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Created April 27, 2024 20:14
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# Bioeconomic model from Milner-Gulland & Rowcliffe, p. 163-...
# define constants
K = 1000 # carrying capacity
r = 0.2 # intrinsic rate of increase
P = 105 # price
a = 200 # constant for cost calculation
b = 0.2 # constant for cost calculation
s = 10 # SD of the distribution for the cost
N1 = 500 # initial pop size
Years = 30 # run the model for 30 years
Hunters = 200 # nb of hunters
Pop <- rep(0,Years+1) # pop size
Harvest <- rep(0,Years) # harvest
Prod <- rep(0,Years) # productivity
Pop[1] <- N1
for (t in 1:Years){
PrF <- r * Pop[t] * (1 - Pop[t] / K) # logistic productivity
Prod[t] <- round(PrF) # nb of births must be a whole number
Cost <- a - b * Pop[t] # mean hunter cost
for (i in 1:Hunters){
zval <- rnorm(1,0,1)
IndC <- Cost + zval * s # hunter cost
if (IndC < 0) IndC = 0 # ensure no negative costs
B = P - IndC # profitability
if (B > 0) Harvest[t] <- Harvest[t] + 1 # hunting decision
if (Harvest[t] > Pop[t] + Prod[t]) Harvest[t] <- Pop[t] + Prod[t] # can't harvest more than is there
Pop[t+1] = Pop[t] + Prod[t] - Harvest[t]
plot(1:Years,Pop[-1],xlab='Years',ylab='Pop size',type='o')
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