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Last active June 14, 2022 11:39
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Making NotificationCenter easier to work with and allowing type-safe rules
extension NotificationCenter {
public func observe(
name: NSNotification.Name,
object obj: Any? = nil,
queue: OperationQueue? = .main,
using block: @escaping (Notification?) -> Void
) -> Notification.Token {
return Notification.Token(
on: self,
token: addObserver(forName: name, object: obj, queue: queue, using: block)
extension NotificationCenter {
public func observe<T>(
_ descriptor: Notification.Descriptor<T>,
object obj: Any? = nil,
queue: OperationQueue? = .main,
using block: @escaping (T) -> ()
) -> Notification.Token {
return Notification.Token(
on: self,
token: addObserver(for: descriptor, object: obj, queue: queue, using: block)
public func addObserver<T>(
for descriptor: Notification.Descriptor<T>,
object obj: Any? = nil,
queue: OperationQueue? = .main,
using block: @escaping (T) -> ()
) -> NSObjectProtocol {
return addObserver(forName:, object: obj, queue: queue, using: { n in
extension Notification {
public final class Token: NSObject {
let notificationCenter: NotificationCenter
let token: NSObjectProtocol
init(on notificationCenter: NotificationCenter = .default, token: NSObjectProtocol) {
self.notificationCenter = notificationCenter
self.token = token
deinit {
public struct Descriptor<T> {
public typealias ID = UInt
private(set) public var id: ID = { __count &+= 1; return __count }()
public let name: Notification.Name
public let transform: (Notification) -> T
public init(name: Notification.Name, transform: @escaping (Notification) -> T) { = name
self.transform = transform
private var __count: UInt = 0
extension Notification.Descriptor: Hashable {
public func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {
public static func == (l: Notification.Descriptor<T>, r: Notification.Descriptor<T>) -> Bool { == && ==
extension Notification.Descriptor {
public func sink<Root>(center: NotificationCenter = .default, queue: OperationQueue? = nil, to method: @escaping (Root) -> (T) -> Void, on root: Root) -> Notification.Token where Root: AnyObject {
sink(center: center, queue: queue, to: { [weak root] o in })
public func sink(center: NotificationCenter = .default, queue: OperationQueue? = nil, to method: @escaping (T) -> Void) -> Notification.Token {
center.observe(self, object: nil, queue: queue, using: method)
extension Notification.Name {
public func sink<Root>(center: NotificationCenter = .default, queue: OperationQueue? = nil, to method: @escaping (Root) -> () -> Void, on root: Root) -> Notification.Token where Root: AnyObject {
sink(center: center, queue: queue, to: { [weak root] _ in })
public func sink(center: NotificationCenter = .default, queue: OperationQueue? = nil, to method: @escaping () -> Void) -> Notification.Token {
center.observe(name: self, object: nil, queue: queue, using: { _ in method() })
public func sink<Root>(center: NotificationCenter = .default, queue: OperationQueue? = nil, to method: @escaping (Root) -> (Notification?) -> Void, on root: Root) -> Notification.Token where Root: AnyObject {
sink(center: center, queue: queue, to: { [weak root] note in })
public func sink(center: NotificationCenter = .default, queue: OperationQueue? = nil, to method: @escaping (Notification?) -> Void) -> Notification.Token {
center.observe(name: self, object: nil, queue: queue, using: method)
// AnyToken
public final class AnyObservationToken: NSObject {
let wrapped: NSObject
public init(_ wrapped: NSObject) {
self.wrapped = wrapped
protocol ExpressibleAsAnyObservationToken: NSObject {
func store(in set: inout Set<AnyObservationToken>)
func store<C>(in collection: inout C) where C: RangeReplaceableCollection, C.Element == AnyObservationToken
func eraseToAnyObservationToken() -> AnyObservationToken
extension ExpressibleAsAnyObservationToken {
public func store(in set: inout Set<AnyObservationToken>) {
public func store<C>(in collection: inout C) where C : RangeReplaceableCollection, C.Element == AnyObservationToken {
public func eraseToAnyObservationToken() -> AnyObservationToken { .init(self) }
extension AnyObservationToken {
public func store(in set: inout Set<AnyObservationToken>) {
extension NSKeyValueObservation: ExpressibleAsAnyObservationToken { }
extension Notification.Token: ExpressibleAsAnyObservationToken { }
// KeyPath + Unwrap
extension KeyPath {
public func tryUnwrap<T>(_ as: T.Type = T.self) -> (Root) throws -> T {
return { try $0[keyPath: self] as? T ??^ "\(self) is not type \(T.self)" }
public func optionalUnwrap<T>(_ as: T.Type = T.self) -> (Root) -> T? {
return { $0[keyPath: self] as? T }
public func unwrap<T>(_ as: T.Type = T.self) -> (Root) -> T {
return { $0[keyPath: self] as! T }
// Unwrap or throw
extension String: Error { }
extension Optional {
public static func ??^ (optional: Optional, error: Error) throws -> Wrapped {
guard case let value? = optional else { throw error }
return value
extension UIWindow {
public static let didBecomeVisibleNotificationDescriptor: Notification.Descriptor<UIWindow> = .init(name: UIWindow.didBecomeVisibleNotification, transform: (\Notification.object).unwrap())
public static let didBecomeHiddenNotificationDescriptor: Notification.Descriptor<UIWindow> = .init(name: UIWindow.didBecomeHiddenNotification, transform: (\Notification.object).unwrap())
public static let didBecomeKeyNotificationDescriptor: Notification.Descriptor<UIWindow> = .init(name: UIWindow.didBecomeKeyNotification, transform: (\Notification.object).unwrap())
public static let didResignKeyNotificationDescriptor: Notification.Descriptor<UIWindow> = .init(name: UIWindow.didResignKeyNotification, transform: (\Notification.object).unwrap())
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ollieatkinson commented Sep 18, 2020


private var bag: Set<AnyToken> = [ ]


    .sink(to: windowDidBecomeKey(_:))
    .store(in: &bag)


func windowDidBecomeKey(_ window: UIWindow) {

or grabbing properties from the notification

extension UIResponder {
    static let keyboardDidChangeFrameNotificationDescriptor = Notification.Descriptor(name: UIResponder.keyboardDidChangeFrameNotification, transform: KeyboardDidChangeFrame.init)

struct KeyboardDidChangeFrame {
    let from: CGRect
    let to: CGRect
    init(_ note: Notification) {
        from = note.userInfo?[UIResponder.keyboardFrameBeginUserInfoKey] as! CGRect
        to = note.userInfo?[UIResponder.keyboardFrameEndUserInfoKey] as! CGRect


    .sink(to: keyboardDidChangeFrame(_:))
    .store(in: &bag)


func keyboardDidChangeFrame(_ change: KeyboardDidChangeFrame) {

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