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Overlay network and static IPs for Docker containers

I don't expect moby/moby#24170 to be solved by Docker team on near future so this gist is about looking for least ugly workarounds which are available today and on near future.

What is possible on Docker 19.03


It is possible to create overlay network with use user specified subnet. On this example I create network which is size is two C -class networks ( IP range - ) and force Docker to use IPs from second part of it ( - ).

That way I can make sure that IPs - can be specified to containers and they do not collide with IPs which Docker engine assign for service(s)/container(s).

docker network create --driver overlay --subnet --ip-range --gateway --attachable test


By default containers IP addresses are controlled by Docker engine and those cannot be changed inside of container. Luckily that behavior can be overridden by adding NET_ADMIN capability for container.

Custom Docker image

So first we need create custom docker image which is able set IP for container when it starts. That we can do example with Dockerfile like this:

FROM ubuntu
RUN apt-get update \
        && apt-get install -y net-tools iputils-ping
COPY / /

and start script like this:

if [[ -f "${STATIC_IP}" ]]; then
        echo "Using default IP from Docker"
        echo "Found static IP: ${STATIC_IP} using it"
        ifconfig eth0 ${STATIC_IP} netmask up
sleep infinity

Then just build that with command:

docker build . -t static-ip

Starting container

Then we can start two containers with commands like these which connects then to overlay network and changes IP addresses inside of the to static ones.

docker run --name test1 --detach=true --rm --cap-add=NET_ADMIN --network=test -e STATIC_IP= static-ip
docker run --name test2 --detach=true --rm --cap-add=NET_ADMIN --network=test -e STATIC_IP= static-ip

What will be possible on next version

Above solution solves two issues:

  • It sets static IPs for containers.
  • It allow containers communicate between Docker nodes using overlay network.

However those containers are not swarm services which means that you lose some control to them. Luckily I have already implemented docker/cli#1940 and I'm expecting that it will get merged and released as part of next Docker version.

That makes possible to use swarm stack like this:

version: "3.7"
    image: static-ip
      - test
      - NET_ADMIN
    image: static-ip
      - test
      - NET_ADMIN

   external: true
   name: test

and deploy it with command:

docker stack deploy -c static-ip.yml static-ip
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Oh my god. It is a life saver.

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Actually I don't quite understand how to make cap_add works in docker swarm. Could you please give me some guidance?

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olljanat commented Oct 4, 2021

It should works like it is above on as long you use Docker version 20.10.x.

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Now it works. Thank you.

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ZahraPakzad commented Aug 25, 2022

It does not work for me either. This link states that 'The cap_add and cap_drop options are ignored when deploying a stack in swarm mode'.
I'm using "Docker version 20.10.17" and compose file of version 3.3 (later compose file versions show no updates for eliminating this problem).

This capability is exactly what I need. I followed the instructions and yet my network generated new IPs for the containers.

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That documentation is not up to date. Try run image ollijanatuinen/capsh with and without those settings. It should print list of capabilities to container console if I remember correctly.

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nrodday commented Oct 23, 2022

I was trying to use this but it does not work. Docker creates an overlay network and one is able to see the assigned IP addresses once the stack got deployed with "docker network inspect NAME". If you use the proposed method from above, the IP is changed inside the container, without updating the mapping assigned by the docker engine. Therefore, networking works fine in the overlay network as long as you remain on one node, but if you want to establish inter-node communication via the overlay network, packets are not forwarded.

I was doing the following inside my docker-compose.yml before:
- /bin/sh
- -c
- |
ip addr flush dev eth0
ip addr add dev eth0

It is essentially the same that you are doing via the environment variable. Therefore, also the result is the same. The IP is changed but then communication only works for containers within the node, not inbetween nodes (which is exactly what the overlay is supposed to be for).

I could still not find a working solution - how to assign a static IP to a docker swarm container in the docker-compose.yml while maintaining inter-node communication?
I am only spawning one instance per container and believe there should be such a feature. That it does not make sense for multiple replicas is obvious, but for just one instance one should be able to assign a static IP.

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@nrodday honestly I wrote this so many years ago that I don't remember if actually tested multi node setup. We eventually found solution make applications working with dynamic IPs so there was not need for that.

However if there would have mandatory use case for this then I probably would be testing multi network or multi IP per network config depending on what is reason for static IPs.

Those who are familiar with Golang can also build ipam plugin for this purpose. There is somekind of example available on

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nrodday commented Oct 25, 2022

I found a workaround and I am adding it here for reference:

docker network connect --ip OVERLAY_NETWORK_NAME CONTAINER_NAME

This also updates the docker overlay network configuration such that inter-node communication is possible. This command has to be executed from within every node for the respective containers running on that node. One could build some scripts around to automate the reassignment.

From my point of view, "docker stack deploy --compose-file FILE_NAME STACK_NAME" should respect the ipv4_address attribute within the compose file for the first replica and go for additional replicas with dynamic IPs, which it currently does not.

Anyway, via the workaround one is able to get a static IP into a swarm via an overlay network.

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