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  • Save olleolleolle/560530 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save olleolleolle/560530 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Deprecations checker: A PHP Bundle script that I put on Ctrl-Shift-V (as a second PHP validation). Will jump to the line of the first reported error.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Uses Stas Malyshev's migrate.php script to check code style
require ENV['TM_SUPPORT_PATH'] + '/lib/textmate'
version = %x{#{ENV['TM_PHP'] || 'php'} -v}.split[0..2].join(' ')
result = `#{ENV['TM_PHP'] || 'php'} /Users/olle/opensource/php/migrate/migrate.php '#{ENV['TM_FILEPATH']}'`
result.gsub!("in file #{ENV['TM_FILEPATH']}", '')
puts "OK!" if result.empty?
puts result
TextMate.go_to :line => $1 if result =~ /line (\d+)/
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Just open the Bundle Editor, and duplicate the "Validate Syntax" item, then empty the big text box, and replace it with the above script. Change my migrate.php path, and you're good to go.

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