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Implementation of Paul Heckel's Diff Algorithm in Swift 3
/// Implementation of Paul Heckel's Diff Algorithm
/// > To compare two files, it is usually convenient to take a line as the
/// > basic unit, although other units are possible, such as word, sentence,
/// > paragraph, or character. We approach the problem by finding
/// similarities until only differences remain. We make two observations:
/// Preliminary Observations
/// 1. If a line occurs only once in each file, then it must be the same line,
/// although it may have been moved.
/// We use this observation to locate unaltered lines that we subsequently
/// exclude from further treatment.
/// 2. If a line has been found to be unaltered, and the lines immediately
/// adjacent to it in both files are identical, then these lines must be
/// the same line. This information can be used to find blocks of unchanged
/// lines.
/// References:
/// + (good breakdown)
/// + (paper)
/// Similar to:
/// +
class Diff {
private var oldReferences = [Reference]()
private var newReferences = [Reference]()
/// A reference to an entry in the array, can either be a pointer (a change) or an index (unchanged)
enum Reference {
/// - pointer: A pointer to a symbol in the list of entries. This is used to identify changes.
case pointer(Symbol)
/// - index: An index reference. This is used to signify things which have not changed.
case index(Int)
/// A reference symbol.
class Symbol {
/// The count of the symbol in the old array
var oldCount: Count = .zero
/// The count of the symbol in the new array
var newCount: Count = .zero
/// The reference indexes in the old array
var oldLineReferenceIndexes = [Int]()
/// true if the symbol is available in both of the arrays
var inBoth: Bool {
return !(oldCount == .zero || newCount == .zero)
/// An enum representing zero, one or many
enum Count {
/// - zero: equivalent to 0
case zero
/// - one: equivalent to 1
case one
/// - many: equivalent to anything larger than 1
case many
/// Advance to to the next value.
/// zero -> one
/// one -> many
mutating func next() {
switch self {
case .zero:
self = .one
case .one:
self = .many
case .many:
/// Process the old and new array to produce a list of diff steps.
/// - Parameters:
/// - old: The array to compare.
/// - new: The array to compare against.
/// - Returns: A list of DiffStep operations to perform on the old array to get the new array.
func process<T: Diffable>(old: [T], new: [T]) -> [DiffStep<T>] {
setupContext(old: old, new: new)
/// Final pass
/// one entry for each index in the new array containing either:
/// > a pointer to table[line]
/// > the entry index in the old array
var steps = [DiffStep<T>]()
var deleteOffsets = Array(repeating: 0, count: old.count)
var offset = 0
for (index, item) in oldReferences.enumerated() {
deleteOffsets[index] = offset
if case .pointer(_) = item {
steps.append(.delete(index: index, value: old[index]))
offset += 1
offset = 0
for (index, item) in newReferences.enumerated() {
switch item {
case .pointer(_):
steps.append(.insert(index: index, value: new[index]))
offset += 1
case .index(let oldIndex):
if old[oldIndex] != new[index] {
steps.append(.update(index: index, value: new[index]))
let deleteOffset = deleteOffsets[oldIndex]
if (oldIndex - deleteOffset + offset) != index {
steps.append(.move(from: oldIndex, to: index, value: new[index]))
return steps
/// Setup the context for the diffing operation
/// This goes through the 5 passes of Paul Heckel's Diff Algorithm
/// ## First Pass
/// a. Each entry of array `new` is read in sequence
/// b. An entry for each is created in the table, if it doesn't already exist
/// c. `newCount` for the table entry is incremented
/// d. `new[i]` is set to point to the table entry of index i
/// ## Second Pass
/// a. Each entry of array `old` is read in sequence
/// b. An entry for each is created in the table, if it doesn't already exist
/// c. `oldCount` for the table entry is incremented
/// d. Add a reference index for the position of the entry in old
/// e. `old[i]` is set to point to the table entry of index i
/// ## Third Pass
/// a. We use Observation 1:
/// > If a entry occurs only once in each array, then it must be the same entry, although it may have been moved.
/// > We use this observation to locate unaltered entries that we subsequently exclude from further treatment.
/// b. Using this, we only process the entries where `oldCount` == `newCount` == 1.
/// c. As the entries between `old` and `new` "must be the same entry, although it may have been moved", we alter the table pointers to the number of the entry in the other array.
/// d. We also locate unique virtual entries
/// - immediately before the first and
/// - immediately after the last
/// ## Fourth Pass
/// a. We use Observation 2:
/// > If a entry has been found to be unaltered, and the entries immediately adjacent to it in both arrays are identical, then these entries must be the same entry.
/// > This information can be used to find blocks of unchanged entries.
/// b. Using this, we process each entry in ascending order.
/// c. If
/// - new[i] points to old[j], and
/// - new[i + 1] and old[j + 1] contain identical table entry pointers
/// **then**
/// - old[j + 1] is set to entry i + 1, and
/// - old[i + 1] is set to entry j + 1
/// ## Fifth Pass
/// Similar to fourth pass, except:
/// It processes each entry in descending order
/// It uses j - 1 and i - 1 instead of j + 1 and i + 1
/// - Parameters:
/// - old: The array to compare.
/// - new: The array to compare against.
private func setupContext<T: Diffable>(old: [T], new: [T]) {
/// First pass
newReferences = makeTableReferences(with: new, counter: { $ })
/// Second pass
oldReferences = makeTableReferences(with: old, updateLineReference: true, counter: { $ })
/// If a line occurs only once in each file, then it must be the same line, although it may have been moved.
/// We use this observation to locate unaltered lines that we subsequently exclude from further treatment.
/// Third pass
/// If a line has been found to be unaltered, and the lines immediately adjacent to it in both files are identical,
/// then these lines must be the same line. This information can be used to find blocks of unchanged lines.
/// Fourth pass
expandUniqueEntries(direction: .ascending)
/// Fifth pass
expandUniqueEntries(direction: .descending)
private var table: [String: Reference.Symbol] = [:]
/// Generate table entries for the array, if updateLineReference is true the oldLineReferenceIndexes are also populated.
/// First & Second pass
/// - Parameters:
/// - array: The array calee to generate refernces for.
/// - updateLineReference: true if the oldLineReferenceIndexes should be updated
/// - counter: A function used to increase the counter for the reference symbol.
/// - Returns: A list of symbol references for array `array`.
private func makeTableReferences<T: Diffable>(with array: [T], updateLineReference: Bool = false, counter: (Reference.Symbol) -> Void) -> [Reference] {
var entries = [Reference]()
for (index, item) in array.enumerated() {
let entry = table[item.primaryKeyValue] ?? Reference.Symbol()
table[item.primaryKeyValue] = entry
if updateLineReference {
return entries
/// Third pass
private func findUniqueVirtualEntries() {
for (index, item) in newReferences.enumerated() {
if case .pointer(let entry) = item, entry.inBoth {
guard entry.oldLineReferenceIndexes.count > 0 else {
let oldIndex = entry.oldLineReferenceIndexes.removeFirst()
newReferences[index] = .index(oldIndex)
oldReferences[oldIndex] = .index(index)
/// An enumeration to specify the direction of the traversal of references.
enum ReferenceWalker {
/// - ascending: Walk the references in ascending order.
case ascending
/// - descending: Walk the references in decending order.
case descending
/// The starting value of the walk.
/// - Parameter references: The references which are being walked.
/// - Returns: The start index.
func start(references: [Reference]) -> Int {
switch self {
case .ascending:
return 1
case .descending:
return references.count - 1
/// The step increase when walking references.
var step: Int {
switch self {
case .ascending:
return 1
case .descending:
return -1
/// Compare the index with the list of indexes to ensure it is valid.
/// - Parameters:
/// - i: the index to validate
/// - references: The array of references, the count of these determines if the traversal is still valid.
/// - Returns: true if the traversal is still valid.
func isValid(i: Int, references: [Reference]) -> Bool {
switch self {
case .ascending:
return i < references.count - 1
case .descending:
return i > 0
/// Determine if the index is in range and can be continued.
/// - Parameters:
/// - i: the index to validate
/// - references: The array of references, the count of these determines if the traversal is still valid.
/// - Returns: true if the index is in range.
func inRange(i: Int, references: [Reference]) -> Bool {
switch self {
case .ascending:
return i + step < references.count
case .descending:
return i + step >= 0
/// Fourth & Fifth pass
/// - Parameter direction: The direction to walk, ascending or descending
private func expandUniqueEntries(direction: ReferenceWalker) {
var i = direction.start(references: newReferences)
while direction.isValid(i: i, references: newReferences) {
if case .index(let j) = newReferences[i], direction.inRange(i: j, references: oldReferences) {
if case .pointer(let new) = newReferences[i + direction.step], case .pointer(let old) = oldReferences[j + direction.step], new === old {
newReferences[i + direction.step] = .index(j + direction.step)
oldReferences[j + direction.step] = .index(i + direction.step)
i += direction.step
/// A description of a step to apply to an array to be able to transform one into the other.
enum DiffStep<T: Diffable>: CustomDebugStringConvertible {
/// - insert: A insertation step.
case insert(index: Int, value: T)
/// - delete: A deletion step.
case delete(index: Int, value: T)
/// - move: A move step.
case move(from: Int, to: Int, value: T)
/// update: A update step.
case update(index: Int, value: T)
/// A debug string describing the diff step.
public var debugDescription: String {
switch self {
case .insert(let idx, let value):
return "+\(idx)@\(value)"
case .delete(let idx, let value):
return "-\(idx)@\(value)"
case .move(from: let from, to: let to, value: let value):
return "\(from)>\(to)@\(value)"
case .update(index: let idx, value: let value):
return "!\(idx)@\(value)"
public protocol Diffable: Hashable {
var primaryKeyValue: String { get }
/// A type-erased diffable value.
/// The AnyDiffable type forwards diffing, equality comparisons and hashing operations to an underlying diffing value,
/// hiding its specific underlying type.
/// let items: [AnyDiffable] = [
/// AnyDiffable(article),
/// AnyDiffable(video),
/// AnyDiffable(advert)
/// ]
public struct AnyDiffable: Diffable {
private let _primaryKeyValue: () -> String
/// The value wrapped by this instance.
/// The base property can be cast back to its original type using one of the casting operators (as?, as!, or as).
var base: AnyHashable
/// Creates a type-erased diffable value that wraps the given instance.
/// The following example creates two type-erased diffable values: x wraps an Article with the value 42, while y wraps a Video with the same identifier value.
/// Because the underlying types of x and y are different, the two variables do not compare as equal despite having equal underlying values.
/// let x = AnyDiffable(Article(identifier: 42))
/// let y = AnyDiffable(Video(identifier: 42))
/// print(x == y)
/// Prints "false" because `Article` and `Video` are different types
/// print(x == AnyDiffable(Article(identifier: 42)))
/// Prints "true"
public init<D: Diffable>(_ base: D) {
self.base = base
_primaryKeyValue = { base.primaryKeyValue }
/// Returns a Boolean value indicating whether two type-erased diffable instances wrap the same type and value.
/// Two instances of AnyDiffable compare as equal if and only if the underlying types have the same conformance
/// to the Equatable protocol and the underlying values compare as equal.
/// The following example creates two type-erased diffable values: x wraps an Article with identifier 42,
/// while y wraps a Video with the same identifier value. Because the underlying types of x and y are different,
/// the two variables do not compare as equal despite having equal underlying values.
/// ```
/// let x = AnyDiffable(Article(identifier: 42))
/// let y = AnyDiffable(Video(identfier: 42))
/// print(x == y)
/// // Prints "false" because `Video` and `Article` are different types
/// print(x == AnyDiffable(Article(identifier: 42)))
/// // Prints "true"
/// ```
/// - Parameters:
/// - x: A type-erased diffable value.
/// - y: A type-erased diffable value.
/// - Returns: a Boolean value indicating whether two values are equal.
public static func == (x: AnyDiffable, y: AnyDiffable) -> Bool {
return x.base == y.base
/// The hash value.
/// Axiom: x == y implies x.hashValue == y.hashValue.
public var hashValue: Int {
return base.hashValue
/// The primaryKey value.
public var primaryKeyValue: String {
return _primaryKeyValue()
extension Array where Element: Diffable {
/// Calculate the changes between self and the `new` array.
/// - Parameters:
/// - new: a collection to compare the calee to
/// - section: The section in which this diff should be applied to, this is used to create indexPath's. Default is 0
/// - Returns: A tuple containing the changes.
public func diff(_ new: [Element], forSection section: Int = 0) -> (updates: [IndexPath], insertions: [IndexPath], deletions: [IndexPath], moves: [(IndexPath, IndexPath)]) {
let diff = Diff()
let result = diff.process(old: self, new: new)
var deletions = [IndexPath]()
var insertions = [IndexPath]()
var updates = [IndexPath]()
var moves = [(from: IndexPath, to: IndexPath)]()
for step in result {
switch step {
case .delete(let index, _):
deletions.append(IndexPath(row: index, section: section))
case .insert(let index, _):
insertions.append(IndexPath(row: index, section: section))
case .update(let index, _):
updates.append(IndexPath(row: index, section: section))
case let .move(from, to, _):
moves.append((from: IndexPath(row: from, section: section), to: IndexPath(row: to, section: section)))
return (updates, insertions, deletions, moves)
extension UICollectionView {
func apply(_ block: () -> Void, updates: [IndexPath], deletions: [IndexPath], insertions: [IndexPath], moves: [(from: IndexPath, to: IndexPath)], completion: (() -> Void)?) {
let group = DispatchGroup()
self.deleteItems(at: deletions)
self.insertItems(at: insertions)
for move in moves {
self.moveItem(at: move.from, to:
}, completion: { _ in
self.reloadItems(at: updates)
}, completion: { _ in
group.notify(queue: .main, execute: {
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Do you have a reference demo project for this on how to implement and make use of this?

I want to perform local tableView/collectionView search filter using this Algorithm.

Please provide a demo project.

simulator screen shot - iphone 8 - 2019-01-10 at 13 21 56

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