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Last active September 20, 2023 20:54
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Let's automate composer updates (my talk at the PHP user group Munich, September 2023)

Let's automate composer updates

automation comic
Image by Randall Munroe,

What are we talking about

  • Upgrading PHP packages only using composer
  • Packages following semantic versioning only
  • compatible updates only (minor and patch versions)
  • Using GitLab with runner that uses the Docker executor

Reasons to update PHP packages

  • more Security
  • less Bugs
  • new Features to make use of

Reasons NOT to update PHP packages

  • no time given from management
  • fear of braking something ("newer change a running system")
  • not using composer at all
  • missing awareness for security
  • wrong priorities
  • ...

Manually update PHP dependencies

  • create a ticket with a due date
  • pull the ticket and assign it to me
  • create a merge request / pull request and a new branch
  • checkout the master branch locally
  • run composer update
  • run composer bump
  • run phpunit
  • wait until test finish
  • checkout the new update branch locally
  • copy updated packages from composer output to clipboard
  • run git add composer.json composer.lock
  • run git commit
  • fill in commit message using "Update PHP dependencies week xx" + composer output from clipboard
  • run git push
  • open the browser tab with the merge request
  • wait for the CI pipeline
  • mark the MR as ready
  • assign a reviewer
  • move the ticket to the next column for code review
  • wait for the reviewer to review and approve the change
  • merge the branch and close the MR
  • wait for the CI/CD pipeline
  • create a new ticket with due date next week

How to automate most of the work

First do our homework

  • allow compatible update of packages in composer.json using ^
    "laravel/vapor-core": "^2.32.0",
    "laravel/vapor-ui": "^1.7.4",
    "league/flysystem-aws-s3-v3": "^1.0.30",
    "maatwebsite/excel": "^3.1.48",
    "mews/purifier": "^3.4.1",
    "sentry/sentry-laravel": "^3.8.0",
    "spatie/laravel-activitylog": "^3.17",
  • pin versions for packages which must not be upgraded
  • check for 0.x versions, as composer will NOT upgrade these
  • Specify the proper target platform in composer.json
    "config": {
         "platform": {
             "php": "8.0.21"
  • automated tests with decent code coverage
  • error and performance monitoring / alerting like Sentry or NewRelic
  • ability to rollback a deployment quickly

Implement the CI pipeline

  • Create a GitLab Acess-Token with API permission for a GitLab user
  • Create a GitHub token
  • In the .gitlab-ci.yml add a new stage e.g. update-dependencies
      - update-dependencies
      - code-check
      - build
      - tests
      - deploy

In the .gitlab-ci.yml add a new job for the new stage with the property only: - schedules:

  stage: update-dependencies
    - schedules
    - "composer update --no-ansi --no-interaction --no-scripts --no-install --no-audit
                       --no-progress --ignore-platform-req=ext-* 2>&1 | tee composer-out.txt"
    - composer bump
    - git config --global ""
    - git config --global "Some Name"
    - git config --global --add $CI_PROJECT_DIR
    - BRANCH_NAME="update-php-dpendencies-$(date '+%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M')"
    - git checkout -b $BRANCH_NAME
    - git add composer.json composer.lock
    - (echo "Automated PHP dependency upgrades $(date '+%Y-%m-%d')" ; echo "";) | tee commit-message.txt
    - | # extract list of updated packages and save to a file and a variable
      UPGRADED_PACKAGES=$(cat composer-out.txt | \
          sed -n '/^Writing lock file/ q; p' | \
          sed -n '/Updating dependencies/,$ p' | \
          sed '1 d' | tee -a commit-message.txt | \
          sed 's/$/\\n/'| tr -d '\n'); # convert to a single line for json
    - git commit -F commit-message.txt
    - |
          \"id\": ${CI_PROJECT_ID},
          \"description\": \"${UPGRADED_PACKAGES}\",
          \"source_branch\": \"${BRANCH_NAME}\",
          \"target_branch\": \"master\",
          \"remove_source_branch\": true,
          \"title\": \"Automated PHP dependency upgrades $(date '+%Y-%m-%d')\"
    - |
      curl --fail --no-progress-meter -X POST "${CI_API_V4_URL}/projects/${CI_PROJECT_ID}/merge_requests" \
         --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN:${GITLAB_ACCESS_TOKEN}" \
         --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
         --data "${BODY}"

Important: all other jobs must get the property except: - schedules

  stage: code-style
  image: ${CI_DEPENDENCY_PROXY_GROUP_IMAGE_PREFIX}/php:8.0.21-cli-alpine
    - schedules
    - find . -type f -name '*.php' -print0 | xargs -0 -n1 -P4 php -l -n | (! grep -v "No syntax errors detected" )

Create a Scheduled Task


To test the job click the play button:


Then open CI/CD pipelines and open the latest job

As a result, a new Merge Request is created, ready to be reviewed, merged and deployed:


Further Ideas

  • abort if there are no upgrades (Nothing to modify in lock file)
  • automate removal of outdated MRs and branches
  • use variables for git user name and email
  • make a GitHub action
  • upgrade node_modules too
  • merge automatically
  • extract to a central yml file to be used by all repositories



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