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Last active September 15, 2015 13:11
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case class WatchEvent(kind: String)
class Api(client: Service[Request, Resopnse]) {
def mkreq(): Request = ???
def watch(): AsyncStream[WatchEvent] =
for {
rsp <- AsyncStream.fromFuture(client(mkreq()))
watch <- rsp.status match {
case Status.Ok =>
case _ =>
} yield watch
object Json {
private[this] val mapper =
new ObjectMapper with ScalaObjectMapper
private[this] lazy val factory: JsonFactory = mapper.getFactory
* Given a chunk of bytes, read a stream of objects, and return the remaining unread buffer.
def readChunked[T: Manifest](chunk: Buf): (Seq[T], Buf) = {
var objs = mutable.Buffer.empty[T]
var offset = 0L
parse(chunk) { json =>
var reading = true
while (reading) {
try {
json.readValueAs(classManifest[T].erasure) match {
case obj: T if obj != null =>
offset = json.getCurrentLocation.getByteOffset
reading = offset < chunk.length
case _ =>
val Buf.Utf8(chunkstr) = chunk
throw new IllegalStateException(
s"could not decode json object in chunk @ ${offset} bytes: ${chunkstr}"
} catch {
case Incomplete() =>
reading = false
val rest = chunk.slice(offset.toInt, chunk.length)
(objs, rest)
def readStream[T: Manifest](reader: Reader, bufsiz: Int = 8 * 1024): AsyncStream[T] = {
def chunks(init: Buf): AsyncStream[T] =
for {
read <- AsyncStream.fromFuture(
buf <- AsyncStream.fromOption(read)
item <- {
val (items, tail) = readChunked[T](init concat buf)
AsyncStream.fromSeq(items) concat chunks(tail)
} yield item
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