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restricted spatial regression
# Cook, J. D., D. M. Williams, W. F. Porter, and S. A. Christensen. 2022.
# Improved predictions and forecasts of chronic wasting disease occurrence
# using multiple mechanism dynamic occupancy modelling.
# Journal of Wildlife Management.
# Simulation and multi-mechanism dynamic occupancy model code
#load necessary libraries
#function to ID neighbors in queen's configuration (Hefley et al. 2017)
neighborhood <- function(raster){
nn <- matrix(,length(raster[]),8)
for(i in 1:dim(nn)[1]){
neigh <- adjacent(cell, i, directions=8, pairs=FALSE)
fill <-length(neigh) <- rep(NA, 8-fill)
nn[i,] <- c(neigh,
# function to simulate spatial correlation in habitat covariate observation (, accessed 30 June 2022 )
rmvn <- function(n, mu = 0, V = matrix(1)) {
p <- length(mu)
if (any(, p))))
stop("Dimension problem!")
D <- chol(V)
t(matrix(rnorm(n * p), ncol = p) %*% D + rep(mu, rep(n, p)))
#begin simulation
#create cell layer for analyses
cell <- raster(nrows=80, ncols=80, xmn=0, xmx=80, ymn=0,ymx=80, resolution=1, vals=1:nsite)
#simulate positives
n.pos = 5
center = c(40, 40)
sigma = matrix(c(2, 0, 0, 2), nrow = 2)
data.sp = rmvnorm(n.pos, mean = center, sigma = sigma)
data.t = data.frame(data.sp)
names(data.t) = c("x", "y")
#make dataframe of simulated positives
simgrid <- expand.grid(x=1:80,y=80:1)
rasValue=extract(cell, data.t)
pos.1 <- data.frame(simgrid,data= rep(0,times=nsite))
pos.1[rasValue,3] <- 1
#generate matrix of truth and predictions for all years
vec.matrix <- numeric(0)
true.presence <- matrix(vec.matrix, nrow = nsite, ncol = nyear)
true.presence[,1] <- pos.1[,3]
psi.pred <- matrix(vec.matrix, nrow = nsite, ncol = nyear)
##create spatial key
key <- data.frame(site=1:nsite, X=simgrid[,1]-0.5, Y=simgrid[,2]-0.5) <- c(key$X, key$Y)
xy <- matrix(, c(nsite, 2))
#run neighborhood function of study area grid
nn <- neighborhood(cell)
#effect sizes for state processes
alpha.est <- -3.7
neigh.occ <- .5
alpha.emer <- -11
alpha.pers <- 2.4
dist.emer <- -5.5
hab.cov.emer <- 0.5
hab.cov.pers <- -1.7
#control for edge effects
edge <- c(which(key[,2]> 78), which(key[,3]> 78), which(key[,2]<2), which(key[,3]<2))
edge <- sort(edge)
edge <- unique(edge)
#use RSR to simulate habitat layers
n <- nrow(simgrid)
distance <- as.matrix(dist(simgrid))
phi <- 0.3
habdat.pers.raw <- rmvn(1, rep(0, n), exp(-phi * distance))
habdat.emer.raw <- rmvn(1, rep(0, n), exp(-phi * distance))
habdat.pers <- as.vector(((habdat.pers.raw)-mean(habdat.pers.raw))/sd(habdat.pers.raw))
habdat.emer <- as.vector(((habdat.emer.raw)-mean(habdat.emer.raw))/sd(habdat.emer.raw))
habdat.emer[edge] <- min(habdat.emer)
habdat.pers[edge] <- min(habdat.pers)
##make colonization matrix
dist.std.pred <- matrix(vec.matrix, nrow = nsite, ncol = nyear)
i.nbors.out <- matrix(vec.matrix, nrow = nsite, ncol = nyear)
#simulate true positives and psi predictions according to habitat, distance from positives, and neighborhood positives
for(l in 1:(nyear-1)){
#make colonization matrix
true.presence.neigh <- data.frame(site=1:nsite, data=true.presence[ ,l])
WhichNborsMat.pred <- true.presence.neigh$data[match(nn, true.presence.neigh$site)]
WhichNborsMat.pred[] <- 0
WhichNborsMat.pred <- matrix(WhichNborsMat.pred, nrow = nsite)
#forecasted neighborhood colonization, n.neigh= number of infected neighbors, i.nbors= indicator if neighbors are infected (binary:0,1).
n.neigh.pred <- rowSums(WhichNborsMat.pred);
i.nbors.pred <- ifelse(n.neigh.pred > 0, 1, 0)
i.nbors.out[,l] <- i.nbors.pred
#sites of positives for each iteration <- true.presence.neigh[which(true.presence.neigh$data==1), ]
allpoints.ref <- data.frame(site=1:nsite,x=key$X, y=key$Y)
positives.x <- allpoints.ref$x[match($site, allpoints.ref$site)]
positives.y <- allpoints.ref$y[match($site, allpoints.ref$site)] <- cbind(positives.x,positives.y)
positives <- ppp([,1],[,2], c(0, 80), c(0, 80)) <- cbind(key$X, key$Y)
allpoints <- ppp([,1],[,2], c(0, 80), c(0, 80)) <- nncross(allpoints,positives)
distance <-$dist
#standardize distance
gamma <- inv.logit(alpha.est + neigh.occ * n.neigh.pred) #established disease spread
delta <- inv.logit(alpha.emer + dist.emer * dist.std.pred[ ,l] + hab.cov.emer * habdat.emer) #emergent disease spread
phi <- inv.logit(alpha.pers + hab.cov.pers * habdat.pers)
psi.pred[,l+1] <- (true.presence[ , l] * phi) + ((1-true.presence[ , l]) * i.nbors.pred * gamma) + ((1-true.presence[ , l]) * (1- i.nbors.pred) * delta) #gamma established spread, delta emergent spread
true.presence[ ,(l+1)] <- rbinom(length(psi.pred[,l+1]), size = 1, prob=psi.pred[,l+1])
rm(, positives.x, positives.y, positives, true.presence.neigh, WhichNborsMat.pred, n.neigh.pred, i.nbors.pred, distance)
} #l
#use predictions from year two in year one
psi.pred[,1] <- psi.pred[,2]
#effect sizes for observation processes
alpha.det <- -1.5
weight.det <- 0.2
prev.det <- 0.5
mean.weight <- 0.4
sd.weight <- 1.8
#simulate prevalence trends over time
prev <- numeric(0)
for (l in 1:nyear){
prev[l] <- 0.01*(1+.19)^l
prev.std <- ((prev)-mean(prev))/sd(prev)
prev.std.mat <- array(c(vec.matrix),dim = c(nsite,nyear))
for (l in 1:nyear){
prev.std.mat[,l] <- rep(prev.std[l], times=nsite)
#simulate disease sampling using weighted surveillance
weights <- rtruncnorm(1e6, a=0,b=Inf, mean=2,sd=5)
# #sample according to risk
multiplier.array <- array(c(vec.matrix),dim = c(nsite,nobs,nyear))
for(l in 1:nyear){ <- rep(psi.pred[,nyear], times=2)
multiplier.array[,,l] <- matrix(, nrow = nsite, ncol = 2)
#increase probability that site is sampled beyond occurrence probability to match actual intensity surrounding known positives# <- multiplier.array*10
multiplier.array <- ifelse( >= 1, 0.99,
multiplier <- rbinom(length(multiplier.array), size = 1, prob=multiplier.array)
index <- which(multiplier==1) <- unique(index)
sample.weight <- sample(weights, length(, replace=TRUE)
multiplier[] <- sample.weight
w2 <- array(c(multiplier),dim = c(nsite,nobs,nyear))
#create matrix to store data
vec.matrix <- numeric(0)
det.prob <- array(c(vec.matrix),dim = c(nsite,nobs,nyear))
eff.det.prob <- array(c(vec.matrix),dim = c(nsite,nobs,nyear))
y <- array(c(vec.matrix),dim = c(nsite,nobs,nyear))
#generate observations from true positives
for(l in 1:nyear){
for(k in 1:nobs){
det.prob[,k,l] <- inv.logit(alpha.det + prev.std.mat[,l] * prev.det + weight.det * w2.std.y[,k,l])
eff.det.prob[,k,l] <- true.presence[,l] * det.prob[,k,l]
y[,k,l] <- rbinom(n = nsite, size = 1, prob = eff.det.prob[,k,l])
#generate distance and neighborhood data based on those observations
pos <- matrix(vec.matrix, nrow = nsite, ncol = nyear)
#Create a reference dataframe
for(l in 1:nyear){
pos[,l] <- rowSums(y[,,1:l])
pos <- ifelse(pos[,] > 0, 1, 0)
WhichNborsMat.y <- array(vec.matrix, c(nsite, 8, nyear))
dist.std.y <- matrix(vec.matrix, nrow = nsite, ncol = nyear)
dist.y <- matrix(vec.matrix, nrow = nsite, ncol = nyear)
#forecasting code
for(l in 1:(nyear)){
#make colonization matrix
true.presence.neigh <- data.frame(site=1:nsite, data=pos[ ,l])
WhichNborsMat.pred <- true.presence.neigh$data[match(nn, true.presence.neigh$site)]
WhichNborsMat.pred[] <- 0
# WhichNborsMat.pred <- rbinom(length(for.occu), size = 1, prob=for.occu
WhichNborsMat.y[,,l] <- matrix(WhichNborsMat.pred, nrow = nsite)
#sites of positives for each iteration <- true.presence.neigh[which(true.presence.neigh$data==1), ]
allpoints.ref <- data.frame(site=1:nsite,x=key$X, y=key$Y)
positives.x <- allpoints.ref$x[match($site, allpoints.ref$site)]
positives.y <- allpoints.ref$y[match($site, allpoints.ref$site)] <- cbind(positives.x,positives.y)
positives <- ppp([,1],[,2], c(0, 80), c(0, 80)) <- cbind(key$X, key$Y)
allpoints <- ppp([,1],[,2], c(0, 80), c(0, 80)) <- nncross(allpoints,positives)
distance <-$dist
dist.y[,l] <- distance
#standardize distance
rm(, positives.x, positives.y, positives, true.presence.neigh, distance)
#Spatial Autocorrelation#
occupancy.model <- model.matrix(~1,data=data.frame(rep(1,nsite)))
spatial.model=list(model="rsr", moran.cut=250)
Xz <-as.matrix(occupancy.model, site)
Xz.vec <- as.vector(Xz)
Q <- icar.Q(xy, threshold= 1.42, rho = 1)
A <- diag(diag(Q)) - Q
P <- diag( - Xz %*% solve(crossprod(Xz), t(Xz))
Op <- (nrow(A)/sum(A)) * (P %*% (A %*% P))
e <- rARPACK::eigs(Op, as.integer(spatial.model$moran.cut))
K <- e$vectors
KtK <- diag(ncol(K))
Q.alpha <- as.matrix(t(K) %*% Q %*% K)
mu.a <- rep(0, nrow(Q.alpha))
#create list to load into jags
test1 <- list(y=y, nsite=nrow(y), nyear = dim(y)[3], nrep = dim(y)[2],
WhichNborsMat = WhichNborsMat.y, dist=dist.std.y,
K=K, Q.alpha= Q.alpha, mu.a=mu.a, Xz.vec=Xz.vec, hab.emer=habdat.emer,
hab.pers=habdat.pers, W2=w2.std.y, prev=prev.std.mat)
rm(list = ls()[!ls() %in% c("test1")])
# Specify model in BUGS language
model {
# Observation model(yr1)
for (i in 1:nsite){
for (j in 1:nrep){
muy[i,j,1] <- z[i,1] * p[i,j,1]
logit(p[i,j,1]) <- alpha.det + weight.det * W2[i,j,1] + prev.det * prev[i,1]
y[i,j,1] ~ dbern(muy[i,j,1])
} #j
#state model(yr1)
z[i,1] ~ dbern(psi[i,1])
logit(psi[i,1]) <- Xz.vec[i] %*% alpha.occ + RSR[i]
} #i
#observation for subsequent years
for (k in 1:(nyear-1)){
for (i in 1:nsite){
for (j in 1:nrep){
muy[i,j,(k+1)] <- z[i,(k+1)] * p[i,j,(k+1)]
logit(p[i,j,(k+1)]) <- alpha.det + weight.det * W2[i,j,(k+1)] + prev.det * prev[i,(k+1)] #add supplementary weight here
y[i,j,(k+1)] ~ dbern(muy[i,j,(k+1)])
} #j
# #Neighborhood colonization, n.neigh= number of infected neighbors, i.nbors= indicator if neighbors are infected (binary:0,1).
n.neigh[i, k] <- sum(WhichNborsMat[i, ,k]);
i.nbors[i, k] <- ifelse(n.neigh[i, k] > 0, 1, 0)
#Psi Mixture
psi[i, (k+1)] <- z[i,k] * phi[i,k] + (1-z[i,k]) * i.nbors[i,k] * gamma[i,k] + (1-z[i,k]) * (1- i.nbors[i,k]) * delta[i,k] #gamma established spread, delta emergent spread
logit(gamma[i,k]) <- alpha.est + neigh.occ * n.neigh[i,k] #established disease spread
logit(delta[i,k]) <- alpha.emer + dist.emer * dist[i,k] + hab.cov.emer * hab.emer[i] #emergent disease spread
logit(phi[i,k]) <- alpha.pers + hab.cov.pers * hab.pers[i]
z[i,(k+1)] ~ dbern(psi[i,(k+1)])
} #i
} #k
alpha.occ ~ dunif(-10, 10) #intercept for state model
alpha.det ~ dunif(-10, 10) #intercept for detection model
weight.det ~ dunif(-10, 10) #beta for effect of weighted probability on detection
alpha.emer ~ dunif(-20, 20) #intercept for long-distance spread
dist.emer ~ dunif(-10, 10) #beta for effect of distance from prior positives on state model
alpha.est ~ dunif(-10, 10) #intercept for localized spread
neigh.occ ~ dunif(-10, 10) #beta for effect of number of infected neighbors on state model
alpha.pers ~ dunif(-10, 10) #intercept for persistence
hab.cov.emer ~ dunif(-10, 10) #beta for effect of habitat covariate on long-distance spread
hab.cov.pers ~ dunif(-10, 10) #beta for effect of habitat covariate on persistence
prev.det ~ dunif(-10,10) #beta for effect of prevalence on detection
#RSR Random spatial correlation
sigma ~ dunif(0,100)
tau <- pow(sigma, -2)
alpha ~ dmnorm(mu.a, tau * Q.alpha)
RSR <- K %*% alpha
",fill = TRUE)
# Bundle data <- list(y = y, nsite = dim(y)[1], nrep = dim(y)[2], nyear = dim(y)[3],
WhichNborsMat = WhichNborsMat, dist=dist, K=K, Q.alpha=Q.alpha, mu.a=mu.a, Xz.vec=Xz.vec, hab.emer=hab.emer, hab.pers=hab.pers, W2=W2, prev=prev)
# Initial values
zst <- apply(y, c(1, 3), max) # Observed occurrence as inits for z
inits <- function(){ list(z = zst)}
# Parameters monitored
params <- c( "dist.emer", "alpha.det","neigh.occ", "alpha.est", "alpha.emer", "alpha.pers", "psi", "hab.cov.emer", "hab.cov.pers", "prev.det", "weight.det")
# MCMC settings/can change these to run longer
ni <- 500
nt <- 5
nb <- 50
nc <- 3
# Call JAGS
out <- jags(, inits, params, "mod.txt", n.chains = nc, n.thin = nt,
n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb)
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