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Last active August 29, 2015 14:02
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On the subject of Toroidal Planets, Sharks and Fish.


I am writing a predator-prey simulator (for no good reason) and I have hit the wall with functional design. The simulator is that of a grid on which the fish and the sharks go about their business, the fish moves, grows and procreates and so do the sharks. The sharks also hunt and eat the fish. The time is discrete (in chronons) so it is a discrete-time multi-agent simulation. I currently have three data types -- World, Fish, and Shark.

The implementation

The simple way to make the World go round is described in the book as following (in my own words). Each turn, iterate over the list of agents and apply sense/act function which in turn will return a revised world, something like let world' = List.fold ( world) ~init:world ~f:Fish.act. I have attached my code which (almost) implements this strategy for Fish in a somewhat ugly way.

The problem

This approach to allocating resources is biased, because the first fish in the list has more choices than the second by virtue of being the first in the list. What I would like to have instead is some kind of resource allocation system, like an auction, perhaps, in which the fish can bid for space or food, and the sharks can bid for the fish they would like to eat in this turn and then in case of competing bids some strategy would be applied and only one of the competitors would get their way.


I have no idea, though, how to design a bidding system like this in a functional way. In fact, I am not even sure what to call it -- the concept of bidding is just the first one which comes to mind when thinking of this problem. Could you please point me in the right direction? Any suggestions are welcome.

(* Planet Wa-Tor fish and sharks *)
open Core.Std
let () = Random.self_init ()
module Fish : sig
type t
(** Maximum age, in chronons *)
val max_age : int
(** Breeding period, in chronons *)
val breeding_time : int
(** Create a new fish. The age must be between [0,max_age],
otherwise an exception is thrown. *)
val create : int * int -> int -> t
(** Create a new fish with random age *)
val create_with_random_age : int * int -> t
(** Returns a valid fish age in chronons from the range [0..max_age] *)
val random_age : unit -> int
(** Location (i,j) on the grid *)
val position : t -> int * int
(** Current age of the fish *)
val age : t -> int
(** True, if the fish is at maximum age *)
val is_decrepit : t -> bool
(** True, if it's time to breed *)
val can_breed : t -> bool
(** Increases age by one chronon. Exception if already too old *)
val grow : t -> t
(** Move to required location *)
val move : t -> int * int -> t
(** Reset breeding counter *)
val breed : t -> t
val to_string : t -> string
end = struct
type t = {x:int; y:int; age:int; breed:int}
let max_age = 10
let breeding_time = 3
let random_age () = (max_age+1)
(* Pre-condition: age is between [0,max_age] *)
let create (x,y) age =
let () = if age > max_age then failwith "this fish is too old" in
let create_with_random_age location =
let age = random_age () in
create location age
let position {x;y;_} = (x,y)
let age {age;_} = age
let is_decrepit {age;_} = age = max_age
let can_breed {breed;_} = breed = 0
let grow fish =
if is_decrepit fish
then failwith "this fish is too old to grow"
else {fish with age=fish.age+1} (*;breed=max(0, fish.breed-1)}*)
let move fish (x,y) = {fish with x;y}
let breed fish = {fish with breed=breeding_time}
let to_string {x;y;age;_} = sprintf "FisH at (%i,%i), age %i." x y age
module Shark : sig
type t
(** Maximum age, in chronons *)
val max_age : int
(** Create a new shark. The age must be between [0,max_age],
otherwise an exception is thrown. *)
val create : int * int -> int -> t
(** Create a new shark with random age *)
val create_with_random_age : int * int -> t
(** Returns a valid shark age in chronons from the range [0..max_age] *)
val random_age : unit -> int
(** Location (i,j) on the grid *)
val position : t -> int * int
(** Current age of the shark *)
val age : t -> int
val to_string : t -> string
end = struct
type t = {x:int; y:int; age:int}
let max_age = 10
let random_age () = (max_age+1)
(* Pre-condition: age is [0..max_age] *)
let create (x,y) age =
let () = if age > max_age then failwith "this shark is too old" in
let create_with_random_age location =
let age = random_age () in
create location age
let position {x;y;_} = (x,y)
let age {age;_} = age
let to_string {x;y;age} = sprintf "SharK at (%i, %i), age %i." x y age
module World : sig
type t
(** Create a new world of width x and height y.
The world must be big enough to hold all the fish and sharks,
that is x*y >= nfish + nsharks otherwise an exception is thrown. *)
val create : x:int -> y:int -> nfish:int -> nsharks:int -> t
(** The width of the world *)
val width : t -> int
(** The height of the world *)
val height : t -> int
(** Integer cartesian grid. Top left corner is (0,0) *)
val grid : t -> (int * int) list
(** True, if the world is devoid of all life *)
val is_empty : t -> bool
val free_at : t -> int * int -> bool
(** True, if there is a fish at a given coordinate *)
val fish_at : t -> int * int -> bool
(** True, if there is a shark at a given location *)
val shark_at : t -> int * int -> bool
(** For given coordinate (i,j) returns a list of locations around it
which are not occupied. The maximum length is four (right, up,
left, down). *)
val vacant_locations : t -> int * int -> (int * int) list
(** This simulates a single chronon of time passing. In that time,
the fish swim and breed and the sharks hunt and breed. *)
val go : t -> t
end = struct
type t = {x:int; y:int; fish:(Fish.t list); sharks:(Shark.t list)}
let width w = w.x
let height w = w.y
(* Private use only! *)
let create_grid x y =
List.cartesian_product (List.range 0 x) (List.range 0 y)
(* Pre-condition: x*y >= nfish+nsharks *)
let create ~x ~y ~nfish ~nsharks =
let () =
if x*y < nfish+nsharks then failwith "the whole world is not enough" in
let locations = List.permute (create_grid x y) in
let (fish_locations, locations) = List.split_n locations nfish in
let (shark_locations, _) = List.split_n locations nsharks in
let fish =
~f:(fun xy -> Fish.create_with_random_age xy ) fish_locations in
let sharks =
~f:(fun xy -> Shark.create_with_random_age xy) shark_locations in
{x; y; fish; sharks}
let grid w = create_grid w.x w.y
let is_empty w = (List.is_empty && (List.is_empty w.sharks)
let fish_at w location =
List.exists ~f:(fun x -> (Fish.position x) = location)
let shark_at w location =
List.exists w.sharks ~f:(fun x -> (Shark.position x) = location)
let free_at w location = not (fish_at w location) && not (shark_at w location)
(* FIXME is there any way to do this in func def: {x;y;_} as w *)
let vacant_locations w (i,j) =
let x,y = w.x,w.y in
(* Wrap coordinates, they are zero-based. *)
let wrap (i,j) =
let i' = match i with
| i when i<0 -> (x-1)
| i when i=x -> 0
| i -> i in
let j' = match j with
| j when j<0 -> (y-1)
| j when j=y -> 0
| j -> j in
List.filter [wrap (i+1,j); wrap (i,j+1); wrap (i-1,j); wrap (i-1,j-1)]
~f:(fun x -> free_at w x)
(* Choose a location from a given list at random *)
let choose_location = function
| [] -> failwith "nowhere to move"
| locations -> List.nth_exn locations ( (List.length locations))
(* The auxilary function for folding the list of fish *)
(* FIXME there must be a more elegant way *)
(* The algorithm:
+ if a fish is geriatric, remove from the world
+ if a fish is blocked, grow in place
+ otherwise, move and grow the fish
+ if can breed, place the offspring in old location
let aux w e =
match List.split_while ~f:(fun x -> x<>e) with
| (_, []) -> failwith "the fish fold utility function is wrong"
| (processed, current::queued) ->
if Fish.is_decrepit current
then {w with fish=(processed @ queued)}
let locations = vacant_locations w (Fish.position current) in
if List.is_empty locations
then {w with fish=(processed @ (Fish.grow current)::queued)}
let location = choose_location locations in
let moved = Fish.move current location in
let mature = Fish.grow moved in
if not (Fish.can_breed moved)
then {w with fish=(processed @ mature::queued)}
let bred = Fish.breed mature in
let offspring = Fish.create (Fish.position current) 0 in
{w with fish=(processed @ bred::offspring::queued)}
let fish_swim_and_breed w = List.fold ~init:w ~f:aux
(* The auxilary function for folding the list of sharks *)
(* TODO complete this, similar to aux *)
let aux2 w e = w
let sharks_hunt_and_breed w = List.fold w.sharks ~init:w ~f:aux2
(* The World goes round... *)
let go w = w
|> fish_swim_and_breed
|> sharks_hunt_and_breed
module GUI : sig
val render : World.t -> unit
end = struct
let render w = printf "The world [%i-%i] hath been rendred.\n"
(World.width w) (World.height w)
(* The main loop - draw and update the world *)
let rec loop world =
GUI.render world;
if World.is_empty world
then ()
else loop (World.go world)
let main () =
loop (World.create ~x:80 ~y:20 ~nfish:200 ~nsharks:20)
let () = main ()
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bluddy commented Jun 9, 2014

Disclaimer: I haven't looked through the code thoroughly. But what I would do in such a situation is: in each iteration, iterate through all the fish, and assign their desired action to them without updating the world. Something like

type action = EatFishNear int * int | MoveTo int * int

Then, iterate through the list of fish again randomly, trying to execute the actions (perhaps with a certain probability). In cases where the action cannot be executed, either ignore it or generate a new action.

Alternatively, you can just iterate through the list of fish in a random order each time, but I think the action solution is more flexible.

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