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Created February 19, 2015 10:06
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'use strict';
var inputs = readline().split(' ');
var players = {
list: [],
meId: parseInt(inputs[3]), // id of my player (0 = 1st player, 1 = 2nd player, ...)
me: {},
playerCount: parseInt(inputs[2]), // number of players (2,3, or 4), still presente when of board.
isBlocked: function() {
var block = false;
for (var i = 0; i < players.list.length; i++) {
if(players.list[i].excapeIndex === -1) { // A user is blocked
block = true;
return block;
getEnemy: function(playerMe) {
var output = [];
for (var i = 0; i < players.list.length; i++) {
var current = players.list[i];
if ( !== {
output.sort(function(a, b) { // ASC
return a.excapeDistance - b.excapeDistance;
return output;
updateBestPath: function() {
for (var i = 0; i < players.list.length; i++) {
var player = players.list[i];
var excapeXY = getExcapeXY(;
var bfs = getBFS(board.indexLength, player.index, excapeXY.x, excapeXY.y);
player.previousNode = bfs[1];
player.excapeIndex = bfs[0];
player.excapeDistance = players.getNextIndex(player)[1];
updateActionsWallBlock: function() {
var i;
var player;
for (i = 0; i < players.list.length; i++) {
player = players.list[i];
var actions = getActionsWallBlockMove(player);
player.actionsWallBlock = actions.filter(function (action) {
return board.canAddWall(action.x, action.y, action.D);
for (i = 0; i < players.list.length; i++) {
player = players.list[i];
var slotAvailable = 3;
player.actionsWallBlock = player.actionsWallBlock.filter(function (action) {
if(slotAvailable > 0) {
board.setAction(false, action, true);
board.removeAction(false, action);
if(!players.isBlocked()) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
} else {
return false;
players.updateBestPath(); // Reset state players
getNextIndex: function(player) {
var nextIndex = player.excapeIndex;
var excapeDistance = -1;
if(nextIndex !== -1) {
excapeDistance = 0;
if(nextIndex !== player.index) {
while(true) {
if(player.index !== player.previousNode[nextIndex]) {
nextIndex = player.previousNode[nextIndex];
} else {
if(excapeDistance > 200) {
printErr('too much ' + + ' ' + player.index + ' ' + nextIndex + ' ' + player.excapeIndex);
nextIndex = -1;
return [nextIndex, excapeDistance];
var board = {
walls: {},
width: parseInt(inputs[0]), // width of the board
height: parseInt(inputs[1]), // height of the board
indexLength: parseInt(inputs[0]) * parseInt(inputs[1]),
// The assumption is that for each node the evaluation function returns a vector
// H of n values where hiestimates the merit of player i.
// An evaluation function returns an estimate of the expected utility of the game
// from a given position. Should be strongly correlated with the actual chances of winning
getEval: function() {
var vector = [];
for (var i = 0; i < players.list.length; i++) {
var player = players.list[i];
var gain = 0;
var playersEnemy = players.getEnemy(player);
var distance = 0;
var block = 0;
var wallsLeft = 0;
for (var j = 0; j < playersEnemy.length; j++) {
var playerCurrent = playersEnemy[j];
distance += playerCurrent.excapeDistance;
block += playerCurrent.actionsWallBlock.length;
wallsLeft += playerCurrent.wallsLeft;
if(player.excapeDistance === 0) { // We arrived
gain = 10;
} else if(player.actionsWallBlock.length === 0 && player.excapeDistance < playersEnemy[0].excapeDistance) {
gain = 10;
} else if(wallsLeft === 0 && player.excapeDistance < playersEnemy[0].excapeDistance) {
gain = 10;
} else {
distance -= player.excapeDistance;
block -= player.actionsWallBlock.length;
wallsLeft = player.wallsLeft - wallsLeft;
distance /= 81;
block /= 4;
wallsLeft /= 20;
gain = 5 * distance + 1 * block + wallsLeft * 3;
vector.push(Math.round(gain * 1e5) / 1e5);
return vector;
resetWalls: function() {
for (var i = 0; i < board.indexLength; i++) {
board.walls[i] = {
V: false,
H: false,
setAction: function(playerBy, action, updateBestPath) {
if(action.type === 'wall') {
board.walls[action.x + board.width * action.y][action.D] = true;
if(playerBy) {
if(updateBestPath) {
} else { // move
if(playerBy) {
playerBy.index =;
if(updateBestPath) {
removeAction: function(playerBy, action, updateBestPath) {
if(action.type === 'wall') {
board.walls[action.x + board.width * action.y][action.D] = false;
if(playerBy) {
if(updateBestPath) {
} else { // move
if(playerBy) {
playerBy.index = action.from;
if(updateBestPath) {
isWallExist: function(index, direction) {
var wall = board.walls[index];
if(wall && wall[direction]) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
canAddWall: function(x, y, D) {
var output = true;
if (D === 'V') {
if(x < 0 || x > board.width - 1 || y < 0 || y >= board.height - 1 ||
board.isWallExist(x - 1 + board.width * (y + 1), 'H') ||
board.isWallExist(x + board.width * (y - 1), 'V') ||
board.isWallExist(x + board.width * (y + 1), 'V')) {
output = false;
} else { // H
if(x < 0 || x >= board.width - 1 || y < 0 || y > board.height - 1 ||
board.isWallExist(x + 1 + board.width * (y - 1), 'V') ||
board.isWallExist(x - 1 + board.width * y, 'H') ||
board.isWallExist(x + 1 + board.width * y, 'H')) {
output = false;
return output;
canMove: function(index, direction) {
var output = true;
switch(direction) {
case 'UP':
if (index < board.width ||
board.isWallExist(index - 1, 'H') ||
board.isWallExist(index, 'H')) {
output = false;
case 'DOWN':
if (index + board.width >= board.indexLength ||
board.isWallExist(index + board.width, 'H') ||
board.isWallExist(index + board.width - 1, 'H')) {
output = false;
case 'LEFT':
if (index % board.width === 0 ||
board.isWallExist(index, 'V') ||
board.isWallExist(index - board.width, 'V')) {
output = false;
case 'RIGHT':
if (index % board.width === board.width - 1 ||
board.isWallExist(index + 1, 'V') ||
board.isWallExist(index + 1 - board.width, 'V')) {
output = false;
return output;
var pathCount = 0;
function getBFS(N, source, exitX, exitY) {
//An array of all the nodes at the same depth
var nodes = [source];
var previousNode = {};
var u;
var x;
var y;
//While the array is not empty
while(nodes.length > 0) {
u = nodes.shift();
x = u % board.width;
y = (u - x) / board.width;
if(x === exitX || y === exitY) {
return [u, previousNode];
var next;
next = u - 1;
if (!(next in previousNode) && board.canMove(u, 'LEFT')) {
previousNode[next] = u;
next = u + board.width;
if (!(next in previousNode) && board.canMove(u, 'DOWN')) {
previousNode[next] = u;
next = u + 1;
if (!(next in previousNode) && board.canMove(u, 'RIGHT')) {
previousNode[next] = u;
next = u - board.width;
if (!(next in previousNode) && board.canMove(u, 'UP')) {
previousNode[next] = u;
return [-1, {}];
function getDirectionFromIndexs(nextIndex, index) {
var output;
var diffIndex = nextIndex - index;
if(diffIndex > 0) {
if(diffIndex === 1) {
output = 'RIGHT';
} else {
output = 'DOWN';
} else {
if(diffIndex === -1) {
output = 'LEFT';
} else {
output = 'UP';
return output;
function getExcapeXY(id) {
var excapeXY = {};
switch(id) {
case 0:
excapeXY.x = 8;
excapeXY.y = false;
case 1:
excapeXY.x = 0;
excapeXY.y = false;
case 2:
excapeXY.x = false;
excapeXY.y = 8;
return excapeXY;
function getActionWallDefense(playerBy, playersEnemy) {
var actionsDefense = [];
var i;
var wallsEnemy = 0;
for (i = 0; i < playersEnemy.length; i++) {
wallsEnemy += playersEnemy[i].wallsLeft;
var actions = playerBy.actionsWallBlock;
if (playerBy.wallsLeft >= 1 && wallsEnemy >= 1 && actions.length > 0) { // We can and should
actions = getActionsWallBlockWall(actions);
actions = actions.filter(function (action) {
return board.canAddWall(action.x, action.y, action.D);
var slotAvailable = 1;
actions = actions.filter(function (action) {
var keep = false;
if(slotAvailable > 0) {
var excapeBefore = playerBy.excapeDistance;
board.setAction(false, action, true);
var excapeAfter = playerBy.excapeDistance;
if(excapeBefore >= excapeAfter && !players.isBlocked()) {
// printErr('WallDefense ' + + ' ' + action.x + ' ' + action.y + ' ' + action.D);
keep = true;
board.removeAction(false, action, true);
return keep;
// board.setAction(false, actionsToBlock, true);
// actions = getActionsWallBlockMove(playerBy);
// actions = actions.filter(function (action) {
// return board.canAddWall(action.x, action.y, action.D);
// });
// for (i = 0; i < actions.length; i++) {
// var action = actions[i];
// board.setAction(false, action, true);
// if(playerBy.excapeIndex === -1) {
// board.removeAction(false, actionsToBlock, true);
// if(!players.isBlocked()) {
// actionDefense = action;
// break;
// }
// board.setAction(false, actionsToBlock);
// }
// board.removeAction(false, actionsToBlock);
// }
// board.removeAction(false, actionsToBlock, true);
// if(actionsDefense.length > 0) {
// printErr('WallDefense ' + + ' in ' + actionsToBlock.x + ' ' + actionsToBlock.y + ' ' + actionsToBlock.D + ' out ' + actionDefense.x + ' ' + actionDefense.y + ' ' + actionDefense.D);
// } else {
// printErr('WallDefense no');
// }
return actionsDefense;
function getActionsWallBlockWall(actionsToBlock) {
var actions = [];
for(var i = 0; i < actionsToBlock.length; i++) {
var actionToBlock = actionsToBlock[i];
var x = actionToBlock.x;
var y = actionToBlock.y;
if(actionToBlock.D === 'H') {
actions.push({type: 'wall', x: x + 1, y: y - 1, D: 'V'});
actions.push({type: 'wall', x: x - 1, y: y, D: 'H'});
actions.push({type: 'wall', x: x + 1, y: y, D: 'H'});
} else { // V
actions.push({type: 'wall', x: x - 1, y: y + 1, D: 'H'});
actions.push({type: 'wall', x: x, y: y - 1, D: 'V'});
actions.push({type: 'wall', x: x, y: y + 1, D: 'V'});
return actions;
function getActionsWallBlockMove(player) {
var actions = [];
var indexStart = player.index;
while (player.index !== player.excapeIndex) {
var x = player.index % board.width;
var y = (player.index - x) / board.width;
var nextIndex = players.getNextIndex(player)[0];
var direction = getDirectionFromIndexs(nextIndex, player.index);
switch(direction) {
case 'UP':
actions.push({type: 'wall', x: x - 1, y: y, D: 'H'});
actions.push({type: 'wall', x: x, y: y, D: 'H'});
case 'DOWN':
actions.push({type: 'wall', x: x - 1, y: y + 1, D: 'H'});
actions.push({type: 'wall', x: x, y: y + 1, D: 'H'});
case 'LEFT':
actions.push({type: 'wall', x: x, y: y - 1, D: 'V'});
actions.push({type: 'wall', x: x, y: y, D: 'V'});
case 'RIGHT':
actions.push({type: 'wall', x: x + 1, y: y - 1, D: 'V'});
actions.push({type: 'wall', x: x + 1, y: y, D: 'V'});
player.index = nextIndex;
player.index = indexStart;
return actions;
// Wall to block enemy
function getActionsToTry(playerBy) {
var playersEnemy = players.getEnemy(playerBy);
var actions = [];
var actionMove = {
type: 'move',
from: playerBy.index,
to: players.getNextIndex(playerBy)[0],
if(playerBy.wallsLeft >= 1) {
actions = actions.concat(playersEnemy[0].actionsWallBlock);
if (playersEnemy.length === 2) {
actions = actions.concat(playersEnemy[1].actionsWallBlock);
actions = actions.concat(getActionWallDefense(playerBy, playersEnemy));
actions.unshift(actionMove); // At the beginning
return actions;
function toStringAction(playerBy, action) {
var output = '';
if(action) {
if(action.type === 'move') {
output = + ' : ' + getDirectionFromIndexs(, action.from);
} else {
output = + ' : ' + action.x + ' ' + action.y + ' ' + action.D;
} else {
output = + ' : no';
return output;
function dotProduct(vector1, vector2) {
var value = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < vector2.length; i++) {
value += vector1[i] * vector2[i];
return value;
function dot(matrix, vector) {
var output = [];
for (var i = 0; i < vector.length; i++) {
output.push(dotProduct(matrix[i], vector));
return output;
// Players paths and block should be up to date when arriving here.
function SOS(depth, player) {
var tree = {
depth: depth,
childs: [],
if(depth === 0) {
return [false, dot(social, board.getEval())]; // Perceived evaluation
var bestEvaluation = [-1000, -1000, -1000];
var bestAction = false;
var playerIndex = players.list.indexOf(player);
var playerNext = players.list[(playerIndex + 1) % players.list.length];
var actionsChild = getActionsToTry(player);
// printErr('playerIndex ' + playerIndex + ' depth ' + depth + ' actionsChild ' + actionsChild.length);
if (actionsChild.length > 0) {
for(var i = 0; i < actionsChild.length; i++) {
var action = actionsChild[i];
board.setAction(player, action, true);
var child = {
action: toStringAction(player, action),
excape: player.excapeDistance,
if(player.excapeDistance === 0) { // We arrived
bestEvaluation = dot(social, board.getEval());
bestAction = action;
board.removeAction(player, action);
var sos = SOS(depth - 1, playerNext);
child.eval = sos[1];
child.childs = sos[2];
if (sos[1][playerIndex] > bestEvaluation[playerIndex]) {
var oneEnemyEscape = false;
for(var j = 0; j < sos.length; j++) {
if (j !== playerIndex && sos[1][j] >= 10) {
oneEnemyEscape = true;
if(!oneEnemyEscape) {
bestEvaluation = sos[1];
bestAction = action;
board.removeAction(player, action);
if(actionsChild.length > 0 && bestAction === false) { // We have to use on even if it not optimume
bestEvaluation = sos[1];
bestAction = action;
// printErr('playerIndex ' + playerIndex + ' depth ' + depth + ' bestEvaluation ' + JSON.stringify(bestEvaluation));
return [bestAction, bestEvaluation, tree];
var i;
var start;
// game loop
while (true) {
// Set players infos
players.list = [];
for (i = 0; i < players.playerCount; i++) {
var inputs = readline().split(' ');
var x = parseInt(inputs[0]);
var y = parseInt(inputs[1]);
if(x > -1) {
var player = {
id: i,
x: x,
y: y,
wallsLeft: parseInt(inputs[2]), // number of walls available for the player
index: x + board.width * y,
if(i === players.meId) { = player;
start = new Date();
// Set walls infos
var wallCount = parseInt(readline()); // Number of walls on the board
for (i = 0; i < wallCount; i++) {
// x-coordinate of the wall, y-coordinate of the wall, wall orientation ('H' or 'V')
var inputs = readline().split(' ');
board.walls[parseInt(inputs[0]) + board.width * parseInt(inputs[1])][inputs[2]] = true;
pathCount = 0;
var depth;
var social;
if(players.list.length > 2) {
depth = 2;
social = [
[1, -1, -1],
[-1, 1, -1],
[-1, -1, 1],
} else {
depth = 3;
social = [
[1, 0],
[0, 1],
var sos = SOS(depth,;
printErr('sos vector ' + JSON.stringify(sos[1]));
// printErr(JSON.stringify(sos[2].childs.length));
var action = sos[0];
var end = new Date();
printErr('Number of pathCount ' + pathCount);
printErr('Duration of computation ' + (end - start) + ' ms');
if(action.type === 'move') {
print(getDirectionFromIndexs(, action.from));
} else {
print(action.x + ' ' + action.y + ' ' + action.D);
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