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Created March 29, 2017 02:39
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[cdo_section id="" container="true" margin_bottom="true" bgcolor="#a593c2" class="colorwhite text-center nomargintop smallpadding"]
[cdo_icon icon="fa-custom-cake-white" color="#ffffff" size="medium" link="" blank="0" class="marginbottom20"]
[cdo_paragraph class="letter-space1 size18"]Toffee sugar plum halvah liquorice brownie gummies chocolate bar muffin candy canes.
Dessert jelly-o tootsie roll jelly sesame snaps icing. [/cdo_paragraph]
[cdo_section id="" container="true" margin_bottom="false" bgcolor="" class="text-center"]
[cdo_heading tag="h3" subtitle="" subtitle_link="" class="normal colorpurple head-custom"]Products[/cdo_heading]
[cdo_spacer height="5" color="" gap_top="0" gap_bottom="20" class=""]
[cdo_product_category category="cakes" showpost="-1" class=""]
[cdo_spacer height="5" color="" gap_top="0" gap_bottom="20" class=""]
[cdo_paragraph class="letter-space1 size18"]Toffee sugar plum halvah liquorice brownie gummies chocolate bar muffin candy canes.
Dessert jelly-o tootsie roll jelly sesame snaps icing. [/cdo_paragraph]
[cdo_section id="" container="true" triangle_top="true" margin_bottom="false" bgcolor="#a593c2" class="text-center"]
[cdo_heading tag="h3" subtitle="" subtitle_link="" class="normal colorwhite head-custom"]New's Cake[/cdo_heading]
[cdo_newsflash_item type="portrait" text1="Cake" text2="wedding" width="25%" height="570px" image="" link="" class=""]
[cdo_newsflash_item type="square" text1="40%" text2="Sale Product" width="25%" height="285px" bgcolor="" image="" link="" class="text-purple"]
[cdo_newsflash_item type="square" text1="Ice Cream" text2="" width="25%" height="285px" image="" link="" animation="yes" animation_color="orange" class=""]
[cdo_newsflash_item type="square" text1="Cake's Flavors" text2="" width="25%" height="285px" image="" link="" animation="yes" animation_color="green" class=""]
[cdo_newsflash_item type="testimonial" text1="" text2="" width="75%" height="285px" image="" link="" animation="" animation_color="" testimonial_color_style="purple" testimonial_category="client" class=""]
[cdo_section id="" container="true" triangle_top="false" triangle_bottom="false" margin_bottom="true" bgcolor="#23cfa7" bgimage="" bgrepeat="repeat-x" bgposition="left bottom" border_top_color="#a0ecd9" border_top_height="10" class="text-center smallpadding"]
[cdo_heading tag="h3" subtitle="" subtitle_link="" class="normal colorwhite head-custom"]What we can[/cdo_heading]
[cdo_section id="" container="true" margin_bottom="true" bgcolor="" class="text-center"]
[cdo_col_4 class=""]
[cdo_cake_messes_item color="green" image="" title="Make Cupcake"]Cookie apple pie donut gingerbread
sweet roll pudding topping
marshmallow. [/cdo_cake_messes_item]
[cdo_col_4 class=""]
[cdo_cake_messes_item color="orange" image="" title="Make Cake"]Cookie apple pie donut gingerbread
sweet roll pudding topping
[cdo_col_4 class=""]
[cdo_cake_messes_item color="blue" image="" title="Make Donat"]Cookie apple pie donut gingerbread
sweet roll pudding topping
[cdo_spacer height="20" color="" gap_top="0" gap_bottom="20" class=""]
[cdo_col_4 class=""]
[cdo_cake_messes_item color="pink" image="" title="Custom Cake"]Cookie apple pie donut gingerbread
sweet roll pudding topping
[cdo_col_4 class=""]
[cdo_cake_messes_item color="purple" image="" title="Gift Cake"]Cookie apple pie donut gingerbread
sweet roll pudding topping
[cdo_col_4 class=""]
[cdo_cake_messes_item color="dark-purple" custom_color="#a77e0e" image="" title="Order Cake"]Cookie apple pie donut gingerbread
sweet roll pudding topping
[cdo_section id="" container="true" triangle_top="true" triangle_bottom="true" margin_bottom="true" bgcolor="#9a70bf" bgimage="" class="colorwhite text-center"]
[cdo_heading tag="h3" subtitle="" subtitle_link="" class="normal colorwhite head-custom"]Our Price[/cdo_heading]
[cdo_pricing column="4" class=""]
[cdo_pricing_item color="purple" title="Just Cupcakes + Free Order" price_symbol="$" price="100/" per="Package" image=""]
[cdo_list type="nobullet" class=""]
- 10 Cupcakes
- Free 1 Cupcakes
- Free Order
[cdo_pricing_item color="pink" title="Cupcakes + Ice + Free Order " price_symbol="$" price="200/" per="Package" image="" icon=""]
[cdo_list type="nobullet" class=""]
- 20 Cupcakes + Ice
- Free 5 Cupcakes
- Free Order
[cdo_pricing_item color="green" title="Cupcakes + Ice + Cookies " price_symbol="$" price="300/" per="Package" image=""]
[cdo_list type="nobullet" class=""]
- 25 Cupcakes + Ice
- Free 5 Cupcakes
- Free Order
[cdo_pricing_item color="blue" title="Special Cupcakes + Ice + Cookies " price_symbol="$" price="400/" per="Package" image=""]
[cdo_list type="nobullet" class=""]
- 30 Special Cupcakes
- Free 10 Cupcakes
- 10 Ice Cream
[cdo_section id="" container="true" margin_bottom="false" bgcolor="" class="text-center"]
[cdo_heading tag="h3" subtitle="" subtitle_link="" class="normal colorpink head-custom"]Our Team[/cdo_heading]
[cdo_team category="ourteam" column="3" showpost="-1" orderby="" order="ASC"]
[cdo_section id="" container="true" margin_bottom="false" bgcolor="" class="text-center nomarginbottom"]
[cdo_heading tag="h3" subtitle="" subtitle_link="" class="normal colorpink head-custom"]Contact Us[/cdo_heading]
[contact-form-7 id="879" title="Contact form 1"]
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