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Created June 4, 2014 01:44
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(ns gob.core
[:use [clojure.core.reducers :only (cat)]]
[:use [clojure.string :only (join)]])
(def penus "PENUS")
(defn env-columns [config]
(let [columns (System/getenv "COLUMNS")]
(if (nil? columns)
(assoc config "columns" (Integer/decode columns)))))
(defn env-config [config]
(env-columns config))
(defn parse-config
"Parse command-line configuration"
[args config]
(loop [[opt & more] args
config config]
(nil? opt) config
(= opt "-y") (recur more (assoc config "ready" true))
(= opt "-m") (recur more (assoc config "magic" true))
(= opt "-i") (recur more (assoc config "inverted" true))
(= opt "-l") (recur (rest more) (assoc config "limit" (Integer/decode (first more))))
(= opt "-p") (recur (rest more) (assoc config "penus" (first more)))
:else (recur more config))))
(defn- gob-prompt []
(println "Gob's Program: Y/N?")
(print "? ")
(.toUpperCase (read-line))))
(defn- ready-for-gob? [config]
(if (contains? config "ready")
(config "ready")
(loop [rsp (gob-prompt)]
(.startsWith rsp "Y")
(or (.startsWith rsp "N") (= rsp "EXIT"))
(recur (gob-prompt))))))
(defn- which-penus [config]
(let [columns (config "columns" 0)
penus (config "penus" "PENUS")
magic? (config "magic" false)
inverted? (config "inverted" false)
slot-size (.length penus)
slot-count (max 1 (int (/ (inc columns) (inc slot-size))))
space (join "" (repeat slot-size " "))
left-str (if inverted? space penus)
right-str (if inverted? penus space)]
(if (< columns 1)
(fn [_]
(str penus " "))
(if magic?
(fn [n]
(let [forward? (even? (int (/ n slot-count)))
fulcrum (mod n slot-count)
left-count (if forward? fulcrum (- slot-count fulcrum))
right-count (- slot-count left-count)
slots (cat (repeat left-count left-str) (repeat right-count right-str))
text (join " " slots)]
(str text "\n")))
(fn [_]
(str (join " " (repeat slot-count penus)) "\n"))))))
(defn -main
"Gob's program
The zazziest darned penus printer on the Internet.
Command-line arguments:
-y You hereby state that you are ready for Gob's program.
-m Formatting illusions
-i invert the illusion
-l <limit> Limit the peen
-p use another penus
[& args]
(let [config (parse-config args (env-config {}))]
(if (ready-for-gob? config)
(let [limit (config "limit")
penus (which-penus config)
indexes (if (nil? limit) (range) (range 0 limit))]
(doseq [n indexes]
(print (penus n)))))))
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olix0r commented Jun 7, 2014

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