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Created May 11, 2023 13:21
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Explains the process of polynomial long division
import Poly (Field, inverse, Poly, x, polyDivModW)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Writer (execWriter)
newtype F2 = F2 Int
deriving (Eq)
instance Show F2 where
show (F2 x) = show x
instance Num F2 where
(F2 a) + (F2 b) = fromIntegral $ a + b
(F2 a) * (F2 b) = fromIntegral $ a * b
(F2 a) - (F2 b) = fromIntegral $ a - b
negate = id
abs = id
signum = id
fromInteger = F2 . fromInteger . (`mod` 2)
instance Field F2 where
inverse (F2 0) = undefined
inverse (F2 1) = F2 1
main :: IO ()
main = mapM_ putStrLn $ execWriter $ polyDivModW
(x^5 + x + 1 :: Poly F2)
(x^2 + x + 1 :: Poly F2)
module Poly
(Field, inverse, (//), Poly(C), x, degree, leading, polyDivMod, polyDivModW)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Writer (Writer, tell, censor)
-- Typeclass for Algebraic Fields
class Num a => Field a where
(//) :: a -> a -> a
a // b = a * inverse b
inverse :: a -> a
inverse a = 1 // a
-- Polynomial over any type
data Poly a
= C a -- Constant Term
| L a (Poly a) -- Constant Term plus x times a non-zero polynomial
deriving (Eq)
-- Variable in polynomials
x :: Num a => Poly a
x = L 0 (C 1)
-- Returns the degree of non-zero polynomials
degree :: (Num a, Eq a) => Poly a -> Maybe Integer
degree (C 0) = Nothing
degree (C _) = Just 0
degree (L _ a) = succ <$> degree a
instance (Num a, Eq a) => Num (Poly a) where
(C n) + (C m) = C (n+m)
(C n) + (L m b) = L (n+m) b
(L n a) + (C m) = L (n+m) a
(L n a) + (L m b) = case a+b of
C 0 -> C (n+m)
c -> L (n+m) c
(C 0) * _ = C 0
_ * (C 0) = C 0
(C n) * (C m) = C (n*m)
(C n) * (L m b) = L (n*m) (C n * b)
(L n a) * m = C n * m + L 0 (a*m)
negate (C n) = C (negate n)
negate (L n a) = L (negate n) (negate a)
signum (C n) = C (signum n)
signum (L _ a) = signum a
abs a = a * signum a
fromInteger = C . fromInteger
-- Helper for show that uses the current power of x
show' :: (Num a, Eq a, Show a) => Integer -> Poly a -> String
show' 0 (C n) = show n
show' 1 (C 1) = "x"
show' 1 (C n) = show n ++ "*x"
show' k (C 1) = "x^" ++ show k
show' k (C n) = show n ++ "*x^" ++ show k
show' k (L 0 a) = show' (k+1) a
show' k (L n a) = show' (k+1) a ++ " + " ++ show' k (C n)
instance (Num a, Eq a, Show a) => Show (Poly a) where
show = show' 0
-- Retrieve the leading coefficient and exponent
leading :: Poly a -> (a, Integer)
leading (C n) = (n,0)
leading (L _ a) = succ <$> leading a
-- Polynomial division
polyDivMod :: (Eq a, Field a) => Poly a -> Poly a -> (Poly a, Poly a)
polyDivMod a b
| degree a >= degree b = let
(m,k) = leading a
(n,l) = leading b
c = C (m//n) * (x^(k-l))
(dv,md) = polyDivMod (a-c*b) b
in (c + dv, md)
| otherwise = (0,a)
showDegree :: Maybe Integer -> String
showDegree (Just n) = show n
showDegree Nothing = "negative infinity"
-- Collects logs of polynomial division
polyDivModW :: (Eq a, Field a, Show a) => Poly a -> Poly a ->
Writer [String] (Poly a, Poly a)
polyDivModW a b
| degree a >= degree b = do
tell . pure . concat $
[ "We are dividing a = "
, show a
, " by b = "
, show b
, "."
tell . pure . concat $
[ "Since a has degree "
, showDegree $ degree a
, " which is larger than or equal to the degree of b, which is "
, showDegree $ degree b
, ", we subtract off a multiple of b."
let (m,k) = leading a
tell . pure . concat $
[ "The leading term of a is "
, show $ C m * x ^ k
, "."
let (n,l) = leading b
tell . pure . concat $
[ "The leading term of b is "
, show $ C n * x ^ l
, "."
let c = C (m//n) * x ^ (k-l)
tell . pure . concat $
[ "We define the ratio of these leading terms as c = "
, show c
, "."
tell ["Now we divide (a - b * c) by b recursively"]
(dv, md) <- censor ((" " <>) <$>) $ polyDivModW (a - b * c) b
tell . pure . concat $
[ "Now we add c = "
, show c
, " to this quotient, to get the result that "
, show a
, " = ("
, show b
, ") * ("
, show $ dv + c
, ") + "
, show md
, "."
pure $ (dv+c, md)
| otherwise = do
tell . pure . concat $
[ "We are dividing a = "
, show a
, " by b = "
, show b
, "."
tell . pure . concat $
[ "Since a has degree "
, showDegree $ degree a
, " which is less than the degree of b, which is "
, showDegree $ degree b
, ", we cannot subtract off any multiples of b."
tell . pure . concat $
[ "Thus we get the trivial result that "
, show a
, " = ("
, show b
, ") * 0 + "
, show a
, "."
pure $ (0, a)
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