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fox-srt / juniper-cve-2015-7755.rules
Last active August 23, 2016 15:52
Snort coverage for Juniper ScreenOS backdoor
# Signatures to detect successful abuse of the Juniper backdoor password over telnet.
# Additionally a signature for detecting world reachable ScreenOS devices over SSH.
alert tcp $HOME_NET 23 -> any any (msg:"FOX-SRT - Flowbit - Juniper ScreenOS telnet (noalert)"; flow:established,to_client; content:"Remote Management Console|0d0a|"; offset:0; depth:27; flowbits:set,; flowbits:noalert; reference:cve,2015-7755; reference:url,; classtype:policy-violation; sid:21001729; rev:2;)
alert tcp any any -> $HOME_NET 23 (msg:"FOX-SRT - Backdoor - Juniper ScreenOS telnet backdoor password attempt"; flow:established,to_server; flowbits:isset,; flowbits:set,; content:"|3c3c3c20257328756e3d2725732729203d202575|"; offset:0; fast_pattern; classtype:attempted-admin; reference:cve,2015-7755; reference:url,; sid:21001730; rev:2;)
alert tcp $HOME_NET 23 -> any any (msg:"FOX-SRT - Backdoor - Juniper Scr