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Last active October 2, 2021 22:37
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Save olofk/cf1e434658c70765ff06197f15e58d88 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
from sympy.logic import SOPform
from sympy import symbols
from functools import partial, reduce
from itertools import product
HEADER = """module serv_auto_decode
input wire i_clk,
input wire i_en,
input wire i_imm30,
input wire [2:0] i_funct3,
input wire [4:0] i_opcode,
def printmap(ctrlmap):
l = max([len(x) for x in ctrlmap])
print(' '*(l+2)+"lajjbbbbbblllllsssassxoasssassssxssoa")
print(' '*(l+2)+"uuaaenlglgbhwbhbhwdllornlrrdulllorrrn")
print(' '*(l+2)+"iillqetete uu dttridlladblttrla d")
print(' '*(l+2)+" p r uu iiii iiii u ")
print(' '*(l+2)+" c u ")
for k,v in ctrlmap.items():
print(f"{k:<{l}} |{v}|")
def merge(d, dst, src):
l = list(d[dst])
for i in range(len(l)):
if l[i] == ' ':
l[i] = d[src][i]
elif l[i] == '1' and d[src][i] == '0':
raise Exception
elif l[i] == '0' and d[src][i] == '1':
raise Exception
d[dst] = ''.join(l)
def map2signals(ctrlmap):
for k,v in ctrlmap.items():
ctrl_signals = {}
t = []
f = []
for i,op in enumerate(ops):
#Only rv32i for now
if i > 36:
if v[i] == '1':
elif v[i] == '0':
ctrl_signals[k] = (t,f)
return ctrl_signals
def minterms(s):
return list(map(partial(reduce, lambda x, y: 2*x + y), product(*([0, 1] if z == 'x' else [int(z)] for z in s))))
def map2minterms(bitmap):
m = []
falsies = []
for i,op in enumerate(ops):
#Only rv32i for now
if i > 36:
if bitmap[i] == '1':
m += minterms(ops[op])
elif bitmap[i] == '0':
falsies += minterms(ops[op])
return (m, falsies)
def write_post_reg_logic_decoder(ctrlmap, merged_signals):
signames = [
syms = [*symbols(' '.join(signames))]
ports = []
body = "always @(posedge clk)\n"
body += " if (i_en) begin\n"
body2 =" end\n\n"
for sig, bitmap in ctrlmap.items():
#Find all conditions signals must be true and false
(t, f) = map2minterms(bitmap)
#Use Quine-McCluskey to minimize the logic expressions needed for each
#control signal. Don't cares are the ones that are neither listed as
#true or false
dc = set(range(2**9))-set(t)-set(f)
s = SOPform(syms, t, dc)
ports.append(f"output reg o_{sig}")
#Output final control signal expression
body += f" o_{sig} <= {s};\n"
if sig in merged_signals:
for alias in merged_signals[sig]:
ports.append(f"output wire o_{alias}")
body2 += f" assign o_{alias} = o_{sig};"
with open('serv_post_reg_decode.v', 'w') as f:
f.write(HEADER.format(ports=',\n '.join(ports), body=body+body2+'\n'))
def write_pre_reg_logic_decoder(ctrlmap, merged_signals):
signames = [
syms = [*symbols(' '.join(signames))]
ports = []
body = """ reg imm30;
reg [2:0] funct3;
reg [4:0] opcode;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (i_en) begin
imm30 <= i_imm30;
funct3 <= i_funct3;
opcode <= i_opcode;
for sig, bitmap in ctrlmap.items():
#Find all conditions signals must be true and false
(t, f) = map2minterms(bitmap)
#Use Quine-McCluskey to minimize the logic expressions needed for each
#control signal. Don't cares are the ones that are neither listed as
#true or false
dc = set(range(2**9))-set(t)-set(f)
s = SOPform(syms, t, dc)
ports.append(f"output wire o_{sig}")
#Output final control signal expression
body += f" assign o_{sig} = {s};\n"
if sig in merged_signals:
for alias in merged_signals[sig]:
ports.append(f"output wire o_{alias}")
body += f" assign o_{alias} = o_{sig};"
with open('serv_pre_reg_decode.v', 'w') as f:
f.write(HEADER.format(ports=',\n '.join(ports), body=body))
def write_mem_decoder(ctrlmap, merged_signals):
ports = []
mem = [0]*512
width = len(ctrlmap)
body = """ (* ram_style = "block" *) reg [{msb}:0] mem [0:511];
reg [{msb}:0] d;
initial begin
{mem} end
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (i_en)
d <= mem[{{i_imm30,i_funct3,i_opcode}}];
s = ""
for i, (sig, bitmap) in enumerate(ctrlmap.items()):
#Find all conditions signals must be true
#Rest can be zero
(t, _) = map2minterms(bitmap)
for x in t:
mem[x] += 2**i
body += f"assign o_{sig} = d[{i}];\n"
ports.append(f"output wire o_{sig}")
if sig in merged_signals:
for alias in merged_signals[sig]:
ports.append(f"output wire o_{alias}")
body += f" assign o_{alias} = o_{sig};"
for i, m in enumerate(mem):
s += f"mem[{i}] = {width}'h{m:0{(width+3)//4}x};\n"
with open('serv_mem_decode.v', 'w') as f:
f.write(HEADER.format(ports=',\n '.join(ports), body=body.format(msb=width-1, mem=s)))
#imm30, funct3, opcode
ops = {
'lui' : 'x' + 'xxx' + '01101',
'auipc' : 'x' + 'xxx' + '00101',
'jal' : 'x' + 'xxx' + '11011',
'jalr' : 'x' + 'xxx' + '11001',#funct3 = 000?
'beq' : 'x' + '000' + '11000',
'bne' : 'x' + '001' + '11000',
'blt' : 'x' + '100' + '11000',
'bge' : 'x' + '101' + '11000',
'bltu' : 'x' + '110' + '11000',
'bgeu' : 'x' + '111' + '11000',
'lb' : 'x' + '000' + '00000',
'lh' : 'x' + '001' + '00000',
'lw' : 'x' + '010' + '00000',
'lbu' : 'x' + '100' + '00000',
'lhu' : 'x' + '101' + '00000',
'sb' : 'x' + '000' + '01000',
'sh' : 'x' + '001' + '01000',
'sw' : 'x' + '010' + '01000',
'addi' : 'x' + '000' + '00100',
'slti' : 'x' + '010' + '00100',
'sltiu' : 'x' + '011' + '00100',
'xori' : 'x' + '100' + '00100',
'ori' : 'x' + '110' + '00100',
'andi' : 'x' + '111' + '00100',
'slli' : '0' + '001' + '00100',
'srli' : '0' + '101' + '00100',
'srai' : '1' + '101' + '00100',
'add' : '0' + '000' + '01100',
'sub' : '1' + '000' + '01100',
'sll' : '0' + '001' + '01100',
'slt' : '0' + '010' + '01100',
'sltu' : '0' + '011' + '01100',
'xor' : '0' + '100' + '01100',
'srl' : '0' + '101' + '01100',
'sra' : '1' + '101' + '01100',
'or' : '0' + '110' + '01100',
'and' : '0' + '111' + '01100',
'fence' : 'x' + 'xxx' + '00011',#funct3=000?
'ecall' : 'x' + '000' + '11100',#ebreak same but op20=1
'csrrw' : 'x' + '001' + '11100',
'csrrs' : 'x' + '010' + '11100',
'csrrc' : 'x' + '011' + '11100',
'csrrwi': 'x' + '101' + '11100',
'csrrsi': 'x' + '110' + '11100',
'csrrci': 'x' + '111' + '11100',
#Map of all required true/false conditions for each op.
#This should ideally be created automatically from riscv-formal runs
#TODO: Extend with optional ISA extensions (M, Zicsr, Zifencei..)
#ebreak = ecall with op20=1
ctrlmap = \
#iillqetete uu dttridlladblttrla d
# p r uu iiii iiii u
# c u
#Store, Op, LUI?, branch, jalr, jal
'op_b_source' : ' 11111111000001110000000001111111111',
'immdec_ctrl0' : ' 0 111111 111 ',
'immdec_ctrl1' : '0001 11111111111111111 ',
'immdec_ctrl2' : '000011111100000000000000000 ',
'immdec_ctrl3' : '001 ',
'immdec_en0' : '0000111111000001110000000000000000000',
'immdec_en1' : '1110000000000000000000000000000000000',
'immdec_en2' : '1111000000111110001111111110000000000',
'immdec_en3' : '1110111111111111111111111110000000000',
'bne_or_bge' : ' 010101 ',
'sh_right' : ' 011 0 11 ',
'cond_branch' : ' 00111111 ',
'branch_op' : '0011111111000000000000000000000000000',
'shift_op' : '0000000000000000000000001110010001100',
'slt_op' : '0000000000000000000110000000001100000',
'mem_op' : '0000000000111111110000000000000000000',
'two_stage_op' : '0011111111111111110110001110011101100',
'rd_alu_en' : '0000 00000 1111111111111111111',
# 'dbus_en' : ' 0000000011111111 00 000 000 00 ',
'bufreg_rs1_en' : ' 0100000011111111 111 1 11 ',
'bufreg_imm_en' : ' 1111111111111111 000 0 00 ',
'bufreg_clr_lsb' : ' 1011111100000000 000 0 00 ',
'bufreg_sh_signed': ' 01 01 ',
'ctrl_jal_or_jalr': '0011 00000 0000000000000000000',
'ctrl_utype' : '1100 00000 0000000000000000000',
'ctrl_pc_rel' : '0110111111 ',
'rd_op' : '1111000000111110001111111111111111111',
'alu_sub' : ' 111111 011 01 11 ',
'alu_bool_op1' : ' 011000 0 00011',
'alu_bool_op0' : ' 001111 1 01101',
'alu_cmp_eq' : ' 110000 00 00 ',
'alu_cmp_sig' : ' 1100 10 10 ',
'alu_rd_sel0' : ' 1000000001100000000',
'alu_rd_sel1' : ' 0110000000001100000',
'alu_rd_sel2' : ' 0001110000000010011',
'mem_signed' : ' 11 00 ',
'mem_word' : ' 00100001 ',
'mem_half' : ' 01001010 ',
'mem_cmd' : ' 00000111 ',
print("\nMerging control signals")
#Merge control signals and keep track of which signals that have been combined
#TODO: Find algorithm to do this.
merged_signals = {}
merge(ctrlmap, 'bne_or_bge', 'ctrl_jal_or_jalr')
merged_signals['bne_or_bge'] = ['ctrl_jal_or_jalr']
#merge(ctrlmap, 'immdec_ctrl0', 'ctrl_utype')
#merged_signals['immdec_ctrl0'] = ['ctrl_utype']
merge(ctrlmap, 'alu_sub', 'alu_bool_op1')
merged_signals['alu_sub'] = ['alu_bool_op1']
merge(ctrlmap, 'alu_cmp_eq', 'alu_bool_op0')
merged_signals['alu_cmp_eq'] = ['alu_bool_op0']
merge(ctrlmap, 'alu_sub', 'immdec_ctrl3')
merged_signals['alu_sub'] += ['immdec_ctrl3']
merge(ctrlmap, 'bufreg_imm_en', 'alu_rd_sel1')
merged_signals['bufreg_imm_en'] = ['alu_rd_sel1']
merge(ctrlmap, 'bufreg_clr_lsb', 'alu_rd_sel0')
merged_signals['bufreg_clr_lsb'] = ['alu_rd_sel0']
if merged_signals:
for k,v in merged_signals.items():
print(f"Merged {', '.join(v)} into {k}")
#Create the various decoders
print("Creating mem decoder")
write_mem_decoder(ctrlmap, merged_signals)
#print("Writing post-registered logic decoder")
#write_post_reg_logic_decoder(ctrlmap, merged_signals)
#print("Writing pre-registered logic decoder")
#write_pre_reg_logic_decoder(ctrlmap, merged_signals)
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