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Last active February 24, 2024 10:10
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/** @noinspection UnknownInspectionInspection */
namespace Smpl\Logic;
use Smpl\Logic\Contracts\Consumer;
use Smpl\Logic\Contracts\Supplier;
use Smpl\Logic\Exceptions\OptionalException;
use Throwable;
* Optional
* Optionals are containers of optional values, and serve as an alternative
* to returning a nullable value.
* @template ValType of mixed
final class Optional
* Create an instance from the value
* This method creates an optional instance from the provided value if it
* isn't null, otherwise it returns an empty optional.
* @template OfType of mixed
* @param OfType|null $value
* @return self<OfType>|self<void>
public static function of(mixed $value): self
if ($value !== null) {
return new self($value);
return self::empty();
* Create an instance from the nullable value
* This method creates an optional instance from the provided value,
* regardless of whether it's null.
* @template OfType of mixed
* @param OfType|null $value
* @return self<OfType|null>
public static function ofNullable(mixed $value): self
return new self($value);
* Create an empty instance
* This method returns an empty 'void' optional instance.
* @return self<void>
* @psalm-suppress MixedReturnTypeCoercion
public static function empty(): self
return new self();
* The optional value
* @var ValType
* @psalm-suppress PropertyNotSetInConstructor
private mixed $value;
* The empty state
* @var bool
private bool $empty = false;
* Create a new instance of the optional class
* @throws \Smpl\Logic\Exceptions\OptionalException If called with more than one parameter
private function __construct()
if (func_num_args() === 1) {
/** @psalm-suppress MixedAssignment */
$this->value = func_get_arg(0);
$this->empty = false;
} else if (func_num_args() > 1) {
throw OptionalException::toManyParameters();
} else {
$this->empty = true;
* Check if the optional is empty
* Empty optionals were instantiated with no value, not even a null value.
* Optionals created from null values are not considered empty.
* @return bool
public function isEmpty(): bool
return $this->empty;
* Check if a value is present
* This method checks that the optional is not empty, and that the value
* is not null.
* Empty optionals, or optionals with a null value will return false here.
* @return bool
public function isPresent(): bool
return ! $this->isEmpty() && isset($this->value);
* Get the optional value
* @return ValType
* @throws \RuntimeException If there is no value
public function get(): mixed
if (! $this->isEmpty()) {
return $this->value;
throw OptionalException::noValue();
* If a value is present, use a consumer
* This method uses the provided {@see \Smpl\Logic\Contracts\Consumer with
* its value if a value is present, otherwise it does nothing.
* @param \Smpl\Logic\Contracts\Consumer<ValType> $consumer
* @return void
public function ifPresent(Consumer $consumer): void
if ($this->isPresent()) {
* Get the optional value with the provided fallback
* This method returns the current value if there is one, or the provided
* fallback value if there isn't one.
* @template OtherType of mixed
* @param OtherType|ValType $fallback
* @return OtherType|ValType
public function orElse(mixed $fallback): mixed
return $this->isPresent() ? $this->get() : $fallback;
* Get the optional value or use the supplier to get a fallback
* This method returns the current value if there is one, or the value
* returned by the provided {@see \Smpl\Logic\Contracts\Supplier}.
* @template OtherType of mixed
* @param \Smpl\Logic\Contracts\Supplier<OtherType|ValType> $supplier
* @return OtherType|ValType
public function orElseGet(Supplier $supplier): mixed
return $this->isPresent() ? $this->get() : $supplier->get();
* Get the optional value or throw an exception
* This method returns the current value if there is one, or throws an
* exception either provided directly, or through a
* {@see \Smpl\Logic\Contracts\Supplier}.
* @template ThrowType of \Throwable
* @param ThrowType|\Smpl\Logic\Contracts\Supplier<ThrowType> $throw
* @return ValType
* @throws ThrowType&\Throwable If no value is present
* @psalm-suppress UndefinedDocblockClass
* @noinspection PhpDocSignatureInspection
public function orElseThrow(Throwable|Supplier $throw): mixed
if ($this->isPresent()) {
return $this->get();
if ($throw instanceof Supplier) {
/** @var \Smpl\Logic\Contracts\Supplier<ThrowType> $throw */
throw $throw->get();
throw $throw;
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