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Last active May 20, 2020 00:06
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K3d + L5d Multicluster test
set -eu
set -x
# Requires:
# - k3d v3:
# - smallstep/cli:
# - linkerd:edge-20.5.3:
## Clusters
export ORG_DOMAIN="${}"
CA_DIR=$(mktemp --tmpdir="${TMPDIR:-/tmp}" -d k3d-ca.XXXXX)
# Generate the trust roots. These never touch the cluster. In the real world
# we'd squirrel these away in a vault.
step certificate create \
"identity.linkerd.${ORG_DOMAIN}" \
"$CA_DIR/ca.crt" "$CA_DIR/ca.key" \
--profile root-ca \
--no-password --insecure --force
for cluster in east west ; do
if k3d get cluster "$cluster" >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
echo "Already exists: $cluster" >&2
exit 1
k3d create cluster "$cluster" \
--network=multicluster-example \
--k3s-server-arg="--cluster-domain=$cluster.${ORG_DOMAIN}" \
--wait \
k3d get kubeconfig "$cluster"
# Check that the cluster is up and running.
while ! linkerd --context="k3d-$cluster" check --pre ; do :; done
# Create issuing credentials. These end up on the cluster (and can be
# rotated from the root).
step certificate create "identity.linkerd.${domain}" \
"$crt" "$key" \
--ca="$CA_DIR/ca.crt" \
--ca-key="$CA_DIR/ca.key" \
--profile=intermediate-ca \
--not-after 8760h --no-password --insecure
# Install Linkerd into the cluster.
linkerd --context="k3d-$cluster" install \
--cluster-domain="$domain" \
--identity-trust-domain="$domain" \
--identity-trust-anchors-file="$CA_DIR/ca.crt" \
--identity-issuer-certificate-file="${crt}" \
--identity-issuer-key-file="${key}" |
kubectl --context="k3d-$cluster" apply -f -
# Wait some time and check that the cluster has started properly.
sleep 30
while ! linkerd --context="k3d-$cluster" check ; do :; done
# Setup a gateway on the remote cluster.
kubectl --context="k3d-$cluster" create ns linkerd-multicluster
linkerd --context="k3d-$cluster" cluster setup-remote \
--gateway-namespace=linkerd-multicluster \
--service-account-namespace=linkerd-multicluster \
--incoming-port=4180 \
--probe-port=4181 |
kubectl --context="k3d-$cluster" apply -f -
linkerd --context="k3d-$cluster" install-service-mirror \
--namespace=linkerd-multicluster \
--log-level=debug |
kubectl --context="k3d-$cluster" apply -f -
# Generate credentials so the service-mirror
# Unfortunately, the credentials have the API server IP as addressed from
# localhost and not the docker network, so we have to patch that up.
fetch_credentials() {
# Grab the LB IP of cluster's API server & replace it in the secret blob:
lb_ip=$(kubectl --context="k3d-$cluster" get svc -n kube-system traefik \
-o 'go-template={{ (index .status.loadBalancer.ingress 0).ip }}')
secret=$(linkerd --context="k3d-$cluster" cluster get-credentials \
--cluster-name="$cluster" \
--remote-cluster-domain="${cluster}.${ORG_DOMAIN}" \
config=$(echo "$secret" |
sed -ne 's/^ kubeconfig: //p' | base64 -d |
sed -Ee "s|server: https://.*|server: https://${lb_ip}:6443|" | base64 -w0)
# shellcheck disable=SC2001
echo "$secret" | sed -e "s/ kubeconfig: .*/ kubeconfig: $config/"
fetch_credentials east | kubectl --context=k3d-west apply -n linkerd-multicluster -f -
fetch_credentials west | kubectl --context=k3d-east apply -n linkerd-multicluster -f -
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I recreated this setup and spotted a few things:

  • You need to curl on port 8888, this is the port that the service exposes. Then it works and I get:
root@test-84b9c484d7-pp29d:/# curl -s http://backend-one-svc-multi1:8888 | json_pp
   "payload" : "hello-remote-1",
   "requestUID" : "in:http-sid:terminus-grpc:-1-h1:8888-244139113"
  • linkerd --context=k3d-multi0 check --multicluster does not work
    the problem is the fact that this check gets all the creds secrets from the multi0 (currently multi1) and tries to instantiate a k8s API, checking that you can list, watch and get services. The api endpoint specified in this secret is addressable only from multi0 by the looks of it and we are running the check from the local machine.

  • probing the remote gateway fails and if you run linkerd --context=k3d-multi0 cluster gateways --cluster-name=multi1, you get:

multi1   linkerd-gateway  linkerd-gateway  False          2            -            -            -

Looking at the logs of the service mirror, it is trying to probe this gateway but gets:

time="2020-05-15T09:04:11Z" level=debug msg="Gateway returned unexpected status 403. Marking as unhealthy" probe-key=linkerd-gateway-linkerd-gateway-multi1
time="2020-05-15T09:04:14Z" level=debug msg="Gateway returned unexpected status 403. Marking as unhealthy" probe-key=linkerd-gateway-linkerd-gateway-multi1
time="2020-05-15T09:04:17Z" level=debug msg="Gateway returned unexpected status 403. Marking as unhealthy" probe-key=linkerd-gateway-linkerd-gateway-multi1

Looking further at the logs of the proxy on this pod we can see failures such as:

[  3885.173510334s] DEBUG outbound:accept{peer.addr=}:source{target.addr=}:logical{addr=}:balance{addr=}:endpoint{peer.addr=}: linkerd2_app_outbound::require_identity_on_endpoint: found l5d-require-id=""
[  3885.173643168s]  WARN outbound:accept{peer.addr=}:source{target.addr=}: linkerd2_app_core::errors: Failed to proxy request: request required the identity '' but no identity found

Because this is a TLSed connection we need to somehow tell the prober to expect a certain identity on the remote gateway endpoint. We do that via the l5d-require-id header. This works when when testing with local + gcp. I am a bit unclear on how traefik does the whole load balancing, but is it possible that the endpoint we are actually hitting does not provide this identity... ? any tips here would be appreciated

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