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Last active February 5, 2022 03:30
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Anders Skivspelare
//This is a code made to run 3-phase PWM drive stage with 6-transistors, in other words 3 half bridge transistors with an Arduino UNO
//This setup is made with User settings of DEAD TIME. So here the the dead time can be adjusted by user. const int dead_time = 10;//10 = 0.625 us
//The PWM work here with fix frequancy of 31.25kHz (Other settings may not work proper when use all 3 TIMERS, if you want more flexibilty use Arduino MEGA 2560 or some other plattform)
//Olle Welin
// TL Transistor Low side of half bridge pair
// TH Transistor High side of half bridge pair
// PWM assignement at Arduino UNO is by following:
//~6 TL, PH0, TMR0, pwm_ph0 data value
//~5 TH, PH0, TMR0, pwm_ph0 data value
//~9 TL, PH1, TMR1, pwm_ph1 data value
//~10 TH, PH1, TMR1, pwm_ph1 data value
//~11 TL, PH2, TMR2, pwm_ph2 data value
//~3 TH, PH2, TMR2, pwm_ph2 data value
#include <math.h>
//#define USE_PRINT_HALL //Turn OFF this switch this so save CPU time and get CORRECT SPEED
void setup()
pinMode(2, OUTPUT); //Frequance Indicator
pinMode(3, INPUT); //PWM is set to input before PWM initialized to prevent start up short circuit
pinMode(5, INPUT); //PWM is set to input before PWM initialized to prevent start up short circuit
pinMode(6, INPUT); //PWM is set to input before PWM initialized to prevent start up short circuit
pinMode(9, INPUT); //PWM is set to input before PWM initialized to prevent start up short circuit
pinMode(10, INPUT); //PWM is set to input before PWM initialized to prevent start up short circuit
pinMode(11, INPUT); //PWM is set to input before PWM initialized to prevent start up short circuit
pinMode(4, INPUT); //HALL state
pinMode(7, INPUT); //HALL state
pinMode(8, INPUT); //HALL state
pinMode(12, OUTPUT); //HALL OK
pinMode(13, OUTPUT); //SYNCED ROTOR LED "L" on Arduino. When this LED is Light then it tell that the rotor is in sync with HALL
// start serial port at 9600 bps:
while (!Serial) {
; // wait for serial port to connect. Needed for Leonardo only
const int dead_time = 2;//10 = 0.625 us
const int half_dead_time = dead_time / 2;//
const int HALL_ERROR = 6;
int H_sens = 0;
int pwm_ph0=0;
int pwm_ph1=0;
int pwm_ph2=0;
inline void update_pwm(void)
//Limit the pwm_phx so it take the dead time into account so it not will swap over when reach end limit of workable PWM range
if(pwm_ph0 > (255 - half_dead_time))
pwm_ph0 = (255 - half_dead_time);
if(pwm_ph1 > (255 - half_dead_time))
pwm_ph1 = (255 - half_dead_time);
if(pwm_ph2 > (255 - half_dead_time))
pwm_ph2 = (255 - half_dead_time);
if(pwm_ph0 < half_dead_time)
pwm_ph0 = half_dead_time;
if(pwm_ph1 < half_dead_time)
pwm_ph1 = half_dead_time;
if(pwm_ph2 < half_dead_time)
pwm_ph2 = half_dead_time;
//All The PWM will run from 0xFF to 0x00 and up again to TOP 0xFF
//The OCRnx will automatic update when TCNTn is on TOP 0xFF by hardware
//Therefor it is sutible to change both OCRnx pair on a place where TCNT not update to ensure that the hardware automatic update NOT occur exact when only one of the two OCRnx have changed by this code
while(TCNT0 > 0x7F)
//Now it's safe to update OCR0x pair (connect to same transistor pair)
OCR0A = (pwm_ph0 + half_dead_time);//~6 TL PH0 TMR0
OCR0B = (pwm_ph0 - half_dead_time);//~5 TH PH0 TMR0
while(TCNT1 > 0x7F)
//Now it's safe to update OCR1x pair (connect to same transistor pair)
OCR1A = (pwm_ph1 + half_dead_time);//~9 TL PH1 TMR1
OCR1B = (pwm_ph1 - half_dead_time);//~10 TH PH1 TMR1
while(TCNT2 > 0x7F)
//Now it's safe to update OCR2x pair (connect to same transistor pair)
OCR2A = (pwm_ph2 + half_dead_time);//~3 TH PH2 TMR2
OCR2B = (pwm_ph2 - half_dead_time);//~11 TL PH2 TMR2
inline void sync_pwm_timers(void)
GTCCR = (GTCCR & 0xFF) | 0x81;// Set bit Bit 7 – TSM: Timer/Counter Synchronization Mode
//Writing the TSM bit to one activates the Timer/Counter Synchronization mode. In this mode, the value that is written
//to the PSRASY and PSRSYNC bits is kept, hence keeping the corresponding prescaler reset signals asserted.
//This ensures that the corresponding Timer/Counters are halted and can be configured to the same value without
//the risk of one of them advancing during configuration. When the TSM bit is written to zero, the PSRASY and
//PSRSYNC bits are cleared by hardware, and the Timer/Counters start counting simultaneously.
TCNT0 = 00;//Syncronize PWM timers
TCNT1 = 0x0000;//Syncronize PWM timers
TCNT2 = 0x00;//Syncronize PWM timers
GTCCR = (GTCCR & 0x7E);// Rest bit Bit 7 – TSM: Timer/Counter Synchronization Mode
inline void wait_TCN(void)
///This two while wait will create a poll to create a Fix loop frequense of 31.25kHz
while(TCNT0 < 0xEF)
while(TCNT0 > 0xEF)
/// End of poll of Fix loop frequense 31.25kHz
inline int circulate_value(int table_index, int table_size)
int circ_return=0;
if(table_index > table_size-1)
table_index = table_index - table_size;
if(table_index < 0)
table_index = table_index + table_size;
circ_return = table_index;
return circ_return;
inline int read_hall(void)
if(digitalRead(4) == 1)
H_sens = H_sens | 0b00000001;
H_sens = H_sens & 0b11111110;
if(digitalRead(7) == 1)
H_sens = H_sens | 0b00000010;
H_sens = H_sens & 0b11111101;
if(digitalRead(8) == 1)
H_sens = H_sens | 0b00000100;
H_sens = H_sens & 0b11111011;
int hall=0;
if (H_sens == 0b00000111)
Serial.println("HALL ERROR!! ALL 111");
digitalWrite(12, LOW);///Hall Failure
hall = HALL_ERROR;
if (H_sens == 0b00000000)
Serial.println("HALL ERROR!! ALL 000");
digitalWrite(12, LOW);///Hall Failure
hall = HALL_ERROR;
digitalWrite(12, HIGH);///Hall OK
if(H_sens == 0b00000101)
hall = 5;//0
if(H_sens == 0b00000001)
hall = 4;//1
if(H_sens == 0b00000011)
hall = 3;//2
if(H_sens == 0b00000010)
hall = 2;//3
if(H_sens == 0b00000110)
hall = 1;//4
if(H_sens == 0b00000100)
hall = 0;//5
return hall;
void loop()
Serial.println("Version 1.0");
TCCR1A = 0xE1;//PWM, Phase Correct 8-bit TOP at 0xFF
TCCR0A = 0xE1;//PWM, Phase Correct 8-bit TOP at 0xFF
TCCR2A = 0xE1;//PWM, Phase Correct 8-bit TOP at 0xFF
TCCR2B = 0x01;//clkI/O/1 (No prescaling) 31.25kHz PWM frequency
TCCR1B = 0x01;//clkI/O/1 (No prescaling) 31.25kHz PWM frequency
TCCR0B = 0x01;//clkI/O/1 (No prescaling) 31.25kHz PWM frequency
pwm_ph0=128;//128 = center. User PWM Range is value between (0 + half_dead_time) to (255 - half_dead_time)
pinMode(3, OUTPUT); //PWM output
pinMode(5, OUTPUT); //PWM output
pinMode(6, OUTPUT); //PWM output
pinMode(9, OUTPUT); //PWM output
pinMode(10, OUTPUT); //PWM output
pinMode(11, OUTPUT); //PWM output
pinMode(2, OUTPUT); //Frequance Indicator
pinMode(4, INPUT); //HALL state
pinMode(7, INPUT); //HALL state
pinMode(8, INPUT); //HALL state
pinMode(12, OUTPUT); //HALL OK
pinMode(13, OUTPUT); //SYNCED ROTOR LED "L" on Arduino. When this LED is Light then it tell that the rotor is in sync with HALL
digitalWrite(13, LOW);//Not Sync
const float rps = 0.555555555556f;/// 100 turn / 180 sec
const int table_size = 300;
// float rot_step = 0.128f;/// (12 poles / 2) * rps * table_size / (31250Hz / 4)
// float frequence = 7812.5;
float rot_step = 0.256f;/// (12 poles / 2) * rps * table_size / (31250Hz / 8)
float frequence = 3906.25;
rot_step = 6 * rps * table_size / frequence;
Serial.print("rot_step = ");
Serial.println(rot_step, 8);
const float two_pi = 6.28318530718;
float rot_counter=0;
float sinus=0;
float pwm_max = 100;//Must be less then 128
const float deg_120 = 2.09439510239f;///(1/3) * 2pi
const float deg_240 = 4.18879020479f;///(2/3) * 2pi
// const float rewind_counter_value = two_pi / 10;///How much will the comutation jump back or fourth if off track ocurre
const float rewind_counter_value = rot_step * 1.2f;
const int table_one_third = table_size / 3;
const int table_one_sixth = table_size / 6;
const int table_size_one_half = table_size / 2;
const int max_offtrack_ang = table_size / 10;
const int hall_rot_offset = 200;///0..table_size-1 Change this offset so it match the offset between the real magnetic feald and the HALL sensor based signal
int off_track = 0;///0 = ON track. -1 = OFF track lagging. 1 = OFF track to ahead.
int table[table_size];
int hall_state=0;//0..5 state
//Make sinus integer table
for(int i = 0;i<table_size;i++)
sinus = sin(two_pi * i/table_size);///
sinus = sinus * pwm_max;
sinus = sinus + 128.0f;
table[i] = sinus;
Serial.print("] = ");
int table_index1=0;
int table_index2=0;
int table_index3=0;
// const long ramp_sec = 60;
const long ramp_sec = 3;
const float rot_step_ramp_inc = rot_step / (((float) frequence) * ((float)ramp_sec));
Serial.print("rot_step_ramp_inc = ");
Serial.println(rot_step_ramp_inc, 8);
Serial.print("hall_rot_offset = ");
float rot_step_ramp = 0;
long ramp_counter = 0;
ramp_counter = (long) frequence;
Serial.print("ramp_counter = ");
ramp_counter = ramp_counter * ramp_sec;
Serial.print("ramp_counter = ");
int estimated_rot_c = 0;///This is based on value from HALL sensor
int rot_c_diff = 0;///This is a circulate value
int test_max = 0;
int print_counter =0;
digitalWrite(2, LOW);
digitalWrite(2, HIGH);
if(rot_counter < table_size-1)
rot_counter = rot_counter + rot_step;
rot_counter = 0;
table_index1 = (int) rot_counter;
table_index1 = circulate_value(table_index1, table_size);//Make to a circulate value inside table_size-1 range
table_index2 = table_index1 + table_one_third;
table_index3 = table_index1 + table_one_third + table_one_third;
table_index2 = circulate_value(table_index2, table_size);//Make to a circulate value inside table_size-1 range
table_index3 = circulate_value(table_index3, table_size);//Make to a circulate value inside table_size-1 range
pwm_ph2 = table[table_index1];
pwm_ph1 = table[table_index2];
pwm_ph0 = table[table_index3];
hall_state = read_hall();
estimated_rot_c = hall_state * table_one_sixth + hall_rot_offset;
estimated_rot_c = circulate_value(estimated_rot_c, table_size);//Make to a circulate value inside table_size-1 range
rot_c_diff = table_index1 - estimated_rot_c;//Circulate value system
rot_c_diff = circulate_value(rot_c_diff, table_size);//Make to a circulate value inside table_size-1 range
digitalWrite(13, LOW);//Turn off "OFF track" LED
if(rot_c_diff < table_size_one_half)
///The estimated_rot_c from HALL sensor is lagging behind the output PWM sinus wave
if(rot_c_diff > max_offtrack_ang)
///Off track, to much lagging of the motor
// Serial.println("lagging ");
digitalWrite(13, HIGH);//OFF track LED
rot_counter = rot_counter - rewind_counter_value;///Rewind the rot_counter
///The estimated_rot_c from HALL sensor go before the output PWM sinus wave
if(rot_c_diff < (table_size_one_half - max_offtrack_ang))
///Off track, to far ahead on the motor
Serial.println("Off track, to far ahead");
digitalWrite(13, HIGH);//OFF track LED
// rot_counter = rot_counter + rewind_counter_value;///Forward the rot_counter
rot_counter = 0.0f;
pwm_ph2 = 10;
pwm_ph1 = 10;
pwm_ph0 = 10;
if(print_counter > 2)
print_counter = 0;
if(print_counter == 1 )
// Serial.println(rot_counter);
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