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Last active August 1, 2019 08:44
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Remove (and backup) non-mutuals on Twitter.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import csv
import time
import tweepy
import datetime
# Read to fill in the two lines below.
auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler('XXX', 'YYY')
auth.set_access_token('123', '456')
api = tweepy.API(auth, wait_on_rate_limit=True)
# Create this directory to save the people that will be removed, in case you need them back.
backup_directory = './backup/'
# Who you follow = followed.
followed = set(api.friends_ids())
# Who follows you = followers.
followers = set(api.followers_ids())
# Give the backups a unique name.
timestamp = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.time()).strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S')
# Save both your followers and who you follow.
with open(backup_directory + 'followed_' + timestamp + '.csv', 'w') as myfile:
wr = csv.writer(myfile)
with open(backup_directory + 'followers_' + timestamp + '.csv', 'w') as myfile:
wr = csv.writer(myfile)
# Now find who your mutuals are (people you follow and who follow you).
mutuals = followers.intersection(followed)
# Who is left are the non-mutuals.
non_mutuals = followed - mutuals
# So get rid of them!
for non_mutual in non_mutuals:
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