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Last active May 19, 2020 10:22
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How to sort & filter a Yii2 active query generated with findBySql()
* If you try to pass a query generated with findBySql() to an ActiveDataProvider,
* you will find that the convenient filtering and sorting methods won't work on your query,
* because the SQL statement is already specified.
* See:
* However, if you use an ArrayDataProvider instead of an ActiveDataProvider,
* not only will your query be sortable, but pagination will work too.
* This is what I'm going to demonstrate here, with a workaround for filtering.
* Please note that generally, you are better off using ActiveDataProvider, but sometimes
* findBySql() might be needed for very complex queries.
namespace app\modules\example\models;
use Yii;
use yii\data\ArrayDataProvider;
use app\modules\example\models\MyModel;
class MyModelSearch extends MyModel
public function rules()
return [
[['model_id'], 'integer']
[['model_name'], 'string']
]; // define your rules here like you always do
public function search($params)
$filters = [];
if ($this->model_id) $filters[] = ' "table_name"."model_id" = '.$this->model_id.' ';
if ($this->model_name) $filters[] = ' "table_name"."model_name" ILIKE \'%'.$this->model_name.'%\' ';
// ugly ifs can be put into a foreach if you don't need to customize each condition too much
$filterCondition = count($filters) > 0 ? ' AND '. implode(' AND ', $filters) : ' ';
$query = MyModel::findBySql(
// your query here
// group by, order by etc.
$sort = [
'attributes' => [
'defaultOrder' => [
'model_name' => SORT_ASC
$dataProvider = new ArrayDataProvider([
'allModels' => $query->all(),
'sort' => $sort,
'pagination' => [
'pageSize' => 30,
return $dataProvider;
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oliviagardiner commented May 19, 2020

Switch condition for grouping filters:

        foreach ($params['MyModel'] as $key => $value) {
            if ($value && $value !== '') {
                switch ($key) {
                    case 'model_id':
                    case 'model_field1':
                    case 'model_field2':
                        // basic equals
                        $filters[] = ' "table_name"."'.$key.'" = '.$value.' ';
                    case 'model_field3':
                    case 'model_field4':
                        // basic ilike
                        if (is_string($value)) $filters[] = ' "table_name"."'.$key.'" ILIKE \'%'.$value.'%\' ';
                    case 'model_field5':
                    case 'model_field6':
                        // basic in (multiple choice)
                        if (is_array($value)) $filters[] = ' "table_name"."'.$key.'" IN ('.implode(', ', $value).') ';
                    case 'model_field7_date':
                        // basic date equal
                        $filters[] = ' CAST("table_name"."'.$key.'" AS DATE) = \'%'.$value.'%\' ';
                    case 'fullName':
                        // complex ilike
                        $filters[] = ' ("table_name"."model_first_name" ILIKE \'%'.$value.'%\' OR "table_name"."model_last_name" ILIKE \'%'.$value.'%\' OR "table_name"."model_org_name" ILIKE \'%'.$value.'%\') ';

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