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Created June 19, 2014 16:14
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Failing test describing how interaction with middleware like wrap-params results in unexpected entries in the route-params map
(ns bidi.bidi-test
(:require [clojure.test :refer :all]
[bidi.bidi :refer :all]
[ring.mock.request :refer :all]))
(deftest route-params-hygiene-test
(testing "other request constraints"
(let [handler
(make-handler [["/blog/user/" :userid "/article"]
(fn [req] {:status 201 :body (:route-params req)})])]
(is handler)
(testing "specified params like userid make it into :route-params
but other params do not"
(is (= (handler (-> (request :put "/blog/user/8888/article")
(assoc :params {"foo" "bar"})))
{:status 201 :body {:userid "8888"}}))))))
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