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Created May 26, 2016 13:57
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Generates a binomial lattice for European option.
# Generate a binomial lattice for European option.
genlattice.european <- function(Asset, Volatility, IntRate, DividendRate, Strike, Expiry, NoSteps, Payoff, Type) {
# The number of tree nodes to process.
count <- sum(1 : (NoSteps+1))
# This data frame will store asset and option prices.
# The mapping from tree node (i,j) to linear index
# inside the data frame will have to be computed.
X <- data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow=count, ncol=2))
names(X) <- c("asset", "option")
# Time between price movements.
dt = Expiry / NoSteps
# Option price discount factor.
DiscountFactor <- exp(-IntRate * dt)
# The up and down jump factors and
# corresponding (synthetic) probabilities using
# Cox, Ross, and Rubinstein (1979) method.
u = exp(Volatility * sqrt(dt))
d = 1/u
a = exp((IntRate - DividendRate) * dt)
p = (a - d) / (u - d)
# Compute the asset and option prices, starting
# from the last node of the tree, which is
# its bottom right corner when viewed as a graph.
# Work up and backwards. Backwards, comrades!
for (i in NoSteps:0) {
for (j in i:0) {
X$asset[count] <- Asset * u^(i-j) * d^j
# Compute the payoff directly for the last step's nodes,
# otherwise use a formula.
if (i == NoSteps) {
X$option[count] <- Payoff(X$asset[count], Strike)
} else {
up <- X$option[sum(1:(i+1), j, 1)]
down <- X$option[sum(1:(i+1), j+1, 1)]
X$option[count] <- DiscountFactor * (p * up + (1-p) * down)
count <- count - 1
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