkers (males having five or more drinks on one occasion, females having four or more drinks on one occasion) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions)",Yes,Overall,Overall,1040,16,14.9,17.1,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS01,Topic07,06,BO1,CAT1,_RFBING5,RESP046,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Colorectal Cancer Screening,Blood Stool Test,Adults aged 50+ who have had a blood stool test within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,1004,27.5,25.6,29.4,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic08,06,BO1,CAT1,_RFBLDS2,RESP046,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Colorectal Cancer Screening,Blood Stool Test,Adults aged 50-75 who have had a blood stool test within the past year (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Had a blood stool test in the past year,Overall,Overall,617,20.6,18.6,22.5,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic08,06,BO1,CAT1,_RFBLDS3,RESP190,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Alcohol Consumption,Heavy Drinking,Heavy drinkers (adult men having more than two drinks per day and adult women having more than one drink per day) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,455,5.8,5.1,6.4,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS01,Topic30,06,BO1,CAT1,_RFDRHV4,RESP046,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Health Status,Fair or Poor Health,Health Status (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Good or Better Health,Overall,Overall,7249,82.3,81.2,83.3,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic24,06,BO1,CAT1,_RFHLTH,RESP061,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Women's Health,Mammogram,Women aged 40+ who have had a mammogram within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,1993,75.9,73.6,78.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic37,06,BO1,CAT1,_RFMAM2Y,RESP046,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Women's Health,Pap Test,Women aged 18+ who have had a pap test within the past three years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,2147,74.1,71.9,76.4,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic42,06,BO1,CAT1,_RFPAP32,RESP046,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Women's Health,Pap Test,Women aged 21-65 who have had a pap test in the past three years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Received a Pap test within the past 3 years,Overall,Overall,1779,83,80.9,85.1,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic42,06,BO1,CAT1,_RFPAP33,RESP188,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Prostate Cancer,PSA Test,Men aged 40+ who have had a PSA test within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,893,36.9,34.3,39.6,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS16,Topic47,06,BO1,CAT1,_RFPSA21,RESP046,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Injury,Seatbelt Use,Always wears a seat belt? (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Always Wears a Seatbelt,Overall,Overall,6578,93.5,92.7,94.4,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS12,Topic50,06,BO1,CAT1,_RFSEAT3,RESP184,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Colorectal Cancer Screening,Sigmoidoscopy,Adults aged 50+ who have ever had a sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,2592,67.8,65.8,69.7,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic52,06,BO1,CAT1,_RFSIGM2,RESP046,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Tobacco Use,Current Smoker Status,Adults who are current smokers (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,962,12.8,11.8,13.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic15,06,BO1,CAT1,_RFSMOK3,RESP046,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Tobacco Use,Smoker Status,Four Level Smoking Status (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Smoke everyday,Overall,Overall,610,7.6,6.8,8.3,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic55,06,BO1,CAT1,_SMOKER3,RESP068,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Physical Activity,Exercise,"During the past month, did you participate in any physical activities? (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions)",Yes,Overall,Overall,6185,78.5,77.3,79.7,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS15,Topic23,06,BO1,CAT1,_TOTINDA,RESP046,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Chronic Health Indicators,Depression,Ever told you that you have a form of depression?,No,Overall,Overall,7464,86.9,86,87.7,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic17,06,BO1,CAT1,ADDEPEV2,RESP054,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Demographics,Disability status,"Are you blind or do you have serious difficulty seeing, even when wearing glasses?",No,Overall,Overall,7757,95.2,94.5,95.8,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,06,BO1,CAT1,BLIND,RESP054,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Chronic Health Indicators,COPD,Ever told you have COPD?,No,Overall,Overall,8248,95.3,94.8,95.8,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic14,06,BO1,CAT1,CHCCOPD1,RESP054,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Chronic Health Indicators,Kidney,Ever told you have kidney disease?,No,Overall,Overall,8558,97.6,97.2,98,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic35,06,BO1,CAT1,CHCKIDNY,RESP054,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Chronic Health Indicators,Other Cancer,Ever told you had any other types of cancer?,No,Overall,Overall,8138,94.2,93.6,94.8,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic40,06,BO1,CAT1,CHCOCNCR,RESP054,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Chronic Health Indicators,Skin Cancer,Ever told you had skin cancer?,No,Overall,Overall,8052,95.4,94.9,95.8,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic53,06,BO1,CAT1,CHCSCNCR,RESP054,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Health Care Access/Coverage,Last Checkup,About how long has it been since you last visited a doctor for a routine checkup?,Within the past 2 years,Overall,Overall,1281,15.5,14.5,16.6,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic36,06,BO1,CAT1,CHECKUP1,RESP064,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Chronic Health Indicators,Cardiovascular Disease,Ever told you had angina or coronary heart disease?,No,Overall,Overall,8378,96.4,96,96.8,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic10,06,BO1,CAT1,CVDCRHD4,RESP054,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Chronic Health Indicators,Cardiovascular Disease,Ever told you had a heart attack (myocardial infarction)?,No,Overall,Overall,8384,96.6,96.2,97,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic10,06,BO1,CAT1,CVDINFR4,RESP054,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Chronic Health Indicators,Cardiovascular Disease,Ever told you had a stroke?,No,Overall,Overall,8534,97.3,96.9,97.7,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic10,06,BO1,CAT1,CVDSTRK3,RESP054,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Demographics,Disability status,"Do you have serious difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions?",No,Overall,Overall,7250,89.4,88.6,90.3,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,06,BO1,CAT1,DECIDE,RESP054,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Chronic Health Indicators,Diabetes,Have you ever been told by a doctor that you have diabetes?,"Yes, pregnancy-related",Overall,Overall,112,1.6,1.3,2,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic18,06,BO1,CAT1,DIABETE3,RESP051,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Demographics,Disability status,Do you have difficulty doing errands alone?,No,Overall,Overall,7496,93.2,92.5,93.9,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,06,BO1,CAT1,DIFFALON,RESP054,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Demographics,Disability status,Do you have difficulty dressing or bathing?,No,Overall,Overall,7775,96.2,95.7,96.7,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,06,BO1,CAT1,DIFFDRES,RESP054,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Demographics,Disability status,Do you have serious difficulty walking or climbing stairs?,No,Overall,Overall,6967,88.1,87.3,88.9,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,06,BO1,CAT1,DIFFWALK,RESP054,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Alcohol Consumption,Alcohol Consumption,Adults who have had at least one drink of alcohol within the past 30 days,No,Overall,Overall,3144,46.2,44.7,47.7,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS01,Topic03,06,BO1,CAT1,DRNKANY5,RESP054,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Health Status,Overall Health,How is your general health?,Very good,Overall,Overall,2874,31.6,30.3,32.9,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic41,06,BO1,CAT1,GENHLTH,RESP057,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,HIV-AIDS,HIV Test,Have you ever been tested for HIV?,No,Overall,Overall,3991,59.1,57.6,60.7,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS09,Topic32,06,BO1,CAT1,HIVTST6,RESP054,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Health Care Access/Coverage,Health Care Coverage,Do you have any kind of health care coverage?,No,Overall,Overall,1041,15.1,14.1,16.1,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic29,06,BO1,CAT1,HLTHPLN1,RESP054,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Demographics,Internet,Have you used the internet in the past 30 days?,No,Overall,Overall,1536,18.9,17.8,19.9,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic34,06,BO1,CAT1,INTERNET,RESP054,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Health Care Access/Coverage,Health Care Cost,Was there a time in the past 12 months when you needed to see a doctor but could not because of cost?,No,Overall,Overall,7741,86.5,85.5,87.4,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic28,06,BO1,CAT1,MEDCOST,RESP054,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Health Care Access/Coverage,Personal Care Provider,Do you have one person you think of as your personal doctor or health care provider?,More than one,Overall,Overall,556,6.3,5.6,6.9,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic43,06,BO1,CAT1,PERSDOC2,RESP053,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Demographics,Disability status,"Adults who are limited in any activities because of physical, mental, or emotional problems",No,Overall,Overall,6266,80.8,79.8,81.8,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,06,BO1,CAT1,QLACTLM2,RESP054,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Immunization,Shingle Vaccination,Have you ever had the shingles or zoster vaccine?,No,Overall,Overall,2610,74,72.3,75.8,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS11,Topic63,06,BO1,CAT1,SHINGLE2,RESP054,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Demographics,Disability status,Adults with health problem(s) that requires the use of special equipment,No,Overall,Overall,7321,91.6,90.9,92.2,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,06,BO1,CAT1,USEEQUIP,RESP054,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Tobacco Use,Smokeless Tobacco,"Do you currently use chewing tobacco, snuff, or snus?",Some days,Overall,Overall,61,0.8,0.5,1.1,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic54,06,BO1,CAT1,USENOW3,RESP080,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Demographics,Veteran Status,Have you ever served on active duty in the United States Armed Forces?,No,Overall,Overall,7825,90.9,90.2,91.6,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic61,06,BO1,CAT1,VETERAN3,RESP054,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Oral Health,All Teeth Removed,Adults aged 65+ who have had all their natural teeth extracted (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,1999,91,89.2,92.7,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS13,Topic04,06,BO1,CAT1,_ALTETH2,RESP054,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Overweight and Obesity (BMI),BMI Categories,Weight classification by Body Mass Index (BMI) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Overweight (BMI 25.0-29.9),Overall,Overall,2847,34.7,33.4,36.1,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS14,Topic09,06,BO1,CAT1,_BMI5CAT,RESP040,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Chronic Health Indicators,Asthma,Adults who have been told they currently have asthma (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,8059,92.3,91.6,93,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic06,06,BO1,CAT1,_CASTHM1,RESP054,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Colorectal Cancer Screening,USPSTF Recommendations,Respondents aged 50-75 who have fully met the USPSTF recommendation (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Did not meet USPSTF recommendations for testing,Overall,Overall,867,33.7,31.4,35.9,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic64,06,BO1,CAT1,_CRCREC,RESP193,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Oral Health,Dental Visit,Visited the dentist or dental clinic within the past year for any reason (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,2809,35.1,33.8,36.4,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS13,Topic16,06,BO1,CAT1,_DENVST2,RESP054,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Chronic Health Indicators,Arthritis,Adults who have been told they have arthritis (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,6613,80.3,79.4,81.3,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic05,06,BO1,CAT1,_DRDXAR1,RESP054,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Oral Health,Teeth Removed,Adults that have had any permanent teeth extracted (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,5019,60.2,58.9,61.4,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS13,Topic57,06,BO1,CAT1,_EXTETH2,RESP054,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Immunization,Flu Shot,Adults aged 65+ who have had a flu shot within the past year (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,762,41.4,38.3,44.5,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS11,Topic26,06,BO1,CAT1,_FLSHOT6,RESP054,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Health Care Access/Coverage,Under 65 Coverage,Adults aged 18-64 who have any kind of health care coverage (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,1004,18,16.8,19.3,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic59,06,BO1,CAT1,_HCVU651,RESP054,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Chronic Health Indicators,Asthma,Adults who have ever been told they have asthma (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,7622,87.3,86.5,88.2,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic06,06,BO1,CAT1,_LTASTH1,RESP054,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Women's Health,Mammogram,Women aged 50-74 who have had a mammogram within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Did not receive a mammogram within the past 2 years,Overall,Overall,307,17.2,14.9,19.5,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic37,06,BO1,CAT1,_MAM5021,RESP187,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Women's Health,Mammogram,Women aged 50+ who have had a mammogram within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,442,21.1,18.7,23.5,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic37,06,BO1,CAT1,_MAM502Y,RESP054,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Immunization,Pneumonia Vaccination,Adults aged 65+ who have ever had a pneumonia vaccination (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,478,29.1,26.1,32,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS11,Topic46,06,BO1,CAT1,_PNEUMO2,RESP054,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Alcohol Consumption,Binge Drinking,"Binge drinkers (males having five or more drinks on one occasion, females having four or more drinks on one occasion) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions)",No,Overall,Overall,6239,84,82.9,85.1,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS01,Topic07,06,BO1,CAT1,_RFBING5,RESP054,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Colorectal Cancer Screening,Blood Stool Test,Adults aged 50+ who have had a blood stool test within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,2688,72.5,70.6,74.4,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic08,06,BO1,CAT1,_RFBLDS2,RESP054,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Colorectal Cancer Screening,Blood Stool Test,Adults aged 50-75 who have had a blood stool test within the past year (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Have not had a blood stool test in the past year,Overall,Overall,2460,79.4,77.5,81.4,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic08,06,BO1,CAT1,_RFBLDS3,RESP191,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Alcohol Consumption,Heavy Drinking,Heavy drinkers (adult men having more than two drinks per day and adult women having more than one drink per day) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,6788,94.2,93.6,94.9,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS01,Topic30,06,BO1,CAT1,_RFDRHV4,RESP054,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Health Status,Fair or Poor Health,Health Status (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Fair or Poor Health,Overall,Overall,1570,17.7,16.7,18.8,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic24,06,BO1,CAT1,_RFHLTH,RESP062,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Women's Health,Mammogram,Women aged 40+ who have had a mammogram within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,605,24.1,21.8,26.4,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic37,06,BO1,CAT1,_RFMAM2Y,RESP054,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Women's Health,Pap Test,Women aged 18+ who have had a pap test within the past three years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,671,25.9,23.6,28.1,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic42,06,BO1,CAT1,_RFPAP32,RESP054,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Women's Health,Pap Test,Women aged 21-65 who have had a pap test in the past three years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Did not receive a Pap test within the past 3 years,Overall,Overall,341,17,14.9,19.1,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic42,06,BO1,CAT1,_RFPAP33,RESP189,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Prostate Cancer,PSA Test,Men aged 40+ who have had a PSA test within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,1096,63.1,60.4,65.7,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS16,Topic47,06,BO1,CAT1,_RFPSA21,RESP054,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Injury,Seatbelt Use,Always wears a seat belt? (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Does Not Always Wear a Seatbelt,Overall,Overall,356,6.5,5.6,7.3,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS12,Topic50,06,BO1,CAT1,_RFSEAT3,RESP185,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Colorectal Cancer Screening,Sigmoidoscopy,Adults aged 50+ who have ever had a sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,1024,32.2,30.3,34.2,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic52,06,BO1,CAT1,_RFSIGM2,RESP054,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Tobacco Use,Current Smoker Status,Adults who are current smokers (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,7233,87.2,86.2,88.2,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic15,06,BO1,CAT1,_RFSMOK3,RESP054,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Tobacco Use,Smoker Status,Four Level Smoking Status (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Smoke some days,Overall,Overall,352,5.2,4.6,5.9,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic55,06,BO1,CAT1,_SMOKER3,RESP069,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Physical Activity,Exercise,"During the past month, did you participate in any physical activities? (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions)",No,Overall,Overall,1637,21.5,20.3,22.7,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS15,Topic23,06,BO1,CAT1,_TOTINDA,RESP054,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Health Care Access/Coverage,Last Checkup,About how long has it been since you last visited a doctor for a routine checkup?,Within the past 5 years,Overall,Overall,720,9.4,8.6,10.3,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic36,06,BO1,CAT1,CHECKUP1,RESP065,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Chronic Health Indicators,Diabetes,Have you ever been told by a doctor that you have diabetes?,"No, pre-diabetes or borderline diabetes",Overall,Overall,232,2.5,2,2.9,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic18,06,BO1,CAT1,DIABETE3,RESP052,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Health Status,Overall Health,How is your general health?,Good,Overall,Overall,2496,30,28.7,31.2,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic41,06,BO1,CAT1,GENHLTH,RESP058,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Health Care Access/Coverage,Personal Care Provider,Do you have one person you think of as your personal doctor or health care provider?,No,Overall,Overall,1971,26.2,25,27.4,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic43,06,BO1,CAT1,PERSDOC2,RESP054,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Tobacco Use,Smokeless Tobacco,"Do you currently use chewing tobacco, snuff, or snus?",Not at all,Overall,Overall,8008,98.4,98,98.7,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic54,06,BO1,CAT1,USENOW3,RESP081,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Overweight and Obesity (BMI),BMI Categories,Weight classification by Body Mass Index (BMI) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Normal Weight (BMI 18.5-24.9),Overall,Overall,3050,38.2,36.8,39.7,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS14,Topic09,06,BO1,CAT1,_BMI5CAT,RESP041,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Tobacco Use,Smoker Status,Four Level Smoking Status (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Former smoker,Overall,Overall,2175,22.3,21.2,23.4,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic55,06,BO1,CAT1,_SMOKER3,RESP070,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Health Care Access/Coverage,Last Checkup,About how long has it been since you last visited a doctor for a routine checkup?,5 or more years ago,Overall,Overall,637,7.7,7,8.5,4,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic36,06,BO1,CAT1,CHECKUP1,RESP066,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Chronic Health Indicators,Diabetes,Have you ever been told by a doctor that you have diabetes?,No,Overall,Overall,7494,86,85.2,86.9,4,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic18,06,BO1,CAT1,DIABETE3,RESP054,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Health Status,Overall Health,How is your general health?,Fair,Overall,Overall,1144,13.3,12.4,14.2,4,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic41,06,BO1,CAT1,GENHLTH,RESP059,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Overweight and Obesity (BMI),BMI Categories,Weight classification by Body Mass Index (BMI) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Underweight (BMI 12.0-18.4),Overall,Overall,161,2.6,2,3.2,4,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS14,Topic09,06,BO1,CAT1,_BMI5CAT,RESP042,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Tobacco Use,Smoker Status,Four Level Smoking Status (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Never smoked,Overall,Overall,5058,64.9,63.6,66.2,4,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic55,06,BO1,CAT1,_SMOKER3,RESP071,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Health Care Access/Coverage,Last Checkup,About how long has it been since you last visited a doctor for a routine checkup?,Never,Overall,Overall,112,0,0,0,5,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic36,06,BO1,CAT1,CHECKUP1,RESP067,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CA,California,Health Status,Overall Health,How is your general health?,Poor,Overall,Overall,426,4.5,3.9,5,5,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic41,06,BO1,CAT1,GENHLTH,RESP060,"(37.63864012300047, -120.99999953799971)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Chronic Health Indicators,Depression,Ever told you that you have a form of depression?,Yes,Overall,Overall,2301,16.9,16.1,17.7,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic17,08,BO1,CAT1,ADDEPEV2,RESP046,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Demographics,Disability status,"Are you blind or do you have serious difficulty seeing, even when wearing glasses?",Yes,Overall,Overall,416,2.9,2.5,3.3,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,08,BO1,CAT1,BLIND,RESP046,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Chronic Health Indicators,COPD,Ever told you have COPD?,Yes,Overall,Overall,774,3.9,3.5,4.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic14,08,BO1,CAT1,CHCCOPD1,RESP046,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Chronic Health Indicators,Kidney,Ever told you have kidney disease?,Yes,Overall,Overall,401,2.4,2.1,2.7,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic35,08,BO1,CAT1,CHCKIDNY,RESP046,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Chronic Health Indicators,Other Cancer,Ever told you had any other types of cancer?,Yes,Overall,Overall,1168,5.9,5.4,6.3,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic40,08,BO1,CAT1,CHCOCNCR,RESP046,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Chronic Health Indicators,Skin Cancer,Ever told you had skin cancer?,Yes,Overall,Overall,1363,6.1,5.7,6.4,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic53,08,BO1,CAT1,CHCSCNCR,RESP046,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Health Care Access/Coverage,Last Checkup,About how long has it been since you last visited a doctor for a routine checkup?,Within the past year,Overall,Overall,8867,63.1,62,64.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic36,08,BO1,CAT1,CHECKUP1,RESP063,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Chronic Health Indicators,Cardiovascular Disease,Ever told you had angina or coronary heart disease?,Yes,Overall,Overall,592,2.9,2.6,3.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic10,08,BO1,CAT1,CVDCRHD4,RESP046,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Chronic Health Indicators,Cardiovascular Disease,Ever told you had a heart attack (myocardial infarction)?,Yes,Overall,Overall,589,3,2.7,3.4,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic10,08,BO1,CAT1,CVDINFR4,RESP046,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Chronic Health Indicators,Cardiovascular Disease,Ever told you had a stroke?,Yes,Overall,Overall,366,1.7,1.5,2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic10,08,BO1,CAT1,CVDSTRK3,RESP046,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Demographics,Disability status,"Do you have serious difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions?",Yes,Overall,Overall,942,7.7,7,8.3,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,08,BO1,CAT1,DECIDE,RESP046,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Chronic Health Indicators,Diabetes,Have you ever been told by a doctor that you have diabetes?,Yes,Overall,Overall,1189,6.9,6.5,7.4,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic18,08,BO1,CAT1,DIABETE3,RESP046,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Demographics,Disability status,Do you have difficulty doing errands alone?,Yes,Overall,Overall,714,4.7,4.2,5.1,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,08,BO1,CAT1,DIFFALON,RESP046,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Demographics,Disability status,Do you have difficulty dressing or bathing?,Yes,Overall,Overall,382,2.2,1.9,2.5,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,08,BO1,CAT1,DIFFDRES,RESP046,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Demographics,Disability status,Do you have serious difficulty walking or climbing stairs?,Yes,Overall,Overall,1590,9.4,8.8,10,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,08,BO1,CAT1,DIFFWALK,RESP046,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Alcohol Consumption,Alcohol Consumption,Adults who have had at least one drink of alcohol within the past 30 days,Yes,Overall,Overall,7260,61.2,60.1,62.4,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS01,Topic03,08,BO1,CAT1,DRNKANY5,RESP046,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Health Status,Overall Health,How is your general health?,Excellent,Overall,Overall,2809,21.2,20.3,22.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic41,08,BO1,CAT1,GENHLTH,RESP056,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,HIV-AIDS,HIV Test,Have you ever been tested for HIV?,Yes,Overall,Overall,3353,35.4,34.2,36.6,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS09,Topic32,08,BO1,CAT1,HIVTST6,RESP046,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Health Care Access/Coverage,Health Care Coverage,Do you have any kind of health care coverage?,Yes,Overall,Overall,12227,86.8,86,87.7,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic29,08,BO1,CAT1,HLTHPLN1,RESP046,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Demographics,Internet,Have you used the internet in the past 30 days?,Yes,Overall,Overall,11033,87.1,86.3,87.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic34,08,BO1,CAT1,INTERNET,RESP046,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Health Care Access/Coverage,Health Care Cost,Was there a time in the past 12 months when you needed to see a doctor but could not because of cost?,Yes,Overall,Overall,1383,13.2,12.4,14.1,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic28,08,BO1,CAT1,MEDCOST,RESP046,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Health Care Access/Coverage,Personal Care Provider,Do you have one person you think of as your personal doctor or health care provider?,"Yes, only one",Overall,Overall,10174,68,66.9,69.1,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic43,08,BO1,CAT1,PERSDOC2,RESP050,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Demographics,Disability status,"Adults who are limited in any activities because of physical, mental, or emotional problems",Yes,Overall,Overall,3073,19.8,18.9,20.6,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,08,BO1,CAT1,QLACTLM2,RESP046,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Immunization,Shingle Vaccination,Have you ever had the shingles or zoster vaccine?,Yes,Overall,Overall,2424,28.8,27.7,29.9,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS11,Topic63,08,BO1,CAT1,SHINGLE2,RESP046,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Demographics,Disability status,Adults with health problem(s) that requires the use of special equipment,Yes,Overall,Overall,1304,7,6.5,7.4,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,08,BO1,CAT1,USEEQUIP,RESP046,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Tobacco Use,Smokeless Tobacco,"Do you currently use chewing tobacco, snuff, or snus?",Every day,Overall,Overall,200,1.7,1.4,2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic54,08,BO1,CAT1,USENOW3,RESP079,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Demographics,Veteran Status,Have you ever served on active duty in the United States Armed Forces?,Yes,Overall,Overall,1892,12,11.3,12.6,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic61,08,BO1,CAT1,VETERAN3,RESP046,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Oral Health,All Teeth Removed,Adults aged 65+ who have had all their natural teeth extracted (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,427,11,9.7,12.3,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS13,Topic04,08,BO1,CAT1,_ALTETH2,RESP046,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Overweight and Obesity (BMI),BMI Categories,Weight classification by Body Mass Index (BMI) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Obese (BMI 30.0 - 99.8),Overall,Overall,2702,21,20,21.9,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS14,Topic09,08,BO1,CAT1,_BMI5CAT,RESP039,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Chronic Health Indicators,Asthma,Adults who have been told they currently have asthma (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,1114,8.4,7.7,9,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic06,08,BO1,CAT1,_CASTHM1,RESP046,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Colorectal Cancer Screening,USPSTF Recommendations,Respondents aged 50-75 who have fully met the USPSTF recommendation (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Met USPSTF recommendations for testing,Overall,Overall,4314,67.2,65.8,68.7,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic64,08,BO1,CAT1,_CRCREC,RESP192,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Oral Health,Dental Visit,Visited the dentist or dental clinic within the past year for any reason (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,9234,66.8,65.7,67.9,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS13,Topic16,08,BO1,CAT1,_DENVST2,RESP046,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Chronic Health Indicators,Arthritis,Adults who have been told they have arthritis (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,4176,21.9,21.2,22.6,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic05,08,BO1,CAT1,_DRDXAR1,RESP046,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Oral Health,Teeth Removed,Adults that have had any permanent teeth extracted (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,5539,35.7,34.7,36.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS13,Topic57,08,BO1,CAT1,_EXTETH2,RESP046,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Immunization,Flu Shot,Adults aged 65+ who have had a flu shot within the past year (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,2566,67.7,65.9,69.6,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS11,Topic26,08,BO1,CAT1,_FLSHOT6,RESP046,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Health Care Access/Coverage,Under 65 Coverage,Adults aged 18-64 who have any kind of health care coverage (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,7803,84.3,83.2,85.3,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic59,08,BO1,CAT1,_HCVU651,RESP046,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Chronic Health Indicators,Asthma,Adults who have ever been told they have asthma (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,1573,12.3,11.5,13,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic06,08,BO1,CAT1,_LTASTH1,RESP046,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Women's Health,Mammogram,Women aged 50-74 who have had a mammogram within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Received a mammogram within the past 2 years,Overall,Overall,2622,74.1,72.3,76,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic37,08,BO1,CAT1,_MAM5021,RESP186,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Women's Health,Mammogram,Women aged 50+ who have had a mammogram within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,3143,71.4,69.7,73.1,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic37,08,BO1,CAT1,_MAM502Y,RESP046,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Immunization,Pneumonia Vaccination,Adults aged 65+ who have ever had a pneumonia vaccination (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,2661,74.4,72.7,76.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS11,Topic46,08,BO1,CAT1,_PNEUMO2,RESP046,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Alcohol Consumption,Binge Drinking,"Binge drinkers (males having five or more drinks on one occasion, females having four or more drinks on one occasion) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions)",Yes,Overall,Overall,1564,17.9,17,18.9,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS01,Topic07,08,BO1,CAT1,_RFBING5,RESP046,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Colorectal Cancer Screening,Blood Stool Test,Adults aged 50+ who have had a blood stool test within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,1062,13.9,12.9,14.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic08,08,BO1,CAT1,_RFBLDS2,RESP046,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Colorectal Cancer Screening,Blood Stool Test,Adults aged 50-75 who have had a blood stool test within the past year (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Had a blood stool test in the past year,Overall,Overall,571,9,8.1,9.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic08,08,BO1,CAT1,_RFBLDS3,RESP190,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Alcohol Consumption,Heavy Drinking,Heavy drinkers (adult men having more than two drinks per day and adult women having more than one drink per day) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,764,6.5,5.9,7.1,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS01,Topic30,08,BO1,CAT1,_RFDRHV4,RESP046,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Health Status,Fair or Poor Health,Health Status (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Good or Better Health,Overall,Overall,11474,87.1,86.3,87.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic24,08,BO1,CAT1,_RFHLTH,RESP061,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Women's Health,Mammogram,Women aged 40+ who have had a mammogram within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,3674,66.7,65,68.4,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic37,08,BO1,CAT1,_RFMAM2Y,RESP046,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Women's Health,Pap Test,Women aged 18+ who have had a pap test within the past three years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,3467,74.5,73,76.1,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic42,08,BO1,CAT1,_RFPAP32,RESP046,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Women's Health,Pap Test,Women aged 21-65 who have had a pap test in the past three years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Received a Pap test within the past 3 years,Overall,Overall,2897,84.6,83.1,86.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic42,08,BO1,CAT1,_RFPAP33,RESP188,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Prostate Cancer,PSA Test,Men aged 40+ who have had a PSA test within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,1854,39.5,37.7,41.3,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS16,Topic47,08,BO1,CAT1,_RFPSA21,RESP046,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Injury,Seatbelt Use,Always wears a seat belt? (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Always Wears a Seatbelt,Overall,Overall,10428,85,84.1,85.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS12,Topic50,08,BO1,CAT1,_RFSEAT3,RESP184,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Colorectal Cancer Screening,Sigmoidoscopy,Adults aged 50+ who have ever had a sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,5522,70.5,69.2,71.7,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic52,08,BO1,CAT1,_RFSIGM2,RESP046,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Tobacco Use,Current Smoker Status,Adults who are current smokers (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,1586,15.9,14.9,16.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic15,08,BO1,CAT1,_RFSMOK3,RESP046,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Tobacco Use,Smoker Status,Four Level Smoking Status (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Smoke everyday,Overall,Overall,1094,10.7,9.9,11.5,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic55,08,BO1,CAT1,_SMOKER3,RESP068,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Physical Activity,Exercise,"During the past month, did you participate in any physical activities? (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions)",Yes,Overall,Overall,11131,83.6,82.8,84.5,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS15,Topic23,08,BO1,CAT1,_TOTINDA,RESP046,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Chronic Health Indicators,Depression,Ever told you that you have a form of depression?,No,Overall,Overall,11030,83.1,82.3,83.9,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic17,08,BO1,CAT1,ADDEPEV2,RESP054,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Demographics,Disability status,"Are you blind or do you have serious difficulty seeing, even when wearing glasses?",No,Overall,Overall,11982,97.1,96.7,97.5,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,08,BO1,CAT1,BLIND,RESP054,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Chronic Health Indicators,COPD,Ever told you have COPD?,No,Overall,Overall,12553,96.1,95.8,96.5,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic14,08,BO1,CAT1,CHCCOPD1,RESP054,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Chronic Health Indicators,Kidney,Ever told you have kidney disease?,No,Overall,Overall,12951,97.6,97.3,97.9,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic35,08,BO1,CAT1,CHCKIDNY,RESP054,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Chronic Health Indicators,Other Cancer,Ever told you had any other types of cancer?,No,Overall,Overall,12185,94.1,93.7,94.6,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic40,08,BO1,CAT1,CHCOCNCR,RESP054,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Chronic Health Indicators,Skin Cancer,Ever told you had skin cancer?,No,Overall,Overall,11990,93.9,93.6,94.3,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic53,08,BO1,CAT1,CHCSCNCR,RESP054,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Health Care Access/Coverage,Last Checkup,About how long has it been since you last visited a doctor for a routine checkup?,Within the past 2 years,Overall,Overall,1931,16,15.2,16.9,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic36,08,BO1,CAT1,CHECKUP1,RESP064,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Chronic Health Indicators,Cardiovascular Disease,Ever told you had angina or coronary heart disease?,No,Overall,Overall,12701,97.1,96.8,97.4,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic10,08,BO1,CAT1,CVDCRHD4,RESP054,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Chronic Health Indicators,Cardiovascular Disease,Ever told you had a heart attack (myocardial infarction)?,No,Overall,Overall,12743,97,96.6,97.3,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic10,08,BO1,CAT1,CVDINFR4,RESP054,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Chronic Health Indicators,Cardiovascular Disease,Ever told you had a stroke?,No,Overall,Overall,12988,98.3,98,98.5,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic10,08,BO1,CAT1,CVDSTRK3,RESP054,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Demographics,Disability status,"Do you have serious difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions?",No,Overall,Overall,11395,92.3,91.7,93,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,08,BO1,CAT1,DECIDE,RESP054,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Chronic Health Indicators,Diabetes,Have you ever been told by a doctor that you have diabetes?,"Yes, pregnancy-related",Overall,Overall,67,0.6,0.5,0.8,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic18,08,BO1,CAT1,DIABETE3,RESP051,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Demographics,Disability status,Do you have difficulty doing errands alone?,No,Overall,Overall,11639,95.3,94.9,95.8,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,08,BO1,CAT1,DIFFALON,RESP054,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Demographics,Disability status,Do you have difficulty dressing or bathing?,No,Overall,Overall,12008,97.8,97.5,98.1,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,08,BO1,CAT1,DIFFDRES,RESP054,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Demographics,Disability status,Do you have serious difficulty walking or climbing stairs?,No,Overall,Overall,10764,90.6,90,91.2,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,08,BO1,CAT1,DIFFWALK,RESP054,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Alcohol Consumption,Alcohol Consumption,Adults who have had at least one drink of alcohol within the past 30 days,No,Overall,Overall,4932,38.8,37.6,39.9,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS01,Topic03,08,BO1,CAT1,DRNKANY5,RESP054,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Health Status,Overall Health,How is your general health?,Very good,Overall,Overall,4929,36.2,35.1,37.3,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic41,08,BO1,CAT1,GENHLTH,RESP057,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,HIV-AIDS,HIV Test,Have you ever been tested for HIV?,No,Overall,Overall,8227,64.6,63.4,65.8,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS09,Topic32,08,BO1,CAT1,HIVTST6,RESP054,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Health Care Access/Coverage,Health Care Coverage,Do you have any kind of health care coverage?,No,Overall,Overall,1113,13.2,12.3,14,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic29,08,BO1,CAT1,HLTHPLN1,RESP054,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Demographics,Internet,Have you used the internet in the past 30 days?,No,Overall,Overall,2146,12.9,12.2,13.7,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic34,08,BO1,CAT1,INTERNET,RESP054,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Health Care Access/Coverage,Health Care Cost,Was there a time in the past 12 months when you needed to see a doctor but could not because of cost?,No,Overall,Overall,11989,86.8,85.9,87.6,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic28,08,BO1,CAT1,MEDCOST,RESP054,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Health Care Access/Coverage,Personal Care Provider,Do you have one person you think of as your personal doctor or health care provider?,More than one,Overall,Overall,949,7.4,6.8,8,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic43,08,BO1,CAT1,PERSDOC2,RESP053,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Demographics,Disability status,"Adults who are limited in any activities because of physical, mental, or emotional problems",No,Overall,Overall,9469,80.2,79.4,81.1,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,08,BO1,CAT1,QLACTLM2,RESP054,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Immunization,Shingle Vaccination,Have you ever had the shingles or zoster vaccine?,No,Overall,Overall,5389,71.2,70.1,72.3,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS11,Topic63,08,BO1,CAT1,SHINGLE2,RESP054,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Demographics,Disability status,Adults with health problem(s) that requires the use of special equipment,No,Overall,Overall,11283,93,92.6,93.5,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,08,BO1,CAT1,USEEQUIP,RESP054,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Tobacco Use,Smokeless Tobacco,"Do you currently use chewing tobacco, snuff, or snus?",Some days,Overall,Overall,168,2.4,1.9,2.8,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic54,08,BO1,CAT1,USENOW3,RESP080,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Demographics,Veteran Status,Have you ever served on active duty in the United States Armed Forces?,No,Overall,Overall,11485,88,87.4,88.7,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic61,08,BO1,CAT1,VETERAN3,RESP054,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Oral Health,All Teeth Removed,Adults aged 65+ who have had all their natural teeth extracted (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,3639,89,87.7,90.3,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS13,Topic04,08,BO1,CAT1,_ALTETH2,RESP054,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Overweight and Obesity (BMI),BMI Categories,Weight classification by Body Mass Index (BMI) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Overweight (BMI 25.0-29.9),Overall,Overall,4598,35.8,34.7,37,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS14,Topic09,08,BO1,CAT1,_BMI5CAT,RESP040,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Chronic Health Indicators,Asthma,Adults who have been told they currently have asthma (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,12184,91.6,91,92.3,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic06,08,BO1,CAT1,_CASTHM1,RESP054,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Colorectal Cancer Screening,USPSTF Recommendations,Respondents aged 50-75 who have fully met the USPSTF recommendation (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Did not meet USPSTF recommendations for testing,Overall,Overall,1953,32.8,31.3,34.2,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic64,08,BO1,CAT1,_CRCREC,RESP193,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Oral Health,Dental Visit,Visited the dentist or dental clinic within the past year for any reason (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,4046,33.2,32.1,34.3,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS13,Topic16,08,BO1,CAT1,_DENVST2,RESP054,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Chronic Health Indicators,Arthritis,Adults who have been told they have arthritis (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,9123,78.1,77.4,78.8,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic05,08,BO1,CAT1,_DRDXAR1,RESP054,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Oral Health,Teeth Removed,Adults that have had any permanent teeth extracted (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,7528,64.3,63.2,65.3,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS13,Topic57,08,BO1,CAT1,_EXTETH2,RESP054,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Health Status,Overall Health,How is your general health?,Fair,Overall,Overall,861,11,9.9,12,4,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic41,09,BO1,CAT1,GENHLTH,RESP059,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Immunization,Flu Shot,Adults aged 65+ who have had a flu shot within the past year (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,1321,32.3,30.4,34.1,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS11,Topic26,08,BO1,CAT1,_FLSHOT6,RESP054,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Health Care Access/Coverage,Under 65 Coverage,Adults aged 18-64 who have any kind of health care coverage (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,1071,15.8,14.7,16.8,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic59,08,BO1,CAT1,_HCVU651,RESP054,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Chronic Health Indicators,Asthma,Adults who have ever been told they have asthma (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,11790,87.7,87,88.5,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic06,08,BO1,CAT1,_LTASTH1,RESP054,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Women's Health,Mammogram,Women aged 50-74 who have had a mammogram within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Did not receive a mammogram within the past 2 years,Overall,Overall,950,25.9,24,27.7,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic37,08,BO1,CAT1,_MAM5021,RESP187,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Women's Health,Mammogram,Women aged 50+ who have had a mammogram within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,1284,28.6,26.9,30.3,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic37,08,BO1,CAT1,_MAM502Y,RESP054,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Immunization,Pneumonia Vaccination,Adults aged 65+ who have ever had a pneumonia vaccination (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,1006,25.6,23.8,27.3,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS11,Topic46,08,BO1,CAT1,_PNEUMO2,RESP054,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Alcohol Consumption,Binge Drinking,"Binge drinkers (males having five or more drinks on one occasion, females having four or more drinks on one occasion) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions)",No,Overall,Overall,10549,82.1,81.1,83,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS01,Topic07,08,BO1,CAT1,_RFBING5,RESP054,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Colorectal Cancer Screening,Blood Stool Test,Adults aged 50+ who have had a blood stool test within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,6501,86.1,85.2,87.1,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic08,08,BO1,CAT1,_RFBLDS2,RESP054,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Colorectal Cancer Screening,Blood Stool Test,Adults aged 50-75 who have had a blood stool test within the past year (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Have not had a blood stool test in the past year,Overall,Overall,5771,91,90.2,91.9,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic08,08,BO1,CAT1,_RFBLDS3,RESP191,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Alcohol Consumption,Heavy Drinking,Heavy drinkers (adult men having more than two drinks per day and adult women having more than one drink per day) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,11350,93.5,92.9,94.1,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS01,Topic30,08,BO1,CAT1,_RFDRHV4,RESP054,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Health Status,Fair or Poor Health,Health Status (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Fair or Poor Health,Overall,Overall,1878,12.9,12.2,13.7,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic24,08,BO1,CAT1,_RFHLTH,RESP062,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Women's Health,Mammogram,Women aged 40+ who have had a mammogram within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,1669,33.3,31.6,35,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic37,08,BO1,CAT1,_RFMAM2Y,RESP054,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Women's Health,Pap Test,Women aged 18+ who have had a pap test within the past three years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,1194,25.5,23.9,27,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic42,08,BO1,CAT1,_RFPAP32,RESP054,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Women's Health,Pap Test,Women aged 21-65 who have had a pap test in the past three years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Did not receive a Pap test within the past 3 years,Overall,Overall,563,15.4,13.8,16.9,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic42,08,BO1,CAT1,_RFPAP33,RESP189,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Prostate Cancer,PSA Test,Men aged 40+ who have had a PSA test within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,1947,60.5,58.7,62.3,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS16,Topic47,08,BO1,CAT1,_RFPSA21,RESP054,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Injury,Seatbelt Use,Always wears a seat belt? (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Does Not Always Wear a Seatbelt,Overall,Overall,1762,15,14.2,15.9,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS12,Topic50,08,BO1,CAT1,_RFSEAT3,RESP185,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Colorectal Cancer Screening,Sigmoidoscopy,Adults aged 50+ who have ever had a sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,2221,29.5,28.3,30.8,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic52,08,BO1,CAT1,_RFSIGM2,RESP054,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Tobacco Use,Current Smoker Status,Adults who are current smokers (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,10667,84.1,83.2,85.1,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic15,08,BO1,CAT1,_RFSMOK3,RESP054,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Tobacco Use,Smoker Status,Four Level Smoking Status (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Smoke some days,Overall,Overall,492,5.1,4.5,5.7,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic55,08,BO1,CAT1,_SMOKER3,RESP069,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Physical Activity,Exercise,"During the past month, did you participate in any physical activities? (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions)",No,Overall,Overall,2252,16.4,15.5,17.2,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS15,Topic23,08,BO1,CAT1,_TOTINDA,RESP054,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Health Care Access/Coverage,Last Checkup,About how long has it been since you last visited a doctor for a routine checkup?,Within the past 5 years,Overall,Overall,1201,11.8,11,12.6,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic36,08,BO1,CAT1,CHECKUP1,RESP065,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Chronic Health Indicators,Diabetes,Have you ever been told by a doctor that you have diabetes?,"No, pre-diabetes or borderline diabetes",Overall,Overall,227,1.4,1.2,1.7,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic18,08,BO1,CAT1,DIABETE3,RESP052,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Health Status,Overall Health,How is your general health?,Good,Overall,Overall,3736,29.6,28.5,30.7,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic41,08,BO1,CAT1,GENHLTH,RESP058,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Health Care Access/Coverage,Personal Care Provider,Do you have one person you think of as your personal doctor or health care provider?,No,Overall,Overall,2236,24.6,23.6,25.7,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic43,08,BO1,CAT1,PERSDOC2,RESP054,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Tobacco Use,Smokeless Tobacco,"Do you currently use chewing tobacco, snuff, or snus?",Not at all,Overall,Overall,11950,95.9,95.4,96.5,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic54,08,BO1,CAT1,USENOW3,RESP081,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Overweight and Obesity (BMI),BMI Categories,Weight classification by Body Mass Index (BMI) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Normal Weight (BMI 18.5-24.9),Overall,Overall,5040,41.1,39.9,42.2,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS14,Topic09,08,BO1,CAT1,_BMI5CAT,RESP041,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Tobacco Use,Smoker Status,Four Level Smoking Status (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Former smoker,Overall,Overall,3712,26.1,25.1,27.1,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic55,08,BO1,CAT1,_SMOKER3,RESP070,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Health Care Access/Coverage,Last Checkup,About how long has it been since you last visited a doctor for a routine checkup?,5 or more years ago,Overall,Overall,1002,9.1,8.4,9.8,4,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic36,08,BO1,CAT1,CHECKUP1,RESP066,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Chronic Health Indicators,Diabetes,Have you ever been told by a doctor that you have diabetes?,No,Overall,Overall,11885,91,90.4,91.5,4,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic18,08,BO1,CAT1,DIABETE3,RESP054,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Health Status,Overall Health,How is your general health?,Fair,Overall,Overall,1386,10,9.3,10.7,4,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic41,08,BO1,CAT1,GENHLTH,RESP059,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Overweight and Obesity (BMI),BMI Categories,Weight classification by Body Mass Index (BMI) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Underweight (BMI 12.0-18.4),Overall,Overall,227,2.1,1.7,2.5,4,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS14,Topic09,08,BO1,CAT1,_BMI5CAT,RESP042,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Tobacco Use,Smoker Status,Four Level Smoking Status (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Never smoked,Overall,Overall,6955,58,56.9,59.2,4,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic55,08,BO1,CAT1,_SMOKER3,RESP071,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Health Care Access/Coverage,Last Checkup,About how long has it been since you last visited a doctor for a routine checkup?,Never,Overall,Overall,140,0,0,0,5,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic36,08,BO1,CAT1,CHECKUP1,RESP067,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CO,Colorado,Health Status,Overall Health,How is your general health?,Poor,Overall,Overall,492,2.9,2.6,3.3,5,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic41,08,BO1,CAT1,GENHLTH,RESP060,"(38.843840757000464, -106.13361092099967)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Chronic Health Indicators,Depression,Ever told you that you have a form of depression?,Yes,Overall,Overall,1440,18.2,16.9,19.5,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic17,09,BO1,CAT1,ADDEPEV2,RESP046,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Demographics,Disability status,"Are you blind or do you have serious difficulty seeing, even when wearing glasses?",Yes,Overall,Overall,273,3,2.5,3.6,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,09,BO1,CAT1,BLIND,RESP046,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Chronic Health Indicators,COPD,Ever told you have COPD?,Yes,Overall,Overall,536,4.6,4,5.1,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic14,09,BO1,CAT1,CHCCOPD1,RESP046,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Chronic Health Indicators,Kidney,Ever told you have kidney disease?,Yes,Overall,Overall,234,2.3,1.9,2.7,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic35,09,BO1,CAT1,CHCKIDNY,RESP046,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Chronic Health Indicators,Other Cancer,Ever told you had any other types of cancer?,Yes,Overall,Overall,817,6.3,5.6,6.9,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic40,09,BO1,CAT1,CHCOCNCR,RESP046,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Chronic Health Indicators,Skin Cancer,Ever told you had skin cancer?,Yes,Overall,Overall,706,4.9,4.5,5.4,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic53,09,BO1,CAT1,CHCSCNCR,RESP046,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Health Care Access/Coverage,Last Checkup,About how long has it been since you last visited a doctor for a routine checkup?,Within the past year,Overall,Overall,6031,71.3,69.6,72.9,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic36,09,BO1,CAT1,CHECKUP1,RESP063,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Chronic Health Indicators,Cardiovascular Disease,Ever told you had angina or coronary heart disease?,Yes,Overall,Overall,410,3.2,2.8,3.6,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic10,09,BO1,CAT1,CVDCRHD4,RESP046,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Chronic Health Indicators,Cardiovascular Disease,Ever told you had a heart attack (myocardial infarction)?,Yes,Overall,Overall,400,3.3,2.8,3.7,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic10,09,BO1,CAT1,CVDINFR4,RESP046,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Chronic Health Indicators,Cardiovascular Disease,Ever told you had a stroke?,Yes,Overall,Overall,251,2.3,1.9,2.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic10,09,BO1,CAT1,CVDSTRK3,RESP046,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Demographics,Disability status,"Do you have serious difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions?",Yes,Overall,Overall,566,8.7,7.7,9.7,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,09,BO1,CAT1,DECIDE,RESP046,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Chronic Health Indicators,Diabetes,Have you ever been told by a doctor that you have diabetes?,Yes,Overall,Overall,880,8,7.3,8.7,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic18,09,BO1,CAT1,DIABETE3,RESP046,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Demographics,Disability status,Do you have difficulty doing errands alone?,Yes,Overall,Overall,477,6.2,5.4,7.1,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,09,BO1,CAT1,DIFFALON,RESP046,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Demographics,Disability status,Do you have difficulty dressing or bathing?,Yes,Overall,Overall,253,2.9,2.4,3.4,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,09,BO1,CAT1,DIFFDRES,RESP046,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Demographics,Disability status,Do you have serious difficulty walking or climbing stairs?,Yes,Overall,Overall,1009,10,9.1,10.9,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,09,BO1,CAT1,DIFFWALK,RESP046,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Alcohol Consumption,Alcohol Consumption,Adults who have had at least one drink of alcohol within the past 30 days,Yes,Overall,Overall,4618,60.7,58.9,62.5,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS01,Topic03,09,BO1,CAT1,DRNKANY5,RESP046,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Health Status,Overall Health,How is your general health?,Excellent,Overall,Overall,1807,24,22.5,25.6,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic41,09,BO1,CAT1,GENHLTH,RESP056,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,HIV-AIDS,HIV Test,Have you ever been tested for HIV?,Yes,Overall,Overall,2121,37.2,35.4,39,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS09,Topic32,09,BO1,CAT1,HIVTST6,RESP046,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Health Care Access/Coverage,Health Care Coverage,Do you have any kind of health care coverage?,Yes,Overall,Overall,7505,90.4,89.2,91.6,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic29,09,BO1,CAT1,HLTHPLN1,RESP046,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Demographics,Internet,Have you used the internet in the past 30 days?,Yes,Overall,Overall,6243,85.2,84.2,86.3,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic34,09,BO1,CAT1,INTERNET,RESP046,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Health Care Access/Coverage,Health Care Cost,Was there a time in the past 12 months when you needed to see a doctor but could not because of cost?,Yes,Overall,Overall,689,11.8,10.7,13,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic28,09,BO1,CAT1,MEDCOST,RESP046,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Health Care Access/Coverage,Personal Care Provider,Do you have one person you think of as your personal doctor or health care provider?,"Yes, only one",Overall,Overall,6538,75.7,74.2,77.3,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic43,09,BO1,CAT1,PERSDOC2,RESP050,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Demographics,Disability status,"Adults who are limited in any activities because of physical, mental, or emotional problems",Yes,Overall,Overall,1670,18.8,17.5,20.1,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,09,BO1,CAT1,QLACTLM2,RESP046,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Immunization,Shingle Vaccination,Have you ever had the shingles or zoster vaccine?,Yes,Overall,Overall,1297,21.7,20.3,23.1,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS11,Topic63,09,BO1,CAT1,SHINGLE2,RESP046,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,DE,Delaware,HIV-AIDS,HIV Test,Have you ever been tested for HIV?,Yes,Overall,Overall,1302,41.2,38.7,43.6,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS09,Topic32,10,BO1,CAT1,HIVTST6,RESP046,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Demographics,Disability status,Adults with health problem(s) that requires the use of special equipment,Yes,Overall,Overall,847,7.7,7,8.4,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,09,BO1,CAT1,USEEQUIP,RESP046,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Tobacco Use,Smokeless Tobacco,"Do you currently use chewing tobacco, snuff, or snus?",Every day,Overall,Overall,36,0.6,0.3,0.9,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic54,09,BO1,CAT1,USENOW3,RESP079,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Demographics,Veteran Status,Have you ever served on active duty in the United States Armed Forces?,Yes,Overall,Overall,952,9,8.2,9.7,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic61,09,BO1,CAT1,VETERAN3,RESP046,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Oral Health,All Teeth Removed,Adults aged 65+ who have had all their natural teeth extracted (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,237,10.7,9.1,12.4,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS13,Topic04,09,BO1,CAT1,_ALTETH2,RESP046,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Overweight and Obesity (BMI),BMI Categories,Weight classification by Body Mass Index (BMI) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Obese (BMI 30.0 - 99.8),Overall,Overall,1934,25.4,23.9,26.9,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS14,Topic09,09,BO1,CAT1,_BMI5CAT,RESP039,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Chronic Health Indicators,Asthma,Adults who have been told they currently have asthma (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,748,9.3,8.2,10.3,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic06,09,BO1,CAT1,_CASTHM1,RESP046,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Colorectal Cancer Screening,USPSTF Recommendations,Respondents aged 50-75 who have fully met the USPSTF recommendation (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Met USPSTF recommendations for testing,Overall,Overall,2872,73.3,71.4,75.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic64,09,BO1,CAT1,_CRCREC,RESP192,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Oral Health,Dental Visit,Visited the dentist or dental clinic within the past year for any reason (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,6193,74.6,73.1,76.1,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS13,Topic16,09,BO1,CAT1,_DENVST2,RESP046,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Chronic Health Indicators,Arthritis,Adults who have been told they have arthritis (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,2520,21.1,20.1,22.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic05,09,BO1,CAT1,_DRDXAR1,RESP046,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Oral Health,Teeth Removed,Adults that have had any permanent teeth extracted (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,3777,40.4,38.9,42,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS13,Topic57,09,BO1,CAT1,_EXTETH2,RESP046,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Immunization,Flu Shot,Adults aged 65+ who have had a flu shot within the past year (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,1658,64.8,62.2,67.5,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS11,Topic26,09,BO1,CAT1,_FLSHOT6,RESP046,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Health Care Access/Coverage,Under 65 Coverage,Adults aged 18-64 who have any kind of health care coverage (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,4748,88.7,87.3,90.1,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic59,09,BO1,CAT1,_HCVU651,RESP046,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Chronic Health Indicators,Asthma,Adults who have ever been told they have asthma (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,1105,14.4,13.2,15.7,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic06,09,BO1,CAT1,_LTASTH1,RESP046,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Women's Health,Mammogram,Women aged 50-74 who have had a mammogram within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Received a mammogram within the past 2 years,Overall,Overall,1846,83.9,81.9,86,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic37,09,BO1,CAT1,_MAM5021,RESP186,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Women's Health,Mammogram,Women aged 50+ who have had a mammogram within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,2302,81.5,79.6,83.4,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic37,09,BO1,CAT1,_MAM502Y,RESP046,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Immunization,Pneumonia Vaccination,Adults aged 65+ who have ever had a pneumonia vaccination (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,1678,70.8,68.3,73.4,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS11,Topic46,09,BO1,CAT1,_PNEUMO2,RESP046,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Alcohol Consumption,Binge Drinking,"Binge drinkers (males having five or more drinks on one occasion, females having four or more drinks on one occasion) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions)",Yes,Overall,Overall,875,17.4,16,18.9,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS01,Topic07,09,BO1,CAT1,_RFBING5,RESP046,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Colorectal Cancer Screening,Blood Stool Test,Adults aged 50+ who have had a blood stool test within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,726,15.7,14.3,17.1,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic08,09,BO1,CAT1,_RFBLDS2,RESP046,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Colorectal Cancer Screening,Blood Stool Test,Adults aged 50-75 who have had a blood stool test within the past year (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Had a blood stool test in the past year,Overall,Overall,332,9.2,7.9,10.4,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic08,09,BO1,CAT1,_RFBLDS3,RESP190,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Alcohol Consumption,Heavy Drinking,Heavy drinkers (adult men having more than two drinks per day and adult women having more than one drink per day) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,409,5.7,4.9,6.5,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS01,Topic30,09,BO1,CAT1,_RFDRHV4,RESP046,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Health Status,Fair or Poor Health,Health Status (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Good or Better Health,Overall,Overall,6807,86.2,85.1,87.4,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic24,09,BO1,CAT1,_RFHLTH,RESP061,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Women's Health,Mammogram,Women aged 40+ who have had a mammogram within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,2742,79.2,77.2,81.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic37,09,BO1,CAT1,_RFMAM2Y,RESP046,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Women's Health,Pap Test,Women aged 18+ who have had a pap test within the past three years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,2476,78.8,76.5,81.1,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic42,09,BO1,CAT1,_RFPAP32,RESP046,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Women's Health,Pap Test,Women aged 21-65 who have had a pap test in the past three years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Received a Pap test within the past 3 years,Overall,Overall,1884,87.5,85.5,89.5,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic42,09,BO1,CAT1,_RFPAP33,RESP188,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Prostate Cancer,PSA Test,Men aged 40+ who have had a PSA test within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,1145,40.8,38.2,43.4,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS16,Topic47,09,BO1,CAT1,_RFPSA21,RESP046,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Injury,Seatbelt Use,Always wears a seat belt? (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Always Wears a Seatbelt,Overall,Overall,6695,88.7,87.4,89.9,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS12,Topic50,09,BO1,CAT1,_RFSEAT3,RESP184,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Colorectal Cancer Screening,Sigmoidoscopy,Adults aged 50+ who have ever had a sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,3782,76.3,74.7,78,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic52,09,BO1,CAT1,_RFSIGM2,RESP046,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Tobacco Use,Current Smoker Status,Adults who are current smokers (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,897,16,14.7,17.4,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic15,09,BO1,CAT1,_RFSMOK3,RESP046,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Tobacco Use,Smoker Status,Four Level Smoking Status (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Smoke everyday,Overall,Overall,592,10.5,9.4,11.7,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic55,09,BO1,CAT1,_SMOKER3,RESP068,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Physical Activity,Exercise,"During the past month, did you participate in any physical activities? (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions)",Yes,Overall,Overall,6286,80.1,78.7,81.5,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS15,Topic23,09,BO1,CAT1,_TOTINDA,RESP046,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Chronic Health Indicators,Depression,Ever told you that you have a form of depression?,No,Overall,Overall,6474,81.8,80.5,83.1,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic17,09,BO1,CAT1,ADDEPEV2,RESP054,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Demographics,Disability status,"Are you blind or do you have serious difficulty seeing, even when wearing glasses?",No,Overall,Overall,7258,97,96.4,97.5,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,09,BO1,CAT1,BLIND,RESP054,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Chronic Health Indicators,COPD,Ever told you have COPD?,No,Overall,Overall,7364,95.4,94.9,96,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic14,09,BO1,CAT1,CHCCOPD1,RESP054,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Chronic Health Indicators,Kidney,Ever told you have kidney disease?,No,Overall,Overall,7699,97.7,97.3,98.1,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic35,09,BO1,CAT1,CHCKIDNY,RESP054,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Chronic Health Indicators,Other Cancer,Ever told you had any other types of cancer?,No,Overall,Overall,7117,93.7,93.1,94.4,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic40,09,BO1,CAT1,CHCOCNCR,RESP054,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Chronic Health Indicators,Skin Cancer,Ever told you had skin cancer?,No,Overall,Overall,7223,95.1,94.6,95.5,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic53,09,BO1,CAT1,CHCSCNCR,RESP054,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Health Care Access/Coverage,Last Checkup,About how long has it been since you last visited a doctor for a routine checkup?,Within the past 2 years,Overall,Overall,1014,15.2,13.9,16.5,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic36,09,BO1,CAT1,CHECKUP1,RESP064,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Chronic Health Indicators,Cardiovascular Disease,Ever told you had angina or coronary heart disease?,No,Overall,Overall,7490,96.8,96.4,97.2,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic10,09,BO1,CAT1,CVDCRHD4,RESP054,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Chronic Health Indicators,Cardiovascular Disease,Ever told you had a heart attack (myocardial infarction)?,No,Overall,Overall,7512,96.7,96.3,97.2,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic10,09,BO1,CAT1,CVDINFR4,RESP054,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Chronic Health Indicators,Cardiovascular Disease,Ever told you had a stroke?,No,Overall,Overall,7685,97.7,97.2,98.1,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic10,09,BO1,CAT1,CVDSTRK3,RESP054,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Demographics,Disability status,"Do you have serious difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions?",No,Overall,Overall,6929,91.3,90.3,92.3,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,09,BO1,CAT1,DECIDE,RESP054,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Chronic Health Indicators,Diabetes,Have you ever been told by a doctor that you have diabetes?,"Yes, pregnancy-related",Overall,Overall,62,1,0.6,1.3,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic18,09,BO1,CAT1,DIABETE3,RESP051,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Demographics,Disability status,Do you have difficulty doing errands alone?,No,Overall,Overall,7005,93.8,92.9,94.6,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,09,BO1,CAT1,DIFFALON,RESP054,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Demographics,Disability status,Do you have difficulty dressing or bathing?,No,Overall,Overall,7250,97.1,96.6,97.6,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,09,BO1,CAT1,DIFFDRES,RESP054,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Demographics,Disability status,Do you have serious difficulty walking or climbing stairs?,No,Overall,Overall,6488,90,89.1,90.9,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,09,BO1,CAT1,DIFFWALK,RESP054,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Alcohol Consumption,Alcohol Consumption,Adults who have had at least one drink of alcohol within the past 30 days,No,Overall,Overall,2767,39.3,37.5,41.1,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS01,Topic03,09,BO1,CAT1,DRNKANY5,RESP054,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Health Status,Overall Health,How is your general health?,Very good,Overall,Overall,2849,34.8,33.2,36.5,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic41,09,BO1,CAT1,GENHLTH,RESP057,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,HIV-AIDS,HIV Test,Have you ever been tested for HIV?,No,Overall,Overall,4872,62.8,61,64.6,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS09,Topic32,09,BO1,CAT1,HIVTST6,RESP054,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Health Care Access/Coverage,Health Care Coverage,Do you have any kind of health care coverage?,No,Overall,Overall,417,9.6,8.4,10.8,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic29,09,BO1,CAT1,HLTHPLN1,RESP054,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Demographics,Internet,Have you used the internet in the past 30 days?,No,Overall,Overall,1403,14.8,13.7,15.8,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic34,09,BO1,CAT1,INTERNET,RESP054,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Health Care Access/Coverage,Health Care Cost,Was there a time in the past 12 months when you needed to see a doctor but could not because of cost?,No,Overall,Overall,7242,88.2,87,89.3,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic28,09,BO1,CAT1,MEDCOST,RESP054,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Health Care Access/Coverage,Personal Care Provider,Do you have one person you think of as your personal doctor or health care provider?,More than one,Overall,Overall,523,6.4,5.5,7.4,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic43,09,BO1,CAT1,PERSDOC2,RESP053,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Demographics,Disability status,"Adults who are limited in any activities because of physical, mental, or emotional problems",No,Overall,Overall,5891,81.2,79.9,82.5,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,09,BO1,CAT1,QLACTLM2,RESP054,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Immunization,Shingle Vaccination,Have you ever had the shingles or zoster vaccine?,No,Overall,Overall,3614,78.3,76.9,79.7,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS11,Topic63,09,BO1,CAT1,SHINGLE2,RESP054,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Demographics,Disability status,Adults with health problem(s) that requires the use of special equipment,No,Overall,Overall,6708,92.3,91.6,93,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,09,BO1,CAT1,USEEQUIP,RESP054,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Tobacco Use,Smokeless Tobacco,"Do you currently use chewing tobacco, snuff, or snus?",Some days,Overall,Overall,62,1.3,0.9,1.8,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic54,09,BO1,CAT1,USENOW3,RESP080,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Demographics,Veteran Status,Have you ever served on active duty in the United States Armed Forces?,No,Overall,Overall,6973,91,90.3,91.8,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic61,09,BO1,CAT1,VETERAN3,RESP054,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Health Care Access/Coverage,Health Care Coverage,Do you have any kind of health care coverage?,Yes,Overall,Overall,4022,90.4,88.9,91.9,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic29,10,BO1,CAT1,HLTHPLN1,RESP046,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Oral Health,All Teeth Removed,Adults aged 65+ who have had all their natural teeth extracted (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,2293,89.3,87.6,90.9,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS13,Topic04,09,BO1,CAT1,_ALTETH2,RESP054,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Overweight and Obesity (BMI),BMI Categories,Weight classification by Body Mass Index (BMI) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Overweight (BMI 25.0-29.9),Overall,Overall,2570,33.3,31.6,34.9,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS14,Topic09,09,BO1,CAT1,_BMI5CAT,RESP040,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Chronic Health Indicators,Asthma,Adults who have been told they currently have asthma (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,7147,90.7,89.7,91.8,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic06,09,BO1,CAT1,_CASTHM1,RESP054,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Colorectal Cancer Screening,USPSTF Recommendations,Respondents aged 50-75 who have fully met the USPSTF recommendation (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Did not meet USPSTF recommendations for testing,Overall,Overall,899,26.7,24.8,28.6,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic64,09,BO1,CAT1,_CRCREC,RESP193,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Oral Health,Dental Visit,Visited the dentist or dental clinic within the past year for any reason (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,1713,25.4,23.9,26.9,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS13,Topic16,09,BO1,CAT1,_DENVST2,RESP054,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Chronic Health Indicators,Arthritis,Adults who have been told they have arthritis (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,5382,78.9,77.8,79.9,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic05,09,BO1,CAT1,_DRDXAR1,RESP054,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Oral Health,Teeth Removed,Adults that have had any permanent teeth extracted (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,4005,59.6,58,61.1,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS13,Topic57,09,BO1,CAT1,_EXTETH2,RESP054,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Immunization,Flu Shot,Adults aged 65+ who have had a flu shot within the past year (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,831,35.2,32.5,37.8,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS11,Topic26,09,BO1,CAT1,_FLSHOT6,RESP054,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Health Care Access/Coverage,Under 65 Coverage,Adults aged 18-64 who have any kind of health care coverage (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,384,11.3,9.9,12.7,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic59,09,BO1,CAT1,_HCVU651,RESP054,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Chronic Health Indicators,Asthma,Adults who have ever been told they have asthma (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,6822,85.6,84.3,86.8,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic06,09,BO1,CAT1,_LTASTH1,RESP054,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Women's Health,Mammogram,Women aged 50-74 who have had a mammogram within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Did not receive a mammogram within the past 2 years,Overall,Overall,341,16.1,14,18.1,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic37,09,BO1,CAT1,_MAM5021,RESP187,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Women's Health,Mammogram,Women aged 50+ who have had a mammogram within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,518,18.5,16.6,20.4,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic37,09,BO1,CAT1,_MAM502Y,RESP054,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Immunization,Pneumonia Vaccination,Adults aged 65+ who have ever had a pneumonia vaccination (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,681,29.2,26.6,31.7,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS11,Topic46,09,BO1,CAT1,_PNEUMO2,RESP054,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Alcohol Consumption,Binge Drinking,"Binge drinkers (males having five or more drinks on one occasion, females having four or more drinks on one occasion) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions)",No,Overall,Overall,6430,82.6,81.1,84,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS01,Topic07,09,BO1,CAT1,_RFBING5,RESP054,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Colorectal Cancer Screening,Blood Stool Test,Adults aged 50+ who have had a blood stool test within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,4026,84.3,82.9,85.7,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic08,09,BO1,CAT1,_RFBLDS2,RESP054,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Colorectal Cancer Screening,Blood Stool Test,Adults aged 50-75 who have had a blood stool test within the past year (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Have not had a blood stool test in the past year,Overall,Overall,3498,90.8,89.6,92.1,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic08,09,BO1,CAT1,_RFBLDS3,RESP191,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Alcohol Consumption,Heavy Drinking,Heavy drinkers (adult men having more than two drinks per day and adult women having more than one drink per day) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,6900,94.3,93.5,95.1,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS01,Topic30,09,BO1,CAT1,_RFDRHV4,RESP054,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Chronic Health Indicators,COPD,Ever told you have COPD?,No,Overall,Overall,3892,94,93.1,94.9,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic14,10,BO1,CAT1,CHCCOPD1,RESP054,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Health Status,Fair or Poor Health,Health Status (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Fair or Poor Health,Overall,Overall,1128,13.8,12.6,14.9,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic24,09,BO1,CAT1,_RFHLTH,RESP062,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Women's Health,Mammogram,Women aged 40+ who have had a mammogram within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,659,20.8,18.8,22.8,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic37,09,BO1,CAT1,_RFMAM2Y,RESP054,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Women's Health,Pap Test,Women aged 18+ who have had a pap test within the past three years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,622,21.2,18.9,23.5,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic42,09,BO1,CAT1,_RFPAP32,RESP054,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Women's Health,Pap Test,Women aged 21-65 who have had a pap test in the past three years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Did not receive a Pap test within the past 3 years,Overall,Overall,258,12.5,10.5,14.5,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic42,09,BO1,CAT1,_RFPAP33,RESP189,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Prostate Cancer,PSA Test,Men aged 40+ who have had a PSA test within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,1184,59.2,56.6,61.8,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS16,Topic47,09,BO1,CAT1,_RFPSA21,RESP054,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Injury,Seatbelt Use,Always wears a seat belt? (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Does Not Always Wear a Seatbelt,Overall,Overall,626,11.3,10.1,12.6,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS12,Topic50,09,BO1,CAT1,_RFSEAT3,RESP185,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Colorectal Cancer Screening,Sigmoidoscopy,Adults aged 50+ who have ever had a sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,1010,23.7,22,25.3,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic52,09,BO1,CAT1,_RFSIGM2,RESP054,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Tobacco Use,Current Smoker Status,Adults who are current smokers (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,6550,84,82.6,85.3,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic15,09,BO1,CAT1,_RFSMOK3,RESP054,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Tobacco Use,Smoker Status,Four Level Smoking Status (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Smoke some days,Overall,Overall,305,5.5,4.7,6.3,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic55,09,BO1,CAT1,_SMOKER3,RESP069,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Physical Activity,Exercise,"During the past month, did you participate in any physical activities? (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions)",No,Overall,Overall,1657,19.9,18.5,21.3,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS15,Topic23,09,BO1,CAT1,_TOTINDA,RESP054,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Health Care Access/Coverage,Last Checkup,About how long has it been since you last visited a doctor for a routine checkup?,Within the past 5 years,Overall,Overall,459,7.9,6.9,8.9,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic36,09,BO1,CAT1,CHECKUP1,RESP065,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Chronic Health Indicators,Diabetes,Have you ever been told by a doctor that you have diabetes?,"No, pre-diabetes or borderline diabetes",Overall,Overall,109,1.2,0.9,1.6,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic18,09,BO1,CAT1,DIABETE3,RESP052,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Health Status,Overall Health,How is your general health?,Good,Overall,Overall,2151,27.4,25.8,28.9,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic41,09,BO1,CAT1,GENHLTH,RESP058,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Health Care Access/Coverage,Personal Care Provider,Do you have one person you think of as your personal doctor or health care provider?,No,Overall,Overall,867,17.8,16.4,19.3,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic43,09,BO1,CAT1,PERSDOC2,RESP054,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Tobacco Use,Smokeless Tobacco,"Do you currently use chewing tobacco, snuff, or snus?",Not at all,Overall,Overall,7368,98.1,97.5,98.6,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic54,09,BO1,CAT1,USENOW3,RESP081,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Overweight and Obesity (BMI),BMI Categories,Weight classification by Body Mass Index (BMI) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Normal Weight (BMI 18.5-24.9),Overall,Overall,2627,39.8,38,41.6,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS14,Topic09,09,BO1,CAT1,_BMI5CAT,RESP041,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Tobacco Use,Smoker Status,Four Level Smoking Status (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Former smoker,Overall,Overall,2502,25.4,24.1,26.7,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic55,09,BO1,CAT1,_SMOKER3,RESP070,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Health Care Access/Coverage,Last Checkup,About how long has it been since you last visited a doctor for a routine checkup?,5 or more years ago,Overall,Overall,328,5.7,4.9,6.5,4,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic36,09,BO1,CAT1,CHECKUP1,RESP066,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Chronic Health Indicators,Diabetes,Have you ever been told by a doctor that you have diabetes?,No,Overall,Overall,6888,89.8,88.9,90.6,4,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic18,09,BO1,CAT1,DIABETE3,RESP054,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Overweight and Obesity (BMI),BMI Categories,Weight classification by Body Mass Index (BMI) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Underweight (BMI 12.0-18.4),Overall,Overall,106,1.6,1.1,2,4,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS14,Topic09,09,BO1,CAT1,_BMI5CAT,RESP042,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Tobacco Use,Smoker Status,Four Level Smoking Status (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Never smoked,Overall,Overall,4048,58.6,56.9,60.3,4,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic55,09,BO1,CAT1,_SMOKER3,RESP071,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Health Care Access/Coverage,Last Checkup,About how long has it been since you last visited a doctor for a routine checkup?,Never,Overall,Overall,53,0,0,0,5,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic36,09,BO1,CAT1,CHECKUP1,RESP067,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,CT,Connecticut,Health Status,Overall Health,How is your general health?,Poor,Overall,Overall,267,2.8,2.3,3.3,5,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic41,09,BO1,CAT1,GENHLTH,RESP060,"(41.56266102000046, -72.64984095199964)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Chronic Health Indicators,Depression,Ever told you that you have a form of depression?,Yes,Overall,Overall,802,18.3,16.4,20.1,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic17,10,BO1,CAT1,ADDEPEV2,RESP046,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Demographics,Disability status,"Are you blind or do you have serious difficulty seeing, even when wearing glasses?",Yes,Overall,Overall,189,3.5,2.7,4.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,10,BO1,CAT1,BLIND,RESP046,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Chronic Health Indicators,COPD,Ever told you have COPD?,Yes,Overall,Overall,382,6,5.1,6.9,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic14,10,BO1,CAT1,CHCCOPD1,RESP046,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Chronic Health Indicators,Kidney,Ever told you have kidney disease?,Yes,Overall,Overall,180,3.2,2.5,3.9,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic35,10,BO1,CAT1,CHCKIDNY,RESP046,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Chronic Health Indicators,Other Cancer,Ever told you had any other types of cancer?,Yes,Overall,Overall,450,6.4,5.6,7.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic40,10,BO1,CAT1,CHCOCNCR,RESP046,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Chronic Health Indicators,Skin Cancer,Ever told you had skin cancer?,Yes,Overall,Overall,444,5.8,5.1,6.5,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic53,10,BO1,CAT1,CHCSCNCR,RESP046,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Health Care Access/Coverage,Last Checkup,About how long has it been since you last visited a doctor for a routine checkup?,Within the past year,Overall,Overall,3385,72.9,70.7,75.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic36,10,BO1,CAT1,CHECKUP1,RESP063,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Chronic Health Indicators,Cardiovascular Disease,Ever told you had angina or coronary heart disease?,Yes,Overall,Overall,296,4.1,3.5,4.7,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic10,10,BO1,CAT1,CVDCRHD4,RESP046,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Chronic Health Indicators,Cardiovascular Disease,Ever told you had a heart attack (myocardial infarction)?,Yes,Overall,Overall,318,4.3,3.6,4.9,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic10,10,BO1,CAT1,CVDINFR4,RESP046,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Chronic Health Indicators,Cardiovascular Disease,Ever told you had a stroke?,Yes,Overall,Overall,205,2.8,2.2,3.3,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic10,10,BO1,CAT1,CVDSTRK3,RESP046,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Demographics,Disability status,"Do you have serious difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions?",Yes,Overall,Overall,443,10.7,9.1,12.3,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,10,BO1,CAT1,DECIDE,RESP046,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Chronic Health Indicators,Diabetes,Have you ever been told by a doctor that you have diabetes?,Yes,Overall,Overall,653,9.8,8.8,10.9,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic18,10,BO1,CAT1,DIABETE3,RESP046,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Demographics,Disability status,Do you have difficulty doing errands alone?,Yes,Overall,Overall,312,5.5,4.6,6.3,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,10,BO1,CAT1,DIFFALON,RESP046,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Demographics,Disability status,Do you have difficulty dressing or bathing?,Yes,Overall,Overall,199,4,3.1,5,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,10,BO1,CAT1,DIFFDRES,RESP046,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Demographics,Disability status,Do you have serious difficulty walking or climbing stairs?,Yes,Overall,Overall,789,12.8,11.5,14.1,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,10,BO1,CAT1,DIFFWALK,RESP046,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Alcohol Consumption,Alcohol Consumption,Adults who have had at least one drink of alcohol within the past 30 days,Yes,Overall,Overall,2068,53.4,51,55.9,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS01,Topic03,10,BO1,CAT1,DRNKANY5,RESP046,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Health Status,Overall Health,How is your general health?,Excellent,Overall,Overall,745,19.5,17.6,21.4,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic41,10,BO1,CAT1,GENHLTH,RESP056,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Demographics,Internet,Have you used the internet in the past 30 days?,Yes,Overall,Overall,3219,83.1,81.7,84.5,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic34,10,BO1,CAT1,INTERNET,RESP046,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Health Care Access/Coverage,Health Care Cost,Was there a time in the past 12 months when you needed to see a doctor but could not because of cost?,Yes,Overall,Overall,380,11.2,9.7,12.7,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic28,10,BO1,CAT1,MEDCOST,RESP046,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Health Care Access/Coverage,Personal Care Provider,Do you have one person you think of as your personal doctor or health care provider?,"Yes, only one",Overall,Overall,3310,73.7,71.6,75.9,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic43,10,BO1,CAT1,PERSDOC2,RESP050,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Demographics,Disability status,"Adults who are limited in any activities because of physical, mental, or emotional problems",Yes,Overall,Overall,1045,19.6,17.9,21.4,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,10,BO1,CAT1,QLACTLM2,RESP046,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Immunization,Shingle Vaccination,Have you ever had the shingles or zoster vaccine?,Yes,Overall,Overall,684,20.6,18.9,22.3,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS11,Topic63,10,BO1,CAT1,SHINGLE2,RESP046,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Demographics,Disability status,Adults with health problem(s) that requires the use of special equipment,Yes,Overall,Overall,574,8.4,7.5,9.4,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,10,BO1,CAT1,USEEQUIP,RESP046,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Tobacco Use,Smokeless Tobacco,"Do you currently use chewing tobacco, snuff, or snus?",Every day,Overall,Overall,31,0.9,0.5,1.3,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic54,10,BO1,CAT1,USENOW3,RESP079,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Demographics,Veteran Status,Have you ever served on active duty in the United States Armed Forces?,Yes,Overall,Overall,672,10.5,9.3,11.6,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic61,10,BO1,CAT1,VETERAN3,RESP046,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Oral Health,All Teeth Removed,Adults aged 65+ who have had all their natural teeth extracted (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,219,16.5,13.9,19.1,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS13,Topic04,10,BO1,CAT1,_ALTETH2,RESP046,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Overweight and Obesity (BMI),BMI Categories,Weight classification by Body Mass Index (BMI) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Obese (BMI 30.0 - 99.8),Overall,Overall,1268,30,27.8,32.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS14,Topic09,10,BO1,CAT1,_BMI5CAT,RESP039,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Chronic Health Indicators,Asthma,Adults who have been told they currently have asthma (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,403,8.7,7.5,9.9,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic06,10,BO1,CAT1,_CASTHM1,RESP046,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Colorectal Cancer Screening,USPSTF Recommendations,Respondents aged 50-75 who have fully met the USPSTF recommendation (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Met USPSTF recommendations for testing,Overall,Overall,1649,71.7,69.2,74.1,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic64,10,BO1,CAT1,_CRCREC,RESP192,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Oral Health,Dental Visit,Visited the dentist or dental clinic within the past year for any reason (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,2894,66.1,63.8,68.3,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS13,Topic16,10,BO1,CAT1,_DENVST2,RESP046,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Chronic Health Indicators,Arthritis,Adults who have been told they have arthritis (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,1577,23.5,22.1,24.9,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic05,10,BO1,CAT1,_DRDXAR1,RESP046,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Oral Health,Teeth Removed,Adults that have had any permanent teeth extracted (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,2284,43.3,41.1,45.4,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS13,Topic57,10,BO1,CAT1,_EXTETH2,RESP046,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Immunization,Flu Shot,Adults aged 65+ who have had a flu shot within the past year (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,974,64,60.7,67.3,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS11,Topic26,10,BO1,CAT1,_FLSHOT6,RESP046,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Health Care Access/Coverage,Under 65 Coverage,Adults aged 18-64 who have any kind of health care coverage (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,2413,88.6,86.8,90.4,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic59,10,BO1,CAT1,_HCVU651,RESP046,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Chronic Health Indicators,Asthma,Adults who have ever been told they have asthma (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,600,14.6,12.8,16.3,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic06,10,BO1,CAT1,_LTASTH1,RESP046,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Women's Health,Mammogram,Women aged 50-74 who have had a mammogram within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Received a mammogram within the past 2 years,Overall,Overall,1118,86.1,83.7,88.4,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic37,10,BO1,CAT1,_MAM5021,RESP186,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Women's Health,Mammogram,Women aged 50+ who have had a mammogram within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,1386,83.1,80.8,85.4,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic37,10,BO1,CAT1,_MAM502Y,RESP046,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Immunization,Pneumonia Vaccination,Adults aged 65+ who have ever had a pneumonia vaccination (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,1060,73.5,70.6,76.5,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS11,Topic46,10,BO1,CAT1,_PNEUMO2,RESP046,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Alcohol Consumption,Binge Drinking,"Binge drinkers (males having five or more drinks on one occasion, females having four or more drinks on one occasion) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions)",Yes,Overall,Overall,438,17,15,19,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS01,Topic07,10,BO1,CAT1,_RFBING5,RESP046,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Colorectal Cancer Screening,Blood Stool Test,Adults aged 50+ who have had a blood stool test within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,288,9.8,8.5,11.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic08,10,BO1,CAT1,_RFBLDS2,RESP046,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Colorectal Cancer Screening,Blood Stool Test,Adults aged 50-75 who have had a blood stool test within the past year (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Had a blood stool test in the past year,Overall,Overall,136,5.5,4.4,6.6,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic08,10,BO1,CAT1,_RFBLDS3,RESP190,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Alcohol Consumption,Heavy Drinking,Heavy drinkers (adult men having more than two drinks per day and adult women having more than one drink per day) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,197,5.3,4.2,6.3,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS01,Topic30,10,BO1,CAT1,_RFDRHV4,RESP046,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Health Status,Fair or Poor Health,Health Status (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Good or Better Health,Overall,Overall,3489,85.3,83.8,86.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic24,10,BO1,CAT1,_RFHLTH,RESP061,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Women's Health,Mammogram,Women aged 40+ who have had a mammogram within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,1594,78.1,75.4,80.9,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic37,10,BO1,CAT1,_RFMAM2Y,RESP046,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Women's Health,Pap Test,Women aged 18+ who have had a pap test within the past three years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,1354,79.3,76.5,82.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic42,10,BO1,CAT1,_RFPAP32,RESP046,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Women's Health,Pap Test,Women aged 21-65 who have had a pap test in the past three years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Received a Pap test within the past 3 years,Overall,Overall,1047,86.4,83.5,89.3,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic42,10,BO1,CAT1,_RFPAP33,RESP188,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Prostate Cancer,PSA Test,Men aged 40+ who have had a PSA test within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,695,41.8,38.3,45.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS16,Topic47,10,BO1,CAT1,_RFPSA21,RESP046,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Injury,Seatbelt Use,Always wears a seat belt? (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Always Wears a Seatbelt,Overall,Overall,3884,91.7,90.3,93.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS12,Topic50,10,BO1,CAT1,_RFSEAT3,RESP184,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Colorectal Cancer Screening,Sigmoidoscopy,Adults aged 50+ who have ever had a sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,2253,76.8,74.8,78.9,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic52,10,BO1,CAT1,_RFSIGM2,RESP046,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Tobacco Use,Current Smoker Status,Adults who are current smokers (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,655,20.6,18.5,22.7,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic15,10,BO1,CAT1,_RFSMOK3,RESP046,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Tobacco Use,Smoker Status,Four Level Smoking Status (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Smoke everyday,Overall,Overall,483,15.2,13.3,17.1,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic55,10,BO1,CAT1,_SMOKER3,RESP068,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Physical Activity,Exercise,"During the past month, did you participate in any physical activities? (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions)",Yes,Overall,Overall,3140,75.9,73.9,77.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS15,Topic23,10,BO1,CAT1,_TOTINDA,RESP046,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Chronic Health Indicators,Depression,Ever told you that you have a form of depression?,No,Overall,Overall,3483,81.7,79.9,83.6,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic17,10,BO1,CAT1,ADDEPEV2,RESP054,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Demographics,Disability status,"Are you blind or do you have serious difficulty seeing, even when wearing glasses?",No,Overall,Overall,4009,96.5,95.8,97.3,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,10,BO1,CAT1,BLIND,RESP054,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Chronic Health Indicators,Kidney,Ever told you have kidney disease?,No,Overall,Overall,4104,96.8,96.1,97.5,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic35,10,BO1,CAT1,CHCKIDNY,RESP054,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Chronic Health Indicators,Other Cancer,Ever told you had any other types of cancer?,No,Overall,Overall,3841,93.6,92.8,94.4,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic40,10,BO1,CAT1,CHCOCNCR,RESP054,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Chronic Health Indicators,Skin Cancer,Ever told you had skin cancer?,No,Overall,Overall,3840,94.2,93.5,94.9,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic53,10,BO1,CAT1,CHCSCNCR,RESP054,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Health Care Access/Coverage,Last Checkup,About how long has it been since you last visited a doctor for a routine checkup?,Within the past 2 years,Overall,Overall,434,13.7,11.9,15.4,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic36,10,BO1,CAT1,CHECKUP1,RESP064,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Chronic Health Indicators,Cardiovascular Disease,Ever told you had angina or coronary heart disease?,No,Overall,Overall,3970,95.9,95.3,96.5,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic10,10,BO1,CAT1,CVDCRHD4,RESP054,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Chronic Health Indicators,Cardiovascular Disease,Ever told you had a heart attack (myocardial infarction)?,No,Overall,Overall,3957,95.7,95.1,96.4,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic10,10,BO1,CAT1,CVDINFR4,RESP054,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Chronic Health Indicators,Cardiovascular Disease,Ever told you had a stroke?,No,Overall,Overall,4083,97.2,96.7,97.8,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic10,10,BO1,CAT1,CVDSTRK3,RESP054,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Demographics,Disability status,"Do you have serious difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions?",No,Overall,Overall,3731,89.3,87.7,90.9,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,10,BO1,CAT1,DECIDE,RESP054,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Chronic Health Indicators,Diabetes,Have you ever been told by a doctor that you have diabetes?,"Yes, pregnancy-related",Overall,Overall,45,1.4,0.8,2,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic18,10,BO1,CAT1,DIABETE3,RESP051,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Demographics,Disability status,Do you have difficulty doing errands alone?,No,Overall,Overall,3861,94.5,93.7,95.4,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,10,BO1,CAT1,DIFFALON,RESP054,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Demographics,Disability status,Do you have difficulty dressing or bathing?,No,Overall,Overall,3984,96,95,96.9,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,10,BO1,CAT1,DIFFDRES,RESP054,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Demographics,Disability status,Do you have serious difficulty walking or climbing stairs?,No,Overall,Overall,3394,87.2,85.9,88.5,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,10,BO1,CAT1,DIFFWALK,RESP054,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Alcohol Consumption,Alcohol Consumption,Adults who have had at least one drink of alcohol within the past 30 days,No,Overall,Overall,2058,46.6,44.1,49,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS01,Topic03,10,BO1,CAT1,DRNKANY5,RESP054,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Health Status,Overall Health,How is your general health?,Very good,Overall,Overall,1388,33.2,30.9,35.4,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic41,10,BO1,CAT1,GENHLTH,RESP057,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,HIV-AIDS,HIV Test,Have you ever been tested for HIV?,No,Overall,Overall,2645,58.8,56.4,61.3,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS09,Topic32,10,BO1,CAT1,HIVTST6,RESP054,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Health Care Access/Coverage,Health Care Coverage,Do you have any kind of health care coverage?,No,Overall,Overall,265,9.6,8.1,11.1,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic29,10,BO1,CAT1,HLTHPLN1,RESP054,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Demographics,Internet,Have you used the internet in the past 30 days?,No,Overall,Overall,1002,16.9,15.5,18.3,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic34,10,BO1,CAT1,INTERNET,RESP054,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Health Care Access/Coverage,Health Care Cost,Was there a time in the past 12 months when you needed to see a doctor but could not because of cost?,No,Overall,Overall,3911,88.8,87.3,90.3,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic28,10,BO1,CAT1,MEDCOST,RESP054,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Health Care Access/Coverage,Personal Care Provider,Do you have one person you think of as your personal doctor or health care provider?,More than one,Overall,Overall,551,10.6,9.1,12.1,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic43,10,BO1,CAT1,PERSDOC2,RESP053,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Demographics,Disability status,"Adults who are limited in any activities because of physical, mental, or emotional problems",No,Overall,Overall,3146,80.4,78.6,82.1,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,10,BO1,CAT1,QLACTLM2,RESP054,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Immunization,Shingle Vaccination,Have you ever had the shingles or zoster vaccine?,No,Overall,Overall,2244,79.4,77.7,81.1,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS11,Topic63,10,BO1,CAT1,SHINGLE2,RESP054,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Demographics,Disability status,Adults with health problem(s) that requires the use of special equipment,No,Overall,Overall,3625,91.6,90.6,92.5,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,10,BO1,CAT1,USEEQUIP,RESP054,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Tobacco Use,Smokeless Tobacco,"Do you currently use chewing tobacco, snuff, or snus?",Some days,Overall,Overall,31,0.8,0.4,1.2,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic54,10,BO1,CAT1,USENOW3,RESP080,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Demographics,Veteran Status,Have you ever served on active duty in the United States Armed Forces?,No,Overall,Overall,3618,89.5,88.4,90.7,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic61,10,BO1,CAT1,VETERAN3,RESP054,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Oral Health,All Teeth Removed,Adults aged 65+ who have had all their natural teeth extracted (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,1241,83.5,80.9,86.1,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS13,Topic04,10,BO1,CAT1,_ALTETH2,RESP054,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Overweight and Obesity (BMI),BMI Categories,Weight classification by Body Mass Index (BMI) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Overweight (BMI 25.0-29.9),Overall,Overall,1493,36.4,34,38.8,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS14,Topic09,10,BO1,CAT1,_BMI5CAT,RESP040,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Chronic Health Indicators,Asthma,Adults who have been told they currently have asthma (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,3872,91.3,90.1,92.5,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic06,10,BO1,CAT1,_CASTHM1,RESP054,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Colorectal Cancer Screening,USPSTF Recommendations,Respondents aged 50-75 who have fully met the USPSTF recommendation (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Did not meet USPSTF recommendations for testing,Overall,Overall,566,28.3,25.9,30.8,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic64,10,BO1,CAT1,_CRCREC,RESP193,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Oral Health,Dental Visit,Visited the dentist or dental clinic within the past year for any reason (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,1339,33.9,31.7,36.2,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS13,Topic16,10,BO1,CAT1,_DENVST2,RESP054,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Chronic Health Indicators,Arthritis,Adults who have been told they have arthritis (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,2700,76.5,75.1,77.9,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic05,10,BO1,CAT1,_DRDXAR1,RESP054,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Oral Health,Teeth Removed,Adults that have had any permanent teeth extracted (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,1867,56.7,54.6,58.9,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS13,Topic57,10,BO1,CAT1,_EXTETH2,RESP054,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Immunization,Flu Shot,Adults aged 65+ who have had a flu shot within the past year (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,538,36,32.7,39.3,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS11,Topic26,10,BO1,CAT1,_FLSHOT6,RESP054,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Health Care Access/Coverage,Under 65 Coverage,Adults aged 18-64 who have any kind of health care coverage (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,252,11.4,9.6,13.2,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic59,10,BO1,CAT1,_HCVU651,RESP054,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Chronic Health Indicators,Asthma,Adults who have ever been told they have asthma (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,3688,85.4,83.7,87.2,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic06,10,BO1,CAT1,_LTASTH1,RESP054,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Women's Health,Mammogram,Women aged 50-74 who have had a mammogram within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Did not receive a mammogram within the past 2 years,Overall,Overall,194,13.9,11.6,16.3,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic37,10,BO1,CAT1,_MAM5021,RESP187,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Women's Health,Mammogram,Women aged 50+ who have had a mammogram within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,297,16.9,14.6,19.2,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic37,10,BO1,CAT1,_MAM502Y,RESP054,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Immunization,Pneumonia Vaccination,Adults aged 65+ who have ever had a pneumonia vaccination (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,395,26.5,23.5,29.4,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS11,Topic46,10,BO1,CAT1,_PNEUMO2,RESP054,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Alcohol Consumption,Binge Drinking,"Binge drinkers (males having five or more drinks on one occasion, females having four or more drinks on one occasion) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions)",No,Overall,Overall,3663,83,81,85,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS01,Topic07,10,BO1,CAT1,_RFBING5,RESP054,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Colorectal Cancer Screening,Blood Stool Test,Adults aged 50+ who have had a blood stool test within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,2502,90.2,88.8,91.5,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic08,10,BO1,CAT1,_RFBLDS2,RESP054,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Colorectal Cancer Screening,Blood Stool Test,Adults aged 50-75 who have had a blood stool test within the past year (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Have not had a blood stool test in the past year,Overall,Overall,2116,94.5,93.4,95.6,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic08,10,BO1,CAT1,_RFBLDS3,RESP191,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Alcohol Consumption,Heavy Drinking,Heavy drinkers (adult men having more than two drinks per day and adult women having more than one drink per day) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,3892,94.7,93.7,95.8,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS01,Topic30,10,BO1,CAT1,_RFDRHV4,RESP054,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Health Status,Fair or Poor Health,Health Status (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Fair or Poor Health,Overall,Overall,796,14.7,13.2,16.2,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic24,10,BO1,CAT1,_RFHLTH,RESP062,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Women's Health,Mammogram,Women aged 40+ who have had a mammogram within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,380,21.9,19.1,24.6,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic37,10,BO1,CAT1,_RFMAM2Y,RESP054,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Women's Health,Pap Test,Women aged 18+ who have had a pap test within the past three years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,347,20.7,17.8,23.5,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic42,10,BO1,CAT1,_RFPAP32,RESP054,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Women's Health,Pap Test,Women aged 21-65 who have had a pap test in the past three years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Did not receive a Pap test within the past 3 years,Overall,Overall,137,13.6,10.7,16.5,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic42,10,BO1,CAT1,_RFPAP33,RESP189,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Prostate Cancer,PSA Test,Men aged 40+ who have had a PSA test within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,609,58.2,54.8,61.7,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS16,Topic47,10,BO1,CAT1,_RFPSA21,RESP054,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Injury,Seatbelt Use,Always wears a seat belt? (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Does Not Always Wear a Seatbelt,Overall,Overall,263,8.3,6.8,9.7,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS12,Topic50,10,BO1,CAT1,_RFSEAT3,RESP185,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Colorectal Cancer Screening,Sigmoidoscopy,Adults aged 50+ who have ever had a sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,608,23.2,21.1,25.2,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic52,10,BO1,CAT1,_RFSIGM2,RESP054,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Tobacco Use,Current Smoker Status,Adults who are current smokers (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,3493,79.4,77.3,81.5,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic15,10,BO1,CAT1,_RFSMOK3,RESP054,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Tobacco Use,Smoker Status,Four Level Smoking Status (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Smoke some days,Overall,Overall,172,5.4,4.2,6.6,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic55,10,BO1,CAT1,_SMOKER3,RESP069,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Physical Activity,Exercise,"During the past month, did you participate in any physical activities? (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions)",No,Overall,Overall,1153,24.1,22.2,26.1,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS15,Topic23,10,BO1,CAT1,_TOTINDA,RESP054,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Health Care Access/Coverage,Last Checkup,About how long has it been since you last visited a doctor for a routine checkup?,Within the past 5 years,Overall,Overall,225,8.2,6.7,9.7,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic36,10,BO1,CAT1,CHECKUP1,RESP065,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Chronic Health Indicators,Diabetes,Have you ever been told by a doctor that you have diabetes?,"No, pre-diabetes or borderline diabetes",Overall,Overall,56,0.7,0.5,1,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic18,10,BO1,CAT1,DIABETE3,RESP052,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Health Status,Overall Health,How is your general health?,Good,Overall,Overall,1356,32.7,30.4,34.9,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic41,10,BO1,CAT1,GENHLTH,RESP058,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Health Care Access/Coverage,Personal Care Provider,Do you have one person you think of as your personal doctor or health care provider?,No,Overall,Overall,421,15.6,13.8,17.4,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic43,10,BO1,CAT1,PERSDOC2,RESP054,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Tobacco Use,Smokeless Tobacco,"Do you currently use chewing tobacco, snuff, or snus?",Not at all,Overall,Overall,4114,98.3,97.7,98.9,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic54,10,BO1,CAT1,USENOW3,RESP081,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Overweight and Obesity (BMI),BMI Categories,Weight classification by Body Mass Index (BMI) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Normal Weight (BMI 18.5-24.9),Overall,Overall,1159,31.9,29.5,34.3,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS14,Topic09,10,BO1,CAT1,_BMI5CAT,RESP041,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Tobacco Use,Smoker Status,Four Level Smoking Status (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Former smoker,Overall,Overall,1277,22.7,21,24.4,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic55,10,BO1,CAT1,_SMOKER3,RESP070,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Health Care Access/Coverage,Last Checkup,About how long has it been since you last visited a doctor for a routine checkup?,5 or more years ago,Overall,Overall,163,5.2,4,6.3,4,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic36,10,BO1,CAT1,CHECKUP1,RESP066,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Chronic Health Indicators,Diabetes,Have you ever been told by a doctor that you have diabetes?,No,Overall,Overall,3536,88.1,86.9,89.3,4,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic18,10,BO1,CAT1,DIABETE3,RESP054,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Health Status,Overall Health,How is your general health?,Fair,Overall,Overall,593,11.5,10.1,12.9,4,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic41,10,BO1,CAT1,GENHLTH,RESP059,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Overweight and Obesity (BMI),BMI Categories,Weight classification by Body Mass Index (BMI) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Underweight (BMI 12.0-18.4),Overall,Overall,63,1.7,0.9,2.5,4,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS14,Topic09,10,BO1,CAT1,_BMI5CAT,RESP042,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Tobacco Use,Smoker Status,Four Level Smoking Status (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Never smoked,Overall,Overall,2216,56.7,54.3,59.1,4,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic55,10,BO1,CAT1,_SMOKER3,RESP071,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Health Care Access/Coverage,Last Checkup,About how long has it been since you last visited a doctor for a routine checkup?,Never,Overall,Overall,33,0,0,0,5,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic36,10,BO1,CAT1,CHECKUP1,RESP067,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DE,Delaware,Health Status,Overall Health,How is your general health?,Poor,Overall,Overall,203,3.2,2.6,3.8,5,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic41,10,BO1,CAT1,GENHLTH,RESP060,"(39.008830667000495, -75.57774116799965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Chronic Health Indicators,Depression,Ever told you that you have a form of depression?,Yes,Overall,Overall,664,18.1,16.1,20.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic17,11,BO1,CAT1,ADDEPEV2,RESP046,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Demographics,Disability status,"Are you blind or do you have serious difficulty seeing, even when wearing glasses?",Yes,Overall,Overall,211,6.3,4.9,7.7,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,11,BO1,CAT1,BLIND,RESP046,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Chronic Health Indicators,COPD,Ever told you have COPD?,Yes,Overall,Overall,247,5.9,4.7,7.1,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic14,11,BO1,CAT1,CHCCOPD1,RESP046,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Chronic Health Indicators,Kidney,Ever told you have kidney disease?,Yes,Overall,Overall,137,2.3,1.6,3.1,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic35,11,BO1,CAT1,CHCKIDNY,RESP046,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Chronic Health Indicators,Other Cancer,Ever told you had any other types of cancer?,Yes,Overall,Overall,398,6.5,5.3,7.7,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic40,11,BO1,CAT1,CHCOCNCR,RESP046,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Chronic Health Indicators,Skin Cancer,Ever told you had skin cancer?,Yes,Overall,Overall,228,3.1,2.4,3.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic53,11,BO1,CAT1,CHCSCNCR,RESP046,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Health Care Access/Coverage,Last Checkup,About how long has it been since you last visited a doctor for a routine checkup?,Within the past year,Overall,Overall,3213,75,72.7,77.3,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic36,11,BO1,CAT1,CHECKUP1,RESP063,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Chronic Health Indicators,Cardiovascular Disease,Ever told you had angina or coronary heart disease?,Yes,Overall,Overall,182,2.6,2.1,3.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic10,11,BO1,CAT1,CVDCRHD4,RESP046,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Chronic Health Indicators,Cardiovascular Disease,Ever told you had a heart attack (myocardial infarction)?,Yes,Overall,Overall,157,2.8,2.1,3.5,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic10,11,BO1,CAT1,CVDINFR4,RESP046,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Chronic Health Indicators,Cardiovascular Disease,Ever told you had a stroke?,Yes,Overall,Overall,206,3.5,2.7,4.3,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic10,11,BO1,CAT1,CVDSTRK3,RESP046,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Demographics,Disability status,"Do you have serious difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions?",Yes,Overall,Overall,309,9.4,7.7,11.1,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,11,BO1,CAT1,DECIDE,RESP046,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Chronic Health Indicators,Diabetes,Have you ever been told by a doctor that you have diabetes?,Yes,Overall,Overall,541,9.1,7.9,10.3,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic18,11,BO1,CAT1,DIABETE3,RESP046,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Demographics,Disability status,Do you have difficulty doing errands alone?,Yes,Overall,Overall,288,6.7,5.4,8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,11,BO1,CAT1,DIFFALON,RESP046,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Demographics,Disability status,Do you have difficulty dressing or bathing?,Yes,Overall,Overall,147,3.7,2.7,4.7,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,11,BO1,CAT1,DIFFDRES,RESP046,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Demographics,Disability status,Do you have serious difficulty walking or climbing stairs?,Yes,Overall,Overall,659,13.4,11.9,15,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,11,BO1,CAT1,DIFFWALK,RESP046,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Alcohol Consumption,Alcohol Consumption,Adults who have had at least one drink of alcohol within the past 30 days,Yes,Overall,Overall,2343,66.6,64.3,68.9,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS01,Topic03,11,BO1,CAT1,DRNKANY5,RESP046,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Health Status,Overall Health,How is your general health?,Excellent,Overall,Overall,940,25.4,23.2,27.7,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic41,11,BO1,CAT1,GENHLTH,RESP056,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,HIV-AIDS,HIV Test,Have you ever been tested for HIV?,Yes,Overall,Overall,2109,68.4,66,70.7,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS09,Topic32,11,BO1,CAT1,HIVTST6,RESP046,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Health Care Access/Coverage,Health Care Coverage,Do you have any kind of health care coverage?,Yes,Overall,Overall,3921,92,90.2,93.9,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic29,11,BO1,CAT1,HLTHPLN1,RESP046,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Demographics,Internet,Have you used the internet in the past 30 days?,Yes,Overall,Overall,3138,83.3,81.8,84.9,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic34,11,BO1,CAT1,INTERNET,RESP046,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Health Care Access/Coverage,Health Care Cost,Was there a time in the past 12 months when you needed to see a doctor but could not because of cost?,Yes,Overall,Overall,261,10.3,8.5,12.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic28,11,BO1,CAT1,MEDCOST,RESP046,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Health Care Access/Coverage,Personal Care Provider,Do you have one person you think of as your personal doctor or health care provider?,"Yes, only one",Overall,Overall,3171,67.5,65,70.1,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic43,11,BO1,CAT1,PERSDOC2,RESP050,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Demographics,Disability status,"Adults who are limited in any activities because of physical, mental, or emotional problems",Yes,Overall,Overall,844,16.6,15,18.3,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,11,BO1,CAT1,QLACTLM2,RESP046,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Immunization,Shingle Vaccination,Have you ever had the shingles or zoster vaccine?,Yes,Overall,Overall,774,22.9,20.9,24.9,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS11,Topic63,11,BO1,CAT1,SHINGLE2,RESP046,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Demographics,Disability status,Adults with health problem(s) that requires the use of special equipment,Yes,Overall,Overall,607,10,8.8,11.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,11,BO1,CAT1,USEEQUIP,RESP046,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Tobacco Use,Smokeless Tobacco,"Do you currently use chewing tobacco, snuff, or snus?",Every day,Overall,Overall,15,,,,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,*,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic54,11,BO1,CAT1,USENOW3,RESP079,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Demographics,Veteran Status,Have you ever served on active duty in the United States Armed Forces?,Yes,Overall,Overall,448,8.6,7.3,9.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic61,11,BO1,CAT1,VETERAN3,RESP046,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Oral Health,All Teeth Removed,Adults aged 65+ who have had all their natural teeth extracted (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,125,11.4,8.8,14,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS13,Topic04,11,BO1,CAT1,_ALTETH2,RESP046,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Overweight and Obesity (BMI),BMI Categories,Weight classification by Body Mass Index (BMI) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Obese (BMI 30.0 - 99.8),Overall,Overall,907,22,19.9,24.1,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS14,Topic09,11,BO1,CAT1,_BMI5CAT,RESP039,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2013,AL,Alabama,HIV-AIDS,HIV Test,Have you ever been tested for HIV?,Yes,Overall,Overall,1845,40.3,38.3,42.3,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS09,Topic32,01,BO1,CAT1,HIVTST6,RESP046,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Chronic Health Indicators,Asthma,Adults who have been told they currently have asthma (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,390,11.4,9.6,13.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic06,11,BO1,CAT1,_CASTHM1,RESP046,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Colorectal Cancer Screening,USPSTF Recommendations,Respondents aged 50-75 who have fully met the USPSTF recommendation (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Met USPSTF recommendations for testing,Overall,Overall,1444,68.1,64.8,71.5,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic64,11,BO1,CAT1,_CRCREC,RESP192,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Oral Health,Dental Visit,Visited the dentist or dental clinic within the past year for any reason (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,3003,70.6,68.1,73,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS13,Topic16,11,BO1,CAT1,_DENVST2,RESP046,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Chronic Health Indicators,Arthritis,Adults who have been told they have arthritis (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,1293,20.6,19,22.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic05,11,BO1,CAT1,_DRDXAR1,RESP046,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Oral Health,Teeth Removed,Adults that have had any permanent teeth extracted (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,1877,36.4,34.2,38.5,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS13,Topic57,11,BO1,CAT1,_EXTETH2,RESP046,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Immunization,Flu Shot,Adults aged 65+ who have had a flu shot within the past year (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,829,56.1,52.5,59.7,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS11,Topic26,11,BO1,CAT1,_FLSHOT6,RESP046,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Health Care Access/Coverage,Under 65 Coverage,Adults aged 18-64 who have any kind of health care coverage (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,2302,90.6,88.4,92.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic59,11,BO1,CAT1,_HCVU651,RESP046,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Chronic Health Indicators,Asthma,Adults who have ever been told they have asthma (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,571,17,14.9,19.1,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic06,11,BO1,CAT1,_LTASTH1,RESP046,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Women's Health,Mammogram,Women aged 50-74 who have had a mammogram within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Received a mammogram within the past 2 years,Overall,Overall,954,81.3,78.3,84.3,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic37,11,BO1,CAT1,_MAM5021,RESP186,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Women's Health,Mammogram,Women aged 50+ who have had a mammogram within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,1249,80.6,78,83.1,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic37,11,BO1,CAT1,_MAM502Y,RESP046,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Immunization,Pneumonia Vaccination,Adults aged 65+ who have ever had a pneumonia vaccination (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,944,66.6,63,70.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS11,Topic46,11,BO1,CAT1,_PNEUMO2,RESP046,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Alcohol Consumption,Binge Drinking,"Binge drinkers (males having five or more drinks on one occasion, females having four or more drinks on one occasion) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions)",Yes,Overall,Overall,512,24.1,21.6,26.5,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS01,Topic07,11,BO1,CAT1,_RFBING5,RESP046,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Colorectal Cancer Screening,Blood Stool Test,Adults aged 50+ who have had a blood stool test within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,461,16.4,14.5,18.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic08,11,BO1,CAT1,_RFBLDS2,RESP046,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Colorectal Cancer Screening,Blood Stool Test,Adults aged 50-75 who have had a blood stool test within the past year (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Had a blood stool test in the past year,Overall,Overall,231,10.2,8.5,11.9,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic08,11,BO1,CAT1,_RFBLDS3,RESP190,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Alcohol Consumption,Heavy Drinking,Heavy drinkers (adult men having more than two drinks per day and adult women having more than one drink per day) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,286,8.9,7.2,10.5,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS01,Topic30,11,BO1,CAT1,_RFDRHV4,RESP046,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Health Status,Fair or Poor Health,Health Status (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Good or Better Health,Overall,Overall,3444,86.5,84.8,88.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic24,11,BO1,CAT1,_RFHLTH,RESP061,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Women's Health,Mammogram,Women aged 40+ who have had a mammogram within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,1423,73,69.7,76.3,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic37,11,BO1,CAT1,_RFMAM2Y,RESP046,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Women's Health,Pap Test,Women aged 18+ who have had a pap test within the past three years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,1298,78.9,75.7,82.1,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic42,11,BO1,CAT1,_RFPAP32,RESP046,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Women's Health,Pap Test,Women aged 21-65 who have had a pap test in the past three years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Received a Pap test within the past 3 years,Overall,Overall,966,85.1,81.8,88.5,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic42,11,BO1,CAT1,_RFPAP33,RESP188,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Prostate Cancer,PSA Test,Men aged 40+ who have had a PSA test within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,581,43.5,39.1,47.9,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS16,Topic47,11,BO1,CAT1,_RFPSA21,RESP046,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Injury,Seatbelt Use,Always wears a seat belt? (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Always Wears a Seatbelt,Overall,Overall,3423,87.4,85.4,89.3,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS12,Topic50,11,BO1,CAT1,_RFSEAT3,RESP184,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Colorectal Cancer Screening,Sigmoidoscopy,Adults aged 50+ who have ever had a sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,1971,71.1,68.3,73.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic52,11,BO1,CAT1,_RFSIGM2,RESP046,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Tobacco Use,Current Smoker Status,Adults who are current smokers (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,484,16.4,14.3,18.5,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic15,11,BO1,CAT1,_RFSMOK3,RESP046,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Tobacco Use,Smoker Status,Four Level Smoking Status (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Smoke everyday,Overall,Overall,291,10.1,8.3,11.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic55,11,BO1,CAT1,_SMOKER3,RESP068,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Physical Activity,Exercise,"During the past month, did you participate in any physical activities? (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions)",Yes,Overall,Overall,3210,78.8,76.6,80.9,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS15,Topic23,11,BO1,CAT1,_TOTINDA,RESP046,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Chronic Health Indicators,Depression,Ever told you that you have a form of depression?,No,Overall,Overall,3390,81.9,79.8,83.9,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic17,11,BO1,CAT1,ADDEPEV2,RESP054,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Demographics,Disability status,"Are you blind or do you have serious difficulty seeing, even when wearing glasses?",No,Overall,Overall,3681,93.7,92.3,95.1,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,11,BO1,CAT1,BLIND,RESP054,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Chronic Health Indicators,COPD,Ever told you have COPD?,No,Overall,Overall,3796,94.1,92.9,95.3,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic14,11,BO1,CAT1,CHCCOPD1,RESP054,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Chronic Health Indicators,Kidney,Ever told you have kidney disease?,No,Overall,Overall,3917,97.7,96.9,98.4,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic35,11,BO1,CAT1,CHCKIDNY,RESP054,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Chronic Health Indicators,Other Cancer,Ever told you had any other types of cancer?,No,Overall,Overall,3666,93.5,92.3,94.7,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic40,11,BO1,CAT1,CHCOCNCR,RESP054,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Chronic Health Indicators,Skin Cancer,Ever told you had skin cancer?,No,Overall,Overall,3834,96.9,96.2,97.6,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic53,11,BO1,CAT1,CHCSCNCR,RESP054,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Health Care Access/Coverage,Last Checkup,About how long has it been since you last visited a doctor for a routine checkup?,Within the past 2 years,Overall,Overall,498,14.9,13,16.7,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic36,11,BO1,CAT1,CHECKUP1,RESP064,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Chronic Health Indicators,Cardiovascular Disease,Ever told you had angina or coronary heart disease?,No,Overall,Overall,3859,97.4,96.8,97.9,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic10,11,BO1,CAT1,CVDCRHD4,RESP054,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Chronic Health Indicators,Cardiovascular Disease,Ever told you had a heart attack (myocardial infarction)?,No,Overall,Overall,3895,97.2,96.5,97.9,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic10,11,BO1,CAT1,CVDINFR4,RESP054,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Chronic Health Indicators,Cardiovascular Disease,Ever told you had a stroke?,No,Overall,Overall,3850,96.5,95.7,97.3,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic10,11,BO1,CAT1,CVDSTRK3,RESP054,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Demographics,Disability status,"Do you have serious difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions?",No,Overall,Overall,3556,90.6,88.9,92.3,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,11,BO1,CAT1,DECIDE,RESP054,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Chronic Health Indicators,Diabetes,Have you ever been told by a doctor that you have diabetes?,"Yes, pregnancy-related",Overall,Overall,29,,,,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,*,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic18,11,BO1,CAT1,DIABETE3,RESP051,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Demographics,Disability status,Do you have difficulty doing errands alone?,No,Overall,Overall,3577,93.3,92,94.6,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,11,BO1,CAT1,DIFFALON,RESP054,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Demographics,Disability status,Do you have difficulty dressing or bathing?,No,Overall,Overall,3739,96.3,95.3,97.3,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,11,BO1,CAT1,DIFFDRES,RESP054,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Demographics,Disability status,Do you have serious difficulty walking or climbing stairs?,No,Overall,Overall,3203,86.6,85,88.1,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,11,BO1,CAT1,DIFFWALK,RESP054,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Alcohol Consumption,Alcohol Consumption,Adults who have had at least one drink of alcohol within the past 30 days,No,Overall,Overall,1468,33.4,31.1,35.7,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS01,Topic03,11,BO1,CAT1,DRNKANY5,RESP054,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Health Status,Overall Health,How is your general health?,Very good,Overall,Overall,1391,35.6,33.2,38.1,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic41,11,BO1,CAT1,GENHLTH,RESP057,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,HIV-AIDS,HIV Test,Have you ever been tested for HIV?,No,Overall,Overall,1436,31.6,29.3,34,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS09,Topic32,11,BO1,CAT1,HIVTST6,RESP054,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Health Care Access/Coverage,Health Care Coverage,Do you have any kind of health care coverage?,No,Overall,Overall,139,8,6.1,9.8,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic29,11,BO1,CAT1,HLTHPLN1,RESP054,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Demographics,Internet,Have you used the internet in the past 30 days?,No,Overall,Overall,831,16.7,15.1,18.2,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic34,11,BO1,CAT1,INTERNET,RESP054,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Health Care Access/Coverage,Health Care Cost,Was there a time in the past 12 months when you needed to see a doctor but could not because of cost?,No,Overall,Overall,3798,89.7,87.8,91.5,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic28,11,BO1,CAT1,MEDCOST,RESP054,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Health Care Access/Coverage,Personal Care Provider,Do you have one person you think of as your personal doctor or health care provider?,More than one,Overall,Overall,325,8.4,6.9,9.8,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic43,11,BO1,CAT1,PERSDOC2,RESP053,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Demographics,Disability status,"Adults who are limited in any activities because of physical, mental, or emotional problems",No,Overall,Overall,3058,83.4,81.7,85,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,11,BO1,CAT1,QLACTLM2,RESP054,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Immunization,Shingle Vaccination,Have you ever had the shingles or zoster vaccine?,No,Overall,Overall,1823,77.1,75.1,79.1,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS11,Topic63,11,BO1,CAT1,SHINGLE2,RESP054,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Demographics,Disability status,Adults with health problem(s) that requires the use of special equipment,No,Overall,Overall,3308,90,88.8,91.2,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,11,BO1,CAT1,USEEQUIP,RESP054,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Tobacco Use,Smokeless Tobacco,"Do you currently use chewing tobacco, snuff, or snus?",Some days,Overall,Overall,27,0.9,0.5,1.4,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic54,11,BO1,CAT1,USENOW3,RESP080,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Demographics,Veteran Status,Have you ever served on active duty in the United States Armed Forces?,No,Overall,Overall,3615,91.4,90.2,92.7,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic61,11,BO1,CAT1,VETERAN3,RESP054,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Oral Health,All Teeth Removed,Adults aged 65+ who have had all their natural teeth extracted (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,1312,88.6,86,91.2,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS13,Topic04,11,BO1,CAT1,_ALTETH2,RESP054,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Overweight and Obesity (BMI),BMI Categories,Weight classification by Body Mass Index (BMI) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Overweight (BMI 25.0-29.9),Overall,Overall,1297,33.4,30.9,35.9,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS14,Topic09,11,BO1,CAT1,_BMI5CAT,RESP040,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Chronic Health Indicators,Asthma,Adults who have been told they currently have asthma (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,3651,88.6,86.8,90.4,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic06,11,BO1,CAT1,_CASTHM1,RESP054,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Colorectal Cancer Screening,USPSTF Recommendations,Respondents aged 50-75 who have fully met the USPSTF recommendation (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Did not meet USPSTF recommendations for testing,Overall,Overall,460,31.9,28.5,35.2,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic64,11,BO1,CAT1,_CRCREC,RESP193,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Oral Health,Dental Visit,Visited the dentist or dental clinic within the past year for any reason (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,1028,29.4,27,31.9,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS13,Topic16,11,BO1,CAT1,_DENVST2,RESP054,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Chronic Health Indicators,Arthritis,Adults who have been told they have arthritis (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,2747,79.4,77.8,81,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic05,11,BO1,CAT1,_DRDXAR1,RESP054,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Oral Health,Teeth Removed,Adults that have had any permanent teeth extracted (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,2055,63.6,61.5,65.8,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS13,Topic57,11,BO1,CAT1,_EXTETH2,RESP054,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Immunization,Flu Shot,Adults aged 65+ who have had a flu shot within the past year (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,615,43.9,40.3,47.5,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS11,Topic26,11,BO1,CAT1,_FLSHOT6,RESP054,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Health Care Access/Coverage,Under 65 Coverage,Adults aged 18-64 who have any kind of health care coverage (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,119,9.4,7.2,11.6,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic59,11,BO1,CAT1,_HCVU651,RESP054,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Chronic Health Indicators,Asthma,Adults who have ever been told they have asthma (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,3482,83,80.9,85.1,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic06,11,BO1,CAT1,_LTASTH1,RESP054,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Women's Health,Mammogram,Women aged 50-74 who have had a mammogram within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Did not receive a mammogram within the past 2 years,Overall,Overall,224,18.7,15.7,21.7,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic37,11,BO1,CAT1,_MAM5021,RESP187,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Women's Health,Mammogram,Women aged 50+ who have had a mammogram within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,312,19.4,16.9,22,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic37,11,BO1,CAT1,_MAM502Y,RESP054,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Immunization,Pneumonia Vaccination,Adults aged 65+ who have ever had a pneumonia vaccination (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,406,33.4,29.8,37,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS11,Topic46,11,BO1,CAT1,_PNEUMO2,RESP054,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Alcohol Consumption,Binge Drinking,"Binge drinkers (males having five or more drinks on one occasion, females having four or more drinks on one occasion) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions)",No,Overall,Overall,3238,75.9,73.5,78.4,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS01,Topic07,11,BO1,CAT1,_RFBING5,RESP054,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Colorectal Cancer Screening,Blood Stool Test,Adults aged 50+ who have had a blood stool test within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,1990,83.6,81.8,85.5,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic08,11,BO1,CAT1,_RFBLDS2,RESP054,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Colorectal Cancer Screening,Blood Stool Test,Adults aged 50-75 who have had a blood stool test within the past year (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Have not had a blood stool test in the past year,Overall,Overall,1711,89.8,88.1,91.5,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic08,11,BO1,CAT1,_RFBLDS3,RESP191,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Alcohol Consumption,Heavy Drinking,Heavy drinkers (adult men having more than two drinks per day and adult women having more than one drink per day) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,3459,91.1,89.5,92.8,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS01,Topic30,11,BO1,CAT1,_RFDRHV4,RESP054,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Health Status,Fair or Poor Health,Health Status (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Fair or Poor Health,Overall,Overall,623,13.5,11.8,15.2,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic24,11,BO1,CAT1,_RFHLTH,RESP062,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Women's Health,Mammogram,Women aged 40+ who have had a mammogram within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,405,27,23.7,30.3,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic37,11,BO1,CAT1,_RFMAM2Y,RESP054,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Women's Health,Pap Test,Women aged 18+ who have had a pap test within the past three years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,331,21.1,17.9,24.3,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic42,11,BO1,CAT1,_RFPAP32,RESP054,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Women's Health,Pap Test,Women aged 21-65 who have had a pap test in the past three years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Did not receive a Pap test within the past 3 years,Overall,Overall,142,14.9,11.5,18.2,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic42,11,BO1,CAT1,_RFPAP33,RESP189,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2013,AL,Alabama,Health Care Access/Coverage,Health Care Coverage,Do you have any kind of health care coverage?,Yes,Overall,Overall,5788,81.5,79.8,83.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic29,01,BO1,CAT1,HLTHPLN1,RESP046,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Prostate Cancer,PSA Test,Men aged 40+ who have had a PSA test within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,516,56.5,52.1,60.9,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS16,Topic47,11,BO1,CAT1,_RFPSA21,RESP054,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Injury,Seatbelt Use,Always wears a seat belt? (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Does Not Always Wear a Seatbelt,Overall,Overall,345,12.6,10.7,14.6,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS12,Topic50,11,BO1,CAT1,_RFSEAT3,RESP185,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Colorectal Cancer Screening,Sigmoidoscopy,Adults aged 50+ who have ever had a sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,542,28.9,26.2,31.7,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic52,11,BO1,CAT1,_RFSIGM2,RESP054,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Tobacco Use,Current Smoker Status,Adults who are current smokers (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,3348,83.6,81.5,85.7,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic15,11,BO1,CAT1,_RFSMOK3,RESP054,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Tobacco Use,Smoker Status,Four Level Smoking Status (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Smoke some days,Overall,Overall,193,6.4,5,7.8,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic55,11,BO1,CAT1,_SMOKER3,RESP069,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Physical Activity,Exercise,"During the past month, did you participate in any physical activities? (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions)",No,Overall,Overall,849,21.2,19.1,23.4,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS15,Topic23,11,BO1,CAT1,_TOTINDA,RESP054,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Health Care Access/Coverage,Last Checkup,About how long has it been since you last visited a doctor for a routine checkup?,Within the past 5 years,Overall,Overall,213,6.8,5.4,8.2,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic36,11,BO1,CAT1,CHECKUP1,RESP065,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Chronic Health Indicators,Diabetes,Have you ever been told by a doctor that you have diabetes?,"No, pre-diabetes or borderline diabetes",Overall,Overall,64,1.3,0.8,1.8,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic18,11,BO1,CAT1,DIABETE3,RESP052,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Health Status,Overall Health,How is your general health?,Good,Overall,Overall,1113,25.4,23.2,27.7,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic41,11,BO1,CAT1,GENHLTH,RESP058,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Health Care Access/Coverage,Personal Care Provider,Do you have one person you think of as your personal doctor or health care provider?,No,Overall,Overall,556,24.1,21.7,26.5,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic43,11,BO1,CAT1,PERSDOC2,RESP054,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Tobacco Use,Smokeless Tobacco,"Do you currently use chewing tobacco, snuff, or snus?",Not at all,Overall,Overall,3816,98.2,97.4,99,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic54,11,BO1,CAT1,USENOW3,RESP081,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Overweight and Obesity (BMI),BMI Categories,Weight classification by Body Mass Index (BMI) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Normal Weight (BMI 18.5-24.9),Overall,Overall,1518,42.6,40,45.2,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS14,Topic09,11,BO1,CAT1,_BMI5CAT,RESP041,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2013,AL,Alabama,Demographics,Internet,Have you used the internet in the past 30 days?,Yes,Overall,Overall,4131,73.2,71.6,74.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic34,01,BO1,CAT1,INTERNET,RESP046,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Tobacco Use,Smoker Status,Four Level Smoking Status (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Former smoker,Overall,Overall,1093,19.8,18,21.6,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic55,11,BO1,CAT1,_SMOKER3,RESP070,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Health Care Access/Coverage,Last Checkup,About how long has it been since you last visited a doctor for a routine checkup?,5 or more years ago,Overall,Overall,96,3.4,2.2,4.5,4,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic36,11,BO1,CAT1,CHECKUP1,RESP066,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Chronic Health Indicators,Diabetes,Have you ever been told by a doctor that you have diabetes?,No,Overall,Overall,3430,88.6,87.2,90,4,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic18,11,BO1,CAT1,DIABETE3,RESP054,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Health Status,Overall Health,How is your general health?,Fair,Overall,Overall,458,9.8,8.4,11.3,4,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic41,11,BO1,CAT1,GENHLTH,RESP059,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Overweight and Obesity (BMI),BMI Categories,Weight classification by Body Mass Index (BMI) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Underweight (BMI 12.0-18.4),Overall,Overall,65,2,1.1,2.9,4,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS14,Topic09,11,BO1,CAT1,_BMI5CAT,RESP042,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Tobacco Use,Smoker Status,Four Level Smoking Status (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Never smoked,Overall,Overall,2255,63.8,61.3,66.2,4,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic55,11,BO1,CAT1,_SMOKER3,RESP071,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Health Care Access/Coverage,Last Checkup,About how long has it been since you last visited a doctor for a routine checkup?,Never,Overall,Overall,13,0,0,0,5,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic36,11,BO1,CAT1,CHECKUP1,RESP067,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,DC,District of Columbia,Health Status,Overall Health,How is your general health?,Poor,Overall,Overall,165,3.7,2.7,4.7,5,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic41,11,BO1,CAT1,GENHLTH,RESP060,"(38.89037138500049, -77.03196112699965)"
2014,FL,Florida,Chronic Health Indicators,Depression,Ever told you that you have a form of depression?,Yes,Overall,Overall,1640,15.9,14.9,17,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic17,12,BO1,CAT1,ADDEPEV2,RESP046,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Demographics,Disability status,"Are you blind or do you have serious difficulty seeing, even when wearing glasses?",Yes,Overall,Overall,527,5.7,4.9,6.4,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,12,BO1,CAT1,BLIND,RESP046,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Chronic Health Indicators,COPD,Ever told you have COPD?,Yes,Overall,Overall,941,6.8,6.1,7.5,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic14,12,BO1,CAT1,CHCCOPD1,RESP046,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Chronic Health Indicators,Kidney,Ever told you have kidney disease?,Yes,Overall,Overall,435,3.4,2.9,3.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic35,12,BO1,CAT1,CHCKIDNY,RESP046,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Chronic Health Indicators,Other Cancer,Ever told you had any other types of cancer?,Yes,Overall,Overall,1159,5.8,5.4,6.3,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic40,12,BO1,CAT1,CHCOCNCR,RESP046,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Chronic Health Indicators,Skin Cancer,Ever told you had skin cancer?,Yes,Overall,Overall,1513,7,6.5,7.5,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic53,12,BO1,CAT1,CHCSCNCR,RESP046,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Health Care Access/Coverage,Last Checkup,About how long has it been since you last visited a doctor for a routine checkup?,Within the past year,Overall,Overall,7706,70.9,69.4,72.3,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic36,12,BO1,CAT1,CHECKUP1,RESP063,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Chronic Health Indicators,Cardiovascular Disease,Ever told you had angina or coronary heart disease?,Yes,Overall,Overall,755,4.4,3.9,4.9,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic10,12,BO1,CAT1,CVDCRHD4,RESP046,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Chronic Health Indicators,Cardiovascular Disease,Ever told you had a heart attack (myocardial infarction)?,Yes,Overall,Overall,699,4.3,3.9,4.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic10,12,BO1,CAT1,CVDINFR4,RESP046,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Chronic Health Indicators,Cardiovascular Disease,Ever told you had a stroke?,Yes,Overall,Overall,464,2.9,2.5,3.4,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic10,12,BO1,CAT1,CVDSTRK3,RESP046,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Demographics,Disability status,"Do you have serious difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions?",Yes,Overall,Overall,934,11.6,10.5,12.7,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,12,BO1,CAT1,DECIDE,RESP046,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Chronic Health Indicators,Diabetes,Have you ever been told by a doctor that you have diabetes?,Yes,Overall,Overall,1357,9.4,8.7,10.1,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic18,12,BO1,CAT1,DIABETE3,RESP046,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Demographics,Disability status,Do you have difficulty doing errands alone?,Yes,Overall,Overall,727,7,6.2,7.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,12,BO1,CAT1,DIFFALON,RESP046,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Demographics,Disability status,Do you have difficulty dressing or bathing?,Yes,Overall,Overall,422,3.6,3.1,4.1,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,12,BO1,CAT1,DIFFDRES,RESP046,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Demographics,Disability status,Do you have serious difficulty walking or climbing stairs?,Yes,Overall,Overall,1725,13.3,12.3,14.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,12,BO1,CAT1,DIFFWALK,RESP046,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Alcohol Consumption,Alcohol Consumption,Adults who have had at least one drink of alcohol within the past 30 days,Yes,Overall,Overall,4966,55.1,53.5,56.7,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS01,Topic03,12,BO1,CAT1,DRNKANY5,RESP046,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Health Status,Overall Health,How is your general health?,Excellent,Overall,Overall,1914,21.9,20.6,23.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic41,12,BO1,CAT1,GENHLTH,RESP056,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,HIV-AIDS,HIV Test,Have you ever been tested for HIV?,Yes,Overall,Overall,2923,46.5,44.9,48.1,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS09,Topic32,12,BO1,CAT1,HIVTST6,RESP046,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2013,AK,Alaska,Chronic Health Indicators,Skin Cancer,Ever told you had skin cancer?,No,Overall,Overall,4355,96.9,96.3,97.5,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic53,02,BO1,CAT1,CHCSCNCR,RESP054,"(64.84507995700051, -147.72205903599973)"
2014,FL,Florida,Health Care Access/Coverage,Health Care Coverage,Do you have any kind of health care coverage?,Yes,Overall,Overall,8761,80.3,78.9,81.7,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic29,12,BO1,CAT1,HLTHPLN1,RESP046,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Demographics,Internet,Have you used the internet in the past 30 days?,Yes,Overall,Overall,7544,84.6,83.6,85.6,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic34,12,BO1,CAT1,INTERNET,RESP046,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Health Care Access/Coverage,Health Care Cost,Was there a time in the past 12 months when you needed to see a doctor but could not because of cost?,Yes,Overall,Overall,1229,19.1,17.8,20.4,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic28,12,BO1,CAT1,MEDCOST,RESP046,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Health Care Access/Coverage,Personal Care Provider,Do you have one person you think of as your personal doctor or health care provider?,"Yes, only one",Overall,Overall,7282,62.3,60.8,63.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic43,12,BO1,CAT1,PERSDOC2,RESP050,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Demographics,Disability status,"Adults who are limited in any activities because of physical, mental, or emotional problems",Yes,Overall,Overall,2482,20.6,19.4,21.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,12,BO1,CAT1,QLACTLM2,RESP046,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Immunization,Shingle Vaccination,Have you ever had the shingles or zoster vaccine?,Yes,Overall,Overall,1687,20.1,19,21.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS11,Topic63,12,BO1,CAT1,SHINGLE2,RESP046,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Demographics,Disability status,Adults with health problem(s) that requires the use of special equipment,Yes,Overall,Overall,1206,7.9,7.1,8.6,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,12,BO1,CAT1,USEEQUIP,RESP046,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Tobacco Use,Smokeless Tobacco,"Do you currently use chewing tobacco, snuff, or snus?",Every day,Overall,Overall,75,1.3,0.9,1.7,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic54,12,BO1,CAT1,USENOW3,RESP079,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Demographics,Veteran Status,Have you ever served on active duty in the United States Armed Forces?,Yes,Overall,Overall,1657,12.8,11.9,13.6,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic61,12,BO1,CAT1,VETERAN3,RESP046,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Oral Health,All Teeth Removed,Adults aged 65+ who have had all their natural teeth extracted (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,479,13.4,11.9,14.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS13,Topic04,12,BO1,CAT1,_ALTETH2,RESP046,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Overweight and Obesity (BMI),BMI Categories,Weight classification by Body Mass Index (BMI) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Obese (BMI 30.0 - 99.8),Overall,Overall,2303,26.1,24.7,27.4,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS14,Topic09,12,BO1,CAT1,_BMI5CAT,RESP039,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Chronic Health Indicators,Asthma,Adults who have been told they currently have asthma (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,792,8.1,7.2,8.9,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic06,12,BO1,CAT1,_CASTHM1,RESP046,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Chronic Health Indicators,Depression,Ever told you that you have a form of depression?,No,Overall,Overall,8126,84.1,83,85.1,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic17,12,BO1,CAT1,ADDEPEV2,RESP054,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Colorectal Cancer Screening,USPSTF Recommendations,Respondents aged 50-75 who have fully met the USPSTF recommendation (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Met USPSTF recommendations for testing,Overall,Overall,3272,65.9,64.1,67.7,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic64,12,BO1,CAT1,_CRCREC,RESP192,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Oral Health,Dental Visit,Visited the dentist or dental clinic within the past year for any reason (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,6475,61.3,59.8,62.9,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS13,Topic16,12,BO1,CAT1,_DENVST2,RESP046,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Chronic Health Indicators,Arthritis,Adults who have been told they have arthritis (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,3614,22.9,22,23.9,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic05,12,BO1,CAT1,_DRDXAR1,RESP046,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Oral Health,Teeth Removed,Adults that have had any permanent teeth extracted (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,5381,46.6,45.2,48,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS13,Topic57,12,BO1,CAT1,_EXTETH2,RESP046,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Immunization,Flu Shot,Adults aged 65+ who have had a flu shot within the past year (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,2219,53.1,51.1,55.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS11,Topic26,12,BO1,CAT1,_FLSHOT6,RESP046,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Health Care Access/Coverage,Under 65 Coverage,Adults aged 18-64 who have any kind of health care coverage (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,4475,76.6,74.9,78.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic59,12,BO1,CAT1,_HCVU651,RESP046,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Chronic Health Indicators,Asthma,Adults who have ever been told they have asthma (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,1178,12.4,11.4,13.4,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic06,12,BO1,CAT1,_LTASTH1,RESP046,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Women's Health,Mammogram,Women aged 50-74 who have had a mammogram within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Received a mammogram within the past 2 years,Overall,Overall,2168,77.9,75.8,80,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic37,12,BO1,CAT1,_MAM5021,RESP186,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Women's Health,Mammogram,Women aged 50+ who have had a mammogram within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,2991,76.2,74.4,78,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic37,12,BO1,CAT1,_MAM502Y,RESP046,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Immunization,Pneumonia Vaccination,Adults aged 65+ who have ever had a pneumonia vaccination (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,2697,67.2,65.2,69.3,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS11,Topic46,12,BO1,CAT1,_PNEUMO2,RESP046,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Alcohol Consumption,Binge Drinking,"Binge drinkers (males having five or more drinks on one occasion, females having four or more drinks on one occasion) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions)",Yes,Overall,Overall,1004,16.5,15.3,17.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS01,Topic07,12,BO1,CAT1,_RFBING5,RESP046,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Colorectal Cancer Screening,Blood Stool Test,Adults aged 50+ who have had a blood stool test within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,1305,19.7,18.4,20.9,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic08,12,BO1,CAT1,_RFBLDS2,RESP046,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Colorectal Cancer Screening,Blood Stool Test,Adults aged 50-75 who have had a blood stool test within the past year (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Had a blood stool test in the past year,Overall,Overall,647,13,11.8,14.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic08,12,BO1,CAT1,_RFBLDS3,RESP190,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Alcohol Consumption,Heavy Drinking,Heavy drinkers (adult men having more than two drinks per day and adult women having more than one drink per day) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,591,6.9,6,7.7,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS01,Topic30,12,BO1,CAT1,_RFDRHV4,RESP046,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Health Status,Fair or Poor Health,Health Status (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Good or Better Health,Overall,Overall,7847,82.1,81,83.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic24,12,BO1,CAT1,_RFHLTH,RESP061,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Women's Health,Mammogram,Women aged 40+ who have had a mammogram within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,3359,73.1,71,75.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic37,12,BO1,CAT1,_RFMAM2Y,RESP046,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Women's Health,Pap Test,Women aged 18+ who have had a pap test within the past three years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,2570,72.8,70.8,74.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic42,12,BO1,CAT1,_RFPAP32,RESP046,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Women's Health,Pap Test,Women aged 21-65 who have had a pap test in the past three years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Received a Pap test within the past 3 years,Overall,Overall,1856,79.6,77.4,81.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic42,12,BO1,CAT1,_RFPAP33,RESP188,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Prostate Cancer,PSA Test,Men aged 40+ who have had a PSA test within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,1607,45.3,42.8,47.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS16,Topic47,12,BO1,CAT1,_RFPSA21,RESP046,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Injury,Seatbelt Use,Always wears a seat belt? (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Always Wears a Seatbelt,Overall,Overall,8225,86.2,85,87.5,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS12,Topic50,12,BO1,CAT1,_RFSEAT3,RESP184,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Colorectal Cancer Screening,Sigmoidoscopy,Adults aged 50+ who have ever had a sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,4797,69.4,67.9,70.9,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic52,12,BO1,CAT1,_RFSIGM2,RESP046,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Tobacco Use,Current Smoker Status,Adults who are current smokers (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,1271,18.7,17.3,20,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic15,12,BO1,CAT1,_RFSMOK3,RESP046,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Tobacco Use,Smoker Status,Four Level Smoking Status (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Smoke everyday,Overall,Overall,884,12,10.9,13.1,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic55,12,BO1,CAT1,_SMOKER3,RESP068,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Physical Activity,Exercise,"During the past month, did you participate in any physical activities? (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions)",Yes,Overall,Overall,7393,77.3,76,78.6,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS15,Topic23,12,BO1,CAT1,_TOTINDA,RESP046,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Demographics,Disability status,"Are you blind or do you have serious difficulty seeing, even when wearing glasses?",No,Overall,Overall,8788,94.3,93.6,95.1,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,12,BO1,CAT1,BLIND,RESP054,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Chronic Health Indicators,COPD,Ever told you have COPD?,No,Overall,Overall,8844,93.2,92.5,93.9,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic14,12,BO1,CAT1,CHCCOPD1,RESP054,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Chronic Health Indicators,Kidney,Ever told you have kidney disease?,No,Overall,Overall,9353,96.6,96.2,97.1,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic35,12,BO1,CAT1,CHCKIDNY,RESP054,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Chronic Health Indicators,Other Cancer,Ever told you had any other types of cancer?,No,Overall,Overall,8635,94.2,93.7,94.6,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic40,12,BO1,CAT1,CHCOCNCR,RESP054,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Chronic Health Indicators,Skin Cancer,Ever told you had skin cancer?,No,Overall,Overall,8272,93,92.5,93.5,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic53,12,BO1,CAT1,CHCSCNCR,RESP054,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Health Care Access/Coverage,Last Checkup,About how long has it been since you last visited a doctor for a routine checkup?,Within the past 2 years,Overall,Overall,885,12.4,11.3,13.5,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic36,12,BO1,CAT1,CHECKUP1,RESP064,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Chronic Health Indicators,Cardiovascular Disease,Ever told you had angina or coronary heart disease?,No,Overall,Overall,8992,95.6,95.1,96.1,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic10,12,BO1,CAT1,CVDCRHD4,RESP054,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Chronic Health Indicators,Cardiovascular Disease,Ever told you had a heart attack (myocardial infarction)?,No,Overall,Overall,9079,95.7,95.2,96.1,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic10,12,BO1,CAT1,CVDINFR4,RESP054,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Chronic Health Indicators,Cardiovascular Disease,Ever told you had a stroke?,No,Overall,Overall,9339,97.1,96.6,97.5,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic10,12,BO1,CAT1,CVDSTRK3,RESP054,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Demographics,Disability status,"Do you have serious difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions?",No,Overall,Overall,8362,88.4,87.3,89.5,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,12,BO1,CAT1,DECIDE,RESP054,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Chronic Health Indicators,Diabetes,Have you ever been told by a doctor that you have diabetes?,"Yes, pregnancy-related",Overall,Overall,49,0.8,0.5,1.1,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic18,12,BO1,CAT1,DIABETE3,RESP051,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Demographics,Disability status,Do you have difficulty doing errands alone?,No,Overall,Overall,8548,93,92.2,93.8,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,12,BO1,CAT1,DIFFALON,RESP054,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Demographics,Disability status,Do you have difficulty dressing or bathing?,No,Overall,Overall,8885,96.4,95.9,96.9,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,12,BO1,CAT1,DIFFDRES,RESP054,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Demographics,Disability status,Do you have serious difficulty walking or climbing stairs?,No,Overall,Overall,7569,86.7,85.8,87.7,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,12,BO1,CAT1,DIFFWALK,RESP054,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Alcohol Consumption,Alcohol Consumption,Adults who have had at least one drink of alcohol within the past 30 days,No,Overall,Overall,4129,44.9,43.3,46.5,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS01,Topic03,12,BO1,CAT1,DRNKANY5,RESP054,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Health Status,Overall Health,How is your general health?,Very good,Overall,Overall,3014,29.2,27.9,30.6,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic41,12,BO1,CAT1,GENHLTH,RESP057,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,HIV-AIDS,HIV Test,Have you ever been tested for HIV?,No,Overall,Overall,5723,53.5,51.9,55.1,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS09,Topic32,12,BO1,CAT1,HIVTST6,RESP054,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Health Care Access/Coverage,Health Care Coverage,Do you have any kind of health care coverage?,No,Overall,Overall,1012,19.7,18.3,21.1,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic29,12,BO1,CAT1,HLTHPLN1,RESP054,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Demographics,Internet,Have you used the internet in the past 30 days?,No,Overall,Overall,1930,15.4,14.4,16.4,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic34,12,BO1,CAT1,INTERNET,RESP054,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Health Care Access/Coverage,Health Care Cost,Was there a time in the past 12 months when you needed to see a doctor but could not because of cost?,No,Overall,Overall,8563,80.9,79.6,82.2,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic28,12,BO1,CAT1,MEDCOST,RESP054,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Health Care Access/Coverage,Personal Care Provider,Do you have one person you think of as your personal doctor or health care provider?,More than one,Overall,Overall,1014,10.2,9.3,11.1,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic43,12,BO1,CAT1,PERSDOC2,RESP053,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Demographics,Disability status,"Adults who are limited in any activities because of physical, mental, or emotional problems",No,Overall,Overall,6871,79.4,78.2,80.6,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,12,BO1,CAT1,QLACTLM2,RESP054,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Immunization,Shingle Vaccination,Have you ever had the shingles or zoster vaccine?,No,Overall,Overall,4798,79.9,78.8,81,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS11,Topic63,12,BO1,CAT1,SHINGLE2,RESP054,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Demographics,Disability status,Adults with health problem(s) that requires the use of special equipment,No,Overall,Overall,8150,92.1,91.4,92.9,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,12,BO1,CAT1,USEEQUIP,RESP054,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Tobacco Use,Smokeless Tobacco,"Do you currently use chewing tobacco, snuff, or snus?",Some days,Overall,Overall,78,1.7,1.2,2.2,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic54,12,BO1,CAT1,USENOW3,RESP080,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Demographics,Veteran Status,Have you ever served on active duty in the United States Armed Forces?,No,Overall,Overall,8136,87.2,86.4,88.1,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic61,12,BO1,CAT1,VETERAN3,RESP054,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Oral Health,All Teeth Removed,Adults aged 65+ who have had all their natural teeth extracted (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,3555,86.6,85.2,88.1,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS13,Topic04,12,BO1,CAT1,_ALTETH2,RESP054,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Overweight and Obesity (BMI),BMI Categories,Weight classification by Body Mass Index (BMI) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Overweight (BMI 25.0-29.9),Overall,Overall,3350,35,33.5,36.5,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS14,Topic09,12,BO1,CAT1,_BMI5CAT,RESP040,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Chronic Health Indicators,Asthma,Adults who have been told they currently have asthma (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,8981,91.9,91.1,92.8,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic06,12,BO1,CAT1,_CASTHM1,RESP054,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Colorectal Cancer Screening,USPSTF Recommendations,Respondents aged 50-75 who have fully met the USPSTF recommendation (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Did not meet USPSTF recommendations for testing,Overall,Overall,1293,34.1,32.3,35.9,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic64,12,BO1,CAT1,_CRCREC,RESP193,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Oral Health,Dental Visit,Visited the dentist or dental clinic within the past year for any reason (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,3272,38.7,37.1,40.2,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS13,Topic16,12,BO1,CAT1,_DENVST2,RESP054,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Chronic Health Indicators,Arthritis,Adults who have been told they have arthritis (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,6147,77.1,76.1,78,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic05,12,BO1,CAT1,_DRDXAR1,RESP054,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Oral Health,Teeth Removed,Adults that have had any permanent teeth extracted (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,4157,53.4,52,54.8,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS13,Topic57,12,BO1,CAT1,_EXTETH2,RESP054,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Immunization,Flu Shot,Adults aged 65+ who have had a flu shot within the past year (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,1729,46.9,44.8,48.9,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS11,Topic26,12,BO1,CAT1,_FLSHOT6,RESP054,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Health Care Access/Coverage,Under 65 Coverage,Adults aged 18-64 who have any kind of health care coverage (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,933,23.4,21.8,25.1,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic59,12,BO1,CAT1,_HCVU651,RESP054,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Chronic Health Indicators,Asthma,Adults who have ever been told they have asthma (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,8614,87.6,86.6,88.6,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic06,12,BO1,CAT1,_LTASTH1,RESP054,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Women's Health,Mammogram,Women aged 50-74 who have had a mammogram within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Did not receive a mammogram within the past 2 years,Overall,Overall,559,22.1,20,24.2,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic37,12,BO1,CAT1,_MAM5021,RESP187,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Women's Health,Mammogram,Women aged 50+ who have had a mammogram within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,932,23.8,22,25.6,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic37,12,BO1,CAT1,_MAM502Y,RESP054,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Immunization,Pneumonia Vaccination,Adults aged 65+ who have ever had a pneumonia vaccination (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,1107,32.8,30.7,34.8,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS11,Topic46,12,BO1,CAT1,_PNEUMO2,RESP054,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Alcohol Consumption,Binge Drinking,"Binge drinkers (males having five or more drinks on one occasion, females having four or more drinks on one occasion) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions)",No,Overall,Overall,7961,83.5,82.2,84.7,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS01,Topic07,12,BO1,CAT1,_RFBING5,RESP054,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Colorectal Cancer Screening,Blood Stool Test,Adults aged 50+ who have had a blood stool test within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,5060,80.3,79.1,81.6,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic08,12,BO1,CAT1,_RFBLDS2,RESP054,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Colorectal Cancer Screening,Blood Stool Test,Adults aged 50-75 who have had a blood stool test within the past year (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Have not had a blood stool test in the past year,Overall,Overall,4004,87,85.8,88.2,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic08,12,BO1,CAT1,_RFBLDS3,RESP191,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Alcohol Consumption,Heavy Drinking,Heavy drinkers (adult men having more than two drinks per day and adult women having more than one drink per day) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,8391,93.1,92.3,94,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS01,Topic30,12,BO1,CAT1,_RFDRHV4,RESP054,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Health Status,Fair or Poor Health,Health Status (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Fair or Poor Health,Overall,Overall,1902,17.9,16.8,19,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic24,12,BO1,CAT1,_RFHLTH,RESP062,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Women's Health,Mammogram,Women aged 40+ who have had a mammogram within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,1105,26.9,24.8,29,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic37,12,BO1,CAT1,_RFMAM2Y,RESP054,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Women's Health,Pap Test,Women aged 18+ who have had a pap test within the past three years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,1039,27.2,25.2,29.2,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic42,12,BO1,CAT1,_RFPAP32,RESP054,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Women's Health,Pap Test,Women aged 21-65 who have had a pap test in the past three years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Did not receive a Pap test within the past 3 years,Overall,Overall,448,20.4,18.2,22.6,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic42,12,BO1,CAT1,_RFPAP33,RESP189,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Prostate Cancer,PSA Test,Men aged 40+ who have had a PSA test within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,1195,54.7,52.2,57.2,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS16,Topic47,12,BO1,CAT1,_RFPSA21,RESP054,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Injury,Seatbelt Use,Always wears a seat belt? (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Does Not Always Wear a Seatbelt,Overall,Overall,836,13.8,12.5,15,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS12,Topic50,12,BO1,CAT1,_RFSEAT3,RESP185,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Colorectal Cancer Screening,Sigmoidoscopy,Adults aged 50+ who have ever had a sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,1634,30.6,29.1,32.1,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic52,12,BO1,CAT1,_RFSIGM2,RESP054,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Tobacco Use,Current Smoker Status,Adults who are current smokers (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,7936,81.3,80,82.7,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic15,12,BO1,CAT1,_RFSMOK3,RESP054,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Tobacco Use,Smoker Status,Four Level Smoking Status (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Smoke some days,Overall,Overall,387,6.7,5.8,7.6,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic55,12,BO1,CAT1,_SMOKER3,RESP069,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Physical Activity,Exercise,"During the past month, did you participate in any physical activities? (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions)",No,Overall,Overall,2403,22.7,21.4,24,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS15,Topic23,12,BO1,CAT1,_TOTINDA,RESP054,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Health Care Access/Coverage,Last Checkup,About how long has it been since you last visited a doctor for a routine checkup?,Within the past 5 years,Overall,Overall,542,8,7.1,8.8,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic36,12,BO1,CAT1,CHECKUP1,RESP065,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Chronic Health Indicators,Diabetes,Have you ever been told by a doctor that you have diabetes?,"No, pre-diabetes or borderline diabetes",Overall,Overall,147,1.2,0.9,1.6,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic18,12,BO1,CAT1,DIABETE3,RESP052,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Health Status,Overall Health,How is your general health?,Good,Overall,Overall,2919,31,29.6,32.4,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic41,12,BO1,CAT1,GENHLTH,RESP058,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Health Care Access/Coverage,Personal Care Provider,Do you have one person you think of as your personal doctor or health care provider?,No,Overall,Overall,1459,27.5,26.1,29,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic43,12,BO1,CAT1,PERSDOC2,RESP054,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Tobacco Use,Smokeless Tobacco,"Do you currently use chewing tobacco, snuff, or snus?",Not at all,Overall,Overall,9055,97,96.3,97.6,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic54,12,BO1,CAT1,USENOW3,RESP081,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Overweight and Obesity (BMI),BMI Categories,Weight classification by Body Mass Index (BMI) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Normal Weight (BMI 18.5-24.9),Overall,Overall,3308,36.8,35.2,38.3,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS14,Topic09,12,BO1,CAT1,_BMI5CAT,RESP041,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Tobacco Use,Smoker Status,Four Level Smoking Status (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Former smoker,Overall,Overall,3172,24.9,23.7,26.1,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic55,12,BO1,CAT1,_SMOKER3,RESP070,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Health Care Access/Coverage,Last Checkup,About how long has it been since you last visited a doctor for a routine checkup?,5 or more years ago,Overall,Overall,564,8.8,7.9,9.7,4,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic36,12,BO1,CAT1,CHECKUP1,RESP066,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Chronic Health Indicators,Diabetes,Have you ever been told by a doctor that you have diabetes?,No,Overall,Overall,8248,88.5,87.7,89.4,4,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic18,12,BO1,CAT1,DIABETE3,RESP054,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Health Status,Overall Health,How is your general health?,Fair,Overall,Overall,1364,13.3,12.3,14.4,4,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic41,12,BO1,CAT1,GENHLTH,RESP059,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Overweight and Obesity (BMI),BMI Categories,Weight classification by Body Mass Index (BMI) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Underweight (BMI 12.0-18.4),Overall,Overall,195,2.2,1.7,2.7,4,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS14,Topic09,12,BO1,CAT1,_BMI5CAT,RESP042,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Tobacco Use,Smoker Status,Four Level Smoking Status (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Never smoked,Overall,Overall,4764,56.4,54.9,58,4,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic55,12,BO1,CAT1,_SMOKER3,RESP071,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Health Care Access/Coverage,Last Checkup,About how long has it been since you last visited a doctor for a routine checkup?,Never,Overall,Overall,36,0,0,0,5,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic36,12,BO1,CAT1,CHECKUP1,RESP067,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,FL,Florida,Health Status,Overall Health,How is your general health?,Poor,Overall,Overall,538,4.6,4,5.1,5,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic41,12,BO1,CAT1,GENHLTH,RESP060,"(28.932040377000476, -81.92896053899966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Chronic Health Indicators,Depression,Ever told you that you have a form of depression?,Yes,Overall,Overall,1243,18.1,16.8,19.4,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic17,13,BO1,CAT1,ADDEPEV2,RESP046,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Demographics,Disability status,"Are you blind or do you have serious difficulty seeing, even when wearing glasses?",Yes,Overall,Overall,432,5.7,5,6.4,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,13,BO1,CAT1,BLIND,RESP046,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Chronic Health Indicators,COPD,Ever told you have COPD?,Yes,Overall,Overall,592,7.2,6.4,8.1,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic14,13,BO1,CAT1,CHCCOPD1,RESP046,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Chronic Health Indicators,Kidney,Ever told you have kidney disease?,Yes,Overall,Overall,279,2.9,2.5,3.4,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic35,13,BO1,CAT1,CHCKIDNY,RESP046,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Chronic Health Indicators,Other Cancer,Ever told you had any other types of cancer?,Yes,Overall,Overall,597,5.7,5.2,6.3,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic40,13,BO1,CAT1,CHCOCNCR,RESP046,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Chronic Health Indicators,Skin Cancer,Ever told you had skin cancer?,Yes,Overall,Overall,674,6.2,5.6,6.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic53,13,BO1,CAT1,CHCSCNCR,RESP046,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Health Care Access/Coverage,Last Checkup,About how long has it been since you last visited a doctor for a routine checkup?,Within the past year,Overall,Overall,4947,72.3,70.7,74,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic36,13,BO1,CAT1,CHECKUP1,RESP063,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Chronic Health Indicators,Cardiovascular Disease,Ever told you had angina or coronary heart disease?,Yes,Overall,Overall,403,4,3.5,4.5,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic10,13,BO1,CAT1,CVDCRHD4,RESP046,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Chronic Health Indicators,Cardiovascular Disease,Ever told you had a heart attack (myocardial infarction)?,Yes,Overall,Overall,382,4.3,3.7,4.9,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic10,13,BO1,CAT1,CVDINFR4,RESP046,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Chronic Health Indicators,Cardiovascular Disease,Ever told you had a stroke?,Yes,Overall,Overall,287,3.2,2.7,3.7,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic10,13,BO1,CAT1,CVDSTRK3,RESP046,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Demographics,Disability status,"Do you have serious difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions?",Yes,Overall,Overall,717,11.3,10.1,12.4,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,13,BO1,CAT1,DECIDE,RESP046,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Chronic Health Indicators,Diabetes,Have you ever been told by a doctor that you have diabetes?,Yes,Overall,Overall,1048,11.1,10.2,11.9,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic18,13,BO1,CAT1,DIABETE3,RESP046,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Demographics,Disability status,Do you have difficulty doing errands alone?,Yes,Overall,Overall,522,7.2,6.3,8.1,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,13,BO1,CAT1,DIFFALON,RESP046,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Demographics,Disability status,Do you have difficulty dressing or bathing?,Yes,Overall,Overall,303,3.9,3.2,4.5,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,13,BO1,CAT1,DIFFDRES,RESP046,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Demographics,Disability status,Do you have serious difficulty walking or climbing stairs?,Yes,Overall,Overall,1263,14.5,13.5,15.6,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,13,BO1,CAT1,DIFFWALK,RESP046,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Alcohol Consumption,Alcohol Consumption,Adults who have had at least one drink of alcohol within the past 30 days,Yes,Overall,Overall,2589,48.3,46.5,50.1,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS01,Topic03,13,BO1,CAT1,DRNKANY5,RESP046,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Health Status,Overall Health,How is your general health?,Excellent,Overall,Overall,1087,19.4,17.9,20.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic41,13,BO1,CAT1,GENHLTH,RESP056,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,HIV-AIDS,HIV Test,Have you ever been tested for HIV?,Yes,Overall,Overall,1990,44.1,42.2,45.9,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS09,Topic32,13,BO1,CAT1,HIVTST6,RESP046,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Health Care Access/Coverage,Health Care Coverage,Do you have any kind of health care coverage?,Yes,Overall,Overall,5563,78.7,77.1,80.3,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic29,13,BO1,CAT1,HLTHPLN1,RESP046,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Demographics,Internet,Have you used the internet in the past 30 days?,Yes,Overall,Overall,4586,81,79.7,82.3,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic34,13,BO1,CAT1,INTERNET,RESP046,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Health Care Access/Coverage,Health Care Cost,Was there a time in the past 12 months when you needed to see a doctor but could not because of cost?,Yes,Overall,Overall,933,19,17.5,20.5,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic28,13,BO1,CAT1,MEDCOST,RESP046,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Health Care Access/Coverage,Personal Care Provider,Do you have one person you think of as your personal doctor or health care provider?,"Yes, only one",Overall,Overall,4759,64.3,62.6,66,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic43,13,BO1,CAT1,PERSDOC2,RESP050,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Demographics,Disability status,"Adults who are limited in any activities because of physical, mental, or emotional problems",Yes,Overall,Overall,1534,19.8,18.5,21.1,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,13,BO1,CAT1,QLACTLM2,RESP046,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Immunization,Shingle Vaccination,Have you ever had the shingles or zoster vaccine?,Yes,Overall,Overall,926,20,18.5,21.4,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS11,Topic63,13,BO1,CAT1,SHINGLE2,RESP046,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Demographics,Disability status,Adults with health problem(s) that requires the use of special equipment,Yes,Overall,Overall,789,8.3,7.5,9.1,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,13,BO1,CAT1,USEEQUIP,RESP046,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Tobacco Use,Smokeless Tobacco,"Do you currently use chewing tobacco, snuff, or snus?",Every day,Overall,Overall,117,2.6,2,3.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic54,13,BO1,CAT1,USENOW3,RESP079,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Demographics,Veteran Status,Have you ever served on active duty in the United States Armed Forces?,Yes,Overall,Overall,988,14.3,13.1,15.4,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic61,13,BO1,CAT1,VETERAN3,RESP046,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Oral Health,All Teeth Removed,Adults aged 65+ who have had all their natural teeth extracted (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,358,20.1,17.7,22.5,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS13,Topic04,13,BO1,CAT1,_ALTETH2,RESP046,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Overweight and Obesity (BMI),BMI Categories,Weight classification by Body Mass Index (BMI) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Obese (BMI 30.0 - 99.8),Overall,Overall,1833,30.1,28.5,31.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS14,Topic09,13,BO1,CAT1,_BMI5CAT,RESP039,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Chronic Health Indicators,Asthma,Adults who have been told they currently have asthma (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,556,8.3,7.3,9.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic06,13,BO1,CAT1,_CASTHM1,RESP046,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Colorectal Cancer Screening,USPSTF Recommendations,Respondents aged 50-75 who have fully met the USPSTF recommendation (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Met USPSTF recommendations for testing,Overall,Overall,2112,66.8,64.6,69.1,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic64,13,BO1,CAT1,_CRCREC,RESP192,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Oral Health,Dental Visit,Visited the dentist or dental clinic within the past year for any reason (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,4062,60.4,58.7,62.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS13,Topic16,13,BO1,CAT1,_DENVST2,RESP046,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Chronic Health Indicators,Arthritis,Adults who have been told they have arthritis (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,2313,24.3,23.2,25.5,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic05,13,BO1,CAT1,_DRDXAR1,RESP046,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Oral Health,Teeth Removed,Adults that have had any permanent teeth extracted (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,3229,43.5,41.9,45.1,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS13,Topic57,13,BO1,CAT1,_EXTETH2,RESP046,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2013,AL,Alabama,Health Care Access/Coverage,Health Care Cost,Was there a time in the past 12 months when you needed to see a doctor but could not because of cost?,Yes,Overall,Overall,914,16.6,15.1,18.1,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic28,01,BO1,CAT1,MEDCOST,RESP046,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Immunization,Flu Shot,Adults aged 65+ who have had a flu shot within the past year (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,1149,55.5,52.7,58.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS11,Topic26,13,BO1,CAT1,_FLSHOT6,RESP046,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Health Care Access/Coverage,Under 65 Coverage,Adults aged 18-64 who have any kind of health care coverage (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,3338,74.4,72.5,76.4,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic59,13,BO1,CAT1,_HCVU651,RESP046,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Chronic Health Indicators,Asthma,Adults who have ever been told they have asthma (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,829,13.9,12.7,15.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic06,13,BO1,CAT1,_LTASTH1,RESP046,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Women's Health,Mammogram,Women aged 50-74 who have had a mammogram within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Received a mammogram within the past 2 years,Overall,Overall,1482,79.8,77.4,82.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic37,13,BO1,CAT1,_MAM5021,RESP186,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Women's Health,Mammogram,Women aged 50+ who have had a mammogram within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,1895,77.8,75.7,80,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic37,13,BO1,CAT1,_MAM502Y,RESP046,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Immunization,Pneumonia Vaccination,Adults aged 65+ who have ever had a pneumonia vaccination (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,1357,66.6,64,69.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS11,Topic46,13,BO1,CAT1,_PNEUMO2,RESP046,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Alcohol Consumption,Binge Drinking,"Binge drinkers (males having five or more drinks on one occasion, females having four or more drinks on one occasion) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions)",Yes,Overall,Overall,555,14.6,13.1,16,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS01,Topic07,13,BO1,CAT1,_RFBING5,RESP046,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Colorectal Cancer Screening,Blood Stool Test,Adults aged 50+ who have had a blood stool test within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,646,16.6,15.1,18,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic08,13,BO1,CAT1,_RFBLDS2,RESP046,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Colorectal Cancer Screening,Blood Stool Test,Adults aged 50-75 who have had a blood stool test within the past year (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Had a blood stool test in the past year,Overall,Overall,329,10.4,9,11.7,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic08,13,BO1,CAT1,_RFBLDS3,RESP190,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Alcohol Consumption,Heavy Drinking,Heavy drinkers (adult men having more than two drinks per day and adult women having more than one drink per day) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,267,5.3,4.4,6.1,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS01,Topic30,13,BO1,CAT1,_RFDRHV4,RESP046,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Health Status,Fair or Poor Health,Health Status (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Good or Better Health,Overall,Overall,4989,81.7,80.4,83,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic24,13,BO1,CAT1,_RFHLTH,RESP061,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Women's Health,Mammogram,Women aged 40+ who have had a mammogram within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,2240,74.4,72.1,76.7,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic37,13,BO1,CAT1,_RFMAM2Y,RESP046,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Women's Health,Pap Test,Women aged 18+ who have had a pap test within the past three years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,1686,78,75.8,80.3,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic42,13,BO1,CAT1,_RFPAP32,RESP046,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Women's Health,Pap Test,Women aged 21-65 who have had a pap test in the past three years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Received a Pap test within the past 3 years,Overall,Overall,1311,84.6,82.3,86.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic42,13,BO1,CAT1,_RFPAP33,RESP188,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Prostate Cancer,PSA Test,Men aged 40+ who have had a PSA test within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,890,45.1,42.1,48.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS16,Topic47,13,BO1,CAT1,_RFPSA21,RESP046,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Injury,Seatbelt Use,Always wears a seat belt? (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Always Wears a Seatbelt,Overall,Overall,5289,88.5,87.3,89.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS12,Topic50,13,BO1,CAT1,_RFSEAT3,RESP184,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Colorectal Cancer Screening,Sigmoidoscopy,Adults aged 50+ who have ever had a sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,2803,70.7,68.8,72.6,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic52,13,BO1,CAT1,_RFSIGM2,RESP046,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Tobacco Use,Current Smoker Status,Adults who are current smokers (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,843,17.4,15.9,18.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic15,13,BO1,CAT1,_RFSMOK3,RESP046,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Tobacco Use,Smoker Status,Four Level Smoking Status (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Smoke everyday,Overall,Overall,599,12.4,11.1,13.6,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic55,13,BO1,CAT1,_SMOKER3,RESP068,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Physical Activity,Exercise,"During the past month, did you participate in any physical activities? (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions)",Yes,Overall,Overall,4691,76.7,75.2,78.1,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS15,Topic23,13,BO1,CAT1,_TOTINDA,RESP046,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Chronic Health Indicators,Depression,Ever told you that you have a form of depression?,No,Overall,Overall,5079,81.9,80.6,83.2,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic17,13,BO1,CAT1,ADDEPEV2,RESP054,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Demographics,Disability status,"Are you blind or do you have serious difficulty seeing, even when wearing glasses?",No,Overall,Overall,5587,94.3,93.6,95,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,13,BO1,CAT1,BLIND,RESP054,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Chronic Health Indicators,COPD,Ever told you have COPD?,No,Overall,Overall,5732,92.8,91.9,93.6,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic14,13,BO1,CAT1,CHCCOPD1,RESP054,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Chronic Health Indicators,Kidney,Ever told you have kidney disease?,No,Overall,Overall,6046,97.1,96.6,97.5,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic35,13,BO1,CAT1,CHCKIDNY,RESP054,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Chronic Health Indicators,Other Cancer,Ever told you had any other types of cancer?,No,Overall,Overall,5742,94.3,93.7,94.8,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic40,13,BO1,CAT1,CHCOCNCR,RESP054,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Chronic Health Indicators,Skin Cancer,Ever told you had skin cancer?,No,Overall,Overall,5667,93.8,93.2,94.4,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic53,13,BO1,CAT1,CHCSCNCR,RESP054,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Health Care Access/Coverage,Last Checkup,About how long has it been since you last visited a doctor for a routine checkup?,Within the past 2 years,Overall,Overall,579,11.9,10.6,13.1,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic36,13,BO1,CAT1,CHECKUP1,RESP064,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Chronic Health Indicators,Cardiovascular Disease,Ever told you had angina or coronary heart disease?,No,Overall,Overall,5895,96,95.5,96.5,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic10,13,BO1,CAT1,CVDCRHD4,RESP054,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Chronic Health Indicators,Cardiovascular Disease,Ever told you had a heart attack (myocardial infarction)?,No,Overall,Overall,5948,95.7,95.1,96.3,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic10,13,BO1,CAT1,CVDINFR4,RESP054,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Chronic Health Indicators,Cardiovascular Disease,Ever told you had a stroke?,No,Overall,Overall,6045,96.8,96.3,97.3,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic10,13,BO1,CAT1,CVDSTRK3,RESP054,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Demographics,Disability status,"Do you have serious difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions?",No,Overall,Overall,5281,88.7,87.6,89.9,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,13,BO1,CAT1,DECIDE,RESP054,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Chronic Health Indicators,Diabetes,Have you ever been told by a doctor that you have diabetes?,"Yes, pregnancy-related",Overall,Overall,94,1.4,1,1.8,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic18,13,BO1,CAT1,DIABETE3,RESP051,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Demographics,Disability status,Do you have difficulty doing errands alone?,No,Overall,Overall,5448,92.8,91.9,93.7,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,13,BO1,CAT1,DIFFALON,RESP054,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Demographics,Disability status,Do you have difficulty dressing or bathing?,No,Overall,Overall,5682,96.1,95.5,96.8,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,13,BO1,CAT1,DIFFDRES,RESP054,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Demographics,Disability status,Do you have serious difficulty walking or climbing stairs?,No,Overall,Overall,4721,85.5,84.4,86.5,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,13,BO1,CAT1,DIFFWALK,RESP054,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Alcohol Consumption,Alcohol Consumption,Adults who have had at least one drink of alcohol within the past 30 days,No,Overall,Overall,3315,51.7,49.9,53.5,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS01,Topic03,13,BO1,CAT1,DRNKANY5,RESP054,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Health Status,Overall Health,How is your general health?,Very good,Overall,Overall,1945,30.6,29,32.2,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic41,13,BO1,CAT1,GENHLTH,RESP057,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,HIV-AIDS,HIV Test,Have you ever been tested for HIV?,No,Overall,Overall,3561,55.9,54.1,57.8,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS09,Topic32,13,BO1,CAT1,HIVTST6,RESP054,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Health Care Access/Coverage,Health Care Coverage,Do you have any kind of health care coverage?,No,Overall,Overall,761,21.3,19.7,22.9,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic29,13,BO1,CAT1,HLTHPLN1,RESP054,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Demographics,Internet,Have you used the internet in the past 30 days?,No,Overall,Overall,1516,19,17.7,20.3,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic34,13,BO1,CAT1,INTERNET,RESP054,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Health Care Access/Coverage,Health Care Cost,Was there a time in the past 12 months when you needed to see a doctor but could not because of cost?,No,Overall,Overall,5398,81,79.5,82.5,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic28,13,BO1,CAT1,MEDCOST,RESP054,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Health Care Access/Coverage,Personal Care Provider,Do you have one person you think of as your personal doctor or health care provider?,More than one,Overall,Overall,484,6.2,5.5,6.9,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic43,13,BO1,CAT1,PERSDOC2,RESP053,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Demographics,Disability status,"Adults who are limited in any activities because of physical, mental, or emotional problems",No,Overall,Overall,4489,80.2,78.9,81.5,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,13,BO1,CAT1,QLACTLM2,RESP054,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Immunization,Shingle Vaccination,Have you ever had the shingles or zoster vaccine?,No,Overall,Overall,2979,80,78.6,81.5,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS11,Topic63,13,BO1,CAT1,SHINGLE2,RESP054,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Demographics,Disability status,Adults with health problem(s) that requires the use of special equipment,No,Overall,Overall,5248,91.7,90.9,92.5,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,13,BO1,CAT1,USEEQUIP,RESP054,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Tobacco Use,Smokeless Tobacco,"Do you currently use chewing tobacco, snuff, or snus?",Some days,Overall,Overall,104,2.2,1.5,2.8,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic54,13,BO1,CAT1,USENOW3,RESP080,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Demographics,Veteran Status,Have you ever served on active duty in the United States Armed Forces?,No,Overall,Overall,5354,85.7,84.6,86.9,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic61,13,BO1,CAT1,VETERAN3,RESP054,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Oral Health,All Teeth Removed,Adults aged 65+ who have had all their natural teeth extracted (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,1694,79.9,77.5,82.3,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS13,Topic04,13,BO1,CAT1,_ALTETH2,RESP054,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Overweight and Obesity (BMI),BMI Categories,Weight classification by Body Mass Index (BMI) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Overweight (BMI 25.0-29.9),Overall,Overall,2076,35,33.3,36.8,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS14,Topic09,13,BO1,CAT1,_BMI5CAT,RESP040,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Chronic Health Indicators,Asthma,Adults who have been told they currently have asthma (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,5752,91.7,90.8,92.7,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic06,13,BO1,CAT1,_CASTHM1,RESP054,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Health Care Access/Coverage,Last Checkup,About how long has it been since you last visited a doctor for a routine checkup?,Within the past 5 years,Overall,Overall,342,8.5,7.4,9.6,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic36,13,BO1,CAT1,CHECKUP1,RESP065,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Colorectal Cancer Screening,USPSTF Recommendations,Respondents aged 50-75 who have fully met the USPSTF recommendation (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Did not meet USPSTF recommendations for testing,Overall,Overall,893,33.2,30.9,35.4,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic64,13,BO1,CAT1,_CRCREC,RESP193,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Oral Health,Dental Visit,Visited the dentist or dental clinic within the past year for any reason (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,2209,39.6,37.8,41.3,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS13,Topic16,13,BO1,CAT1,_DENVST2,RESP054,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Chronic Health Indicators,Arthritis,Adults who have been told they have arthritis (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,4015,75.7,74.5,76.8,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic05,13,BO1,CAT1,_DRDXAR1,RESP054,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Oral Health,Teeth Removed,Adults that have had any permanent teeth extracted (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,2920,56.5,54.9,58.1,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS13,Topic57,13,BO1,CAT1,_EXTETH2,RESP054,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Immunization,Flu Shot,Adults aged 65+ who have had a flu shot within the past year (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,920,44.5,41.8,47.3,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS11,Topic26,13,BO1,CAT1,_FLSHOT6,RESP054,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Health Care Access/Coverage,Under 65 Coverage,Adults aged 18-64 who have any kind of health care coverage (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,726,25.6,23.6,27.5,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic59,13,BO1,CAT1,_HCVU651,RESP054,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Chronic Health Indicators,Asthma,Adults who have ever been told they have asthma (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,5501,86.1,84.8,87.3,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic06,13,BO1,CAT1,_LTASTH1,RESP054,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Women's Health,Mammogram,Women aged 50-74 who have had a mammogram within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Did not receive a mammogram within the past 2 years,Overall,Overall,376,20.2,17.8,22.6,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic37,13,BO1,CAT1,_MAM5021,RESP187,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Women's Health,Mammogram,Women aged 50+ who have had a mammogram within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,519,22.2,20,24.3,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic37,13,BO1,CAT1,_MAM502Y,RESP054,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Immunization,Pneumonia Vaccination,Adults aged 65+ who have ever had a pneumonia vaccination (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,654,33.4,30.8,36,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS11,Topic46,13,BO1,CAT1,_PNEUMO2,RESP054,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Alcohol Consumption,Binge Drinking,"Binge drinkers (males having five or more drinks on one occasion, females having four or more drinks on one occasion) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions)",No,Overall,Overall,5299,85.4,84,86.9,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS01,Topic07,13,BO1,CAT1,_RFBING5,RESP054,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Colorectal Cancer Screening,Blood Stool Test,Adults aged 50+ who have had a blood stool test within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,3099,83.4,82,84.9,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic08,13,BO1,CAT1,_RFBLDS2,RESP054,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Colorectal Cancer Screening,Blood Stool Test,Adults aged 50-75 who have had a blood stool test within the past year (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Have not had a blood stool test in the past year,Overall,Overall,2720,89.6,88.3,91,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic08,13,BO1,CAT1,_RFBLDS3,RESP191,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Alcohol Consumption,Heavy Drinking,Heavy drinkers (adult men having more than two drinks per day and adult women having more than one drink per day) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,5573,94.7,93.9,95.6,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS01,Topic30,13,BO1,CAT1,_RFDRHV4,RESP054,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Health Status,Fair or Poor Health,Health Status (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Fair or Poor Health,Overall,Overall,1343,18.3,17,19.6,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic24,13,BO1,CAT1,_RFHLTH,RESP062,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Women's Health,Mammogram,Women aged 40+ who have had a mammogram within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,646,25.6,23.3,27.9,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic37,13,BO1,CAT1,_RFMAM2Y,RESP054,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Women's Health,Pap Test,Women aged 18+ who have had a pap test within the past three years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,480,22,19.7,24.2,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic42,13,BO1,CAT1,_RFPAP32,RESP054,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Women's Health,Pap Test,Women aged 21-65 who have had a pap test in the past three years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Did not receive a Pap test within the past 3 years,Overall,Overall,252,15.4,13.2,17.7,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic42,13,BO1,CAT1,_RFPAP33,RESP189,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Prostate Cancer,PSA Test,Men aged 40+ who have had a PSA test within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,766,54.9,51.8,57.9,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS16,Topic47,13,BO1,CAT1,_RFPSA21,RESP054,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Injury,Seatbelt Use,Always wears a seat belt? (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Does Not Always Wear a Seatbelt,Overall,Overall,580,11.5,10.2,12.7,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS12,Topic50,13,BO1,CAT1,_RFSEAT3,RESP185,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Colorectal Cancer Screening,Sigmoidoscopy,Adults aged 50+ who have ever had a sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,1022,29.3,27.4,31.2,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic52,13,BO1,CAT1,_RFSIGM2,RESP054,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Tobacco Use,Current Smoker Status,Adults who are current smokers (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,5109,82.6,81.2,84.1,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic15,13,BO1,CAT1,_RFSMOK3,RESP054,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Tobacco Use,Smoker Status,Four Level Smoking Status (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Smoke some days,Overall,Overall,244,5,4.1,5.9,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic55,13,BO1,CAT1,_SMOKER3,RESP069,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Physical Activity,Exercise,"During the past month, did you participate in any physical activities? (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions)",No,Overall,Overall,1656,23.3,21.9,24.8,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS15,Topic23,13,BO1,CAT1,_TOTINDA,RESP054,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Chronic Health Indicators,Diabetes,Have you ever been told by a doctor that you have diabetes?,"No, pre-diabetes or borderline diabetes",Overall,Overall,110,1.3,1,1.6,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic18,13,BO1,CAT1,DIABETE3,RESP052,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Health Status,Overall Health,How is your general health?,Good,Overall,Overall,1957,31.8,30.1,33.4,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic41,13,BO1,CAT1,GENHLTH,RESP058,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Health Care Access/Coverage,Personal Care Provider,Do you have one person you think of as your personal doctor or health care provider?,No,Overall,Overall,1084,29.5,27.8,31.2,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic43,13,BO1,CAT1,PERSDOC2,RESP054,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Tobacco Use,Smokeless Tobacco,"Do you currently use chewing tobacco, snuff, or snus?",Not at all,Overall,Overall,5751,95.2,94.3,96.1,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic54,13,BO1,CAT1,USENOW3,RESP081,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Overweight and Obesity (BMI),BMI Categories,Weight classification by Body Mass Index (BMI) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Normal Weight (BMI 18.5-24.9),Overall,Overall,1824,32.7,31,34.4,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS14,Topic09,13,BO1,CAT1,_BMI5CAT,RESP041,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Tobacco Use,Smoker Status,Four Level Smoking Status (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Former smoker,Overall,Overall,1599,21.9,20.6,23.2,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic55,13,BO1,CAT1,_SMOKER3,RESP070,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Health Care Access/Coverage,Last Checkup,About how long has it been since you last visited a doctor for a routine checkup?,5 or more years ago,Overall,Overall,335,7.3,6.3,8.4,4,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic36,13,BO1,CAT1,CHECKUP1,RESP066,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Chronic Health Indicators,Diabetes,Have you ever been told by a doctor that you have diabetes?,No,Overall,Overall,5087,86.3,85.3,87.3,4,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic18,13,BO1,CAT1,DIABETE3,RESP054,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Health Status,Overall Health,How is your general health?,Fair,Overall,Overall,917,12.9,11.8,14,4,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic41,13,BO1,CAT1,GENHLTH,RESP059,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Overweight and Obesity (BMI),BMI Categories,Weight classification by Body Mass Index (BMI) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Underweight (BMI 12.0-18.4),Overall,Overall,111,2.1,1.6,2.7,4,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS14,Topic09,13,BO1,CAT1,_BMI5CAT,RESP042,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Tobacco Use,Smoker Status,Four Level Smoking Status (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Never smoked,Overall,Overall,3510,60.8,59,62.5,4,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic55,13,BO1,CAT1,_SMOKER3,RESP071,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Health Care Access/Coverage,Last Checkup,About how long has it been since you last visited a doctor for a routine checkup?,Never,Overall,Overall,59,0,0,0,5,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic36,13,BO1,CAT1,CHECKUP1,RESP067,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,GA,Georgia,Health Status,Overall Health,How is your general health?,Poor,Overall,Overall,426,5.4,4.7,6.1,5,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic41,13,BO1,CAT1,GENHLTH,RESP060,"(32.83968109300048, -83.62758034599966)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Chronic Health Indicators,Depression,Ever told you that you have a form of depression?,Yes,Overall,Overall,924,10.7,9.7,11.7,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic17,15,BO1,CAT1,ADDEPEV2,RESP046,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Demographics,Disability status,"Are you blind or do you have serious difficulty seeing, even when wearing glasses?",Yes,Overall,Overall,305,3.7,3.1,4.4,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,15,BO1,CAT1,BLIND,RESP046,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Chronic Health Indicators,COPD,Ever told you have COPD?,Yes,Overall,Overall,358,3.5,3,4,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic14,15,BO1,CAT1,CHCCOPD1,RESP046,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Chronic Health Indicators,Kidney,Ever told you have kidney disease?,Yes,Overall,Overall,343,3.9,3.3,4.5,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic35,15,BO1,CAT1,CHCKIDNY,RESP046,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Chronic Health Indicators,Other Cancer,Ever told you had any other types of cancer?,Yes,Overall,Overall,527,5.2,4.5,5.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic40,15,BO1,CAT1,CHCOCNCR,RESP046,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Chronic Health Indicators,Skin Cancer,Ever told you had skin cancer?,Yes,Overall,Overall,556,4,3.6,4.5,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic53,15,BO1,CAT1,CHCSCNCR,RESP046,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Health Care Access/Coverage,Last Checkup,About how long has it been since you last visited a doctor for a routine checkup?,Within the past year,Overall,Overall,4930,66.7,65.1,68.3,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic36,15,BO1,CAT1,CHECKUP1,RESP063,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Chronic Health Indicators,Cardiovascular Disease,Ever told you had angina or coronary heart disease?,Yes,Overall,Overall,287,3,2.5,3.6,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic10,15,BO1,CAT1,CVDCRHD4,RESP046,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Chronic Health Indicators,Cardiovascular Disease,Ever told you had a heart attack (myocardial infarction)?,Yes,Overall,Overall,302,2.8,2.4,3.3,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic10,15,BO1,CAT1,CVDINFR4,RESP046,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Chronic Health Indicators,Cardiovascular Disease,Ever told you had a stroke?,Yes,Overall,Overall,266,2.8,2.3,3.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic10,15,BO1,CAT1,CVDSTRK3,RESP046,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Demographics,Disability status,"Do you have serious difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions?",Yes,Overall,Overall,555,7,6.2,7.9,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,15,BO1,CAT1,DECIDE,RESP046,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Chronic Health Indicators,Diabetes,Have you ever been told by a doctor that you have diabetes?,Yes,Overall,Overall,775,8.9,8,9.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic18,15,BO1,CAT1,DIABETE3,RESP046,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Demographics,Disability status,Do you have difficulty doing errands alone?,Yes,Overall,Overall,386,4.4,3.8,5,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,15,BO1,CAT1,DIFFALON,RESP046,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2013,AZ,Arizona,Chronic Health Indicators,Cardiovascular Disease,Ever told you had a heart attack (myocardial infarction)?,Yes,Overall,Overall,279,4,2.8,5.3,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic10,04,BO1,CAT1,CVDINFR4,RESP046,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Demographics,Disability status,Do you have difficulty dressing or bathing?,Yes,Overall,Overall,184,1.9,1.5,2.3,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,15,BO1,CAT1,DIFFDRES,RESP046,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Demographics,Disability status,Do you have serious difficulty walking or climbing stairs?,Yes,Overall,Overall,773,7.8,7.1,8.6,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,15,BO1,CAT1,DIFFWALK,RESP046,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Alcohol Consumption,Alcohol Consumption,Adults who have had at least one drink of alcohol within the past 30 days,Yes,Overall,Overall,3533,52,50.2,53.7,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS01,Topic03,15,BO1,CAT1,DRNKANY5,RESP046,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Health Status,Overall Health,How is your general health?,Excellent,Overall,Overall,1429,21.2,19.7,22.7,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic41,15,BO1,CAT1,GENHLTH,RESP056,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,HIV-AIDS,HIV Test,Have you ever been tested for HIV?,Yes,Overall,Overall,2042,32.5,30.8,34.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS09,Topic32,15,BO1,CAT1,HIVTST6,RESP046,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Health Care Access/Coverage,Health Care Coverage,Do you have any kind of health care coverage?,Yes,Overall,Overall,6697,91.4,90.3,92.4,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic29,15,BO1,CAT1,HLTHPLN1,RESP046,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Demographics,Internet,Have you used the internet in the past 30 days?,Yes,Overall,Overall,5592,82.2,81,83.4,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic34,15,BO1,CAT1,INTERNET,RESP046,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Health Care Access/Coverage,Health Care Cost,Was there a time in the past 12 months when you needed to see a doctor but could not because of cost?,Yes,Overall,Overall,656,9,8,10,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic28,15,BO1,CAT1,MEDCOST,RESP046,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Health Care Access/Coverage,Personal Care Provider,Do you have one person you think of as your personal doctor or health care provider?,"Yes, only one",Overall,Overall,4613,63,61.3,64.7,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic43,15,BO1,CAT1,PERSDOC2,RESP050,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Demographics,Disability status,"Adults who are limited in any activities because of physical, mental, or emotional problems",Yes,Overall,Overall,1355,14.6,13.5,15.7,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,15,BO1,CAT1,QLACTLM2,RESP046,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Immunization,Shingle Vaccination,Have you ever had the shingles or zoster vaccine?,Yes,Overall,Overall,1093,27.4,25.6,29.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS11,Topic63,15,BO1,CAT1,SHINGLE2,RESP046,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Demographics,Disability status,Adults with health problem(s) that requires the use of special equipment,Yes,Overall,Overall,543,4.9,4.3,5.5,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,15,BO1,CAT1,USEEQUIP,RESP046,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Tobacco Use,Smokeless Tobacco,"Do you currently use chewing tobacco, snuff, or snus?",Every day,Overall,Overall,35,0.6,0.3,0.9,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic54,15,BO1,CAT1,USENOW3,RESP079,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Demographics,Veteran Status,Have you ever served on active duty in the United States Armed Forces?,Yes,Overall,Overall,1112,14.7,13.5,16,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic61,15,BO1,CAT1,VETERAN3,RESP046,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Oral Health,All Teeth Removed,Adults aged 65+ who have had all their natural teeth extracted (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,131,6.7,5,8.3,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS13,Topic04,15,BO1,CAT1,_ALTETH2,RESP046,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Overweight and Obesity (BMI),BMI Categories,Weight classification by Body Mass Index (BMI) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Obese (BMI 30.0 - 99.8),Overall,Overall,1483,22.4,20.9,23.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS14,Topic09,15,BO1,CAT1,_BMI5CAT,RESP039,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Chronic Health Indicators,Asthma,Adults who have been told they currently have asthma (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,684,9.3,8.3,10.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic06,15,BO1,CAT1,_CASTHM1,RESP046,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Colorectal Cancer Screening,USPSTF Recommendations,Respondents aged 50-75 who have fully met the USPSTF recommendation (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Met USPSTF recommendations for testing,Overall,Overall,2227,69.5,67.2,71.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic64,15,BO1,CAT1,_CRCREC,RESP192,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Oral Health,Dental Visit,Visited the dentist or dental clinic within the past year for any reason (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,5151,70.8,69.2,72.4,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS13,Topic16,15,BO1,CAT1,_DENVST2,RESP046,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Chronic Health Indicators,Arthritis,Adults who have been told they have arthritis (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,1847,18.8,17.7,20,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic05,15,BO1,CAT1,_DRDXAR1,RESP046,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Oral Health,Teeth Removed,Adults that have had any permanent teeth extracted (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,3413,41.3,39.7,42.9,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS13,Topic57,15,BO1,CAT1,_EXTETH2,RESP046,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Immunization,Flu Shot,Adults aged 65+ who have had a flu shot within the past year (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,1246,65.9,63,68.7,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS11,Topic26,15,BO1,CAT1,_FLSHOT6,RESP046,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Health Care Access/Coverage,Under 65 Coverage,Adults aged 18-64 who have any kind of health care coverage (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,4510,89.9,88.6,91.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic59,15,BO1,CAT1,_HCVU651,RESP046,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Chronic Health Indicators,Asthma,Adults who have ever been told they have asthma (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,1128,16.5,15.2,17.9,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic06,15,BO1,CAT1,_LTASTH1,RESP046,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Women's Health,Mammogram,Women aged 50-74 who have had a mammogram within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Received a mammogram within the past 2 years,Overall,Overall,1324,83.7,81.2,86.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic37,15,BO1,CAT1,_MAM5021,RESP186,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Women's Health,Mammogram,Women aged 50+ who have had a mammogram within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,1660,80.9,78.5,83.4,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic37,15,BO1,CAT1,_MAM502Y,RESP046,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Immunization,Pneumonia Vaccination,Adults aged 65+ who have ever had a pneumonia vaccination (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,1188,65,61.9,68.1,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS11,Topic46,15,BO1,CAT1,_PNEUMO2,RESP046,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Alcohol Consumption,Binge Drinking,"Binge drinkers (males having five or more drinks on one occasion, females having four or more drinks on one occasion) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions)",Yes,Overall,Overall,1157,21,19.5,22.5,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS01,Topic07,15,BO1,CAT1,_RFBING5,RESP046,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Colorectal Cancer Screening,Blood Stool Test,Adults aged 50+ who have had a blood stool test within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,989,24.3,22.5,26.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic08,15,BO1,CAT1,_RFBLDS2,RESP046,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Colorectal Cancer Screening,Blood Stool Test,Adults aged 50-75 who have had a blood stool test within the past year (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Had a blood stool test in the past year,Overall,Overall,622,18.3,16.5,20.1,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic08,15,BO1,CAT1,_RFBLDS3,RESP190,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Alcohol Consumption,Heavy Drinking,Heavy drinkers (adult men having more than two drinks per day and adult women having more than one drink per day) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,569,8,7.1,8.9,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS01,Topic30,15,BO1,CAT1,_RFDRHV4,RESP046,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Health Status,Fair or Poor Health,Health Status (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Good or Better Health,Overall,Overall,6079,86,84.9,87.1,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic24,15,BO1,CAT1,_RFHLTH,RESP061,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Women's Health,Mammogram,Women aged 40+ who have had a mammogram within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,1981,77.7,75.2,80.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic37,15,BO1,CAT1,_RFMAM2Y,RESP046,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Women's Health,Pap Test,Women aged 18+ who have had a pap test within the past three years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,2034,71.1,68.6,73.6,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic42,15,BO1,CAT1,_RFPAP32,RESP046,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Women's Health,Pap Test,Women aged 21-65 who have had a pap test in the past three years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Received a Pap test within the past 3 years,Overall,Overall,1591,77.8,75.1,80.6,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic42,15,BO1,CAT1,_RFPAP33,RESP188,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Prostate Cancer,PSA Test,Men aged 40+ who have had a PSA test within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,835,31.7,29.3,34.1,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS16,Topic47,15,BO1,CAT1,_RFPSA21,RESP046,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Injury,Seatbelt Use,Always wears a seat belt? (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Always Wears a Seatbelt,Overall,Overall,6392,93.2,92.2,94.1,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS12,Topic50,15,BO1,CAT1,_RFSEAT3,RESP184,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Colorectal Cancer Screening,Sigmoidoscopy,Adults aged 50+ who have ever had a sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,2687,65.8,63.7,67.9,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic52,15,BO1,CAT1,_RFSIGM2,RESP046,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Tobacco Use,Current Smoker Status,Adults who are current smokers (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,925,14.6,13.4,15.9,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic15,15,BO1,CAT1,_RFSMOK3,RESP046,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Tobacco Use,Smoker Status,Four Level Smoking Status (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Smoke everyday,Overall,Overall,646,9.9,8.8,10.9,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic55,15,BO1,CAT1,_SMOKER3,RESP068,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Physical Activity,Exercise,"During the past month, did you participate in any physical activities? (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions)",Yes,Overall,Overall,5815,81,79.7,82.3,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS15,Topic23,15,BO1,CAT1,_TOTINDA,RESP046,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Chronic Health Indicators,Depression,Ever told you that you have a form of depression?,No,Overall,Overall,6293,89.3,88.3,90.3,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic17,15,BO1,CAT1,ADDEPEV2,RESP054,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Demographics,Disability status,"Are you blind or do you have serious difficulty seeing, even when wearing glasses?",No,Overall,Overall,6666,96.3,95.6,96.9,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,15,BO1,CAT1,BLIND,RESP054,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Chronic Health Indicators,COPD,Ever told you have COPD?,No,Overall,Overall,6859,96.5,96,97,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic14,15,BO1,CAT1,CHCCOPD1,RESP054,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Chronic Health Indicators,Kidney,Ever told you have kidney disease?,No,Overall,Overall,6889,96.1,95.5,96.7,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic35,15,BO1,CAT1,CHCKIDNY,RESP054,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Chronic Health Indicators,Other Cancer,Ever told you had any other types of cancer?,No,Overall,Overall,6706,94.8,94.2,95.5,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic40,15,BO1,CAT1,CHCOCNCR,RESP054,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Chronic Health Indicators,Skin Cancer,Ever told you had skin cancer?,No,Overall,Overall,6675,96,95.5,96.4,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic53,15,BO1,CAT1,CHCSCNCR,RESP054,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Health Care Access/Coverage,Last Checkup,About how long has it been since you last visited a doctor for a routine checkup?,Within the past 2 years,Overall,Overall,942,15,13.7,16.3,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic36,15,BO1,CAT1,CHECKUP1,RESP064,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Chronic Health Indicators,Cardiovascular Disease,Ever told you had angina or coronary heart disease?,No,Overall,Overall,6920,97,96.4,97.5,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic10,15,BO1,CAT1,CVDCRHD4,RESP054,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Chronic Health Indicators,Cardiovascular Disease,Ever told you had a heart attack (myocardial infarction)?,No,Overall,Overall,6907,97.2,96.7,97.6,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic10,15,BO1,CAT1,CVDINFR4,RESP054,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Chronic Health Indicators,Cardiovascular Disease,Ever told you had a stroke?,No,Overall,Overall,6963,97.2,96.8,97.7,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic10,15,BO1,CAT1,CVDSTRK3,RESP054,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Demographics,Disability status,"Do you have serious difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions?",No,Overall,Overall,6382,93,92.1,93.8,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,15,BO1,CAT1,DECIDE,RESP054,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Chronic Health Indicators,Diabetes,Have you ever been told by a doctor that you have diabetes?,"Yes, pregnancy-related",Overall,Overall,46,0.7,0.4,0.9,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic18,15,BO1,CAT1,DIABETE3,RESP051,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Demographics,Disability status,Do you have difficulty doing errands alone?,No,Overall,Overall,6530,95.6,95,96.2,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,15,BO1,CAT1,DIFFALON,RESP054,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Demographics,Disability status,Do you have difficulty dressing or bathing?,No,Overall,Overall,6751,98.1,97.7,98.5,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,15,BO1,CAT1,DIFFDRES,RESP054,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Demographics,Disability status,Do you have serious difficulty walking or climbing stairs?,No,Overall,Overall,6156,92.2,91.4,92.9,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,15,BO1,CAT1,DIFFWALK,RESP054,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Alcohol Consumption,Alcohol Consumption,Adults who have had at least one drink of alcohol within the past 30 days,No,Overall,Overall,3345,48,46.3,49.8,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS01,Topic03,15,BO1,CAT1,DRNKANY5,RESP054,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Health Status,Overall Health,How is your general health?,Very good,Overall,Overall,2144,29.1,27.5,30.7,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic41,15,BO1,CAT1,GENHLTH,RESP057,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,HIV-AIDS,HIV Test,Have you ever been tested for HIV?,No,Overall,Overall,4455,67.5,65.8,69.2,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS09,Topic32,15,BO1,CAT1,HIVTST6,RESP054,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Health Care Access/Coverage,Health Care Coverage,Do you have any kind of health care coverage?,No,Overall,Overall,534,8.6,7.6,9.7,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic29,15,BO1,CAT1,HLTHPLN1,RESP054,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Demographics,Internet,Have you used the internet in the past 30 days?,No,Overall,Overall,1478,17.8,16.6,19,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic34,15,BO1,CAT1,INTERNET,RESP054,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Health Care Access/Coverage,Health Care Cost,Was there a time in the past 12 months when you needed to see a doctor but could not because of cost?,No,Overall,Overall,6585,91,90,92,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic28,15,BO1,CAT1,MEDCOST,RESP054,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Health Care Access/Coverage,Personal Care Provider,Do you have one person you think of as your personal doctor or health care provider?,More than one,Overall,Overall,1569,20.6,19.2,21.9,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic43,15,BO1,CAT1,PERSDOC2,RESP053,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2013,AZ,Arizona,Chronic Health Indicators,Cardiovascular Disease,Ever told you had a stroke?,Yes,Overall,Overall,210,2.6,1.9,3.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic10,04,BO1,CAT1,CVDSTRK3,RESP046,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Demographics,Disability status,"Adults who are limited in any activities because of physical, mental, or emotional problems",No,Overall,Overall,5625,85.4,84.3,86.5,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,15,BO1,CAT1,QLACTLM2,RESP054,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Immunization,Shingle Vaccination,Have you ever had the shingles or zoster vaccine?,No,Overall,Overall,2977,72.6,70.8,74.4,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS11,Topic63,15,BO1,CAT1,SHINGLE2,RESP054,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Demographics,Disability status,Adults with health problem(s) that requires the use of special equipment,No,Overall,Overall,6445,95.1,94.5,95.7,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,15,BO1,CAT1,USEEQUIP,RESP054,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Tobacco Use,Smokeless Tobacco,"Do you currently use chewing tobacco, snuff, or snus?",Some days,Overall,Overall,57,1,0.6,1.3,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic54,15,BO1,CAT1,USENOW3,RESP080,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Demographics,Veteran Status,Have you ever served on active duty in the United States Armed Forces?,No,Overall,Overall,6121,85.3,84,86.5,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic61,15,BO1,CAT1,VETERAN3,RESP054,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Oral Health,All Teeth Removed,Adults aged 65+ who have had all their natural teeth extracted (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,1942,93.3,91.7,95,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS13,Topic04,15,BO1,CAT1,_ALTETH2,RESP054,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Overweight and Obesity (BMI),BMI Categories,Weight classification by Body Mass Index (BMI) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Overweight (BMI 25.0-29.9),Overall,Overall,2467,35.6,33.9,37.3,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS14,Topic09,15,BO1,CAT1,_BMI5CAT,RESP040,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Chronic Health Indicators,Asthma,Adults who have been told they currently have asthma (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,6509,90.7,89.8,91.7,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic06,15,BO1,CAT1,_CASTHM1,RESP054,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Colorectal Cancer Screening,USPSTF Recommendations,Respondents aged 50-75 who have fully met the USPSTF recommendation (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Did not meet USPSTF recommendations for testing,Overall,Overall,971,30.5,28.2,32.8,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic64,15,BO1,CAT1,_CRCREC,RESP193,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Oral Health,Dental Visit,Visited the dentist or dental clinic within the past year for any reason (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,2071,29.2,27.6,30.8,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS13,Topic16,15,BO1,CAT1,_DENVST2,RESP054,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Chronic Health Indicators,Arthritis,Adults who have been told they have arthritis (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,5365,81.2,80,82.3,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic05,15,BO1,CAT1,_DRDXAR1,RESP054,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Oral Health,Teeth Removed,Adults that have had any permanent teeth extracted (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,3724,58.7,57.1,60.3,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS13,Topic57,15,BO1,CAT1,_EXTETH2,RESP054,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2013,AL,Alabama,Health Care Access/Coverage,Personal Care Provider,Do you have one person you think of as your personal doctor or health care provider?,"Yes, only one",Overall,Overall,4757,66.2,64.3,68,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic43,01,BO1,CAT1,PERSDOC2,RESP050,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Immunization,Flu Shot,Adults aged 65+ who have had a flu shot within the past year (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,792,34.1,31.3,37,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS11,Topic26,15,BO1,CAT1,_FLSHOT6,RESP054,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Health Care Access/Coverage,Under 65 Coverage,Adults aged 18-64 who have any kind of health care coverage (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,493,10.1,8.8,11.4,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic59,15,BO1,CAT1,_HCVU651,RESP054,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Chronic Health Indicators,Asthma,Adults who have ever been told they have asthma (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,6093,83.5,82.1,84.8,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic06,15,BO1,CAT1,_LTASTH1,RESP054,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Women's Health,Mammogram,Women aged 50-74 who have had a mammogram within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Did not receive a mammogram within the past 2 years,Overall,Overall,332,16.3,13.8,18.8,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic37,15,BO1,CAT1,_MAM5021,RESP187,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Women's Health,Mammogram,Women aged 50+ who have had a mammogram within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,489,19.1,16.6,21.5,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic37,15,BO1,CAT1,_MAM502Y,RESP054,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Immunization,Pneumonia Vaccination,Adults aged 65+ who have ever had a pneumonia vaccination (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,703,35,31.9,38.1,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS11,Topic46,15,BO1,CAT1,_PNEUMO2,RESP054,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Alcohol Consumption,Binge Drinking,"Binge drinkers (males having five or more drinks on one occasion, females having four or more drinks on one occasion) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions)",No,Overall,Overall,5655,79,77.5,80.5,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS01,Topic07,15,BO1,CAT1,_RFBING5,RESP054,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Colorectal Cancer Screening,Blood Stool Test,Adults aged 50+ who have had a blood stool test within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,2991,75.7,73.8,77.5,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic08,15,BO1,CAT1,_RFBLDS2,RESP054,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Colorectal Cancer Screening,Blood Stool Test,Adults aged 50-75 who have had a blood stool test within the past year (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Have not had a blood stool test in the past year,Overall,Overall,2674,81.7,79.9,83.5,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic08,15,BO1,CAT1,_RFBLDS3,RESP191,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Alcohol Consumption,Heavy Drinking,Heavy drinkers (adult men having more than two drinks per day and adult women having more than one drink per day) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,6253,92,91.1,92.9,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS01,Topic30,15,BO1,CAT1,_RFDRHV4,RESP054,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Health Status,Fair or Poor Health,Health Status (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Fair or Poor Health,Overall,Overall,1165,14,12.9,15.1,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic24,15,BO1,CAT1,_RFHLTH,RESP062,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Women's Health,Mammogram,Women aged 40+ who have had a mammogram within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,624,22.3,19.8,24.8,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic37,15,BO1,CAT1,_RFMAM2Y,RESP054,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Women's Health,Pap Test,Women aged 18+ who have had a pap test within the past three years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,782,28.9,26.4,31.4,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic42,15,BO1,CAT1,_RFPAP32,RESP054,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Women's Health,Pap Test,Women aged 21-65 who have had a pap test in the past three years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Did not receive a Pap test within the past 3 years,Overall,Overall,419,22.2,19.4,24.9,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic42,15,BO1,CAT1,_RFPAP33,RESP189,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Prostate Cancer,PSA Test,Men aged 40+ who have had a PSA test within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,1360,68.3,65.9,70.7,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS16,Topic47,15,BO1,CAT1,_RFPSA21,RESP054,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Injury,Seatbelt Use,Always wears a seat belt? (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Does Not Always Wear a Seatbelt,Overall,Overall,411,6.8,5.9,7.8,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS12,Topic50,15,BO1,CAT1,_RFSEAT3,RESP185,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Colorectal Cancer Screening,Sigmoidoscopy,Adults aged 50+ who have ever had a sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,1330,34.2,32.1,36.3,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic52,15,BO1,CAT1,_RFSIGM2,RESP054,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Tobacco Use,Current Smoker Status,Adults who are current smokers (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,5965,85.4,84.1,86.6,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic15,15,BO1,CAT1,_RFSMOK3,RESP054,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Tobacco Use,Smoker Status,Four Level Smoking Status (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Smoke some days,Overall,Overall,279,4.7,4,5.5,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic55,15,BO1,CAT1,_SMOKER3,RESP069,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Physical Activity,Exercise,"During the past month, did you participate in any physical activities? (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions)",No,Overall,Overall,1430,19,17.7,20.3,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS15,Topic23,15,BO1,CAT1,_TOTINDA,RESP054,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Health Care Access/Coverage,Last Checkup,About how long has it been since you last visited a doctor for a routine checkup?,Within the past 5 years,Overall,Overall,633,9.2,8.2,10.2,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic36,15,BO1,CAT1,CHECKUP1,RESP065,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Chronic Health Indicators,Diabetes,Have you ever been told by a doctor that you have diabetes?,"No, pre-diabetes or borderline diabetes",Overall,Overall,431,6.3,5.4,7.1,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic18,15,BO1,CAT1,DIABETE3,RESP052,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Health Status,Overall Health,How is your general health?,Good,Overall,Overall,2506,35.7,34,37.3,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic41,15,BO1,CAT1,GENHLTH,RESP058,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Health Care Access/Coverage,Personal Care Provider,Do you have one person you think of as your personal doctor or health care provider?,No,Overall,Overall,1047,16.5,15.1,17.8,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic43,15,BO1,CAT1,PERSDOC2,RESP054,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2013,AL,Alabama,Demographics,Disability status,"Adults who are limited in any activities because of physical, mental, or emotional problems",Yes,Overall,Overall,2134,26,24.5,27.5,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,01,BO1,CAT1,QLACTLM2,RESP046,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Tobacco Use,Smokeless Tobacco,"Do you currently use chewing tobacco, snuff, or snus?",Not at all,Overall,Overall,6818,98.4,98,98.9,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic54,15,BO1,CAT1,USENOW3,RESP081,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Overweight and Obesity (BMI),BMI Categories,Weight classification by Body Mass Index (BMI) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Normal Weight (BMI 18.5-24.9),Overall,Overall,2758,39.6,37.8,41.3,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS14,Topic09,15,BO1,CAT1,_BMI5CAT,RESP041,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Tobacco Use,Smoker Status,Four Level Smoking Status (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Former smoker,Overall,Overall,2023,24.9,23.4,26.3,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic55,15,BO1,CAT1,_SMOKER3,RESP070,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Health Care Access/Coverage,Last Checkup,About how long has it been since you last visited a doctor for a routine checkup?,5 or more years ago,Overall,Overall,650,9.1,8.1,10.1,4,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic36,15,BO1,CAT1,CHECKUP1,RESP066,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Chronic Health Indicators,Diabetes,Have you ever been told by a doctor that you have diabetes?,No,Overall,Overall,5982,84.2,83,85.4,4,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic18,15,BO1,CAT1,DIABETE3,RESP054,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Health Status,Overall Health,How is your general health?,Fair,Overall,Overall,876,10.9,9.9,11.9,4,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic41,15,BO1,CAT1,GENHLTH,RESP059,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Overweight and Obesity (BMI),BMI Categories,Weight classification by Body Mass Index (BMI) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Underweight (BMI 12.0-18.4),Overall,Overall,197,2.4,1.9,2.9,4,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS14,Topic09,15,BO1,CAT1,_BMI5CAT,RESP042,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Tobacco Use,Smoker Status,Four Level Smoking Status (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Never smoked,Overall,Overall,3942,60.5,58.8,62.2,4,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic55,15,BO1,CAT1,_SMOKER3,RESP071,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Health Care Access/Coverage,Last Checkup,About how long has it been since you last visited a doctor for a routine checkup?,Never,Overall,Overall,52,0,0,0,5,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic36,15,BO1,CAT1,CHECKUP1,RESP067,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,HI,Hawaii,Health Status,Overall Health,How is your general health?,Poor,Overall,Overall,289,3.1,2.6,3.6,5,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic41,15,BO1,CAT1,GENHLTH,RESP060,"(21.304850435000446, -157.85774940299973)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Chronic Health Indicators,Depression,Ever told you that you have a form of depression?,Yes,Overall,Overall,1117,19.6,18,21.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic17,16,BO1,CAT1,ADDEPEV2,RESP046,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Demographics,Disability status,"Are you blind or do you have serious difficulty seeing, even when wearing glasses?",Yes,Overall,Overall,247,3.5,2.8,4.1,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,16,BO1,CAT1,BLIND,RESP046,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Chronic Health Indicators,COPD,Ever told you have COPD?,Yes,Overall,Overall,373,4.7,4,5.4,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic14,16,BO1,CAT1,CHCCOPD1,RESP046,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Chronic Health Indicators,Kidney,Ever told you have kidney disease?,Yes,Overall,Overall,175,2.3,1.8,2.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic35,16,BO1,CAT1,CHCKIDNY,RESP046,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Chronic Health Indicators,Other Cancer,Ever told you had any other types of cancer?,Yes,Overall,Overall,508,6.4,5.6,7.3,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic40,16,BO1,CAT1,CHCOCNCR,RESP046,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Chronic Health Indicators,Skin Cancer,Ever told you had skin cancer?,Yes,Overall,Overall,585,6.5,5.8,7.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic53,16,BO1,CAT1,CHCSCNCR,RESP046,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Health Care Access/Coverage,Last Checkup,About how long has it been since you last visited a doctor for a routine checkup?,Within the past year,Overall,Overall,3488,57.2,55.2,59.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic36,16,BO1,CAT1,CHECKUP1,RESP063,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Chronic Health Indicators,Cardiovascular Disease,Ever told you had angina or coronary heart disease?,Yes,Overall,Overall,299,3.1,2.6,3.6,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic10,16,BO1,CAT1,CVDCRHD4,RESP046,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Chronic Health Indicators,Cardiovascular Disease,Ever told you had a heart attack (myocardial infarction)?,Yes,Overall,Overall,322,3.4,2.9,3.9,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic10,16,BO1,CAT1,CVDINFR4,RESP046,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Chronic Health Indicators,Cardiovascular Disease,Ever told you had a stroke?,Yes,Overall,Overall,217,2.7,2.2,3.3,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic10,16,BO1,CAT1,CVDSTRK3,RESP046,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Demographics,Disability status,"Do you have serious difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions?",Yes,Overall,Overall,473,8.7,7.5,9.9,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,16,BO1,CAT1,DECIDE,RESP046,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Chronic Health Indicators,Diabetes,Have you ever been told by a doctor that you have diabetes?,Yes,Overall,Overall,578,7,6.2,7.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic18,16,BO1,CAT1,DIABETE3,RESP046,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Demographics,Disability status,Do you have difficulty doing errands alone?,Yes,Overall,Overall,335,4.6,3.9,5.4,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,16,BO1,CAT1,DIFFALON,RESP046,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Demographics,Disability status,Do you have difficulty dressing or bathing?,Yes,Overall,Overall,189,2.4,1.9,3,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,16,BO1,CAT1,DIFFDRES,RESP046,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Demographics,Disability status,Do you have serious difficulty walking or climbing stairs?,Yes,Overall,Overall,796,9.7,8.7,10.7,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,16,BO1,CAT1,DIFFWALK,RESP046,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Alcohol Consumption,Alcohol Consumption,Adults who have had at least one drink of alcohol within the past 30 days,Yes,Overall,Overall,2307,48.8,46.7,50.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS01,Topic03,16,BO1,CAT1,DRNKANY5,RESP046,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2013,AL,Alabama,Immunization,Tetanus Shot,"Since 2005, have you had a tetanus shot?","Yes, Tdap",Overall,Overall,788,17.8,16.2,19.5,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS11,Topic58,01,BO1,CAT1,TETANUS,RESP047,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Health Status,Overall Health,How is your general health?,Excellent,Overall,Overall,998,21.2,19.4,22.9,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic41,16,BO1,CAT1,GENHLTH,RESP056,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,HIV-AIDS,HIV Test,Have you ever been tested for HIV?,Yes,Overall,Overall,1179,29.8,27.8,31.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS09,Topic32,16,BO1,CAT1,HIVTST6,RESP046,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Health Care Access/Coverage,Health Care Coverage,Do you have any kind of health care coverage?,Yes,Overall,Overall,4787,82.7,81.1,84.4,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic29,16,BO1,CAT1,HLTHPLN1,RESP046,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Demographics,Internet,Have you used the internet in the past 30 days?,Yes,Overall,Overall,4268,87,85.9,88.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic34,16,BO1,CAT1,INTERNET,RESP046,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Health Care Access/Coverage,Health Care Cost,Was there a time in the past 12 months when you needed to see a doctor but could not because of cost?,Yes,Overall,Overall,677,16.3,14.7,17.9,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic28,16,BO1,CAT1,MEDCOST,RESP046,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Health Care Access/Coverage,Personal Care Provider,Do you have one person you think of as your personal doctor or health care provider?,"Yes, only one",Overall,Overall,3839,62.1,60.1,64.1,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic43,16,BO1,CAT1,PERSDOC2,RESP050,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Demographics,Disability status,"Adults who are limited in any activities because of physical, mental, or emotional problems",Yes,Overall,Overall,1380,19.6,18.2,21,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,16,BO1,CAT1,QLACTLM2,RESP046,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Immunization,Shingle Vaccination,Have you ever had the shingles or zoster vaccine?,Yes,Overall,Overall,915,25.6,23.8,27.4,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS11,Topic63,16,BO1,CAT1,SHINGLE2,RESP046,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Demographics,Disability status,Adults with health problem(s) that requires the use of special equipment,Yes,Overall,Overall,536,6.3,5.4,7.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,16,BO1,CAT1,USEEQUIP,RESP046,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Tobacco Use,Smokeless Tobacco,"Do you currently use chewing tobacco, snuff, or snus?",Every day,Overall,Overall,135,3,2.3,3.6,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic54,16,BO1,CAT1,USENOW3,RESP079,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Demographics,Veteran Status,Have you ever served on active duty in the United States Armed Forces?,Yes,Overall,Overall,717,11.8,10.5,13.1,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic61,16,BO1,CAT1,VETERAN3,RESP046,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Oral Health,All Teeth Removed,Adults aged 65+ who have had all their natural teeth extracted (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,270,15.4,12.9,17.9,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS13,Topic04,16,BO1,CAT1,_ALTETH2,RESP046,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Overweight and Obesity (BMI),BMI Categories,Weight classification by Body Mass Index (BMI) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Obese (BMI 30.0 - 99.8),Overall,Overall,1415,28.8,26.9,30.7,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS14,Topic09,16,BO1,CAT1,_BMI5CAT,RESP039,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Chronic Health Indicators,Asthma,Adults who have been told they currently have asthma (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,496,8.7,7.5,9.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic06,16,BO1,CAT1,_CASTHM1,RESP046,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Colorectal Cancer Screening,USPSTF Recommendations,Respondents aged 50-75 who have fully met the USPSTF recommendation (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Met USPSTF recommendations for testing,Overall,Overall,1654,60.8,58.4,63.3,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic64,16,BO1,CAT1,_CRCREC,RESP192,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Oral Health,Dental Visit,Visited the dentist or dental clinic within the past year for any reason (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,3526,64.1,62.1,66.1,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS13,Topic16,16,BO1,CAT1,_DENVST2,RESP046,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Chronic Health Indicators,Arthritis,Adults who have been told they have arthritis (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,1882,23.2,21.8,24.6,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic05,16,BO1,CAT1,_DRDXAR1,RESP046,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Oral Health,Teeth Removed,Adults that have had any permanent teeth extracted (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,2677,39.8,37.9,41.6,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS13,Topic57,16,BO1,CAT1,_EXTETH2,RESP046,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Immunization,Flu Shot,Adults aged 65+ who have had a flu shot within the past year (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,1001,54.6,51.5,57.7,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS11,Topic26,16,BO1,CAT1,_FLSHOT6,RESP046,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Health Care Access/Coverage,Under 65 Coverage,Adults aged 18-64 who have any kind of health care coverage (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,2845,79.4,77.4,81.4,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic59,16,BO1,CAT1,_HCVU651,RESP046,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Chronic Health Indicators,Asthma,Adults who have ever been told they have asthma (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,696,12.5,11.2,13.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic06,16,BO1,CAT1,_LTASTH1,RESP046,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Women's Health,Mammogram,Women aged 50-74 who have had a mammogram within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Received a mammogram within the past 2 years,Overall,Overall,1031,68.7,65.6,71.9,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic37,16,BO1,CAT1,_MAM5021,RESP186,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Women's Health,Mammogram,Women aged 50+ who have had a mammogram within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,1340,67.6,64.9,70.4,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic37,16,BO1,CAT1,_MAM502Y,RESP046,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Immunization,Pneumonia Vaccination,Adults aged 65+ who have ever had a pneumonia vaccination (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,1223,69.3,66.5,72,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS11,Topic46,16,BO1,CAT1,_PNEUMO2,RESP046,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Alcohol Consumption,Binge Drinking,"Binge drinkers (males having five or more drinks on one occasion, females having four or more drinks on one occasion) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions)",Yes,Overall,Overall,559,15.5,13.8,17.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS01,Topic07,16,BO1,CAT1,_RFBING5,RESP046,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Colorectal Cancer Screening,Blood Stool Test,Adults aged 50+ who have had a blood stool test within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,335,9.7,8.4,11.1,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic08,16,BO1,CAT1,_RFBLDS2,RESP046,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Colorectal Cancer Screening,Blood Stool Test,Adults aged 50-75 who have had a blood stool test within the past year (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Had a blood stool test in the past year,Overall,Overall,163,5.8,4.6,7,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic08,16,BO1,CAT1,_RFBLDS3,RESP190,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Alcohol Consumption,Heavy Drinking,Heavy drinkers (adult men having more than two drinks per day and adult women having more than one drink per day) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,250,5.1,4.1,6.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS01,Topic30,16,BO1,CAT1,_RFDRHV4,RESP046,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Health Status,Fair or Poor Health,Health Status (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Good or Better Health,Overall,Overall,4565,87.2,85.9,88.5,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic24,16,BO1,CAT1,_RFHLTH,RESP061,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Women's Health,Mammogram,Women aged 40+ who have had a mammogram within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,1512,60.3,57.3,63.3,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic37,16,BO1,CAT1,_RFMAM2Y,RESP046,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Women's Health,Pap Test,Women aged 18+ who have had a pap test within the past three years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,1243,65.7,62.8,68.5,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic42,16,BO1,CAT1,_RFPAP32,RESP046,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Women's Health,Pap Test,Women aged 21-65 who have had a pap test in the past three years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Received a Pap test within the past 3 years,Overall,Overall,1008,76,73,78.9,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic42,16,BO1,CAT1,_RFPAP33,RESP188,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Prostate Cancer,PSA Test,Men aged 40+ who have had a PSA test within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,698,38.1,34.8,41.4,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS16,Topic47,16,BO1,CAT1,_RFPSA21,RESP046,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Injury,Seatbelt Use,Always wears a seat belt? (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Always Wears a Seatbelt,Overall,Overall,3979,75.1,73.3,76.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS12,Topic50,16,BO1,CAT1,_RFSEAT3,RESP184,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Colorectal Cancer Screening,Sigmoidoscopy,Adults aged 50+ who have ever had a sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,2304,66.9,64.8,69.1,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic52,16,BO1,CAT1,_RFSIGM2,RESP046,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Tobacco Use,Current Smoker Status,Adults who are current smokers (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,753,16.3,14.7,17.9,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic15,16,BO1,CAT1,_RFSMOK3,RESP046,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Tobacco Use,Smoker Status,Four Level Smoking Status (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Smoke everyday,Overall,Overall,541,11.2,9.9,12.6,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic55,16,BO1,CAT1,_SMOKER3,RESP068,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Physical Activity,Exercise,"During the past month, did you participate in any physical activities? (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions)",Yes,Overall,Overall,4337,81.6,80,83.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS15,Topic23,16,BO1,CAT1,_TOTINDA,RESP046,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Chronic Health Indicators,Depression,Ever told you that you have a form of depression?,No,Overall,Overall,4351,80.4,78.8,82,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic17,16,BO1,CAT1,ADDEPEV2,RESP054,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Demographics,Disability status,"Are you blind or do you have serious difficulty seeing, even when wearing glasses?",No,Overall,Overall,5039,96.5,95.9,97.2,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,16,BO1,CAT1,BLIND,RESP054,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Chronic Health Indicators,COPD,Ever told you have COPD?,No,Overall,Overall,5075,95.3,94.6,96,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic14,16,BO1,CAT1,CHCCOPD1,RESP054,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Chronic Health Indicators,Kidney,Ever told you have kidney disease?,No,Overall,Overall,5294,97.7,97.2,98.2,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic35,16,BO1,CAT1,CHCKIDNY,RESP054,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Chronic Health Indicators,Other Cancer,Ever told you had any other types of cancer?,No,Overall,Overall,4964,93.6,92.7,94.4,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic40,16,BO1,CAT1,CHCOCNCR,RESP054,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Chronic Health Indicators,Skin Cancer,Ever told you had skin cancer?,No,Overall,Overall,4883,93.5,92.8,94.2,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic53,16,BO1,CAT1,CHCSCNCR,RESP054,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Health Care Access/Coverage,Last Checkup,About how long has it been since you last visited a doctor for a routine checkup?,Within the past 2 years,Overall,Overall,711,16.1,14.5,17.7,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic36,16,BO1,CAT1,CHECKUP1,RESP064,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Chronic Health Indicators,Cardiovascular Disease,Ever told you had angina or coronary heart disease?,No,Overall,Overall,5147,96.9,96.4,97.4,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic10,16,BO1,CAT1,CVDCRHD4,RESP054,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Chronic Health Indicators,Cardiovascular Disease,Ever told you had a heart attack (myocardial infarction)?,No,Overall,Overall,5143,96.6,96.1,97.1,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic10,16,BO1,CAT1,CVDINFR4,RESP054,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Chronic Health Indicators,Cardiovascular Disease,Ever told you had a stroke?,No,Overall,Overall,5248,97.3,96.7,97.8,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic10,16,BO1,CAT1,CVDSTRK3,RESP054,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Demographics,Disability status,"Do you have serious difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions?",No,Overall,Overall,4805,91.3,90.1,92.5,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,16,BO1,CAT1,DECIDE,RESP054,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Chronic Health Indicators,Diabetes,Have you ever been told by a doctor that you have diabetes?,"Yes, pregnancy-related",Overall,Overall,42,0.9,0.5,1.2,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic18,16,BO1,CAT1,DIABETE3,RESP051,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Demographics,Disability status,Do you have difficulty doing errands alone?,No,Overall,Overall,4937,95.4,94.6,96.1,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,16,BO1,CAT1,DIFFALON,RESP054,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Demographics,Disability status,Do you have difficulty dressing or bathing?,No,Overall,Overall,5095,97.6,97,98.1,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,16,BO1,CAT1,DIFFDRES,RESP054,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Demographics,Disability status,Do you have serious difficulty walking or climbing stairs?,No,Overall,Overall,4481,90.3,89.3,91.3,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,16,BO1,CAT1,DIFFWALK,RESP054,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Alcohol Consumption,Alcohol Consumption,Adults who have had at least one drink of alcohol within the past 30 days,No,Overall,Overall,2915,51.2,49.2,53.3,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS01,Topic03,16,BO1,CAT1,DRNKANY5,RESP054,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Health Status,Overall Health,How is your general health?,Very good,Overall,Overall,1904,36.5,34.5,38.5,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic41,16,BO1,CAT1,GENHLTH,RESP057,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,HIV-AIDS,HIV Test,Have you ever been tested for HIV?,No,Overall,Overall,3850,70.2,68.2,72.2,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS09,Topic32,16,BO1,CAT1,HIVTST6,RESP054,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Health Care Access/Coverage,Health Care Coverage,Do you have any kind of health care coverage?,No,Overall,Overall,679,17.3,15.6,18.9,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic29,16,BO1,CAT1,HLTHPLN1,RESP054,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Demographics,Internet,Have you used the internet in the past 30 days?,No,Overall,Overall,1075,13,11.8,14.1,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic34,16,BO1,CAT1,INTERNET,RESP054,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Health Care Access/Coverage,Health Care Cost,Was there a time in the past 12 months when you needed to see a doctor but could not because of cost?,No,Overall,Overall,4794,83.7,82.1,85.3,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic28,16,BO1,CAT1,MEDCOST,RESP054,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Health Care Access/Coverage,Personal Care Provider,Do you have one person you think of as your personal doctor or health care provider?,More than one,Overall,Overall,439,7.1,6.1,8.1,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic43,16,BO1,CAT1,PERSDOC2,RESP053,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Demographics,Disability status,"Adults who are limited in any activities because of physical, mental, or emotional problems",No,Overall,Overall,3903,80.4,79,81.8,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,16,BO1,CAT1,QLACTLM2,RESP054,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Immunization,Shingle Vaccination,Have you ever had the shingles or zoster vaccine?,No,Overall,Overall,2540,74.4,72.6,76.2,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS11,Topic63,16,BO1,CAT1,SHINGLE2,RESP054,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Demographics,Disability status,Adults with health problem(s) that requires the use of special equipment,No,Overall,Overall,4762,93.7,92.8,94.6,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,16,BO1,CAT1,USEEQUIP,RESP054,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Tobacco Use,Smokeless Tobacco,"Do you currently use chewing tobacco, snuff, or snus?",Some days,Overall,Overall,78,2.2,1.5,2.8,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic54,16,BO1,CAT1,USENOW3,RESP080,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Demographics,Veteran Status,Have you ever served on active duty in the United States Armed Forces?,No,Overall,Overall,4759,88.2,86.9,89.5,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic61,16,BO1,CAT1,VETERAN3,RESP054,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Oral Health,All Teeth Removed,Adults aged 65+ who have had all their natural teeth extracted (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,1584,84.6,82.1,87.1,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS13,Topic04,16,BO1,CAT1,_ALTETH2,RESP054,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Overweight and Obesity (BMI),BMI Categories,Weight classification by Body Mass Index (BMI) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Overweight (BMI 25.0-29.9),Overall,Overall,1952,36.2,34.2,38.2,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS14,Topic09,16,BO1,CAT1,_BMI5CAT,RESP040,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Chronic Health Indicators,Asthma,Adults who have been told they currently have asthma (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,4960,91.3,90.2,92.5,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic06,16,BO1,CAT1,_CASTHM1,RESP054,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Colorectal Cancer Screening,USPSTF Recommendations,Respondents aged 50-75 who have fully met the USPSTF recommendation (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Did not meet USPSTF recommendations for testing,Overall,Overall,989,39.2,36.7,41.6,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic64,16,BO1,CAT1,_CRCREC,RESP193,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Oral Health,Dental Visit,Visited the dentist or dental clinic within the past year for any reason (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,1937,35.9,33.9,37.9,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS13,Topic16,16,BO1,CAT1,_DENVST2,RESP054,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Chronic Health Indicators,Arthritis,Adults who have been told they have arthritis (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,3576,76.8,75.4,78.2,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic05,16,BO1,CAT1,_DRDXAR1,RESP054,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Oral Health,Teeth Removed,Adults that have had any permanent teeth extracted (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,2703,60.2,58.4,62.1,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS13,Topic57,16,BO1,CAT1,_EXTETH2,RESP054,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Immunization,Flu Shot,Adults aged 65+ who have had a flu shot within the past year (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,849,45.4,42.3,48.5,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS11,Topic26,16,BO1,CAT1,_FLSHOT6,RESP054,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Health Care Access/Coverage,Under 65 Coverage,Adults aged 18-64 who have any kind of health care coverage (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,645,20.6,18.6,22.6,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic59,16,BO1,CAT1,_HCVU651,RESP054,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Chronic Health Indicators,Asthma,Adults who have ever been told they have asthma (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,4773,87.5,86.2,88.8,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic06,16,BO1,CAT1,_LTASTH1,RESP054,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Women's Health,Mammogram,Women aged 50-74 who have had a mammogram within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Did not receive a mammogram within the past 2 years,Overall,Overall,487,31.3,28.1,34.4,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic37,16,BO1,CAT1,_MAM5021,RESP187,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Women's Health,Mammogram,Women aged 50+ who have had a mammogram within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,693,32.4,29.6,35.1,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic37,16,BO1,CAT1,_MAM502Y,RESP054,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Immunization,Pneumonia Vaccination,Adults aged 65+ who have ever had a pneumonia vaccination (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,584,30.7,28,33.5,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS11,Topic46,16,BO1,CAT1,_PNEUMO2,RESP054,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Alcohol Consumption,Binge Drinking,"Binge drinkers (males having five or more drinks on one occasion, females having four or more drinks on one occasion) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions)",No,Overall,Overall,4619,84.5,82.8,86.2,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS01,Topic07,16,BO1,CAT1,_RFBING5,RESP054,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Colorectal Cancer Screening,Blood Stool Test,Adults aged 50+ who have had a blood stool test within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,3023,90.3,88.9,91.6,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic08,16,BO1,CAT1,_RFBLDS2,RESP054,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Colorectal Cancer Screening,Blood Stool Test,Adults aged 50-75 who have had a blood stool test within the past year (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Have not had a blood stool test in the past year,Overall,Overall,2522,94.2,93,95.4,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic08,16,BO1,CAT1,_RFBLDS3,RESP191,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Alcohol Consumption,Heavy Drinking,Heavy drinkers (adult men having more than two drinks per day and adult women having more than one drink per day) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,4936,94.9,93.8,95.9,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS01,Topic30,16,BO1,CAT1,_RFDRHV4,RESP054,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Health Status,Fair or Poor Health,Health Status (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Fair or Poor Health,Overall,Overall,903,12.8,11.5,14.1,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic24,16,BO1,CAT1,_RFHLTH,RESP062,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Women's Health,Mammogram,Women aged 40+ who have had a mammogram within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,874,39.7,36.7,42.7,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic37,16,BO1,CAT1,_RFMAM2Y,RESP054,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Women's Health,Pap Test,Women aged 18+ who have had a pap test within the past three years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,675,34.3,31.5,37.2,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic42,16,BO1,CAT1,_RFPAP32,RESP054,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Women's Health,Pap Test,Women aged 21-65 who have had a pap test in the past three years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Did not receive a Pap test within the past 3 years,Overall,Overall,345,24,21.1,27,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic42,16,BO1,CAT1,_RFPAP33,RESP189,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Prostate Cancer,PSA Test,Men aged 40+ who have had a PSA test within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,894,61.9,58.6,65.2,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS16,Topic47,16,BO1,CAT1,_RFPSA21,RESP054,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Injury,Seatbelt Use,Always wears a seat belt? (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Does Not Always Wear a Seatbelt,Overall,Overall,1227,24.9,23.2,26.7,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS12,Topic50,16,BO1,CAT1,_RFSEAT3,RESP185,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Colorectal Cancer Screening,Sigmoidoscopy,Adults aged 50+ who have ever had a sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,1090,33.1,30.9,35.2,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic52,16,BO1,CAT1,_RFSIGM2,RESP054,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Tobacco Use,Current Smoker Status,Adults who are current smokers (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,4504,83.7,82.1,85.3,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic15,16,BO1,CAT1,_RFSMOK3,RESP054,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Tobacco Use,Smoker Status,Four Level Smoking Status (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Smoke some days,Overall,Overall,212,5,4,6,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic55,16,BO1,CAT1,_SMOKER3,RESP069,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Physical Activity,Exercise,"During the past month, did you participate in any physical activities? (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions)",No,Overall,Overall,1131,18.4,16.8,20,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS15,Topic23,16,BO1,CAT1,_TOTINDA,RESP054,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Health Care Access/Coverage,Last Checkup,About how long has it been since you last visited a doctor for a routine checkup?,Within the past 5 years,Overall,Overall,534,11.7,10.4,13,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic36,16,BO1,CAT1,CHECKUP1,RESP065,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Chronic Health Indicators,Diabetes,Have you ever been told by a doctor that you have diabetes?,"No, pre-diabetes or borderline diabetes",Overall,Overall,74,1.2,0.7,1.6,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic18,16,BO1,CAT1,DIABETE3,RESP052,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Health Status,Overall Health,How is your general health?,Good,Overall,Overall,1663,29.5,27.8,31.3,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic41,16,BO1,CAT1,GENHLTH,RESP058,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Health Care Access/Coverage,Personal Care Provider,Do you have one person you think of as your personal doctor or health care provider?,No,Overall,Overall,1170,30.8,28.8,32.8,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic43,16,BO1,CAT1,PERSDOC2,RESP054,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Tobacco Use,Smokeless Tobacco,"Do you currently use chewing tobacco, snuff, or snus?",Not at all,Overall,Overall,5031,94.9,94,95.8,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic54,16,BO1,CAT1,USENOW3,RESP081,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Overweight and Obesity (BMI),BMI Categories,Weight classification by Body Mass Index (BMI) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Normal Weight (BMI 18.5-24.9),Overall,Overall,1679,33.5,31.4,35.5,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS14,Topic09,16,BO1,CAT1,_BMI5CAT,RESP041,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Tobacco Use,Smoker Status,Four Level Smoking Status (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Former smoker,Overall,Overall,1407,22.9,21.3,24.5,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic55,16,BO1,CAT1,_SMOKER3,RESP070,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Demographics,Internet,Have you used the internet in the past 30 days?,Yes,Overall,Overall,3947,82.8,81.4,84.1,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic34,17,BO1,CAT1,INTERNET,RESP046,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Health Care Access/Coverage,Last Checkup,About how long has it been since you last visited a doctor for a routine checkup?,5 or more years ago,Overall,Overall,654,15,13.5,16.6,4,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic36,16,BO1,CAT1,CHECKUP1,RESP066,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Chronic Health Indicators,Diabetes,Have you ever been told by a doctor that you have diabetes?,No,Overall,Overall,4783,90.9,89.9,91.9,4,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic18,16,BO1,CAT1,DIABETE3,RESP054,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Health Status,Overall Health,How is your general health?,Fair,Overall,Overall,633,9.2,8.1,10.3,4,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic41,16,BO1,CAT1,GENHLTH,RESP059,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Overweight and Obesity (BMI),BMI Categories,Weight classification by Body Mass Index (BMI) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Underweight (BMI 12.0-18.4),Overall,Overall,79,1.5,1,2,4,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS14,Topic09,16,BO1,CAT1,_BMI5CAT,RESP042,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Tobacco Use,Smoker Status,Four Level Smoking Status (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Never smoked,Overall,Overall,3097,60.8,58.8,62.8,4,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic55,16,BO1,CAT1,_SMOKER3,RESP071,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Health Care Access/Coverage,Last Checkup,About how long has it been since you last visited a doctor for a routine checkup?,Never,Overall,Overall,46,0,0,0,5,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic36,16,BO1,CAT1,CHECKUP1,RESP067,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,ID,Idaho,Health Status,Overall Health,How is your general health?,Poor,Overall,Overall,270,3.5,2.8,4.3,5,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic41,16,BO1,CAT1,GENHLTH,RESP060,"(43.682630005000476, -114.3637300419997)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Chronic Health Indicators,Depression,Ever told you that you have a form of depression?,Yes,Overall,Overall,820,16.6,15.2,18.1,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic17,17,BO1,CAT1,ADDEPEV2,RESP046,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Demographics,Disability status,"Are you blind or do you have serious difficulty seeing, even when wearing glasses?",Yes,Overall,Overall,181,3.5,2.8,4.3,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,17,BO1,CAT1,BLIND,RESP046,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Chronic Health Indicators,COPD,Ever told you have COPD?,Yes,Overall,Overall,354,5.5,4.7,6.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic14,17,BO1,CAT1,CHCCOPD1,RESP046,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Chronic Health Indicators,Kidney,Ever told you have kidney disease?,Yes,Overall,Overall,161,2.5,1.9,3.1,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic35,17,BO1,CAT1,CHCKIDNY,RESP046,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Chronic Health Indicators,Other Cancer,Ever told you had any other types of cancer?,Yes,Overall,Overall,433,4.9,4.3,5.5,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic40,17,BO1,CAT1,CHCOCNCR,RESP046,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Chronic Health Indicators,Skin Cancer,Ever told you had skin cancer?,Yes,Overall,Overall,360,3.9,3.4,4.4,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic53,17,BO1,CAT1,CHCSCNCR,RESP046,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Health Care Access/Coverage,Last Checkup,About how long has it been since you last visited a doctor for a routine checkup?,Within the past year,Overall,Overall,3680,69,67.2,70.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic36,17,BO1,CAT1,CHECKUP1,RESP063,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Chronic Health Indicators,Cardiovascular Disease,Ever told you had angina or coronary heart disease?,Yes,Overall,Overall,277,3.3,2.8,3.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic10,17,BO1,CAT1,CVDCRHD4,RESP046,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Chronic Health Indicators,Cardiovascular Disease,Ever told you had a heart attack (myocardial infarction)?,Yes,Overall,Overall,267,3.4,2.9,4,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic10,17,BO1,CAT1,CVDINFR4,RESP046,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Chronic Health Indicators,Cardiovascular Disease,Ever told you had a stroke?,Yes,Overall,Overall,203,2.7,2.2,3.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic10,17,BO1,CAT1,CVDSTRK3,RESP046,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Demographics,Disability status,"Do you have serious difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions?",Yes,Overall,Overall,338,8.1,7,9.3,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,17,BO1,CAT1,DECIDE,RESP046,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Chronic Health Indicators,Diabetes,Have you ever been told by a doctor that you have diabetes?,Yes,Overall,Overall,625,9.4,8.5,10.3,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic18,17,BO1,CAT1,DIABETE3,RESP046,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Demographics,Disability status,Do you have difficulty doing errands alone?,Yes,Overall,Overall,285,4.9,4.1,5.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,17,BO1,CAT1,DIFFALON,RESP046,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Demographics,Disability status,Do you have difficulty dressing or bathing?,Yes,Overall,Overall,164,3,2.3,3.7,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,17,BO1,CAT1,DIFFDRES,RESP046,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Demographics,Disability status,Do you have serious difficulty walking or climbing stairs?,Yes,Overall,Overall,673,10.9,9.8,12,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,17,BO1,CAT1,DIFFWALK,RESP046,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Alcohol Consumption,Alcohol Consumption,Adults who have had at least one drink of alcohol within the past 30 days,Yes,Overall,Overall,2818,57.4,55.5,59.4,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS01,Topic03,17,BO1,CAT1,DRNKANY5,RESP046,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Health Status,Overall Health,How is your general health?,Excellent,Overall,Overall,928,18.9,17.4,20.4,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic41,17,BO1,CAT1,GENHLTH,RESP056,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,HIV-AIDS,HIV Test,Have you ever been tested for HIV?,Yes,Overall,Overall,1142,30,28.2,31.9,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS09,Topic32,17,BO1,CAT1,HIVTST6,RESP046,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Health Care Access/Coverage,Health Care Coverage,Do you have any kind of health care coverage?,Yes,Overall,Overall,4687,87.4,86,88.9,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic29,17,BO1,CAT1,HLTHPLN1,RESP046,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2013,AL,Alabama,Demographics,Disability status,Adults with health problem(s) that requires the use of special equipment,Yes,Overall,Overall,1074,10.2,9.3,11,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,01,BO1,CAT1,USEEQUIP,RESP046,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Health Care Access/Coverage,Health Care Cost,Was there a time in the past 12 months when you needed to see a doctor but could not because of cost?,Yes,Overall,Overall,485,12.6,11.2,13.9,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic28,17,BO1,CAT1,MEDCOST,RESP046,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Health Care Access/Coverage,Personal Care Provider,Do you have one person you think of as your personal doctor or health care provider?,"Yes, only one",Overall,Overall,4043,73.6,71.9,75.4,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic43,17,BO1,CAT1,PERSDOC2,RESP050,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Demographics,Disability status,"Adults who are limited in any activities because of physical, mental, or emotional problems",Yes,Overall,Overall,1021,16.8,15.5,18.1,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,17,BO1,CAT1,QLACTLM2,RESP046,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Immunization,Shingle Vaccination,Have you ever had the shingles or zoster vaccine?,Yes,Overall,Overall,713,19.4,17.8,21,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS11,Topic63,17,BO1,CAT1,SHINGLE2,RESP046,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Demographics,Disability status,Adults with health problem(s) that requires the use of special equipment,Yes,Overall,Overall,504,7.3,6.4,8.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,17,BO1,CAT1,USEEQUIP,RESP046,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Tobacco Use,Smokeless Tobacco,"Do you currently use chewing tobacco, snuff, or snus?",Every day,Overall,Overall,48,1.4,0.9,1.9,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic54,17,BO1,CAT1,USENOW3,RESP079,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Demographics,Veteran Status,Have you ever served on active duty in the United States Armed Forces?,Yes,Overall,Overall,524,7.9,7.1,8.7,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic61,17,BO1,CAT1,VETERAN3,RESP046,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Oral Health,All Teeth Removed,Adults aged 65+ who have had all their natural teeth extracted (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,222,17,14.4,19.5,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS13,Topic04,17,BO1,CAT1,_ALTETH2,RESP046,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Overweight and Obesity (BMI),BMI Categories,Weight classification by Body Mass Index (BMI) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Obese (BMI 30.0 - 99.8),Overall,Overall,1394,28.7,26.9,30.5,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS14,Topic09,17,BO1,CAT1,_BMI5CAT,RESP039,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Chronic Health Indicators,Asthma,Adults who have been told they currently have asthma (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,467,9.1,8,10.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic06,17,BO1,CAT1,_CASTHM1,RESP046,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Colorectal Cancer Screening,USPSTF Recommendations,Respondents aged 50-75 who have fully met the USPSTF recommendation (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Met USPSTF recommendations for testing,Overall,Overall,1549,61.9,59.3,64.4,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic64,17,BO1,CAT1,_CRCREC,RESP192,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Oral Health,Dental Visit,Visited the dentist or dental clinic within the past year for any reason (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,3494,63.7,61.8,65.5,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS13,Topic16,17,BO1,CAT1,_DENVST2,RESP046,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2013,AL,Alabama,Tobacco Use,Smokeless Tobacco,"Do you currently use chewing tobacco, snuff, or snus?",Every day,Overall,Overall,147,3.4,2.7,4.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic54,01,BO1,CAT1,USENOW3,RESP079,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Chronic Health Indicators,Arthritis,Adults who have been told they have arthritis (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,1628,23.4,22.1,24.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic05,17,BO1,CAT1,_DRDXAR1,RESP046,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Oral Health,Teeth Removed,Adults that have had any permanent teeth extracted (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,2376,41.2,39.4,43,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS13,Topic57,17,BO1,CAT1,_EXTETH2,RESP046,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Immunization,Flu Shot,Adults aged 65+ who have had a flu shot within the past year (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,915,57,53.8,60.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS11,Topic26,17,BO1,CAT1,_FLSHOT6,RESP046,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Health Care Access/Coverage,Under 65 Coverage,Adults aged 18-64 who have any kind of health care coverage (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,3042,85.1,83.3,86.9,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic59,17,BO1,CAT1,_HCVU651,RESP046,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Chronic Health Indicators,Asthma,Adults who have ever been told they have asthma (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,689,14.2,12.8,15.5,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic06,17,BO1,CAT1,_LTASTH1,RESP046,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Women's Health,Mammogram,Women aged 50-74 who have had a mammogram within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Received a mammogram within the past 2 years,Overall,Overall,1071,78.1,75.4,80.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic37,17,BO1,CAT1,_MAM5021,RESP186,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Women's Health,Mammogram,Women aged 50+ who have had a mammogram within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,1352,75.4,72.9,77.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic37,17,BO1,CAT1,_MAM502Y,RESP046,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Immunization,Pneumonia Vaccination,Adults aged 65+ who have ever had a pneumonia vaccination (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,1059,65.8,62.6,69,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS11,Topic46,17,BO1,CAT1,_PNEUMO2,RESP046,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Alcohol Consumption,Binge Drinking,"Binge drinkers (males having five or more drinks on one occasion, females having four or more drinks on one occasion) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions)",Yes,Overall,Overall,742,21,19.3,22.7,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS01,Topic07,17,BO1,CAT1,_RFBING5,RESP046,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Colorectal Cancer Screening,Blood Stool Test,Adults aged 50+ who have had a blood stool test within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,296,10,8.6,11.4,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic08,17,BO1,CAT1,_RFBLDS2,RESP046,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Colorectal Cancer Screening,Blood Stool Test,Adults aged 50-75 who have had a blood stool test within the past year (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Had a blood stool test in the past year,Overall,Overall,151,7,5.6,8.5,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic08,17,BO1,CAT1,_RFBLDS3,RESP190,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Alcohol Consumption,Heavy Drinking,Heavy drinkers (adult men having more than two drinks per day and adult women having more than one drink per day) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,288,6.5,5.5,7.4,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS01,Topic30,17,BO1,CAT1,_RFDRHV4,RESP046,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Health Status,Fair or Poor Health,Health Status (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Good or Better Health,Overall,Overall,4187,83.1,81.6,84.6,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic24,17,BO1,CAT1,_RFHLTH,RESP061,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Women's Health,Mammogram,Women aged 40+ who have had a mammogram within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,1599,72.1,69.4,74.7,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic37,17,BO1,CAT1,_RFMAM2Y,RESP046,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Women's Health,Pap Test,Women aged 18+ who have had a pap test within the past three years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,1505,71.9,69.2,74.7,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic42,17,BO1,CAT1,_RFPAP32,RESP046,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Women's Health,Pap Test,Women aged 21-65 who have had a pap test in the past three years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Received a Pap test within the past 3 years,Overall,Overall,1208,81.5,78.7,84.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic42,17,BO1,CAT1,_RFPAP33,RESP188,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Prostate Cancer,PSA Test,Men aged 40+ who have had a PSA test within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,708,39,35.9,42.1,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS16,Topic47,17,BO1,CAT1,_RFPSA21,RESP046,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Injury,Seatbelt Use,Always wears a seat belt? (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Always Wears a Seatbelt,Overall,Overall,4333,88.2,86.8,89.6,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS12,Topic50,17,BO1,CAT1,_RFSEAT3,RESP184,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Colorectal Cancer Screening,Sigmoidoscopy,Adults aged 50+ who have ever had a sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,2094,65.8,63.6,68,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic52,17,BO1,CAT1,_RFSIGM2,RESP046,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Tobacco Use,Current Smoker Status,Adults who are current smokers (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,651,16.6,15.1,18.1,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic15,17,BO1,CAT1,_RFSMOK3,RESP046,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Tobacco Use,Smoker Status,Four Level Smoking Status (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Smoke everyday,Overall,Overall,440,11.3,10,12.6,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic55,17,BO1,CAT1,_SMOKER3,RESP068,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Physical Activity,Exercise,"During the past month, did you participate in any physical activities? (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions)",Yes,Overall,Overall,3845,76.4,74.8,78,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS15,Topic23,17,BO1,CAT1,_TOTINDA,RESP046,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Chronic Health Indicators,Depression,Ever told you that you have a form of depression?,No,Overall,Overall,4220,83.4,81.9,84.8,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic17,17,BO1,CAT1,ADDEPEV2,RESP054,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Demographics,Disability status,"Are you blind or do you have serious difficulty seeing, even when wearing glasses?",No,Overall,Overall,4684,96.5,95.7,97.2,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,17,BO1,CAT1,BLIND,RESP054,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2013,AL,Alabama,Demographics,Veteran Status,Have you ever served on active duty in the United States Armed Forces?,Yes,Overall,Overall,889,12.5,11.4,13.7,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic61,01,BO1,CAT1,VETERAN3,RESP046,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Chronic Health Indicators,COPD,Ever told you have COPD?,No,Overall,Overall,4686,94.5,93.8,95.3,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic14,17,BO1,CAT1,CHCCOPD1,RESP054,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Chronic Health Indicators,Kidney,Ever told you have kidney disease?,No,Overall,Overall,4882,97.5,96.9,98.1,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic35,17,BO1,CAT1,CHCKIDNY,RESP054,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Chronic Health Indicators,Other Cancer,Ever told you had any other types of cancer?,No,Overall,Overall,4613,95.1,94.5,95.7,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic40,17,BO1,CAT1,CHCOCNCR,RESP054,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Chronic Health Indicators,Skin Cancer,Ever told you had skin cancer?,No,Overall,Overall,4689,96.1,95.6,96.6,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic53,17,BO1,CAT1,CHCSCNCR,RESP054,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Health Care Access/Coverage,Last Checkup,About how long has it been since you last visited a doctor for a routine checkup?,Within the past 2 years,Overall,Overall,640,14.2,12.8,15.6,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic36,17,BO1,CAT1,CHECKUP1,RESP064,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Chronic Health Indicators,Cardiovascular Disease,Ever told you had angina or coronary heart disease?,No,Overall,Overall,4760,96.7,96.2,97.2,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic10,17,BO1,CAT1,CVDCRHD4,RESP054,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Chronic Health Indicators,Cardiovascular Disease,Ever told you had a heart attack (myocardial infarction)?,No,Overall,Overall,4771,96.6,96,97.1,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic10,17,BO1,CAT1,CVDINFR4,RESP054,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Chronic Health Indicators,Cardiovascular Disease,Ever told you had a stroke?,No,Overall,Overall,4840,97.3,96.8,97.8,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic10,17,BO1,CAT1,CVDSTRK3,RESP054,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Demographics,Disability status,"Do you have serious difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions?",No,Overall,Overall,4518,91.9,90.7,93,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,17,BO1,CAT1,DECIDE,RESP054,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Chronic Health Indicators,Diabetes,Have you ever been told by a doctor that you have diabetes?,"Yes, pregnancy-related",Overall,Overall,34,0.8,0.4,1.2,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic18,17,BO1,CAT1,DIABETE3,RESP051,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Demographics,Disability status,Do you have difficulty doing errands alone?,No,Overall,Overall,4563,95.1,94.2,95.9,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,17,BO1,CAT1,DIFFALON,RESP054,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Demographics,Disability status,Do you have difficulty dressing or bathing?,No,Overall,Overall,4694,97,96.3,97.7,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,17,BO1,CAT1,DIFFDRES,RESP054,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Demographics,Disability status,Do you have serious difficulty walking or climbing stairs?,No,Overall,Overall,4184,89.1,88,90.2,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,17,BO1,CAT1,DIFFWALK,RESP054,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Alcohol Consumption,Alcohol Consumption,Adults who have had at least one drink of alcohol within the past 30 days,No,Overall,Overall,2009,42.6,40.6,44.5,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS01,Topic03,17,BO1,CAT1,DRNKANY5,RESP054,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Health Status,Overall Health,How is your general health?,Very good,Overall,Overall,1688,31.9,30.2,33.7,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic41,17,BO1,CAT1,GENHLTH,RESP057,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,HIV-AIDS,HIV Test,Have you ever been tested for HIV?,No,Overall,Overall,3552,70,68.1,71.8,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS09,Topic32,17,BO1,CAT1,HIVTST6,RESP054,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Health Care Access/Coverage,Health Care Coverage,Do you have any kind of health care coverage?,No,Overall,Overall,356,12.6,11.1,14,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic29,17,BO1,CAT1,HLTHPLN1,RESP054,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Demographics,Internet,Have you used the internet in the past 30 days?,No,Overall,Overall,969,17.2,15.9,18.6,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic34,17,BO1,CAT1,INTERNET,RESP054,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Health Care Access/Coverage,Health Care Cost,Was there a time in the past 12 months when you needed to see a doctor but could not because of cost?,No,Overall,Overall,4562,87.4,86.1,88.8,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic28,17,BO1,CAT1,MEDCOST,RESP054,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Health Care Access/Coverage,Personal Care Provider,Do you have one person you think of as your personal doctor or health care provider?,More than one,Overall,Overall,318,6.3,5.4,7.2,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic43,17,BO1,CAT1,PERSDOC2,RESP053,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Demographics,Disability status,"Adults who are limited in any activities because of physical, mental, or emotional problems",No,Overall,Overall,3854,83.2,81.9,84.5,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,17,BO1,CAT1,QLACTLM2,RESP054,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Immunization,Shingle Vaccination,Have you ever had the shingles or zoster vaccine?,No,Overall,Overall,2337,80.6,79,82.2,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS11,Topic63,17,BO1,CAT1,SHINGLE2,RESP054,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Demographics,Disability status,Adults with health problem(s) that requires the use of special equipment,No,Overall,Overall,4365,92.7,91.8,93.6,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,17,BO1,CAT1,USEEQUIP,RESP054,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Tobacco Use,Smokeless Tobacco,"Do you currently use chewing tobacco, snuff, or snus?",Some days,Overall,Overall,59,2,1.3,2.6,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic54,17,BO1,CAT1,USENOW3,RESP080,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Demographics,Veteran Status,Have you ever served on active duty in the United States Armed Forces?,No,Overall,Overall,4527,92.1,91.3,92.9,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic61,17,BO1,CAT1,VETERAN3,RESP054,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Oral Health,All Teeth Removed,Adults aged 65+ who have had all their natural teeth extracted (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,1402,83,80.5,85.6,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS13,Topic04,17,BO1,CAT1,_ALTETH2,RESP054,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Overweight and Obesity (BMI),BMI Categories,Weight classification by Body Mass Index (BMI) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Overweight (BMI 25.0-29.9),Overall,Overall,1723,34.2,32.3,36,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS14,Topic09,17,BO1,CAT1,_BMI5CAT,RESP040,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Chronic Health Indicators,Asthma,Adults who have been told they currently have asthma (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,4570,90.9,89.8,92,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic06,17,BO1,CAT1,_CASTHM1,RESP054,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Colorectal Cancer Screening,USPSTF Recommendations,Respondents aged 50-75 who have fully met the USPSTF recommendation (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Did not meet USPSTF recommendations for testing,Overall,Overall,836,38.1,35.6,40.7,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic64,17,BO1,CAT1,_CRCREC,RESP193,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Oral Health,Dental Visit,Visited the dentist or dental clinic within the past year for any reason (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,1555,36.3,34.5,38.2,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS13,Topic16,17,BO1,CAT1,_DENVST2,RESP054,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Chronic Health Indicators,Arthritis,Adults who have been told they have arthritis (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,3419,76.6,75.2,77.9,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic05,17,BO1,CAT1,_DRDXAR1,RESP054,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Oral Health,Teeth Removed,Adults that have had any permanent teeth extracted (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,2645,58.8,57,60.6,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS13,Topic57,17,BO1,CAT1,_EXTETH2,RESP054,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Immunization,Flu Shot,Adults aged 65+ who have had a flu shot within the past year (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,669,43,39.8,46.2,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS11,Topic26,17,BO1,CAT1,_FLSHOT6,RESP054,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Health Care Access/Coverage,Under 65 Coverage,Adults aged 18-64 who have any kind of health care coverage (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,342,14.9,13.1,16.7,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic59,17,BO1,CAT1,_HCVU651,RESP054,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Chronic Health Indicators,Asthma,Adults who have ever been told they have asthma (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,4355,85.8,84.5,87.2,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic06,17,BO1,CAT1,_LTASTH1,RESP054,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Women's Health,Mammogram,Women aged 50-74 who have had a mammogram within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Did not receive a mammogram within the past 2 years,Overall,Overall,314,21.9,19.2,24.6,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic37,17,BO1,CAT1,_MAM5021,RESP187,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Women's Health,Mammogram,Women aged 50+ who have had a mammogram within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,472,24.6,22.2,27.1,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic37,17,BO1,CAT1,_MAM502Y,RESP054,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Immunization,Pneumonia Vaccination,Adults aged 65+ who have ever had a pneumonia vaccination (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,500,34.2,31,37.4,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS11,Topic46,17,BO1,CAT1,_PNEUMO2,RESP054,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Alcohol Consumption,Binge Drinking,"Binge drinkers (males having five or more drinks on one occasion, females having four or more drinks on one occasion) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions)",No,Overall,Overall,4055,79,77.3,80.7,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS01,Topic07,17,BO1,CAT1,_RFBING5,RESP054,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Colorectal Cancer Screening,Blood Stool Test,Adults aged 50+ who have had a blood stool test within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,2741,90,88.6,91.4,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic08,17,BO1,CAT1,_RFBLDS2,RESP054,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Colorectal Cancer Screening,Blood Stool Test,Adults aged 50-75 who have had a blood stool test within the past year (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Have not had a blood stool test in the past year,Overall,Overall,2266,93,91.5,94.4,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic08,17,BO1,CAT1,_RFBLDS3,RESP191,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Alcohol Consumption,Heavy Drinking,Heavy drinkers (adult men having more than two drinks per day and adult women having more than one drink per day) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,4510,93.5,92.6,94.5,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS01,Topic30,17,BO1,CAT1,_RFDRHV4,RESP054,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Health Status,Fair or Poor Health,Health Status (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Fair or Poor Health,Overall,Overall,864,16.9,15.4,18.4,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic24,17,BO1,CAT1,_RFHLTH,RESP062,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Women's Health,Mammogram,Women aged 40+ who have had a mammogram within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,584,27.9,25.3,30.6,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic37,17,BO1,CAT1,_RFMAM2Y,RESP054,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Women's Health,Pap Test,Women aged 18+ who have had a pap test within the past three years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,552,28.1,25.3,30.8,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic42,17,BO1,CAT1,_RFPAP32,RESP054,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Women's Health,Pap Test,Women aged 21-65 who have had a pap test in the past three years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Did not receive a Pap test within the past 3 years,Overall,Overall,252,18.5,15.8,21.3,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic42,17,BO1,CAT1,_RFPAP33,RESP189,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Prostate Cancer,PSA Test,Men aged 40+ who have had a PSA test within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,779,61,57.9,64.1,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS16,Topic47,17,BO1,CAT1,_RFPSA21,RESP054,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Injury,Seatbelt Use,Always wears a seat belt? (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Does Not Always Wear a Seatbelt,Overall,Overall,458,11.8,10.4,13.2,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS12,Topic50,17,BO1,CAT1,_RFSEAT3,RESP185,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Colorectal Cancer Screening,Sigmoidoscopy,Adults aged 50+ who have ever had a sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,942,34.2,32,36.4,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic52,17,BO1,CAT1,_RFSIGM2,RESP054,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Tobacco Use,Current Smoker Status,Adults who are current smokers (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,4193,83.4,81.9,84.9,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic15,17,BO1,CAT1,_RFSMOK3,RESP054,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Tobacco Use,Smoker Status,Four Level Smoking Status (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Smoke some days,Overall,Overall,211,5.3,4.4,6.2,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic55,17,BO1,CAT1,_SMOKER3,RESP069,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Physical Activity,Exercise,"During the past month, did you participate in any physical activities? (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions)",No,Overall,Overall,1205,23.6,22,25.2,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS15,Topic23,17,BO1,CAT1,_TOTINDA,RESP054,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Health Care Access/Coverage,Last Checkup,About how long has it been since you last visited a doctor for a routine checkup?,Within the past 5 years,Overall,Overall,368,8.8,7.7,9.8,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic36,17,BO1,CAT1,CHECKUP1,RESP065,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Chronic Health Indicators,Diabetes,Have you ever been told by a doctor that you have diabetes?,"No, pre-diabetes or borderline diabetes",Overall,Overall,37,0.7,0.4,1,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic18,17,BO1,CAT1,DIABETE3,RESP052,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Health Status,Overall Health,How is your general health?,Good,Overall,Overall,1571,32.2,30.4,34,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic41,17,BO1,CAT1,GENHLTH,RESP058,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Health Care Access/Coverage,Personal Care Provider,Do you have one person you think of as your personal doctor or health care provider?,No,Overall,Overall,690,20.1,18.5,21.7,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic43,17,BO1,CAT1,PERSDOC2,RESP054,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Tobacco Use,Smokeless Tobacco,"Do you currently use chewing tobacco, snuff, or snus?",Not at all,Overall,Overall,4732,96.7,95.9,97.5,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic54,17,BO1,CAT1,USENOW3,RESP081,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Overweight and Obesity (BMI),BMI Categories,Weight classification by Body Mass Index (BMI) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Normal Weight (BMI 18.5-24.9),Overall,Overall,1620,35,33.1,36.9,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS14,Topic09,17,BO1,CAT1,_BMI5CAT,RESP041,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Tobacco Use,Smoker Status,Four Level Smoking Status (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Former smoker,Overall,Overall,1410,22.9,21.4,24.3,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic55,17,BO1,CAT1,_SMOKER3,RESP070,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Health Care Access/Coverage,Last Checkup,About how long has it been since you last visited a doctor for a routine checkup?,5 or more years ago,Overall,Overall,321,8,6.9,9.1,4,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic36,17,BO1,CAT1,CHECKUP1,RESP066,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Chronic Health Indicators,Diabetes,Have you ever been told by a doctor that you have diabetes?,No,Overall,Overall,4353,89.1,88.1,90.2,4,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic18,17,BO1,CAT1,DIABETE3,RESP054,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Health Status,Overall Health,How is your general health?,Fair,Overall,Overall,652,13.3,11.9,14.7,4,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic41,17,BO1,CAT1,GENHLTH,RESP059,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Chronic Health Indicators,Cardiovascular Disease,Ever told you had a stroke?,Yes,Overall,Overall,503,2.9,2.5,3.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic10,18,BO1,CAT1,CVDSTRK3,RESP046,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Overweight and Obesity (BMI),BMI Categories,Weight classification by Body Mass Index (BMI) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Underweight (BMI 12.0-18.4),Overall,Overall,98,2.1,1.4,2.8,4,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS14,Topic09,17,BO1,CAT1,_BMI5CAT,RESP042,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Tobacco Use,Smoker Status,Four Level Smoking Status (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Never smoked,Overall,Overall,2783,60.5,58.7,62.4,4,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic55,17,BO1,CAT1,_SMOKER3,RESP071,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Health Care Access/Coverage,Last Checkup,About how long has it been since you last visited a doctor for a routine checkup?,Never,Overall,Overall,36,0,0,0,5,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic36,17,BO1,CAT1,CHECKUP1,RESP067,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IL,Illinois,Health Status,Overall Health,How is your general health?,Poor,Overall,Overall,212,3.6,2.9,4.3,5,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic41,17,BO1,CAT1,GENHLTH,RESP060,"(40.48501028300046, -88.99771017799969)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Chronic Health Indicators,Depression,Ever told you that you have a form of depression?,Yes,Overall,Overall,2323,20.8,19.7,21.9,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic17,18,BO1,CAT1,ADDEPEV2,RESP046,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Demographics,Disability status,"Are you blind or do you have serious difficulty seeing, even when wearing glasses?",Yes,Overall,Overall,567,4.3,3.8,4.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,18,BO1,CAT1,BLIND,RESP046,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Chronic Health Indicators,COPD,Ever told you have COPD?,Yes,Overall,Overall,1196,8.2,7.5,8.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic14,18,BO1,CAT1,CHCCOPD1,RESP046,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Chronic Health Indicators,Kidney,Ever told you have kidney disease?,Yes,Overall,Overall,417,2.5,2.2,2.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic35,18,BO1,CAT1,CHCKIDNY,RESP046,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Chronic Health Indicators,Other Cancer,Ever told you had any other types of cancer?,Yes,Overall,Overall,1134,5.8,5.4,6.3,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic40,18,BO1,CAT1,CHCOCNCR,RESP046,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Chronic Health Indicators,Skin Cancer,Ever told you had skin cancer?,Yes,Overall,Overall,1047,5,4.6,5.4,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic53,18,BO1,CAT1,CHCSCNCR,RESP046,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Health Care Access/Coverage,Last Checkup,About how long has it been since you last visited a doctor for a routine checkup?,Within the past year,Overall,Overall,8271,64.2,62.9,65.5,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic36,18,BO1,CAT1,CHECKUP1,RESP063,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Chronic Health Indicators,Cardiovascular Disease,Ever told you had angina or coronary heart disease?,Yes,Overall,Overall,766,4.1,3.8,4.5,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic10,18,BO1,CAT1,CVDCRHD4,RESP046,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Chronic Health Indicators,Cardiovascular Disease,Ever told you had a heart attack (myocardial infarction)?,Yes,Overall,Overall,801,4.5,4.1,4.9,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic10,18,BO1,CAT1,CVDINFR4,RESP046,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Demographics,Disability status,"Do you have serious difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions?",Yes,Overall,Overall,1092,10.8,10,11.7,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,18,BO1,CAT1,DECIDE,RESP046,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Chronic Health Indicators,Diabetes,Have you ever been told by a doctor that you have diabetes?,Yes,Overall,Overall,1653,9.8,9.2,10.4,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic18,18,BO1,CAT1,DIABETE3,RESP046,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Demographics,Disability status,Do you have difficulty doing errands alone?,Yes,Overall,Overall,915,7.4,6.7,8.1,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,18,BO1,CAT1,DIFFALON,RESP046,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Demographics,Disability status,Do you have difficulty dressing or bathing?,Yes,Overall,Overall,507,3.7,3.3,4.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,18,BO1,CAT1,DIFFDRES,RESP046,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Demographics,Disability status,Do you have serious difficulty walking or climbing stairs?,Yes,Overall,Overall,2116,14,13.2,14.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,18,BO1,CAT1,DIFFWALK,RESP046,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Alcohol Consumption,Alcohol Consumption,Adults who have had at least one drink of alcohol within the past 30 days,Yes,Overall,Overall,4877,48.5,47.2,49.9,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS01,Topic03,18,BO1,CAT1,DRNKANY5,RESP046,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Health Status,Overall Health,How is your general health?,Excellent,Overall,Overall,1646,16,15,17,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic41,18,BO1,CAT1,GENHLTH,RESP056,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,HIV-AIDS,HIV Test,Have you ever been tested for HIV?,Yes,Overall,Overall,2452,31.6,30.2,32.9,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS09,Topic32,18,BO1,CAT1,HIVTST6,RESP046,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Health Care Access/Coverage,Health Care Coverage,Do you have any kind of health care coverage?,Yes,Overall,Overall,10462,84.3,83.2,85.4,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic29,18,BO1,CAT1,HLTHPLN1,RESP046,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Demographics,Internet,Have you used the internet in the past 30 days?,Yes,Overall,Overall,8440,82,81.1,82.9,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic34,18,BO1,CAT1,INTERNET,RESP046,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Health Care Access/Coverage,Health Care Cost,Was there a time in the past 12 months when you needed to see a doctor but could not because of cost?,Yes,Overall,Overall,1214,15.7,14.7,16.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic28,18,BO1,CAT1,MEDCOST,RESP046,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Health Care Access/Coverage,Personal Care Provider,Do you have one person you think of as your personal doctor or health care provider?,"Yes, only one",Overall,Overall,9260,72.6,71.4,73.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic43,18,BO1,CAT1,PERSDOC2,RESP050,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Demographics,Disability status,"Adults who are limited in any activities because of physical, mental, or emotional problems",Yes,Overall,Overall,2817,21.3,20.2,22.3,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,18,BO1,CAT1,QLACTLM2,RESP046,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Immunization,Shingle Vaccination,Have you ever had the shingles or zoster vaccine?,Yes,Overall,Overall,1836,20.2,19.1,21.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS11,Topic63,18,BO1,CAT1,SHINGLE2,RESP046,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Demographics,Disability status,Adults with health problem(s) that requires the use of special equipment,Yes,Overall,Overall,1456,8.6,8,9.3,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,18,BO1,CAT1,USEEQUIP,RESP046,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Tobacco Use,Smokeless Tobacco,"Do you currently use chewing tobacco, snuff, or snus?",Every day,Overall,Overall,151,2.2,1.8,2.7,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic54,18,BO1,CAT1,USENOW3,RESP079,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Demographics,Veteran Status,Have you ever served on active duty in the United States Armed Forces?,Yes,Overall,Overall,1442,10.5,9.8,11.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic61,18,BO1,CAT1,VETERAN3,RESP046,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Oral Health,All Teeth Removed,Adults aged 65+ who have had all their natural teeth extracted (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,652,18.4,16.7,20,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS13,Topic04,18,BO1,CAT1,_ALTETH2,RESP046,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Overweight and Obesity (BMI),BMI Categories,Weight classification by Body Mass Index (BMI) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Obese (BMI 30.0 - 99.8),Overall,Overall,3464,32.3,31.1,33.6,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS14,Topic09,18,BO1,CAT1,_BMI5CAT,RESP039,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Chronic Health Indicators,Asthma,Adults who have been told they currently have asthma (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,1167,10.8,9.9,11.6,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic06,18,BO1,CAT1,_CASTHM1,RESP046,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Colorectal Cancer Screening,USPSTF Recommendations,Respondents aged 50-75 who have fully met the USPSTF recommendation (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Met USPSTF recommendations for testing,Overall,Overall,3655,61.9,60.3,63.5,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic64,18,BO1,CAT1,_CRCREC,RESP192,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Oral Health,Dental Visit,Visited the dentist or dental clinic within the past year for any reason (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,7555,61.2,59.9,62.5,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS13,Topic16,18,BO1,CAT1,_DENVST2,RESP046,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Chronic Health Indicators,Arthritis,Adults who have been told they have arthritis (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,4406,27.1,26.1,28.1,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic05,18,BO1,CAT1,_DRDXAR1,RESP046,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Oral Health,Teeth Removed,Adults that have had any permanent teeth extracted (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,6209,45.8,44.6,47.1,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS13,Topic57,18,BO1,CAT1,_EXTETH2,RESP046,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Immunization,Flu Shot,Adults aged 65+ who have had a flu shot within the past year (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,2301,56.8,54.8,58.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS11,Topic26,18,BO1,CAT1,_FLSHOT6,RESP046,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2013,AL,Alabama,Overweight and Obesity (BMI),BMI Categories,Weight classification by Body Mass Index (BMI) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Obese (BMI 30.0 - 99.8),Overall,Overall,2138,32,30.3,33.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS14,Topic09,01,BO1,CAT1,_BMI5CAT,RESP039,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Health Care Access/Coverage,Under 65 Coverage,Adults aged 18-64 who have any kind of health care coverage (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,6224,81.3,80,82.6,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic59,18,BO1,CAT1,_HCVU651,RESP046,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Chronic Health Indicators,Asthma,Adults who have ever been told they have asthma (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,1548,14.9,13.9,15.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic06,18,BO1,CAT1,_LTASTH1,RESP046,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Women's Health,Mammogram,Women aged 50-74 who have had a mammogram within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Received a mammogram within the past 2 years,Overall,Overall,2392,72.3,70.4,74.3,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic37,18,BO1,CAT1,_MAM5021,RESP186,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Women's Health,Mammogram,Women aged 50+ who have had a mammogram within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,3165,69.9,68.2,71.6,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic37,18,BO1,CAT1,_MAM502Y,RESP046,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Immunization,Pneumonia Vaccination,Adults aged 65+ who have ever had a pneumonia vaccination (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,2752,70.4,68.5,72.3,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS11,Topic46,18,BO1,CAT1,_PNEUMO2,RESP046,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Alcohol Consumption,Binge Drinking,"Binge drinkers (males having five or more drinks on one occasion, females having four or more drinks on one occasion) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions)",Yes,Overall,Overall,1123,15.6,14.5,16.6,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS01,Topic07,18,BO1,CAT1,_RFBING5,RESP046,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Colorectal Cancer Screening,Blood Stool Test,Adults aged 50+ who have had a blood stool test within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,966,12.6,11.7,13.5,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic08,18,BO1,CAT1,_RFBLDS2,RESP046,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Colorectal Cancer Screening,Blood Stool Test,Adults aged 50-75 who have had a blood stool test within the past year (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Had a blood stool test in the past year,Overall,Overall,469,8.2,7.3,9.1,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic08,18,BO1,CAT1,_RFBLDS3,RESP190,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Alcohol Consumption,Heavy Drinking,Heavy drinkers (adult men having more than two drinks per day and adult women having more than one drink per day) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,494,5.3,4.6,5.9,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS01,Topic30,18,BO1,CAT1,_RFDRHV4,RESP046,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Health Status,Fair or Poor Health,Health Status (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Good or Better Health,Overall,Overall,9080,81.8,80.9,82.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic24,18,BO1,CAT1,_RFHLTH,RESP061,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Women's Health,Mammogram,Women aged 40+ who have had a mammogram within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,3654,66.1,64.3,67.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic37,18,BO1,CAT1,_RFMAM2Y,RESP046,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Women's Health,Pap Test,Women aged 18+ who have had a pap test within the past three years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,2826,69.2,67.3,71.1,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic42,18,BO1,CAT1,_RFPAP32,RESP046,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Women's Health,Pap Test,Women aged 21-65 who have had a pap test in the past three years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Received a Pap test within the past 3 years,Overall,Overall,2215,78,75.9,80,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic42,18,BO1,CAT1,_RFPAP33,RESP188,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Prostate Cancer,PSA Test,Men aged 40+ who have had a PSA test within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,1538,38.4,36.5,40.4,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS16,Topic47,18,BO1,CAT1,_RFPSA21,RESP046,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Injury,Seatbelt Use,Always wears a seat belt? (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Always Wears a Seatbelt,Overall,Overall,9590,84.7,83.7,85.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS12,Topic50,18,BO1,CAT1,_RFSEAT3,RESP184,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Colorectal Cancer Screening,Sigmoidoscopy,Adults aged 50+ who have ever had a sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,5100,65.6,64.2,66.9,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic52,18,BO1,CAT1,_RFSIGM2,RESP046,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Tobacco Use,Current Smoker Status,Adults who are current smokers (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,1930,23.4,22.2,24.6,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic15,18,BO1,CAT1,_RFSMOK3,RESP046,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Tobacco Use,Smoker Status,Four Level Smoking Status (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Smoke everyday,Overall,Overall,1426,17.2,16.1,18.3,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic55,18,BO1,CAT1,_SMOKER3,RESP068,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Physical Activity,Exercise,"During the past month, did you participate in any physical activities? (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions)",Yes,Overall,Overall,8309,74.6,73.5,75.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS15,Topic23,18,BO1,CAT1,_TOTINDA,RESP046,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Chronic Health Indicators,Depression,Ever told you that you have a form of depression?,No,Overall,Overall,9150,79.2,78.1,80.3,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic17,18,BO1,CAT1,ADDEPEV2,RESP054,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Demographics,Disability status,"Are you blind or do you have serious difficulty seeing, even when wearing glasses?",No,Overall,Overall,10491,95.7,95.2,96.2,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,18,BO1,CAT1,BLIND,RESP054,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Chronic Health Indicators,COPD,Ever told you have COPD?,No,Overall,Overall,10263,91.8,91.2,92.5,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic14,18,BO1,CAT1,CHCCOPD1,RESP054,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Chronic Health Indicators,Kidney,Ever told you have kidney disease?,No,Overall,Overall,11078,97.5,97.2,97.8,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic35,18,BO1,CAT1,CHCKIDNY,RESP054,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Chronic Health Indicators,Other Cancer,Ever told you had any other types of cancer?,No,Overall,Overall,10365,94.2,93.7,94.6,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic40,18,BO1,CAT1,CHCOCNCR,RESP054,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Chronic Health Indicators,Skin Cancer,Ever told you had skin cancer?,No,Overall,Overall,10456,95,94.6,95.4,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic53,18,BO1,CAT1,CHCSCNCR,RESP054,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Health Care Access/Coverage,Last Checkup,About how long has it been since you last visited a doctor for a routine checkup?,Within the past 2 years,Overall,Overall,1325,13.6,12.7,14.5,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic36,18,BO1,CAT1,CHECKUP1,RESP064,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Chronic Health Indicators,Cardiovascular Disease,Ever told you had angina or coronary heart disease?,No,Overall,Overall,10640,95.9,95.5,96.2,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic10,18,BO1,CAT1,CVDCRHD4,RESP054,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Chronic Health Indicators,Cardiovascular Disease,Ever told you had a heart attack (myocardial infarction)?,No,Overall,Overall,10652,95.5,95.1,95.9,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic10,18,BO1,CAT1,CVDINFR4,RESP054,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Chronic Health Indicators,Cardiovascular Disease,Ever told you had a stroke?,No,Overall,Overall,10989,97.1,96.8,97.5,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic10,18,BO1,CAT1,CVDSTRK3,RESP054,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Demographics,Disability status,"Do you have serious difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions?",No,Overall,Overall,9953,89.2,88.3,90,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,18,BO1,CAT1,DECIDE,RESP054,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Chronic Health Indicators,Diabetes,Have you ever been told by a doctor that you have diabetes?,"Yes, pregnancy-related",Overall,Overall,77,0.8,0.6,1.1,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic18,18,BO1,CAT1,DIABETE3,RESP051,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Demographics,Disability status,Do you have difficulty doing errands alone?,No,Overall,Overall,10090,92.6,91.9,93.3,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,18,BO1,CAT1,DIFFALON,RESP054,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Demographics,Disability status,Do you have difficulty dressing or bathing?,No,Overall,Overall,10534,96.3,95.8,96.7,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,18,BO1,CAT1,DIFFDRES,RESP054,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Demographics,Disability status,Do you have serious difficulty walking or climbing stairs?,No,Overall,Overall,8909,86,85.2,86.8,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,18,BO1,CAT1,DIFFWALK,RESP054,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Alcohol Consumption,Alcohol Consumption,Adults who have had at least one drink of alcohol within the past 30 days,No,Overall,Overall,6015,51.5,50.1,52.8,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS01,Topic03,18,BO1,CAT1,DRNKANY5,RESP054,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Health Status,Overall Health,How is your general health?,Very good,Overall,Overall,3651,30.8,29.6,32,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic41,18,BO1,CAT1,GENHLTH,RESP057,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,HIV-AIDS,HIV Test,Have you ever been tested for HIV?,No,Overall,Overall,7960,68.4,67.1,69.8,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS09,Topic32,18,BO1,CAT1,HIVTST6,RESP054,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Health Care Access/Coverage,Health Care Coverage,Do you have any kind of health care coverage?,No,Overall,Overall,1016,15.7,14.6,16.8,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic29,18,BO1,CAT1,HLTHPLN1,RESP054,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Demographics,Internet,Have you used the internet in the past 30 days?,No,Overall,Overall,2808,18,17.1,18.9,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic34,18,BO1,CAT1,INTERNET,RESP054,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Health Care Access/Coverage,Health Care Cost,Was there a time in the past 12 months when you needed to see a doctor but could not because of cost?,No,Overall,Overall,10287,84.3,83.2,85.3,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic28,18,BO1,CAT1,MEDCOST,RESP054,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Health Care Access/Coverage,Personal Care Provider,Do you have one person you think of as your personal doctor or health care provider?,More than one,Overall,Overall,792,6.2,5.6,6.8,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic43,18,BO1,CAT1,PERSDOC2,RESP053,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Demographics,Disability status,"Adults who are limited in any activities because of physical, mental, or emotional problems",No,Overall,Overall,8270,78.7,77.7,79.8,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,18,BO1,CAT1,QLACTLM2,RESP054,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Immunization,Shingle Vaccination,Have you ever had the shingles or zoster vaccine?,No,Overall,Overall,5649,79.8,78.8,80.9,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS11,Topic63,18,BO1,CAT1,SHINGLE2,RESP054,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Demographics,Disability status,Adults with health problem(s) that requires the use of special equipment,No,Overall,Overall,9639,91.4,90.7,92,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,18,BO1,CAT1,USEEQUIP,RESP054,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Tobacco Use,Smokeless Tobacco,"Do you currently use chewing tobacco, snuff, or snus?",Some days,Overall,Overall,142,2.2,1.7,2.7,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic54,18,BO1,CAT1,USENOW3,RESP080,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Demographics,Veteran Status,Have you ever served on active duty in the United States Armed Forces?,No,Overall,Overall,10059,89.5,88.8,90.2,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic61,18,BO1,CAT1,VETERAN3,RESP054,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Oral Health,All Teeth Removed,Adults aged 65+ who have had all their natural teeth extracted (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,3326,81.6,80,83.3,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS13,Topic04,18,BO1,CAT1,_ALTETH2,RESP054,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Overweight and Obesity (BMI),BMI Categories,Weight classification by Body Mass Index (BMI) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Overweight (BMI 25.0-29.9),Overall,Overall,3748,33.4,32.1,34.7,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS14,Topic09,18,BO1,CAT1,_BMI5CAT,RESP040,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Chronic Health Indicators,Asthma,Adults who have been told they currently have asthma (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,10287,89.2,88.4,90.1,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic06,18,BO1,CAT1,_CASTHM1,RESP054,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Colorectal Cancer Screening,USPSTF Recommendations,Respondents aged 50-75 who have fully met the USPSTF recommendation (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Did not meet USPSTF recommendations for testing,Overall,Overall,1863,38.1,36.5,39.7,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic64,18,BO1,CAT1,_CRCREC,RESP193,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2013,AL,Alabama,Chronic Health Indicators,Asthma,Adults who have been told they currently have asthma (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,601,8.5,7.5,9.4,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic06,01,BO1,CAT1,_CASTHM1,RESP046,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Oral Health,Dental Visit,Visited the dentist or dental clinic within the past year for any reason (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,3871,38.8,37.5,40.1,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS13,Topic16,18,BO1,CAT1,_DENVST2,RESP054,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Chronic Health Indicators,Arthritis,Adults who have been told they have arthritis (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,7053,72.9,71.9,73.9,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic05,18,BO1,CAT1,_DRDXAR1,RESP054,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Oral Health,Teeth Removed,Adults that have had any permanent teeth extracted (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,5058,54.2,52.9,55.4,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS13,Topic57,18,BO1,CAT1,_EXTETH2,RESP054,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Immunization,Flu Shot,Adults aged 65+ who have had a flu shot within the past year (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,1654,43.2,41.2,45.2,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS11,Topic26,18,BO1,CAT1,_FLSHOT6,RESP054,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Health Care Access/Coverage,Under 65 Coverage,Adults aged 18-64 who have any kind of health care coverage (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,959,18.7,17.4,20,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic59,18,BO1,CAT1,_HCVU651,RESP054,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Chronic Health Indicators,Asthma,Adults who have ever been told they have asthma (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,9941,85.1,84.2,86.1,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic06,18,BO1,CAT1,_LTASTH1,RESP054,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Women's Health,Mammogram,Women aged 50-74 who have had a mammogram within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Did not receive a mammogram within the past 2 years,Overall,Overall,873,27.7,25.7,29.6,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic37,18,BO1,CAT1,_MAM5021,RESP187,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Women's Health,Mammogram,Women aged 50+ who have had a mammogram within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,1337,30.1,28.4,31.8,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic37,18,BO1,CAT1,_MAM502Y,RESP054,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Immunization,Pneumonia Vaccination,Adults aged 65+ who have ever had a pneumonia vaccination (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,1109,29.6,27.7,31.5,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS11,Topic46,18,BO1,CAT1,_PNEUMO2,RESP054,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Alcohol Consumption,Binge Drinking,"Binge drinkers (males having five or more drinks on one occasion, females having four or more drinks on one occasion) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions)",No,Overall,Overall,9681,84.4,83.4,85.5,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS01,Topic07,18,BO1,CAT1,_RFBING5,RESP054,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Colorectal Cancer Screening,Blood Stool Test,Adults aged 50+ who have had a blood stool test within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,6277,87.4,86.5,88.3,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic08,18,BO1,CAT1,_RFBLDS2,RESP054,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Colorectal Cancer Screening,Blood Stool Test,Adults aged 50-75 who have had a blood stool test within the past year (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Have not had a blood stool test in the past year,Overall,Overall,5176,91.8,90.9,92.7,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic08,18,BO1,CAT1,_RFBLDS3,RESP191,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Alcohol Consumption,Heavy Drinking,Heavy drinkers (adult men having more than two drinks per day and adult women having more than one drink per day) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,10311,94.7,94.1,95.4,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS01,Topic30,18,BO1,CAT1,_RFDRHV4,RESP054,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Health Status,Fair or Poor Health,Health Status (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Fair or Poor Health,Overall,Overall,2351,18.2,17.2,19.1,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic24,18,BO1,CAT1,_RFHLTH,RESP062,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Women's Health,Mammogram,Women aged 40+ who have had a mammogram within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,1649,33.9,32.2,35.7,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic37,18,BO1,CAT1,_RFMAM2Y,RESP054,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Women's Health,Pap Test,Women aged 18+ who have had a pap test within the past three years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,1304,30.8,28.9,32.7,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic42,18,BO1,CAT1,_RFPAP32,RESP054,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Women's Health,Pap Test,Women aged 21-65 who have had a pap test in the past three years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Did not receive a Pap test within the past 3 years,Overall,Overall,596,22,20,24.1,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic42,18,BO1,CAT1,_RFPAP33,RESP189,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Prostate Cancer,PSA Test,Men aged 40+ who have had a PSA test within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,1788,61.6,59.6,63.5,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS16,Topic47,18,BO1,CAT1,_RFPSA21,RESP054,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Injury,Seatbelt Use,Always wears a seat belt? (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Does Not Always Wear a Seatbelt,Overall,Overall,1266,15.3,14.2,16.3,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS12,Topic50,18,BO1,CAT1,_RFSEAT3,RESP185,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Colorectal Cancer Screening,Sigmoidoscopy,Adults aged 50+ who have ever had a sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,2208,34.4,33.1,35.8,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic52,18,BO1,CAT1,_RFSIGM2,RESP054,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Tobacco Use,Current Smoker Status,Adults who are current smokers (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,9048,76.6,75.4,77.8,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic15,18,BO1,CAT1,_RFSMOK3,RESP054,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Tobacco Use,Smoker Status,Four Level Smoking Status (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Smoke some days,Overall,Overall,504,6.2,5.5,6.9,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic55,18,BO1,CAT1,_SMOKER3,RESP069,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Physical Activity,Exercise,"During the past month, did you participate in any physical activities? (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions)",No,Overall,Overall,3201,25.4,24.2,26.5,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS15,Topic23,18,BO1,CAT1,_TOTINDA,RESP054,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Health Care Access/Coverage,Last Checkup,About how long has it been since you last visited a doctor for a routine checkup?,Within the past 5 years,Overall,Overall,824,9.9,9.1,10.8,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic36,18,BO1,CAT1,CHECKUP1,RESP065,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Chronic Health Indicators,Diabetes,Have you ever been told by a doctor that you have diabetes?,"No, pre-diabetes or borderline diabetes",Overall,Overall,146,1,0.7,1.2,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic18,18,BO1,CAT1,DIABETE3,RESP052,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Health Status,Overall Health,How is your general health?,Good,Overall,Overall,3783,35.1,33.8,36.3,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic41,18,BO1,CAT1,GENHLTH,RESP058,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Health Care Access/Coverage,Personal Care Provider,Do you have one person you think of as your personal doctor or health care provider?,No,Overall,Overall,1418,21.2,20,22.4,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic43,18,BO1,CAT1,PERSDOC2,RESP054,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Tobacco Use,Smokeless Tobacco,"Do you currently use chewing tobacco, snuff, or snus?",Not at all,Overall,Overall,10676,95.6,94.9,96.2,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic54,18,BO1,CAT1,USENOW3,RESP081,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Overweight and Obesity (BMI),BMI Categories,Weight classification by Body Mass Index (BMI) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Normal Weight (BMI 18.5-24.9),Overall,Overall,3358,32.1,30.8,33.4,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS14,Topic09,18,BO1,CAT1,_BMI5CAT,RESP041,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Tobacco Use,Smoker Status,Four Level Smoking Status (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Former smoker,Overall,Overall,3118,23,21.9,24,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic55,18,BO1,CAT1,_SMOKER3,RESP070,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Health Care Access/Coverage,Last Checkup,About how long has it been since you last visited a doctor for a routine checkup?,5 or more years ago,Overall,Overall,929,12.3,11.3,13.2,4,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic36,18,BO1,CAT1,CHECKUP1,RESP066,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Chronic Health Indicators,Diabetes,Have you ever been told by a doctor that you have diabetes?,No,Overall,Overall,9629,88.5,87.8,89.1,4,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic18,18,BO1,CAT1,DIABETE3,RESP054,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Health Status,Overall Health,How is your general health?,Fair,Overall,Overall,1623,13,12.2,13.9,4,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic41,18,BO1,CAT1,GENHLTH,RESP059,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Overweight and Obesity (BMI),BMI Categories,Weight classification by Body Mass Index (BMI) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Underweight (BMI 12.0-18.4),Overall,Overall,203,2.2,1.8,2.7,4,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS14,Topic09,18,BO1,CAT1,_BMI5CAT,RESP042,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Tobacco Use,Smoker Status,Four Level Smoking Status (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Never smoked,Overall,Overall,5930,53.7,52.3,55,4,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic55,18,BO1,CAT1,_SMOKER3,RESP071,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Health Care Access/Coverage,Last Checkup,About how long has it been since you last visited a doctor for a routine checkup?,Never,Overall,Overall,66,0,0,0,5,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic36,18,BO1,CAT1,CHECKUP1,RESP067,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IN,Indiana,Health Status,Overall Health,How is your general health?,Poor,Overall,Overall,728,5.1,4.6,5.6,5,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic41,18,BO1,CAT1,GENHLTH,RESP060,"(39.766910452000445, -86.14996019399968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Chronic Health Indicators,Depression,Ever told you that you have a form of depression?,Yes,Overall,Overall,1460,18.9,17.7,20.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic17,19,BO1,CAT1,ADDEPEV2,RESP046,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Demographics,Disability status,"Are you blind or do you have serious difficulty seeing, even when wearing glasses?",Yes,Overall,Overall,278,2.6,2.2,3.1,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,19,BO1,CAT1,BLIND,RESP046,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Chronic Health Indicators,COPD,Ever told you have COPD?,Yes,Overall,Overall,561,5.2,4.6,5.7,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic14,19,BO1,CAT1,CHCCOPD1,RESP046,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Chronic Health Indicators,Kidney,Ever told you have kidney disease?,Yes,Overall,Overall,263,2.5,2,3,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic35,19,BO1,CAT1,CHCKIDNY,RESP046,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Chronic Health Indicators,Other Cancer,Ever told you had any other types of cancer?,Yes,Overall,Overall,773,5.9,5.4,6.5,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic40,19,BO1,CAT1,CHCOCNCR,RESP046,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Chronic Health Indicators,Skin Cancer,Ever told you had skin cancer?,Yes,Overall,Overall,744,5.1,4.6,5.5,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic53,19,BO1,CAT1,CHCSCNCR,RESP046,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Health Care Access/Coverage,Last Checkup,About how long has it been since you last visited a doctor for a routine checkup?,Within the past year,Overall,Overall,6144,70.3,68.8,71.7,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic36,19,BO1,CAT1,CHECKUP1,RESP063,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Chronic Health Indicators,Cardiovascular Disease,Ever told you had angina or coronary heart disease?,Yes,Overall,Overall,454,3.6,3.2,4,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic10,19,BO1,CAT1,CVDCRHD4,RESP046,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Chronic Health Indicators,Cardiovascular Disease,Ever told you had a heart attack (myocardial infarction)?,Yes,Overall,Overall,489,3.8,3.3,4.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic10,19,BO1,CAT1,CVDINFR4,RESP046,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Chronic Health Indicators,Cardiovascular Disease,Ever told you had a stroke?,Yes,Overall,Overall,296,2.4,2,2.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic10,19,BO1,CAT1,CVDSTRK3,RESP046,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Demographics,Disability status,"Do you have serious difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions?",Yes,Overall,Overall,603,8.4,7.5,9.4,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,19,BO1,CAT1,DECIDE,RESP046,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Chronic Health Indicators,Diabetes,Have you ever been told by a doctor that you have diabetes?,Yes,Overall,Overall,1000,8.4,7.7,9,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic18,19,BO1,CAT1,DIABETE3,RESP046,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Demographics,Disability status,Do you have difficulty doing errands alone?,Yes,Overall,Overall,480,4.8,4.1,5.4,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,19,BO1,CAT1,DIFFALON,RESP046,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2013,AZ,Arizona,Demographics,Disability status,"Do you have serious difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions?",Yes,Overall,Overall,452,10.8,9.1,12.5,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,04,BO1,CAT1,DECIDE,RESP046,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Demographics,Disability status,Do you have difficulty dressing or bathing?,Yes,Overall,Overall,274,2.6,2.2,3.1,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,19,BO1,CAT1,DIFFDRES,RESP046,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Demographics,Disability status,Do you have serious difficulty walking or climbing stairs?,Yes,Overall,Overall,1214,10.8,9.9,11.6,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,19,BO1,CAT1,DIFFWALK,RESP046,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Alcohol Consumption,Alcohol Consumption,Adults who have had at least one drink of alcohol within the past 30 days,Yes,Overall,Overall,4205,59.7,58.1,61.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS01,Topic03,19,BO1,CAT1,DRNKANY5,RESP046,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Health Status,Overall Health,How is your general health?,Excellent,Overall,Overall,1333,19.2,17.9,20.5,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic41,19,BO1,CAT1,GENHLTH,RESP056,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,HIV-AIDS,HIV Test,Have you ever been tested for HIV?,Yes,Overall,Overall,1407,26.3,24.8,27.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS09,Topic32,19,BO1,CAT1,HIVTST6,RESP046,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Health Care Access/Coverage,Health Care Coverage,Do you have any kind of health care coverage?,Yes,Overall,Overall,7712,91.6,90.6,92.6,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic29,19,BO1,CAT1,HLTHPLN1,RESP046,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Demographics,Internet,Have you used the internet in the past 30 days?,Yes,Overall,Overall,6175,85.3,84.4,86.1,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic34,19,BO1,CAT1,INTERNET,RESP046,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Health Care Access/Coverage,Health Care Cost,Was there a time in the past 12 months when you needed to see a doctor but could not because of cost?,Yes,Overall,Overall,540,9.3,8.3,10.3,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic28,19,BO1,CAT1,MEDCOST,RESP046,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Health Care Access/Coverage,Personal Care Provider,Do you have one person you think of as your personal doctor or health care provider?,"Yes, only one",Overall,Overall,6428,71.5,70.1,73,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic43,19,BO1,CAT1,PERSDOC2,RESP050,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Demographics,Disability status,"Adults who are limited in any activities because of physical, mental, or emotional problems",Yes,Overall,Overall,1822,18,17,19.1,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,19,BO1,CAT1,QLACTLM2,RESP046,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Immunization,Shingle Vaccination,Have you ever had the shingles or zoster vaccine?,Yes,Overall,Overall,1610,27.4,26.1,28.6,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS11,Topic63,19,BO1,CAT1,SHINGLE2,RESP046,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Demographics,Disability status,Adults with health problem(s) that requires the use of special equipment,Yes,Overall,Overall,873,6.9,6.3,7.5,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,19,BO1,CAT1,USEEQUIP,RESP046,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Tobacco Use,Smokeless Tobacco,"Do you currently use chewing tobacco, snuff, or snus?",Every day,Overall,Overall,165,3.5,2.8,4.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic54,19,BO1,CAT1,USENOW3,RESP079,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Demographics,Veteran Status,Have you ever served on active duty in the United States Armed Forces?,Yes,Overall,Overall,1025,10,9.2,10.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic61,19,BO1,CAT1,VETERAN3,RESP046,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Oral Health,All Teeth Removed,Adults aged 65+ who have had all their natural teeth extracted (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,407,15,13.4,16.7,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS13,Topic04,19,BO1,CAT1,_ALTETH2,RESP046,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Overweight and Obesity (BMI),BMI Categories,Weight classification by Body Mass Index (BMI) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Obese (BMI 30.0 - 99.8),Overall,Overall,2407,30.3,28.8,31.7,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS14,Topic09,19,BO1,CAT1,_BMI5CAT,RESP039,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Chronic Health Indicators,Asthma,Adults who have been told they currently have asthma (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,613,8.6,7.7,9.6,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic06,19,BO1,CAT1,_CASTHM1,RESP046,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Colorectal Cancer Screening,USPSTF Recommendations,Respondents aged 50-75 who have fully met the USPSTF recommendation (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Met USPSTF recommendations for testing,Overall,Overall,2725,67.6,65.8,69.4,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic64,19,BO1,CAT1,_CRCREC,RESP192,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Oral Health,Dental Visit,Visited the dentist or dental clinic within the past year for any reason (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,5814,69.2,67.7,70.7,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS13,Topic16,19,BO1,CAT1,_DENVST2,RESP046,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Chronic Health Indicators,Arthritis,Adults who have been told they have arthritis (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,2798,23.3,22.3,24.3,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic05,19,BO1,CAT1,_DRDXAR1,RESP046,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Oral Health,Teeth Removed,Adults that have had any permanent teeth extracted (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,3841,37.4,36.1,38.7,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS13,Topic57,19,BO1,CAT1,_EXTETH2,RESP046,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Immunization,Flu Shot,Adults aged 65+ who have had a flu shot within the past year (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,1873,66.9,64.9,69,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS11,Topic26,19,BO1,CAT1,_FLSHOT6,RESP046,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Health Care Access/Coverage,Under 65 Coverage,Adults aged 18-64 who have any kind of health care coverage (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,4719,90,88.8,91.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic59,19,BO1,CAT1,_HCVU651,RESP046,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Chronic Health Indicators,Asthma,Adults who have ever been told they have asthma (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,915,13.5,12.3,14.7,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic06,19,BO1,CAT1,_LTASTH1,RESP046,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Women's Health,Mammogram,Women aged 50-74 who have had a mammogram within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Received a mammogram within the past 2 years,Overall,Overall,1773,80.8,78.7,82.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic37,19,BO1,CAT1,_MAM5021,RESP186,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Women's Health,Mammogram,Women aged 50+ who have had a mammogram within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,2354,78.1,76.3,79.9,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic37,19,BO1,CAT1,_MAM502Y,RESP046,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Immunization,Pneumonia Vaccination,Adults aged 65+ who have ever had a pneumonia vaccination (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,1963,72,70,74,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS11,Topic46,19,BO1,CAT1,_PNEUMO2,RESP046,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Alcohol Consumption,Binge Drinking,"Binge drinkers (males having five or more drinks on one occasion, females having four or more drinks on one occasion) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions)",Yes,Overall,Overall,1119,23.1,21.6,24.5,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS01,Topic07,19,BO1,CAT1,_RFBING5,RESP046,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Colorectal Cancer Screening,Blood Stool Test,Adults aged 50+ who have had a blood stool test within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,624,11.3,10.3,12.3,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic08,19,BO1,CAT1,_RFBLDS2,RESP046,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Colorectal Cancer Screening,Blood Stool Test,Adults aged 50-75 who have had a blood stool test within the past year (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Had a blood stool test in the past year,Overall,Overall,276,6.7,5.8,7.6,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic08,19,BO1,CAT1,_RFBLDS3,RESP190,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Alcohol Consumption,Heavy Drinking,Heavy drinkers (adult men having more than two drinks per day and adult women having more than one drink per day) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,393,6.5,5.7,7.4,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS01,Topic30,19,BO1,CAT1,_RFDRHV4,RESP046,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Health Status,Fair or Poor Health,Health Status (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Good or Better Health,Overall,Overall,6857,87.3,86.3,88.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic24,19,BO1,CAT1,_RFHLTH,RESP061,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Women's Health,Mammogram,Women aged 40+ who have had a mammogram within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,2745,74.7,72.7,76.6,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic37,19,BO1,CAT1,_RFMAM2Y,RESP046,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Women's Health,Pap Test,Women aged 18+ who have had a pap test within the past three years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,2306,74.9,72.8,77.1,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic42,19,BO1,CAT1,_RFPAP32,RESP046,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Women's Health,Pap Test,Women aged 21-65 who have had a pap test in the past three years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Received a Pap test within the past 3 years,Overall,Overall,1799,84.5,82.4,86.6,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic42,19,BO1,CAT1,_RFPAP33,RESP188,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Prostate Cancer,PSA Test,Men aged 40+ who have had a PSA test within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,1155,40.9,38.5,43.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS16,Topic47,19,BO1,CAT1,_RFPSA21,RESP046,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Injury,Seatbelt Use,Always wears a seat belt? (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Always Wears a Seatbelt,Overall,Overall,6709,84.9,83.7,86.1,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS12,Topic50,19,BO1,CAT1,_RFSEAT3,RESP184,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Colorectal Cancer Screening,Sigmoidoscopy,Adults aged 50+ who have ever had a sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,3766,71.3,69.8,72.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic52,19,BO1,CAT1,_RFSIGM2,RESP046,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Tobacco Use,Current Smoker Status,Adults who are current smokers (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,1165,19.1,17.8,20.4,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic15,19,BO1,CAT1,_RFSMOK3,RESP046,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Tobacco Use,Smoker Status,Four Level Smoking Status (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Smoke everyday,Overall,Overall,894,14,12.9,15.1,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic55,19,BO1,CAT1,_SMOKER3,RESP068,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Physical Activity,Exercise,"During the past month, did you participate in any physical activities? (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions)",Yes,Overall,Overall,6076,78.5,77.4,79.7,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS15,Topic23,19,BO1,CAT1,_TOTINDA,RESP046,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Chronic Health Indicators,Depression,Ever told you that you have a form of depression?,No,Overall,Overall,6635,81.1,79.8,82.3,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic17,19,BO1,CAT1,ADDEPEV2,RESP054,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Demographics,Disability status,"Are you blind or do you have serious difficulty seeing, even when wearing glasses?",No,Overall,Overall,7537,97.4,96.9,97.8,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,19,BO1,CAT1,BLIND,RESP054,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Chronic Health Indicators,COPD,Ever told you have COPD?,No,Overall,Overall,7530,94.8,94.3,95.4,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic14,19,BO1,CAT1,CHCCOPD1,RESP054,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Chronic Health Indicators,Kidney,Ever told you have kidney disease?,No,Overall,Overall,7836,97.5,97,98,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic35,19,BO1,CAT1,CHCKIDNY,RESP054,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Chronic Health Indicators,Other Cancer,Ever told you had any other types of cancer?,No,Overall,Overall,7342,94.1,93.5,94.6,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic40,19,BO1,CAT1,CHCOCNCR,RESP054,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Chronic Health Indicators,Skin Cancer,Ever told you had skin cancer?,No,Overall,Overall,7372,94.9,94.5,95.4,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic53,19,BO1,CAT1,CHCSCNCR,RESP054,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Health Care Access/Coverage,Last Checkup,About how long has it been since you last visited a doctor for a routine checkup?,Within the past 2 years,Overall,Overall,851,12.9,11.8,14,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic36,19,BO1,CAT1,CHECKUP1,RESP064,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Chronic Health Indicators,Cardiovascular Disease,Ever told you had angina or coronary heart disease?,No,Overall,Overall,7595,96.4,96,96.8,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic10,19,BO1,CAT1,CVDCRHD4,RESP054,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Chronic Health Indicators,Cardiovascular Disease,Ever told you had a heart attack (myocardial infarction)?,No,Overall,Overall,7609,96.2,95.8,96.7,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic10,19,BO1,CAT1,CVDINFR4,RESP054,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Chronic Health Indicators,Cardiovascular Disease,Ever told you had a stroke?,No,Overall,Overall,7808,97.6,97.2,98,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic10,19,BO1,CAT1,CVDSTRK3,RESP054,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Demographics,Disability status,"Do you have serious difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions?",No,Overall,Overall,7193,91.6,90.6,92.5,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,19,BO1,CAT1,DECIDE,RESP054,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Chronic Health Indicators,Diabetes,Have you ever been told by a doctor that you have diabetes?,"Yes, pregnancy-related",Overall,Overall,53,0.9,0.6,1.2,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic18,19,BO1,CAT1,DIABETE3,RESP051,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Demographics,Disability status,Do you have difficulty doing errands alone?,No,Overall,Overall,7304,95.2,94.6,95.9,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,19,BO1,CAT1,DIFFALON,RESP054,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Demographics,Disability status,Do you have difficulty dressing or bathing?,No,Overall,Overall,7526,97.4,96.9,97.8,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,19,BO1,CAT1,DIFFDRES,RESP054,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Demographics,Disability status,Do you have serious difficulty walking or climbing stairs?,No,Overall,Overall,6572,89.2,88.4,90.1,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,19,BO1,CAT1,DIFFWALK,RESP054,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Alcohol Consumption,Alcohol Consumption,Adults who have had at least one drink of alcohol within the past 30 days,No,Overall,Overall,3517,40.3,38.8,41.9,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS01,Topic03,19,BO1,CAT1,DRNKANY5,RESP054,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Health Status,Overall Health,How is your general health?,Very good,Overall,Overall,2924,37.2,35.7,38.7,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic41,19,BO1,CAT1,GENHLTH,RESP057,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,HIV-AIDS,HIV Test,Have you ever been tested for HIV?,No,Overall,Overall,5976,73.7,72.2,75.2,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS09,Topic32,19,BO1,CAT1,HIVTST6,RESP054,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Health Care Access/Coverage,Health Care Coverage,Do you have any kind of health care coverage?,No,Overall,Overall,397,8.4,7.4,9.4,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic29,19,BO1,CAT1,HLTHPLN1,RESP054,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Demographics,Internet,Have you used the internet in the past 30 days?,No,Overall,Overall,1826,14.7,13.9,15.6,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic34,19,BO1,CAT1,INTERNET,RESP054,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Health Care Access/Coverage,Health Care Cost,Was there a time in the past 12 months when you needed to see a doctor but could not because of cost?,No,Overall,Overall,7577,90.7,89.7,91.7,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic28,19,BO1,CAT1,MEDCOST,RESP054,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Health Care Access/Coverage,Personal Care Provider,Do you have one person you think of as your personal doctor or health care provider?,More than one,Overall,Overall,602,7.3,6.5,8.1,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic43,19,BO1,CAT1,PERSDOC2,RESP053,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2013,AZ,Arizona,Chronic Health Indicators,Diabetes,Have you ever been told by a doctor that you have diabetes?,Yes,Overall,Overall,552,9.8,8.4,11.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic18,04,BO1,CAT1,DIABETE3,RESP046,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Demographics,Disability status,"Adults who are limited in any activities because of physical, mental, or emotional problems",No,Overall,Overall,6002,82,80.9,83,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,19,BO1,CAT1,QLACTLM2,RESP054,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Immunization,Shingle Vaccination,Have you ever had the shingles or zoster vaccine?,No,Overall,Overall,3600,72.6,71.4,73.9,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS11,Topic63,19,BO1,CAT1,SHINGLE2,RESP054,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Demographics,Disability status,Adults with health problem(s) that requires the use of special equipment,No,Overall,Overall,6961,93.1,92.5,93.7,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,19,BO1,CAT1,USEEQUIP,RESP054,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Tobacco Use,Smokeless Tobacco,"Do you currently use chewing tobacco, snuff, or snus?",Some days,Overall,Overall,86,2,1.4,2.5,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic54,19,BO1,CAT1,USENOW3,RESP080,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Demographics,Veteran Status,Have you ever served on active duty in the United States Armed Forces?,No,Overall,Overall,7095,90,89.2,90.8,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic61,19,BO1,CAT1,VETERAN3,RESP054,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Oral Health,All Teeth Removed,Adults aged 65+ who have had all their natural teeth extracted (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,2430,85,83.3,86.6,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS13,Topic04,19,BO1,CAT1,_ALTETH2,RESP054,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Overweight and Obesity (BMI),BMI Categories,Weight classification by Body Mass Index (BMI) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Overweight (BMI 25.0-29.9),Overall,Overall,2764,35.6,34,37.1,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS14,Topic09,19,BO1,CAT1,_BMI5CAT,RESP040,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Chronic Health Indicators,Asthma,Adults who have been told they currently have asthma (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,7461,91.4,90.4,92.3,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic06,19,BO1,CAT1,_CASTHM1,RESP054,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Colorectal Cancer Screening,USPSTF Recommendations,Respondents aged 50-75 who have fully met the USPSTF recommendation (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Did not meet USPSTF recommendations for testing,Overall,Overall,1151,32.4,30.6,34.2,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic64,19,BO1,CAT1,_CRCREC,RESP193,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Oral Health,Dental Visit,Visited the dentist or dental clinic within the past year for any reason (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,2266,30.8,29.3,32.3,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS13,Topic16,19,BO1,CAT1,_DENVST2,RESP054,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Chronic Health Indicators,Arthritis,Adults who have been told they have arthritis (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,5299,76.7,75.7,77.7,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic05,19,BO1,CAT1,_DRDXAR1,RESP054,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Oral Health,Teeth Removed,Adults that have had any permanent teeth extracted (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,4121,62.6,61.3,63.9,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS13,Topic57,19,BO1,CAT1,_EXTETH2,RESP054,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2013,AL,Alabama,Cholesterol Awareness,Cholesterol Checked,Adults who have had their blood cholesterol checked within the last five years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Checked in past 5 years,Overall,Overall,5443,75.2,73.3,77.1,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS02,Topic11,01,BO1,CAT1,_CHOLCHK,RESP072,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Immunization,Flu Shot,Adults aged 65+ who have had a flu shot within the past year (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,912,33.1,31,35.1,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS11,Topic26,19,BO1,CAT1,_FLSHOT6,RESP054,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Health Care Access/Coverage,Under 65 Coverage,Adults aged 18-64 who have any kind of health care coverage (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,372,10,8.8,11.2,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic59,19,BO1,CAT1,_HCVU651,RESP054,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Chronic Health Indicators,Asthma,Adults who have ever been told they have asthma (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,7185,86.5,85.3,87.7,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic06,19,BO1,CAT1,_LTASTH1,RESP054,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Women's Health,Mammogram,Women aged 50-74 who have had a mammogram within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Did not receive a mammogram within the past 2 years,Overall,Overall,425,19.2,17.2,21.3,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic37,19,BO1,CAT1,_MAM5021,RESP187,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Women's Health,Mammogram,Women aged 50+ who have had a mammogram within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,684,21.9,20.1,23.7,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic37,19,BO1,CAT1,_MAM502Y,RESP054,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Immunization,Pneumonia Vaccination,Adults aged 65+ who have ever had a pneumonia vaccination (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,744,28,26,30,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS11,Topic46,19,BO1,CAT1,_PNEUMO2,RESP054,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Alcohol Consumption,Binge Drinking,"Binge drinkers (males having five or more drinks on one occasion, females having four or more drinks on one occasion) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions)",No,Overall,Overall,6536,76.9,75.5,78.4,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS01,Topic07,19,BO1,CAT1,_RFBING5,RESP054,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Colorectal Cancer Screening,Blood Stool Test,Adults aged 50+ who have had a blood stool test within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,4427,88.7,87.7,89.7,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic08,19,BO1,CAT1,_RFBLDS2,RESP054,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Colorectal Cancer Screening,Blood Stool Test,Adults aged 50-75 who have had a blood stool test within the past year (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Have not had a blood stool test in the past year,Overall,Overall,3650,93.3,92.4,94.2,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic08,19,BO1,CAT1,_RFBLDS3,RESP191,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Alcohol Consumption,Heavy Drinking,Heavy drinkers (adult men having more than two drinks per day and adult women having more than one drink per day) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,7272,93.5,92.6,94.3,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS01,Topic30,19,BO1,CAT1,_RFDRHV4,RESP054,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Health Status,Fair or Poor Health,Health Status (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Fair or Poor Health,Overall,Overall,1257,12.7,11.8,13.7,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic24,19,BO1,CAT1,_RFHLTH,RESP062,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Women's Health,Mammogram,Women aged 40+ who have had a mammogram within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,850,25.3,23.4,27.3,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic37,19,BO1,CAT1,_RFMAM2Y,RESP054,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Women's Health,Pap Test,Women aged 18+ who have had a pap test within the past three years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,820,25.1,22.9,27.2,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic42,19,BO1,CAT1,_RFPAP32,RESP054,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Women's Health,Pap Test,Women aged 21-65 who have had a pap test in the past three years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Did not receive a Pap test within the past 3 years,Overall,Overall,319,15.5,13.4,17.6,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic42,19,BO1,CAT1,_RFPAP33,RESP189,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Prostate Cancer,PSA Test,Men aged 40+ who have had a PSA test within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,1236,59.1,56.8,61.5,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS16,Topic47,19,BO1,CAT1,_RFPSA21,RESP054,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Injury,Seatbelt Use,Always wears a seat belt? (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Does Not Always Wear a Seatbelt,Overall,Overall,976,15.1,13.9,16.3,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS12,Topic50,19,BO1,CAT1,_RFSEAT3,RESP185,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Colorectal Cancer Screening,Sigmoidoscopy,Adults aged 50+ who have ever had a sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,1365,28.7,27.2,30.2,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic52,19,BO1,CAT1,_RFSIGM2,RESP054,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Tobacco Use,Current Smoker Status,Adults who are current smokers (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,6586,80.9,79.6,82.2,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic15,19,BO1,CAT1,_RFSMOK3,RESP054,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Tobacco Use,Smoker Status,Four Level Smoking Status (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Smoke some days,Overall,Overall,271,5.1,4.3,5.9,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic55,19,BO1,CAT1,_SMOKER3,RESP069,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Physical Activity,Exercise,"During the past month, did you participate in any physical activities? (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions)",No,Overall,Overall,2045,21.5,20.3,22.6,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS15,Topic23,19,BO1,CAT1,_TOTINDA,RESP054,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Health Care Access/Coverage,Last Checkup,About how long has it been since you last visited a doctor for a routine checkup?,Within the past 5 years,Overall,Overall,472,8.1,7.2,9,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic36,19,BO1,CAT1,CHECKUP1,RESP065,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Chronic Health Indicators,Diabetes,Have you ever been told by a doctor that you have diabetes?,"No, pre-diabetes or borderline diabetes",Overall,Overall,149,1.4,1.1,1.8,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic18,19,BO1,CAT1,DIABETE3,RESP052,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Health Status,Overall Health,How is your general health?,Good,Overall,Overall,2600,30.8,29.4,32.2,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic41,19,BO1,CAT1,GENHLTH,RESP058,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Health Care Access/Coverage,Personal Care Provider,Do you have one person you think of as your personal doctor or health care provider?,No,Overall,Overall,1064,21.1,19.8,22.5,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic43,19,BO1,CAT1,PERSDOC2,RESP054,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2013,AL,Alabama,Chronic Health Indicators,Arthritis,Adults who have been told they have arthritis (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,2886,29.5,28.2,30.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic05,01,BO1,CAT1,_DRDXAR1,RESP046,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Tobacco Use,Smokeless Tobacco,"Do you currently use chewing tobacco, snuff, or snus?",Not at all,Overall,Overall,7530,94.5,93.7,95.4,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic54,19,BO1,CAT1,USENOW3,RESP081,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Overweight and Obesity (BMI),BMI Categories,Weight classification by Body Mass Index (BMI) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Normal Weight (BMI 18.5-24.9),Overall,Overall,2292,32.8,31.2,34.3,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS14,Topic09,19,BO1,CAT1,_BMI5CAT,RESP041,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Tobacco Use,Smoker Status,Four Level Smoking Status (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Former smoker,Overall,Overall,2211,24.3,23,25.5,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic55,19,BO1,CAT1,_SMOKER3,RESP070,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Health Care Access/Coverage,Last Checkup,About how long has it been since you last visited a doctor for a routine checkup?,5 or more years ago,Overall,Overall,496,8.8,7.8,9.8,4,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic36,19,BO1,CAT1,CHECKUP1,RESP066,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Chronic Health Indicators,Diabetes,Have you ever been told by a doctor that you have diabetes?,No,Overall,Overall,6917,89.3,88.5,90.1,4,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic18,19,BO1,CAT1,DIABETE3,RESP054,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Health Status,Overall Health,How is your general health?,Fair,Overall,Overall,932,9.9,9,10.8,4,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic41,19,BO1,CAT1,GENHLTH,RESP059,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Overweight and Obesity (BMI),BMI Categories,Weight classification by Body Mass Index (BMI) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Underweight (BMI 12.0-18.4),Overall,Overall,109,1.4,1,1.8,4,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS14,Topic09,19,BO1,CAT1,_BMI5CAT,RESP042,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Tobacco Use,Smoker Status,Four Level Smoking Status (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Never smoked,Overall,Overall,4375,56.6,55.1,58.2,4,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic55,19,BO1,CAT1,_SMOKER3,RESP071,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Health Care Access/Coverage,Last Checkup,About how long has it been since you last visited a doctor for a routine checkup?,Never,Overall,Overall,65,0,0,0,5,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic36,19,BO1,CAT1,CHECKUP1,RESP067,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,IA,Iowa,Health Status,Overall Health,How is your general health?,Poor,Overall,Overall,325,2.8,2.4,3.2,5,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic41,19,BO1,CAT1,GENHLTH,RESP060,"(42.46940091300047, -93.81649055599968)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Chronic Health Indicators,Depression,Ever told you that you have a form of depression?,Yes,Overall,Overall,2589,18.6,17.7,19.4,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic17,20,BO1,CAT1,ADDEPEV2,RESP046,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Demographics,Disability status,"Are you blind or do you have serious difficulty seeing, even when wearing glasses?",Yes,Overall,Overall,592,3.8,3.4,4.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,20,BO1,CAT1,BLIND,RESP046,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Chronic Health Indicators,COPD,Ever told you have COPD?,Yes,Overall,Overall,1089,6.1,5.7,6.6,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic14,20,BO1,CAT1,CHCCOPD1,RESP046,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Chronic Health Indicators,Kidney,Ever told you have kidney disease?,Yes,Overall,Overall,444,2.5,2.2,2.7,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic35,20,BO1,CAT1,CHCKIDNY,RESP046,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Chronic Health Indicators,Other Cancer,Ever told you had any other types of cancer?,Yes,Overall,Overall,1310,6.2,5.8,6.6,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic40,20,BO1,CAT1,CHCOCNCR,RESP046,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Chronic Health Indicators,Skin Cancer,Ever told you had skin cancer?,Yes,Overall,Overall,1209,5.6,5.2,6,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic53,20,BO1,CAT1,CHCSCNCR,RESP046,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Health Care Access/Coverage,Last Checkup,About how long has it been since you last visited a doctor for a routine checkup?,Within the past year,Overall,Overall,9782,67.7,66.6,68.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic36,20,BO1,CAT1,CHECKUP1,RESP063,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Chronic Health Indicators,Cardiovascular Disease,Ever told you had angina or coronary heart disease?,Yes,Overall,Overall,789,3.8,3.5,4.1,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic10,20,BO1,CAT1,CVDCRHD4,RESP046,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Chronic Health Indicators,Cardiovascular Disease,Ever told you had a heart attack (myocardial infarction)?,Yes,Overall,Overall,742,3.8,3.5,4.1,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic10,20,BO1,CAT1,CVDINFR4,RESP046,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Chronic Health Indicators,Cardiovascular Disease,Ever told you had a stroke?,Yes,Overall,Overall,568,2.9,2.6,3.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic10,20,BO1,CAT1,CVDSTRK3,RESP046,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Demographics,Disability status,"Do you have serious difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions?",Yes,Overall,Overall,1262,9.9,9.2,10.6,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,20,BO1,CAT1,DECIDE,RESP046,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Chronic Health Indicators,Diabetes,Have you ever been told by a doctor that you have diabetes?,Yes,Overall,Overall,1768,9.5,9,10,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic18,20,BO1,CAT1,DIABETE3,RESP046,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Demographics,Disability status,Do you have difficulty doing errands alone?,Yes,Overall,Overall,951,6.2,5.7,6.7,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,20,BO1,CAT1,DIFFALON,RESP046,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Demographics,Disability status,Do you have difficulty dressing or bathing?,Yes,Overall,Overall,470,2.9,2.5,3.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,20,BO1,CAT1,DIFFDRES,RESP046,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Demographics,Disability status,Do you have serious difficulty walking or climbing stairs?,Yes,Overall,Overall,2320,12.6,12,13.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,20,BO1,CAT1,DIFFWALK,RESP046,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Alcohol Consumption,Alcohol Consumption,Adults who have had at least one drink of alcohol within the past 30 days,Yes,Overall,Overall,6447,52.2,51.1,53.3,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS01,Topic03,20,BO1,CAT1,DRNKANY5,RESP046,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2013,AZ,Arizona,Demographics,Disability status,Do you have difficulty doing errands alone?,Yes,Overall,Overall,361,6.9,5.4,8.4,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,04,BO1,CAT1,DIFFALON,RESP046,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Health Status,Overall Health,How is your general health?,Excellent,Overall,Overall,2338,19.1,18.2,20,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic41,20,BO1,CAT1,GENHLTH,RESP056,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,HIV-AIDS,HIV Test,Have you ever been tested for HIV?,Yes,Overall,Overall,2788,27.5,26.5,28.6,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS09,Topic32,20,BO1,CAT1,HIVTST6,RESP046,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Health Care Access/Coverage,Health Care Coverage,Do you have any kind of health care coverage?,Yes,Overall,Overall,12331,84.6,83.7,85.5,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic29,20,BO1,CAT1,HLTHPLN1,RESP046,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Demographics,Internet,Have you used the internet in the past 30 days?,Yes,Overall,Overall,10916,85,84.4,85.7,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic34,20,BO1,CAT1,INTERNET,RESP046,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Health Care Access/Coverage,Health Care Cost,Was there a time in the past 12 months when you needed to see a doctor but could not because of cost?,Yes,Overall,Overall,1352,12.9,12.1,13.7,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic28,20,BO1,CAT1,MEDCOST,RESP046,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Health Care Access/Coverage,Personal Care Provider,Do you have one person you think of as your personal doctor or health care provider?,"Yes, only one",Overall,Overall,11152,74.7,73.7,75.7,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic43,20,BO1,CAT1,PERSDOC2,RESP050,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Demographics,Disability status,"Adults who are limited in any activities because of physical, mental, or emotional problems",Yes,Overall,Overall,3156,19.2,18.4,19.9,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,20,BO1,CAT1,QLACTLM2,RESP046,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Immunization,Shingle Vaccination,Have you ever had the shingles or zoster vaccine?,Yes,Overall,Overall,2263,23.6,22.7,24.5,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS11,Topic63,20,BO1,CAT1,SHINGLE2,RESP046,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Demographics,Disability status,Adults with health problem(s) that requires the use of special equipment,Yes,Overall,Overall,1467,7.4,7,7.9,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,20,BO1,CAT1,USEEQUIP,RESP046,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Tobacco Use,Smokeless Tobacco,"Do you currently use chewing tobacco, snuff, or snus?",Every day,Overall,Overall,366,3.7,3.3,4.1,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic54,20,BO1,CAT1,USENOW3,RESP079,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Demographics,Veteran Status,Have you ever served on active duty in the United States Armed Forces?,Yes,Overall,Overall,1789,11,10.4,11.6,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic61,20,BO1,CAT1,VETERAN3,RESP046,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Oral Health,All Teeth Removed,Adults aged 65+ who have had all their natural teeth extracted (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,614,16.6,15.2,17.9,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS13,Topic04,20,BO1,CAT1,_ALTETH2,RESP046,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Overweight and Obesity (BMI),BMI Categories,Weight classification by Body Mass Index (BMI) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Obese (BMI 30.0 - 99.8),Overall,Overall,4110,30.9,29.8,31.9,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS14,Topic09,20,BO1,CAT1,_BMI5CAT,RESP039,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Chronic Health Indicators,Asthma,Adults who have been told they currently have asthma (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,1200,8.7,8.1,9.3,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic06,20,BO1,CAT1,_CASTHM1,RESP046,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Colorectal Cancer Screening,USPSTF Recommendations,Respondents aged 50-75 who have fully met the USPSTF recommendation (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Met USPSTF recommendations for testing,Overall,Overall,4385,64.9,63.5,66.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic64,20,BO1,CAT1,_CRCREC,RESP192,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Oral Health,Dental Visit,Visited the dentist or dental clinic within the past year for any reason (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,9477,67.1,66.1,68.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS13,Topic16,20,BO1,CAT1,_DENVST2,RESP046,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Chronic Health Indicators,Arthritis,Adults who have been told they have arthritis (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,4555,23.5,22.8,24.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic05,20,BO1,CAT1,_DRDXAR1,RESP046,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Oral Health,Teeth Removed,Adults that have had any permanent teeth extracted (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,6141,38.3,37.3,39.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS13,Topic57,20,BO1,CAT1,_EXTETH2,RESP046,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Immunization,Flu Shot,Adults aged 65+ who have had a flu shot within the past year (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,2609,61,59.4,62.7,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS11,Topic26,20,BO1,CAT1,_FLSHOT6,RESP046,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Health Care Access/Coverage,Under 65 Coverage,Adults aged 18-64 who have any kind of health care coverage (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,7899,81.8,80.7,82.9,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic59,20,BO1,CAT1,_HCVU651,RESP046,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Chronic Health Indicators,Asthma,Adults who have ever been told they have asthma (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,1792,13.8,13,14.5,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic06,20,BO1,CAT1,_LTASTH1,RESP046,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Women's Health,Mammogram,Women aged 50-74 who have had a mammogram within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Received a mammogram within the past 2 years,Overall,Overall,2865,76.1,74.5,77.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic37,20,BO1,CAT1,_MAM5021,RESP186,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Women's Health,Mammogram,Women aged 50+ who have had a mammogram within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,3697,74.7,73.3,76.1,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic37,20,BO1,CAT1,_MAM502Y,RESP046,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Immunization,Pneumonia Vaccination,Adults aged 65+ who have ever had a pneumonia vaccination (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,2968,72.1,70.5,73.6,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS11,Topic46,20,BO1,CAT1,_PNEUMO2,RESP046,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Alcohol Consumption,Binge Drinking,"Binge drinkers (males having five or more drinks on one occasion, females having four or more drinks on one occasion) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions)",Yes,Overall,Overall,1540,16.8,15.9,17.7,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS01,Topic07,20,BO1,CAT1,_RFBING5,RESP046,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Colorectal Cancer Screening,Blood Stool Test,Adults aged 50+ who have had a blood stool test within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,1093,13,12.2,13.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic08,20,BO1,CAT1,_RFBLDS2,RESP046,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Colorectal Cancer Screening,Blood Stool Test,Adults aged 50-75 who have had a blood stool test within the past year (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Had a blood stool test in the past year,Overall,Overall,523,7.5,6.8,8.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic08,20,BO1,CAT1,_RFBLDS3,RESP190,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Alcohol Consumption,Heavy Drinking,Heavy drinkers (adult men having more than two drinks per day and adult women having more than one drink per day) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,591,5.2,4.6,5.7,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS01,Topic30,20,BO1,CAT1,_RFDRHV4,RESP046,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Health Status,Fair or Poor Health,Health Status (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Good or Better Health,Overall,Overall,11468,85.2,84.5,85.9,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic24,20,BO1,CAT1,_RFHLTH,RESP061,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Women's Health,Mammogram,Women aged 40+ who have had a mammogram within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,4274,69.4,67.9,70.9,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic37,20,BO1,CAT1,_RFMAM2Y,RESP046,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Women's Health,Pap Test,Women aged 18+ who have had a pap test within the past three years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,3511,72.6,71.1,74.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic42,20,BO1,CAT1,_RFPAP32,RESP046,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Women's Health,Pap Test,Women aged 21-65 who have had a pap test in the past three years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Received a Pap test within the past 3 years,Overall,Overall,2800,81.8,80.2,83.5,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic42,20,BO1,CAT1,_RFPAP33,RESP188,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Prostate Cancer,PSA Test,Men aged 40+ who have had a PSA test within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,1939,42.3,40.5,44,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS16,Topic47,20,BO1,CAT1,_RFPSA21,RESP046,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Injury,Seatbelt Use,Always wears a seat belt? (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Always Wears a Seatbelt,Overall,Overall,10603,78.8,77.8,79.7,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS12,Topic50,20,BO1,CAT1,_RFSEAT3,RESP184,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Colorectal Cancer Screening,Sigmoidoscopy,Adults aged 50+ who have ever had a sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,5843,68.2,67,69.4,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic52,20,BO1,CAT1,_RFSIGM2,RESP046,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Tobacco Use,Current Smoker Status,Adults who are current smokers (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,2036,18.4,17.5,19.3,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic15,20,BO1,CAT1,_RFSMOK3,RESP046,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Tobacco Use,Smoker Status,Four Level Smoking Status (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Smoke everyday,Overall,Overall,1501,13.3,12.5,14.1,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic55,20,BO1,CAT1,_SMOKER3,RESP068,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Physical Activity,Exercise,"During the past month, did you participate in any physical activities? (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions)",Yes,Overall,Overall,10237,76.9,76,77.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS15,Topic23,20,BO1,CAT1,_TOTINDA,RESP046,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Chronic Health Indicators,Depression,Ever told you that you have a form of depression?,No,Overall,Overall,11087,81.4,80.6,82.3,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic17,20,BO1,CAT1,ADDEPEV2,RESP054,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Demographics,Disability status,"Are you blind or do you have serious difficulty seeing, even when wearing glasses?",No,Overall,Overall,12707,96.2,95.8,96.6,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,20,BO1,CAT1,BLIND,RESP054,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Chronic Health Indicators,COPD,Ever told you have COPD?,No,Overall,Overall,12568,93.9,93.4,94.3,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic14,20,BO1,CAT1,CHCCOPD1,RESP054,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Chronic Health Indicators,Kidney,Ever told you have kidney disease?,No,Overall,Overall,13253,97.5,97.3,97.8,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic35,20,BO1,CAT1,CHCKIDNY,RESP054,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Chronic Health Indicators,Other Cancer,Ever told you had any other types of cancer?,No,Overall,Overall,12399,93.8,93.4,94.2,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic40,20,BO1,CAT1,CHCOCNCR,RESP054,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Chronic Health Indicators,Skin Cancer,Ever told you had skin cancer?,No,Overall,Overall,12495,94.4,94,94.8,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic53,20,BO1,CAT1,CHCSCNCR,RESP054,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Health Care Access/Coverage,Last Checkup,About how long has it been since you last visited a doctor for a routine checkup?,Within the past 2 years,Overall,Overall,1585,13.9,13.1,14.7,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic36,20,BO1,CAT1,CHECKUP1,RESP064,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Chronic Health Indicators,Cardiovascular Disease,Ever told you had angina or coronary heart disease?,No,Overall,Overall,12811,96.2,95.9,96.5,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic10,20,BO1,CAT1,CVDCRHD4,RESP054,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Chronic Health Indicators,Cardiovascular Disease,Ever told you had a heart attack (myocardial infarction)?,No,Overall,Overall,12923,96.2,95.9,96.5,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic10,20,BO1,CAT1,CVDINFR4,RESP054,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Chronic Health Indicators,Cardiovascular Disease,Ever told you had a stroke?,No,Overall,Overall,13137,97.1,96.8,97.4,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic10,20,BO1,CAT1,CVDSTRK3,RESP054,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Demographics,Disability status,"Do you have serious difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions?",No,Overall,Overall,11973,90.1,89.4,90.8,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,20,BO1,CAT1,DECIDE,RESP054,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Chronic Health Indicators,Diabetes,Have you ever been told by a doctor that you have diabetes?,"Yes, pregnancy-related",Overall,Overall,109,0.9,0.7,1.1,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic18,20,BO1,CAT1,DIABETE3,RESP051,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Demographics,Disability status,Do you have difficulty doing errands alone?,No,Overall,Overall,12302,93.8,93.3,94.3,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,20,BO1,CAT1,DIFFALON,RESP054,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Demographics,Disability status,Do you have difficulty dressing or bathing?,No,Overall,Overall,12809,97.1,96.8,97.5,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,20,BO1,CAT1,DIFFDRES,RESP054,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Demographics,Disability status,Do you have serious difficulty walking or climbing stairs?,No,Overall,Overall,10917,87.4,86.8,88,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,20,BO1,CAT1,DIFFWALK,RESP054,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Alcohol Consumption,Alcohol Consumption,Adults who have had at least one drink of alcohol within the past 30 days,No,Overall,Overall,6645,47.8,46.7,48.9,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS01,Topic03,20,BO1,CAT1,DRNKANY5,RESP054,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Health Status,Overall Health,How is your general health?,Very good,Overall,Overall,4770,35.2,34.1,36.2,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic41,20,BO1,CAT1,GENHLTH,RESP057,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,HIV-AIDS,HIV Test,Have you ever been tested for HIV?,No,Overall,Overall,9649,72.5,71.4,73.5,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS09,Topic32,20,BO1,CAT1,HIVTST6,RESP054,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Health Care Access/Coverage,Health Care Coverage,Do you have any kind of health care coverage?,No,Overall,Overall,1332,15.4,14.5,16.3,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic29,20,BO1,CAT1,HLTHPLN1,RESP054,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Demographics,Internet,Have you used the internet in the past 30 days?,No,Overall,Overall,2568,15,14.3,15.6,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic34,20,BO1,CAT1,INTERNET,RESP054,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Health Care Access/Coverage,Health Care Cost,Was there a time in the past 12 months when you needed to see a doctor but could not because of cost?,No,Overall,Overall,12368,87.1,86.3,87.9,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic28,20,BO1,CAT1,MEDCOST,RESP054,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Health Care Access/Coverage,Personal Care Provider,Do you have one person you think of as your personal doctor or health care provider?,More than one,Overall,Overall,704,4.5,4.1,5,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic43,20,BO1,CAT1,PERSDOC2,RESP053,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Demographics,Disability status,"Adults who are limited in any activities because of physical, mental, or emotional problems",No,Overall,Overall,10139,80.8,80.1,81.6,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,20,BO1,CAT1,QLACTLM2,RESP054,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Immunization,Shingle Vaccination,Have you ever had the shingles or zoster vaccine?,No,Overall,Overall,6041,76.4,75.5,77.3,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS11,Topic63,20,BO1,CAT1,SHINGLE2,RESP054,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Demographics,Disability status,Adults with health problem(s) that requires the use of special equipment,No,Overall,Overall,11876,92.6,92.1,93,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,20,BO1,CAT1,USEEQUIP,RESP054,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Tobacco Use,Smokeless Tobacco,"Do you currently use chewing tobacco, snuff, or snus?",Some days,Overall,Overall,207,2.3,1.9,2.6,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic54,20,BO1,CAT1,USENOW3,RESP080,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Demographics,Veteran Status,Have you ever served on active duty in the United States Armed Forces?,No,Overall,Overall,11924,89,88.4,89.6,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic61,20,BO1,CAT1,VETERAN3,RESP054,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Oral Health,All Teeth Removed,Adults aged 65+ who have had all their natural teeth extracted (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,3551,83.4,82.1,84.8,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS13,Topic04,20,BO1,CAT1,_ALTETH2,RESP054,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Overweight and Obesity (BMI),BMI Categories,Weight classification by Body Mass Index (BMI) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Overweight (BMI 25.0-29.9),Overall,Overall,4593,34.3,33.2,35.3,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS14,Topic09,20,BO1,CAT1,_BMI5CAT,RESP040,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Chronic Health Indicators,Asthma,Adults who have been told they currently have asthma (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,12440,91.3,90.7,91.9,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic06,20,BO1,CAT1,_CASTHM1,RESP054,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Colorectal Cancer Screening,USPSTF Recommendations,Respondents aged 50-75 who have fully met the USPSTF recommendation (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Did not meet USPSTF recommendations for testing,Overall,Overall,2013,35.1,33.8,36.5,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic64,20,BO1,CAT1,_CRCREC,RESP193,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Oral Health,Dental Visit,Visited the dentist or dental clinic within the past year for any reason (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,4090,32.9,31.8,33.9,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS13,Topic16,20,BO1,CAT1,_DENVST2,RESP054,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Chronic Health Indicators,Arthritis,Adults who have been told they have arthritis (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,9124,76.5,75.8,77.2,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic05,20,BO1,CAT1,_DRDXAR1,RESP054,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Oral Health,Teeth Removed,Adults that have had any permanent teeth extracted (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,7168,61.7,60.8,62.7,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS13,Topic57,20,BO1,CAT1,_EXTETH2,RESP054,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Immunization,Flu Shot,Adults aged 65+ who have had a flu shot within the past year (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,1628,39,37.3,40.6,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS11,Topic26,20,BO1,CAT1,_FLSHOT6,RESP054,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Health Care Access/Coverage,Under 65 Coverage,Adults aged 18-64 who have any kind of health care coverage (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,1256,18.2,17.1,19.3,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic59,20,BO1,CAT1,_HCVU651,RESP054,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Chronic Health Indicators,Asthma,Adults who have ever been told they have asthma (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,11906,86.2,85.5,87,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic06,20,BO1,CAT1,_LTASTH1,RESP054,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Women's Health,Mammogram,Women aged 50-74 who have had a mammogram within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Did not receive a mammogram within the past 2 years,Overall,Overall,823,23.9,22.2,25.5,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic37,20,BO1,CAT1,_MAM5021,RESP187,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Women's Health,Mammogram,Women aged 50+ who have had a mammogram within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,1159,25.3,23.9,26.7,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic37,20,BO1,CAT1,_MAM502Y,RESP054,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Immunization,Pneumonia Vaccination,Adults aged 65+ who have ever had a pneumonia vaccination (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,1127,27.9,26.4,29.5,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS11,Topic46,20,BO1,CAT1,_PNEUMO2,RESP054,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Alcohol Consumption,Binge Drinking,"Binge drinkers (males having five or more drinks on one occasion, females having four or more drinks on one occasion) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions)",No,Overall,Overall,11449,83.2,82.3,84.1,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS01,Topic07,20,BO1,CAT1,_RFBING5,RESP054,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Colorectal Cancer Screening,Blood Stool Test,Adults aged 50+ who have had a blood stool test within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,6877,87,86.2,87.8,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic08,20,BO1,CAT1,_RFBLDS2,RESP054,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Colorectal Cancer Screening,Blood Stool Test,Adults aged 50-75 who have had a blood stool test within the past year (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Have not had a blood stool test in the past year,Overall,Overall,5946,92.5,91.8,93.2,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic08,20,BO1,CAT1,_RFBLDS3,RESP191,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Alcohol Consumption,Heavy Drinking,Heavy drinkers (adult men having more than two drinks per day and adult women having more than one drink per day) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,12374,94.8,94.3,95.4,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS01,Topic30,20,BO1,CAT1,_RFDRHV4,RESP054,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Health Status,Fair or Poor Health,Health Status (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Fair or Poor Health,Overall,Overall,2237,14.8,14.1,15.5,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic24,20,BO1,CAT1,_RFHLTH,RESP062,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Women's Health,Mammogram,Women aged 40+ who have had a mammogram within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,1520,30.6,29.1,32.1,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic37,20,BO1,CAT1,_RFMAM2Y,RESP054,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Women's Health,Pap Test,Women aged 18+ who have had a pap test within the past three years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,1241,27.4,25.8,28.9,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic42,20,BO1,CAT1,_RFPAP32,RESP054,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Women's Health,Pap Test,Women aged 21-65 who have had a pap test in the past three years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Did not receive a Pap test within the past 3 years,Overall,Overall,601,18.2,16.5,19.8,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic42,20,BO1,CAT1,_RFPAP33,RESP189,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Prostate Cancer,PSA Test,Men aged 40+ who have had a PSA test within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,1922,57.7,56,59.5,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS16,Topic47,20,BO1,CAT1,_RFPSA21,RESP054,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Injury,Seatbelt Use,Always wears a seat belt? (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Does Not Always Wear a Seatbelt,Overall,Overall,2435,21.2,20.3,22.2,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS12,Topic50,20,BO1,CAT1,_RFSEAT3,RESP185,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Colorectal Cancer Screening,Sigmoidoscopy,Adults aged 50+ who have ever had a sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,2326,31.8,30.6,33,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic52,20,BO1,CAT1,_RFSIGM2,RESP054,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Tobacco Use,Current Smoker Status,Adults who are current smokers (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,11127,81.6,80.7,82.5,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic15,20,BO1,CAT1,_RFSMOK3,RESP054,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Tobacco Use,Smoker Status,Four Level Smoking Status (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Smoke some days,Overall,Overall,535,5.1,4.6,5.6,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic55,20,BO1,CAT1,_SMOKER3,RESP069,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Physical Activity,Exercise,"During the past month, did you participate in any physical activities? (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions)",No,Overall,Overall,3490,23.1,22.2,24,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS15,Topic23,20,BO1,CAT1,_TOTINDA,RESP054,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Health Care Access/Coverage,Last Checkup,About how long has it been since you last visited a doctor for a routine checkup?,Within the past 5 years,Overall,Overall,935,9.4,8.7,10.1,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic36,20,BO1,CAT1,CHECKUP1,RESP065,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Chronic Health Indicators,Diabetes,Have you ever been told by a doctor that you have diabetes?,"No, pre-diabetes or borderline diabetes",Overall,Overall,193,1.1,0.9,1.3,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic18,20,BO1,CAT1,DIABETE3,RESP052,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Health Status,Overall Health,How is your general health?,Good,Overall,Overall,4360,30.9,29.9,31.9,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic41,20,BO1,CAT1,GENHLTH,RESP058,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Health Care Access/Coverage,Personal Care Provider,Do you have one person you think of as your personal doctor or health care provider?,No,Overall,Overall,1852,20.7,19.8,21.7,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic43,20,BO1,CAT1,PERSDOC2,RESP054,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Tobacco Use,Smokeless Tobacco,"Do you currently use chewing tobacco, snuff, or snus?",Not at all,Overall,Overall,12658,94,93.5,94.6,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic54,20,BO1,CAT1,USENOW3,RESP081,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Overweight and Obesity (BMI),BMI Categories,Weight classification by Body Mass Index (BMI) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Normal Weight (BMI 18.5-24.9),Overall,Overall,3908,33.1,32.1,34.2,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS14,Topic09,20,BO1,CAT1,_BMI5CAT,RESP041,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Tobacco Use,Smoker Status,Four Level Smoking Status (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Former smoker,Overall,Overall,3519,22.6,21.8,23.5,3,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic55,20,BO1,CAT1,_SMOKER3,RESP070,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2013,AL,Alabama,Immunization,Flu Shot,Adults aged 65+ who have had a flu shot within the past year (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,1470,63.4,60.7,66.1,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS11,Topic26,01,BO1,CAT1,_FLSHOT6,RESP046,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Health Care Access/Coverage,Last Checkup,About how long has it been since you last visited a doctor for a routine checkup?,5 or more years ago,Overall,Overall,923,9,8.4,9.7,4,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic36,20,BO1,CAT1,CHECKUP1,RESP066,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Chronic Health Indicators,Diabetes,Have you ever been told by a doctor that you have diabetes?,No,Overall,Overall,11641,88.5,87.9,89.1,4,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic18,20,BO1,CAT1,DIABETE3,RESP054,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Health Status,Overall Health,How is your general health?,Fair,Overall,Overall,1666,11.3,10.6,11.9,4,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic41,20,BO1,CAT1,GENHLTH,RESP059,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Overweight and Obesity (BMI),BMI Categories,Weight classification by Body Mass Index (BMI) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Underweight (BMI 12.0-18.4),Overall,Overall,214,1.7,1.4,2.1,4,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS14,Topic09,20,BO1,CAT1,_BMI5CAT,RESP042,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Tobacco Use,Smoker Status,Four Level Smoking Status (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Never smoked,Overall,Overall,7608,59,57.9,60,4,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic55,20,BO1,CAT1,_SMOKER3,RESP071,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Health Care Access/Coverage,Last Checkup,About how long has it been since you last visited a doctor for a routine checkup?,Never,Overall,Overall,170,0,0,0,5,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic36,20,BO1,CAT1,CHECKUP1,RESP067,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KS,Kansas,Health Status,Overall Health,How is your general health?,Poor,Overall,Overall,571,3.5,3.2,3.9,5,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic41,20,BO1,CAT1,GENHLTH,RESP060,"(38.34774030000045, -98.20078122699965)"
2014,KY,Kentucky,Chronic Health Indicators,Depression,Ever told you that you have a form of depression?,Yes,Overall,Overall,2627,23.9,22.4,25.4,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic17,21,BO1,CAT1,ADDEPEV2,RESP046,"(37.645970271000465, -84.77497104799966)"
2014,KY,Kentucky,Demographics,Disability status,"Are you blind or do you have serious difficulty seeing, even when wearing glasses?",Yes,Overall,Overall,913,6.6,5.7,7.4,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,21,BO1,CAT1,BLIND,RESP046,"(37.645970271000465, -84.77497104799966)"
2014,KY,Kentucky,Chronic Health Indicators,COPD,Ever told you have COPD?,Yes,Overall,Overall,1604,11.5,10.5,12.6,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic14,21,BO1,CAT1,CHCCOPD1,RESP046,"(37.645970271000465, -84.77497104799966)"
2014,KY,Kentucky,Chronic Health Indicators,Kidney,Ever told you have kidney disease?,Yes,Overall,Overall,536,3.2,2.7,3.7,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic35,21,BO1,CAT1,CHCKIDNY,RESP046,"(37.645970271000465, -84.77497104799966)"
2014,KY,Kentucky,Chronic Health Indicators,Other Cancer,Ever told you had any other types of cancer?,Yes,Overall,Overall,1209,7.4,6.7,8.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic40,21,BO1,CAT1,CHCOCNCR,RESP046,"(37.645970271000465, -84.77497104799966)"
2014,KY,Kentucky,Chronic Health Indicators,Skin Cancer,Ever told you had skin cancer?,Yes,Overall,Overall,1192,6.8,6.2,7.4,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic53,21,BO1,CAT1,CHCSCNCR,RESP046,"(37.645970271000465, -84.77497104799966)"
2014,KY,Kentucky,Health Care Access/Coverage,Last Checkup,About how long has it been since you last visited a doctor for a routine checkup?,Within the past year,Overall,Overall,8827,71.4,69.8,73.1,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic36,21,BO1,CAT1,CHECKUP1,RESP063,"(37.645970271000465, -84.77497104799966)"
2014,KY,Kentucky,Chronic Health Indicators,Cardiovascular Disease,Ever told you had angina or coronary heart disease?,Yes,Overall,Overall,966,5.4,4.8,6,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic10,21,BO1,CAT1,CVDCRHD4,RESP046,"(37.645970271000465, -84.77497104799966)"
2014,KY,Kentucky,Chronic Health Indicators,Cardiovascular Disease,Ever told you had a heart attack (myocardial infarction)?,Yes,Overall,Overall,984,6.1,5.5,6.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic10,21,BO1,CAT1,CVDINFR4,RESP046,"(37.645970271000465, -84.77497104799966)"
2014,KY,Kentucky,Chronic Health Indicators,Cardiovascular Disease,Ever told you had a stroke?,Yes,Overall,Overall,653,3.8,3.3,4.3,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic10,21,BO1,CAT1,CVDSTRK3,RESP046,"(37.645970271000465, -84.77497104799966)"
2014,KY,Kentucky,Demographics,Disability status,"Do you have serious difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions?",Yes,Overall,Overall,1670,15.8,14.5,17.1,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,21,BO1,CAT1,DECIDE,RESP046,"(37.645970271000465, -84.77497104799966)"
2014,KY,Kentucky,Chronic Health Indicators,Diabetes,Have you ever been told by a doctor that you have diabetes?,Yes,Overall,Overall,2012,11.4,10.5,12.3,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic18,21,BO1,CAT1,DIABETE3,RESP046,"(37.645970271000465, -84.77497104799966)"
2014,KY,Kentucky,Demographics,Disability status,Do you have difficulty doing errands alone?,Yes,Overall,Overall,1254,9.5,8.5,10.6,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,21,BO1,CAT1,DIFFALON,RESP046,"(37.645970271000465, -84.77497104799966)"
2014,KY,Kentucky,Demographics,Disability status,Do you have difficulty dressing or bathing?,Yes,Overall,Overall,712,5.4,4.6,6.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,21,BO1,CAT1,DIFFDRES,RESP046,"(37.645970271000465, -84.77497104799966)"
2014,KY,Kentucky,Demographics,Disability status,Do you have serious difficulty walking or climbing stairs?,Yes,Overall,Overall,2960,20,18.8,21.3,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,21,BO1,CAT1,DIFFWALK,RESP046,"(37.645970271000465, -84.77497104799966)"
2014,KY,Kentucky,Alcohol Consumption,Alcohol Consumption,Adults who have had at least one drink of alcohol within the past 30 days,Yes,Overall,Overall,3094,38.1,36.5,39.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS01,Topic03,21,BO1,CAT1,DRNKANY5,RESP046,"(37.645970271000465, -84.77497104799966)"
2014,KY,Kentucky,Health Status,Overall Health,How is your general health?,Excellent,Overall,Overall,1355,16.2,14.9,17.5,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic41,21,BO1,CAT1,GENHLTH,RESP056,"(37.645970271000465, -84.77497104799966)"
2014,KY,Kentucky,HIV-AIDS,HIV Test,Have you ever been tested for HIV?,Yes,Overall,Overall,2624,34.3,32.6,36,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS09,Topic32,21,BO1,CAT1,HIVTST6,RESP046,"(37.645970271000465, -84.77497104799966)"
2014,KY,Kentucky,Health Care Access/Coverage,Health Care Coverage,Do you have any kind of health care coverage?,Yes,Overall,Overall,10587,89.3,88.1,90.6,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic29,21,BO1,CAT1,HLTHPLN1,RESP046,"(37.645970271000465, -84.77497104799966)"
2013,AZ,Arizona,Demographics,Disability status,Do you have difficulty dressing or bathing?,Yes,Overall,Overall,202,3.7,2.4,4.9,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,04,BO1,CAT1,DIFFDRES,RESP046,"(34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972)"
2014,KY,Kentucky,Demographics,Internet,Have you used the internet in the past 30 days?,Yes,Overall,Overall,7890,80.6,79.5,81.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic34,21,BO1,CAT1,INTERNET,RESP046,"(37.645970271000465, -84.77497104799966)"
2014,KY,Kentucky,Health Care Access/Coverage,Health Care Cost,Was there a time in the past 12 months when you needed to see a doctor but could not because of cost?,Yes,Overall,Overall,1441,16.3,15,17.7,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic28,21,BO1,CAT1,MEDCOST,RESP046,"(37.645970271000465, -84.77497104799966)"
2014,KY,Kentucky,Health Care Access/Coverage,Personal Care Provider,Do you have one person you think of as your personal doctor or health care provider?,"Yes, only one",Overall,Overall,9040,71.6,70,73.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic43,21,BO1,CAT1,PERSDOC2,RESP050,"(37.645970271000465, -84.77497104799966)"
2014,KY,Kentucky,Demographics,Disability status,"Adults who are limited in any activities because of physical, mental, or emotional problems",Yes,Overall,Overall,3460,26.3,24.8,27.7,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,21,BO1,CAT1,QLACTLM2,RESP046,"(37.645970271000465, -84.77497104799966)"
2014,KY,Kentucky,Immunization,Shingle Vaccination,Have you ever had the shingles or zoster vaccine?,Yes,Overall,Overall,1626,20.7,19.3,22.1,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS11,Topic63,21,BO1,CAT1,SHINGLE2,RESP046,"(37.645970271000465, -84.77497104799966)"
2014,KY,Kentucky,Demographics,Disability status,Adults with health problem(s) that requires the use of special equipment,Yes,Overall,Overall,1690,10.9,10,11.9,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,21,BO1,CAT1,USEEQUIP,RESP046,"(37.645970271000465, -84.77497104799966)"
2014,KY,Kentucky,Tobacco Use,Smokeless Tobacco,"Do you currently use chewing tobacco, snuff, or snus?",Every day,Overall,Overall,267,4.2,3.5,5,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic54,21,BO1,CAT1,USENOW3,RESP079,"(37.645970271000465, -84.77497104799966)"
2014,KY,Kentucky,Demographics,Veteran Status,Have you ever served on active duty in the United States Armed Forces?,Yes,Overall,Overall,1298,11.1,10.1,12,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic61,21,BO1,CAT1,VETERAN3,RESP046,"(37.645970271000465, -84.77497104799966)"
2014,KY,Kentucky,Oral Health,All Teeth Removed,Adults aged 65+ who have had all their natural teeth extracted (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,859,24.3,22,26.6,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS13,Topic04,21,BO1,CAT1,_ALTETH2,RESP046,"(37.645970271000465, -84.77497104799966)"
2014,KY,Kentucky,Overweight and Obesity (BMI),BMI Categories,Weight classification by Body Mass Index (BMI) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Obese (BMI 30.0 - 99.8),Overall,Overall,3553,31.3,29.7,32.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS14,Topic09,21,BO1,CAT1,_BMI5CAT,RESP039,"(37.645970271000465, -84.77497104799966)"
2014,KY,Kentucky,Chronic Health Indicators,Asthma,Adults who have been told they currently have asthma (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,1369,11.9,10.8,13,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic06,21,BO1,CAT1,_CASTHM1,RESP046,"(37.645970271000465, -84.77497104799966)"
2014,KY,Kentucky,Colorectal Cancer Screening,USPSTF Recommendations,Respondents aged 50-75 who have fully met the USPSTF recommendation (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Met USPSTF recommendations for testing,Overall,Overall,4094,67.1,65.2,69.1,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic64,21,BO1,CAT1,_CRCREC,RESP192,"(37.645970271000465, -84.77497104799966)"
2013,AL,Alabama,Fruits and Vegetables,Fruit Consumption,Consumed fruit less than one time per day (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),One or more times per day,Overall,Overall,3413,53.9,51.9,55.9,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,,BRFSS,CLASS06,Topic27,01,BO1,CAT1,_FRTLT1,RESP077,"(32.84057112200048, -86.63186076199969)"
2014,KY,Kentucky,Oral Health,Dental Visit,Visited the dentist or dental clinic within the past year for any reason (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,6817,61.2,59.6,62.9,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS13,Topic16,21,BO1,CAT1,_DENVST2,RESP046,"(37.645970271000465, -84.77497104799966)"
2014,KY,Kentucky,Chronic Health Indicators,Arthritis,Adults who have been told they have arthritis (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,5013,31.4,30,32.7,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic05,21,BO1,CAT1,_DRDXAR1,RESP046,"(37.645970271000465, -84.77497104799966)"
2014,KY,Kentucky,Oral Health,Teeth Removed,Adults that have had any permanent teeth extracted (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,6838,48.6,47.1,50.1,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS13,Topic57,21,BO1,CAT1,_EXTETH2,RESP046,"(37.645970271000465, -84.77497104799966)"
2014,KY,Kentucky,Immunization,Flu Shot,Adults aged 65+ who have had a flu shot within the past year (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,2486,69.5,67.1,71.9,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS11,Topic26,21,BO1,CAT1,_FLSHOT6,RESP046,"(37.645970271000465, -84.77497104799966)"
2014,KY,Kentucky,Health Care Access/Coverage,Under 65 Coverage,Adults aged 18-64 who have any kind of health care coverage (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,6573,87.3,85.8,88.8,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic59,21,BO1,CAT1,_HCVU651,RESP046,"(37.645970271000465, -84.77497104799966)"
2014,KY,Kentucky,Chronic Health Indicators,Asthma,Adults who have ever been told they have asthma (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,1806,17.1,15.8,18.5,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic06,21,BO1,CAT1,_LTASTH1,RESP046,"(37.645970271000465, -84.77497104799966)"
2014,KY,Kentucky,Women's Health,Mammogram,Women aged 50-74 who have had a mammogram within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Received a mammogram within the past 2 years,Overall,Overall,3030,79.3,77.3,81.4,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic37,21,BO1,CAT1,_MAM5021,RESP186,"(37.645970271000465, -84.77497104799966)"
2014,KY,Kentucky,Women's Health,Mammogram,Women aged 50+ who have had a mammogram within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,3720,76.4,74.4,78.4,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic37,21,BO1,CAT1,_MAM502Y,RESP046,"(37.645970271000465, -84.77497104799966)"
2014,KY,Kentucky,Immunization,Pneumonia Vaccination,Adults aged 65+ who have ever had a pneumonia vaccination (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,2515,69.9,67.4,72.4,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS11,Topic46,21,BO1,CAT1,_PNEUMO2,RESP046,"(37.645970271000465, -84.77497104799966)"
2014,KY,Kentucky,Alcohol Consumption,Binge Drinking,"Binge drinkers (males having five or more drinks on one occasion, females having four or more drinks on one occasion) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions)",Yes,Overall,Overall,774,13.6,12.3,14.9,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS01,Topic07,21,BO1,CAT1,_RFBING5,RESP046,"(37.645970271000465, -84.77497104799966)"
2014,KY,Kentucky,Colorectal Cancer Screening,Blood Stool Test,Adults aged 50+ who have had a blood stool test within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,1069,14.8,13.5,16.1,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic08,21,BO1,CAT1,_RFBLDS2,RESP046,"(37.645970271000465, -84.77497104799966)"
2014,KY,Kentucky,Colorectal Cancer Screening,Blood Stool Test,Adults aged 50-75 who have had a blood stool test within the past year (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Had a blood stool test in the past year,Overall,Overall,607,9.5,8.4,10.6,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic08,21,BO1,CAT1,_RFBLDS3,RESP190,"(37.645970271000465, -84.77497104799966)"
2014,KY,Kentucky,Alcohol Consumption,Heavy Drinking,Heavy drinkers (adult men having more than two drinks per day and adult women having more than one drink per day) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,369,5.7,4.8,6.6,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS01,Topic30,21,BO1,CAT1,_RFDRHV4,RESP046,"(37.645970271000465, -84.77497104799966)"
2014,KY,Kentucky,Health Status,Fair or Poor Health,Health Status (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Good or Better Health,Overall,Overall,8087,76.8,75.4,78.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic24,21,BO1,CAT1,_RFHLTH,RESP061,"(37.645970271000465, -84.77497104799966)"
2014,KY,Kentucky,Women's Health,Mammogram,Women aged 40+ who have had a mammogram within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,4358,73.2,71.2,75.2,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic37,21,BO1,CAT1,_RFMAM2Y,RESP046,"(37.645970271000465, -84.77497104799966)"
2014,KY,Kentucky,Women's Health,Pap Test,Women aged 18+ who have had a pap test within the past three years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,3102,73.8,71.5,76,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic42,21,BO1,CAT1,_RFPAP32,RESP046,"(37.645970271000465, -84.77497104799966)"
2014,KY,Kentucky,Women's Health,Pap Test,Women aged 21-65 who have had a pap test in the past three years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Received a Pap test within the past 3 years,Overall,Overall,2416,81.4,79.1,83.7,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic42,21,BO1,CAT1,_RFPAP33,RESP188,"(37.645970271000465, -84.77497104799966)"
2014,KY,Kentucky,Prostate Cancer,PSA Test,Men aged 40+ who have had a PSA test within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,1409,40.9,38.3,43.6,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS16,Topic47,21,BO1,CAT1,_RFPSA21,RESP046,"(37.645970271000465, -84.77497104799966)"
2014,KY,Kentucky,Injury,Seatbelt Use,Always wears a seat belt? (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Always Wears a Seatbelt,Overall,Overall,8975,82.6,81.2,84,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS12,Topic50,21,BO1,CAT1,_RFSEAT3,RESP184,"(37.645970271000465, -84.77497104799966)"
2014,KY,Kentucky,Colorectal Cancer Screening,Sigmoidoscopy,Adults aged 50+ who have ever had a sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,5153,69.9,68.2,71.7,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic52,21,BO1,CAT1,_RFSIGM2,RESP046,"(37.645970271000465, -84.77497104799966)"
2014,KY,Kentucky,Tobacco Use,Current Smoker Status,Adults who are current smokers (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Yes,Overall,Overall,2278,26.8,25.2,28.4,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic15,21,BO1,CAT1,_RFSMOK3,RESP046,"(37.645970271000465, -84.77497104799966)"
2014,KY,Kentucky,Tobacco Use,Smoker Status,Four Level Smoking Status (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Smoke everyday,Overall,Overall,1744,20.9,19.4,22.3,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic55,21,BO1,CAT1,_SMOKER3,RESP068,"(37.645970271000465, -84.77497104799966)"
2014,KY,Kentucky,Physical Activity,Exercise,"During the past month, did you participate in any physical activities? (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions)",Yes,Overall,Overall,7626,72.9,71.5,74.3,1,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS15,Topic23,21,BO1,CAT1,_TOTINDA,RESP046,"(37.645970271000465, -84.77497104799966)"
2014,KY,Kentucky,Chronic Health Indicators,Depression,Ever told you that you have a form of depression?,No,Overall,Overall,8517,76.1,74.6,77.6,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic17,21,BO1,CAT1,ADDEPEV2,RESP054,"(37.645970271000465, -84.77497104799966)"
2014,KY,Kentucky,Demographics,Disability status,"Are you blind or do you have serious difficulty seeing, even when wearing glasses?",No,Overall,Overall,9961,93.4,92.6,94.3,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,21,BO1,CAT1,BLIND,RESP054,"(37.645970271000465, -84.77497104799966)"
2014,KY,Kentucky,Chronic Health Indicators,COPD,Ever told you have COPD?,No,Overall,Overall,9542,88.5,87.4,89.5,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic14,21,BO1,CAT1,CHCCOPD1,RESP054,"(37.645970271000465, -84.77497104799966)"
2014,KY,Kentucky,Chronic Health Indicators,Kidney,Ever told you have kidney disease?,No,Overall,Overall,10632,96.8,96.3,97.3,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic35,21,BO1,CAT1,CHCKIDNY,RESP054,"(37.645970271000465, -84.77497104799966)"
2014,KY,Kentucky,Chronic Health Indicators,Other Cancer,Ever told you had any other types of cancer?,No,Overall,Overall,9961,92.6,91.8,93.3,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic40,21,BO1,CAT1,CHCOCNCR,RESP054,"(37.645970271000465, -84.77497104799966)"
2014,KY,Kentucky,Chronic Health Indicators,Skin Cancer,Ever told you had skin cancer?,No,Overall,Overall,9978,93.2,92.6,93.8,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic53,21,BO1,CAT1,CHCSCNCR,RESP054,"(37.645970271000465, -84.77497104799966)"
2014,KY,Kentucky,Health Care Access/Coverage,Last Checkup,About how long has it been since you last visited a doctor for a routine checkup?,Within the past 2 years,Overall,Overall,832,10.3,9.2,11.5,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic36,21,BO1,CAT1,CHECKUP1,RESP064,"(37.645970271000465, -84.77497104799966)"
2014,KY,Kentucky,Chronic Health Indicators,Cardiovascular Disease,Ever told you had angina or coronary heart disease?,No,Overall,Overall,10087,94.6,94,95.2,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic10,21,BO1,CAT1,CVDCRHD4,RESP054,"(37.645970271000465, -84.77497104799966)"
2014,KY,Kentucky,Chronic Health Indicators,Cardiovascular Disease,Ever told you had a heart attack (myocardial infarction)?,No,Overall,Overall,10163,93.9,93.2,94.5,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic10,21,BO1,CAT1,CVDINFR4,RESP054,"(37.645970271000465, -84.77497104799966)"
2014,KY,Kentucky,Chronic Health Indicators,Cardiovascular Disease,Ever told you had a stroke?,No,Overall,Overall,10516,96.2,95.7,96.7,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic10,21,BO1,CAT1,CVDSTRK3,RESP054,"(37.645970271000465, -84.77497104799966)"
2014,KY,Kentucky,Demographics,Disability status,"Do you have serious difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions?",No,Overall,Overall,9160,84.2,82.9,85.5,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,21,BO1,CAT1,DECIDE,RESP054,"(37.645970271000465, -84.77497104799966)"
2014,KY,Kentucky,Chronic Health Indicators,Diabetes,Have you ever been told by a doctor that you have diabetes?,"Yes, pregnancy-related",Overall,Overall,131,1.1,0.8,1.4,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic18,21,BO1,CAT1,DIABETE3,RESP051,"(37.645970271000465, -84.77497104799966)"
2014,KY,Kentucky,Demographics,Disability status,Do you have difficulty doing errands alone?,No,Overall,Overall,9557,90.5,89.4,91.5,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,21,BO1,CAT1,DIFFALON,RESP054,"(37.645970271000465, -84.77497104799966)"
2014,KY,Kentucky,Demographics,Disability status,Do you have difficulty dressing or bathing?,No,Overall,Overall,10116,94.6,93.8,95.4,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,21,BO1,CAT1,DIFFDRES,RESP054,"(37.645970271000465, -84.77497104799966)"
2014,KY,Kentucky,Demographics,Disability status,Do you have serious difficulty walking or climbing stairs?,No,Overall,Overall,7871,80,78.7,81.2,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,21,BO1,CAT1,DIFFWALK,RESP054,"(37.645970271000465, -84.77497104799966)"
2014,KY,Kentucky,Alcohol Consumption,Alcohol Consumption,Adults who have had at least one drink of alcohol within the past 30 days,No,Overall,Overall,7373,61.9,60.2,63.5,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS01,Topic03,21,BO1,CAT1,DRNKANY5,RESP054,"(37.645970271000465, -84.77497104799966)"
2014,KY,Kentucky,Health Status,Overall Health,How is your general health?,Very good,Overall,Overall,3174,30,28.5,31.5,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic41,21,BO1,CAT1,GENHLTH,RESP057,"(37.645970271000465, -84.77497104799966)"
2014,KY,Kentucky,HIV-AIDS,HIV Test,Have you ever been tested for HIV?,No,Overall,Overall,7344,65.7,64,67.4,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS09,Topic32,21,BO1,CAT1,HIVTST6,RESP054,"(37.645970271000465, -84.77497104799966)"
2014,KY,Kentucky,Health Care Access/Coverage,Health Care Coverage,Do you have any kind of health care coverage?,No,Overall,Overall,576,10.7,9.4,11.9,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic29,21,BO1,CAT1,HLTHPLN1,RESP054,"(37.645970271000465, -84.77497104799966)"
2014,KY,Kentucky,Demographics,Internet,Have you used the internet in the past 30 days?,No,Overall,Overall,3107,19.4,18.2,20.5,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic34,21,BO1,CAT1,INTERNET,RESP054,"(37.645970271000465, -84.77497104799966)"
2014,KY,Kentucky,Health Care Access/Coverage,Health Care Cost,Was there a time in the past 12 months when you needed to see a doctor but could not because of cost?,No,Overall,Overall,9735,83.7,82.3,85,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic28,21,BO1,CAT1,MEDCOST,RESP054,"(37.645970271000465, -84.77497104799966)"
2014,KY,Kentucky,Health Care Access/Coverage,Personal Care Provider,Do you have one person you think of as your personal doctor or health care provider?,More than one,Overall,Overall,793,6,5.3,6.8,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic43,21,BO1,CAT1,PERSDOC2,RESP053,"(37.645970271000465, -84.77497104799966)"
2014,KY,Kentucky,Demographics,Disability status,"Adults who are limited in any activities because of physical, mental, or emotional problems",No,Overall,Overall,7409,73.7,72.3,75.2,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,21,BO1,CAT1,QLACTLM2,RESP054,"(37.645970271000465, -84.77497104799966)"
2014,KY,Kentucky,Immunization,Shingle Vaccination,Have you ever had the shingles or zoster vaccine?,No,Overall,Overall,5673,79.3,77.9,80.7,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS11,Topic63,21,BO1,CAT1,SHINGLE2,RESP054,"(37.645970271000465, -84.77497104799966)"
2014,KY,Kentucky,Demographics,Disability status,Adults with health problem(s) that requires the use of special equipment,No,Overall,Overall,9196,89.1,88.1,90,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic19,21,BO1,CAT1,USEEQUIP,RESP054,"(37.645970271000465, -84.77497104799966)"
2014,KY,Kentucky,Tobacco Use,Smokeless Tobacco,"Do you currently use chewing tobacco, snuff, or snus?",Some days,Overall,Overall,204,2.9,2.2,3.5,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic54,21,BO1,CAT1,USENOW3,RESP080,"(37.645970271000465, -84.77497104799966)"
2014,KY,Kentucky,Demographics,Veteran Status,Have you ever served on active duty in the United States Armed Forces?,No,Overall,Overall,9880,88.9,88,89.9,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS05,Topic61,21,BO1,CAT1,VETERAN3,RESP054,"(37.645970271000465, -84.77497104799966)"
2014,KY,Kentucky,Oral Health,All Teeth Removed,Adults aged 65+ who have had all their natural teeth extracted (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,2935,75.7,73.4,78,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS13,Topic04,21,BO1,CAT1,_ALTETH2,RESP054,"(37.645970271000465, -84.77497104799966)"
2014,KY,Kentucky,Overweight and Obesity (BMI),BMI Categories,Weight classification by Body Mass Index (BMI) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Overweight (BMI 25.0-29.9),Overall,Overall,3736,34.4,32.8,36,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS14,Topic09,21,BO1,CAT1,_BMI5CAT,RESP040,"(37.645970271000465, -84.77497104799966)"
2014,KY,Kentucky,Chronic Health Indicators,Asthma,Adults who have been told they currently have asthma (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,9745,88.1,87,89.2,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic06,21,BO1,CAT1,_CASTHM1,RESP054,"(37.645970271000465, -84.77497104799966)"
2014,KY,Kentucky,Colorectal Cancer Screening,USPSTF Recommendations,Respondents aged 50-75 who have fully met the USPSTF recommendation (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Did not meet USPSTF recommendations for testing,Overall,Overall,1745,32.9,30.9,34.8,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic64,21,BO1,CAT1,_CRCREC,RESP193,"(37.645970271000465, -84.77497104799966)"
2014,KY,Kentucky,Oral Health,Dental Visit,Visited the dentist or dental clinic within the past year for any reason (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,4206,38.8,37.1,40.4,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS13,Topic16,21,BO1,CAT1,_DENVST2,RESP054,"(37.645970271000465, -84.77497104799966)"
2014,KY,Kentucky,Chronic Health Indicators,Arthritis,Adults who have been told they have arthritis (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,6131,68.6,67.3,70,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic05,21,BO1,CAT1,_DRDXAR1,RESP054,"(37.645970271000465, -84.77497104799966)"
2014,KY,Kentucky,Oral Health,Teeth Removed,Adults that have had any permanent teeth extracted (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,4106,51.4,49.9,52.9,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS13,Topic57,21,BO1,CAT1,_EXTETH2,RESP054,"(37.645970271000465, -84.77497104799966)"
2014,KY,Kentucky,Immunization,Flu Shot,Adults aged 65+ who have had a flu shot within the past year (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,1188,30.5,28.1,32.9,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS11,Topic26,21,BO1,CAT1,_FLSHOT6,RESP054,"(37.645970271000465, -84.77497104799966)"
2014,KY,Kentucky,Health Care Access/Coverage,Under 65 Coverage,Adults aged 18-64 who have any kind of health care coverage (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,537,12.7,11.2,14.2,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS07,Topic59,21,BO1,CAT1,_HCVU651,RESP054,"(37.645970271000465, -84.77497104799966)"
2014,KY,Kentucky,Chronic Health Indicators,Asthma,Adults who have ever been told they have asthma (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,9358,82.9,81.5,84.2,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS03,Topic06,21,BO1,CAT1,_LTASTH1,RESP054,"(37.645970271000465, -84.77497104799966)"
2014,KY,Kentucky,Women's Health,Mammogram,Women aged 50-74 who have had a mammogram within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Did not receive a mammogram within the past 2 years,Overall,Overall,765,20.7,18.6,22.7,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic37,21,BO1,CAT1,_MAM5021,RESP187,"(37.645970271000465, -84.77497104799966)"
2014,KY,Kentucky,Women's Health,Mammogram,Women aged 50+ who have had a mammogram within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,1044,23.6,21.6,25.6,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic37,21,BO1,CAT1,_MAM502Y,RESP054,"(37.645970271000465, -84.77497104799966)"
2014,KY,Kentucky,Immunization,Pneumonia Vaccination,Adults aged 65+ who have ever had a pneumonia vaccination (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,1096,30.1,27.6,32.6,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS11,Topic46,21,BO1,CAT1,_PNEUMO2,RESP054,"(37.645970271000465, -84.77497104799966)"
2014,KY,Kentucky,Alcohol Consumption,Binge Drinking,"Binge drinkers (males having five or more drinks on one occasion, females having four or more drinks on one occasion) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions)",No,Overall,Overall,9654,86.4,85.1,87.7,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS01,Topic07,21,BO1,CAT1,_RFBING5,RESP054,"(37.645970271000465, -84.77497104799966)"
2014,KY,Kentucky,Colorectal Cancer Screening,Blood Stool Test,Adults aged 50+ who have had a blood stool test within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,5972,85.2,83.9,86.5,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic08,21,BO1,CAT1,_RFBLDS2,RESP054,"(37.645970271000465, -84.77497104799966)"
2014,KY,Kentucky,Colorectal Cancer Screening,Blood Stool Test,Adults aged 50-75 who have had a blood stool test within the past year (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Have not had a blood stool test in the past year,Overall,Overall,5303,90.5,89.4,91.6,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic08,21,BO1,CAT1,_RFBLDS3,RESP191,"(37.645970271000465, -84.77497104799966)"
2014,KY,Kentucky,Alcohol Consumption,Heavy Drinking,Heavy drinkers (adult men having more than two drinks per day and adult women having more than one drink per day) (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,10032,94.3,93.4,95.2,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS01,Topic30,21,BO1,CAT1,_RFDRHV4,RESP054,"(37.645970271000465, -84.77497104799966)"
2014,KY,Kentucky,Health Status,Fair or Poor Health,Health Status (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Fair or Poor Health,Overall,Overall,3092,23.2,21.8,24.6,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS08,Topic24,21,BO1,CAT1,_RFHLTH,RESP062,"(37.645970271000465, -84.77497104799966)"
2014,KY,Kentucky,Women's Health,Mammogram,Women aged 40+ who have had a mammogram within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,1327,26.8,24.8,28.8,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic37,21,BO1,CAT1,_RFMAM2Y,RESP054,"(37.645970271000465, -84.77497104799966)"
2014,KY,Kentucky,Women's Health,Pap Test,Women aged 18+ who have had a pap test within the past three years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,1128,26.2,24,28.5,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic42,21,BO1,CAT1,_RFPAP32,RESP054,"(37.645970271000465, -84.77497104799966)"
2014,KY,Kentucky,Women's Health,Pap Test,Women aged 21-65 who have had a pap test in the past three years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Did not receive a Pap test within the past 3 years,Overall,Overall,577,18.6,16.3,20.9,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS18,Topic42,21,BO1,CAT1,_RFPAP33,RESP189,"(37.645970271000465, -84.77497104799966)"
2014,KY,Kentucky,Prostate Cancer,PSA Test,Men aged 40+ who have had a PSA test within the past two years (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,1345,59.1,56.4,61.7,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS16,Topic47,21,BO1,CAT1,_RFPSA21,RESP054,"(37.645970271000465, -84.77497104799966)"
2014,KY,Kentucky,Injury,Seatbelt Use,Always wears a seat belt? (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),Does Not Always Wear a Seatbelt,Overall,Overall,1448,17.4,16,18.8,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS12,Topic50,21,BO1,CAT1,_RFSEAT3,RESP185,"(37.645970271000465, -84.77497104799966)"
2014,KY,Kentucky,Colorectal Cancer Screening,Sigmoidoscopy,Adults aged 50+ who have ever had a sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,2006,30.1,28.3,31.8,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS04,Topic52,21,BO1,CAT1,_RFSIGM2,RESP054,"(37.645970271000465, -84.77497104799966)"
2014,KY,Kentucky,Tobacco Use,Current Smoker Status,Adults who are current smokers (variable calculated from one or more BRFSS questions),No,Overall,Overall,8489,73.2,71.6,74.8,2,%,Age-adjusted Prevalence,,Age-adjusted prevalence estimate not available if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or the Relative Standard Error (RSE) is > 0.3 or if the state did not collect data for that calendar year.,BRFSS,CLASS17,Topic15,21,BO1,CAT1,_RFSMOK3,RESP054,"(37.645970271000465, -84.77497104799966)"
2014,KY,Kentucky,Tobacco Use,Smoker Status,Four Level Smoking Status (v
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