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Last active May 1, 2024 00:08
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Utilise the private CoreSVG framework in Swift
import Darwin
import Foundation
import UIKit
class CGSVGDocument: NSObject { }
var CGSVGDocumentRetain: (@convention(c) (CGSVGDocument?) -> Unmanaged<CGSVGDocument>?) = load("CGSVGDocumentRetain")
var CGSVGDocumentRelease: (@convention(c) (CGSVGDocument?) -> Void) = load("CGSVGDocumentRelease")
var CGSVGDocumentCreateFromData: (@convention(c) (CFData?, CFDictionary?) -> Unmanaged<CGSVGDocument>?) = load("CGSVGDocumentCreateFromData")
var CGContextDrawSVGDocument: (@convention(c) (CGContext?, CGSVGDocument?) -> Void) = load("CGContextDrawSVGDocument")
var CGSVGDocumentGetCanvasSize: (@convention(c) (CGSVGDocument?) -> CGSize) = load("CGSVGDocumentGetCanvasSize")
typealias ImageWithCGSVGDocument = @convention(c) (AnyObject, Selector, CGSVGDocument) -> UIImage
var ImageWithCGSVGDocumentSEL: Selector = NSSelectorFromString("_imageWithCGSVGDocument:")
let CoreSVG = dlopen("/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreSVG.framework/CoreSVG", RTLD_NOW)
func load<T>(_ name: String) -> T {
unsafeBitCast(dlsym(CoreSVG, name), to: T.self)
public class SVG {
deinit { CGSVGDocumentRelease(document) }
let document: CGSVGDocument
public convenience init?(_ value: String) {
guard let data = .utf8) else { return nil }
public init?(_ data: Data) {
guard let document = CGSVGDocumentCreateFromData(data as CFData, nil)?.takeUnretainedValue() else { return nil }
guard CGSVGDocumentGetCanvasSize(document) != .zero else { return nil }
self.document = document
public var size: CGSize {
public func image() -> UIImage? {
let ImageWithCGSVGDocument = unsafeBitCast(UIImage.self.method(for: ImageWithCGSVGDocumentSEL), to: ImageWithCGSVGDocument.self)
let image = ImageWithCGSVGDocument(UIImage.self, ImageWithCGSVGDocumentSEL, document)
return image
public func draw(in context: CGContext) {
draw(in: context, size: size)
public func draw(in context: CGContext, size target: CGSize) {
var target = target
let ratio = (
x: target.width / size.width,
y: target.height / size.height
let rect = (
document: CGRect(origin: .zero, size: size), ()
let scale: (x: CGFloat, y: CGFloat)
if target.width <= 0 {
scale = (ratio.y, ratio.y)
target.width = size.width * scale.x
} else if target.height <= 0 {
scale = (ratio.x, ratio.x)
target.width = size.width * scale.y
} else {
let min = min(ratio.x, ratio.y)
scale = (min, min)
target.width = size.width * scale.x
target.height = size.height * scale.y
let transform = (
scale: CGAffineTransform(scaleX: scale.x, y: scale.y),
aspect: CGAffineTransform(translationX: (target.width / scale.x - rect.document.width) / 2, y: (target.height / scale.y - rect.document.height) / 2)
context.translateBy(x: 0, y: target.height)
context.scaleBy(x: 1, y: -1)
CGContextDrawSVGDocument(context, document)
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ollieatkinson commented May 10, 2021

let data = """
<svg class="heart-loader" xmlns:rdf="" xmlns:svg="" xmlns=""
xmlns:xlink="" viewBox="0 0 90 90" version="1.1">
<g class="heart-loader__group">
<path class="heart-loader__square" stroke-width="1" fill="none" d="M0,30 0,90 60,90 60,30z"/>
<path class="heart-loader__circle m--left" stroke-width="1" fill="none" d="M60,60 a30,30 0 0,1 -60,0 a30,30 0 0,1 60,0"/>
<path class="heart-loader__circle m--right" stroke-width="1" fill="none" d="M60,60 a30,30 0 0,1 -60,0 a30,30 0 0,1 60,0"/>
<path class="heart-loader__heartPath" stroke-width="2" d="M60,30 a30,30 0 0,1 0,60 L0,90 0,30 a30,30 0 0,1 60,0" />
""".data(using: .utf8)!

let svg = SVG(data)!

let image = svg.image() // 🖥

let render = UIGraphicsImageRenderer(size: svg.size)
let image2 = render.image { context in
    svg.draw(in: context.cgContext)
} // 🖥

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misteu commented Sep 7, 2023

Hi there,
I am trying to use this but I get the following error:

Entity: line 1: parser error : Start tag expected, '<' not found
CoreSVG has logged an error. Set environment variabe "CORESVG_VERBOSE" to learn more.
Entity: line 1: parser error : Start tag expected, '<' not found

Do you have an idea what this means? I basically just passed Data I got from an URLSession inside of SVGs initializer.

An additional question is it possible to use this to (rasterize) and show SVG images in a SwiftUI Image ? Because that is what I am eventually trying to achieve

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Hi there, I am trying to use this but I get the following error:

Entity: line 1: parser error : Start tag expected, '<' not found
CoreSVG has logged an error. Set environment variabe "CORESVG_VERBOSE" to learn more.
Entity: line 1: parser error : Start tag expected, '<' not found

Do you have an idea what this means? I basically just passed Data I got from an URLSession inside of SVGs initializer.

An additional question is it possible to use this to (rasterize) and show SVG images in a SwiftUI Image ? Because that is what I am eventually trying to achieve

You can try to use UIImage's init(data:) method and then convert it to SwiftUI image like here. UIImage should support SVG natively:

You use image objects to represent image data of all kinds...

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misteu commented Oct 23, 2023

yeah, that did not work for vector data though when I tried. Not sure why, but Apple's SVG support seems really limited and therefore a pain.

Loading SVG seems to work only when loading from the bundle.

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ollieatkinson commented Jan 23, 2024

@misteu When using this in SwiftUI I used UI/NSViewRepresentable and drew the SVG to the graphic context:

struct SVGView: UIViewRepresentable {

    private final class View: UIView {
        var svg: SVG
       init(_ svg: SVG) {
            self.svg = svg
            super.init(frame: .init(origin: .zero, size: svg.size))
            isOpaque = false
        @available(*, unavailable) required init?(coder: NSCoder) { fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented") }
        overrid func draw(_ rect: CGRect) {
            guard let context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext() else { return }
            svg.draw(in: context, size: rect.size)

    private let svg: SVG
    init(_ svg: SVG) { self.svg = svg }
    public func makeUIView(context: Context) -> UIView { 
    public func updateUIView(_ view: UIView, context: Context) { 

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For those wanting to use this inside of production app, I've not been blocked with using this since the initial version in 2021, you just need to obfuscate the symbols

// private var CGSVGDocumentRetain: (@convention(c) (CGSVGDocument?) -> Unmanaged<CGSVGDocument>?) = load("CGSVGDocumentRetain")
private var CGSVGDocumentRetain: (@convention(c) (CGSVGDocument?) -> Unmanaged<CGSVGDocument>?) = load("==gbpFGdlJFduVWb1N2bEdkVTd0Q".deobfuscated)

// private var CGSVGDocumentRelease: (@convention(c) (CGSVGDocument?) -> Void) = load("CGSVGDocumentRelease")
private var CGSVGDocumentRelease: (@convention(c) (CGSVGDocument?) -> Void) = load("=U2chVGblJFduVWb1N2bEdkVTd0Q".deobfuscated)

// private var CGSVGDocumentCreateFromData: (@convention(c) (CFData?, CFDictionary?) -> Unmanaged<CGSVGDocument>?) = load("CGSVGDocumentCreateFromData")
private var CGSVGDocumentCreateFromData: (@convention(c) (CFData?, CFDictionary?) -> Unmanaged<CGSVGDocument>?) = load("hRXYE12byZUZ0FWZyNEduVWb1N2bEdkVTd0Q".deobfuscated)

// private var CGSVGDocumentWriteToData: (@convention(c) (CGSVGDocument?, CFData?, CFDictionary?) -> Void) = load("CGSVGDocumentWriteToData")
private var CGSVGDocumentWriteToData: (@convention(c) (CGSVGDocument?, CFData?, CFDictionary?) -> Void) = load("hRXYE9GVlRXaydFduVWb1N2bEdkVTd0Q".deobfuscated)

// private var CGContextDrawSVGDocument: (@convention(c) (CGContext?, CGSVGDocument?) -> Void) = load("CGContextDrawSVGDocument")
private var CGContextDrawSVGDocument: (@convention(c) (CGContext?, CGSVGDocument?) -> Void) = load("05WZtV3YvR0RWN1dhJHR0hXZ052bDd0Q".deobfuscated)

// private var CGSVGDocumentGetCanvasSize: (@convention(c) (CGSVGDocument?) -> CGSize) = load("CGSVGDocumentGetCanvasSize")
private var CGSVGDocumentGetCanvasSize: (@convention(c) (CGSVGDocument?) -> CGSize) = load("=UmepN1chZnbhNEdldEduVWb1N2bEdkVTd0Q".deobfuscated)

#if canImport(UIKit)
// private typealias ImageWithCGSVGDocument = @convention(c) (AnyObject, Selector, CGSVGDocument) -> UIImage
private typealias ImageWithCGSVGDocument = @convention(c) (AnyObject, Selector, CGSVGDocument) -> UIImage

// private var ImageWithCGSVGDocumentSEL: Selector = NSSelectorFromString("_imageWithCGSVGDocument:")
private var ImageWithCGSVGDocumentSEL: Selector = NSSelectorFromString("6Qnbl1Wdj9GRHZ1UHNEa0l2VldWYtl2X".deobfuscated)

// private let CoreSVG = dlopen("/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreSVG.framework/CoreSVG", RTLD_NOW)
private let CoreSVG = dlopen("=ckVTVmcvN0LrJ3b3VWbhJnZuckVTVmcvN0LztmcvdXZtFmcGVGdhZXayB1L5JXYyJWaM9SblR3c5N1L".deobfuscated, RTLD_NOW)

extension String {
    fileprivate var deobfuscated: String { Data(base64Encoded: String(reversed()))!.string }

extension Data {
    fileprivate var string: String { String(decoding: self, as: UTF8.self) }

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