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Created October 25, 2016 19:01
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jwt authentication service wrapper
case class AuthRequest(
loginEndpoint: String,
uid: String,
privateKey: String,
algorithm: JwtAlgorithm = JwtAlgorithm.RS256
) {
val path: String = new URL(loginEndpoint).getPath
val jwt: String = {
val token = Jwt.encode(s"""{"uid":"$uid"}""", privateKey, algorithm)
private[this] val closedException = Failure("closed").flagged(Failure.Interrupted)
private[this] val closedExceptionF = Future.exception(closedExceptionF)
private[this] val missingTokenException = Failure("missing token")
private[this] val missingTokenExceptionF = Future.exception(Failure("missing token"))
class Authenticated(client: Client, authRequest: AuthRequest) extends Client {
private[this] sealed trait State
private[this] object Init extends State
private[this] case class Authenticating(token: Future[String]) extends State
private[this] object Closed extends State
private[this] val state = new AtomicReference[State](Init)
@tailrec final def apply(req: http.Request): Future[http.Response] = authToken.get match {
case Init =>
val tokenP = new Promise[String]
if (state.compareAndSet(Init, Authenticating(tokenP))) {
tokenP.flatMap(issueAuthed(req, _))
} else apply(req) // try again on race
case s0@Authenticating(tokenF) =>
tokenF.flatMap(issueAuthed(req, _)).rescue {
case UnauthorizedResponse(rsp) =>
// If a request is unauthorized even though we have a
// token, it may have expired. If another request hasn't
// already started authenticating, get a new token and
// reissue the request at most once.
val tokenP = new Promise[String]
if (state.compareAndSet(s0, Authenticating(tokenP))) {
tokenP.flatMap(issueAuthed(req, _)
} else apply(req) // try again on race
case Closed => closedExceptionF
private[this] def issueAuthed(req: http.Request, token: String): Future[Response] = {
req.headerMap.set("Authorization", s"token=$token")
private[this] def getToken(): Future[String] = {
val tokReq = http.Request(http.Method.Post, auth.path)
client(tokReq).flatMap {
case rsp if rsp.status == http.Status.Ok =>
readJson[AuthToken](rsp.content) match {
case Return(AuthToken(Some(token))) =>
case Return(AuthToken(None)) => missingTokenExceptionF
case Throw(e) => Future.exception(e)
case rsp if rsp.status == http.Status.Unauthorized => Future.exception(UnauthorizedResponse(rsp))
case _ => Future.exception(UnexpectedResponse(rsp))
@tailrec final override def close(d: Time): Future[Unit] = {
state.get match {
case Init =>
if (state.compareAndSet(Init, Closed)) {
} else close(d)
case s0@Authenticating(tokenF) =>
if (state.compareAndSet(s0, Closed)) {
} else close(d)
case Closed => Future.Unit
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