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Created February 2, 2021 14:15
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import 'package:apptawthra/widgets/show_alert_dialog.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
Future<void> showExceptionAlertDialog({
@required BuildContext context,
@required String title,
@required dynamic exception,
}) async =>
await showAlertDialog(
context: context,
title: title,
content: _message(exception),
defaultActionText: 'OK',
String _message(dynamic exception) {
if (exception is PlatformException) {
if (exception.message == 'FIRFirestoreErrorDomain') {
if (exception.code == 'Code 7') {
// This happens when we get a "Missing or insufficient permissions" error
return 'This operation could not be completed due to a server error';
return exception.details as String;
return _errors[exception.code] ?? exception.message;
return exception.toString();
// NOTE: The full list of FirebaseAuth errors is stored here:
// These are just the most relevant for email & password sign in:
Map<String, String> _errors = {
'ERROR_WEAK_PASSWORD': 'The password must be 8 characters long or more.',
'ERROR_INVALID_CREDENTIAL': 'The email address is badly formatted.',
'The email address is already registered. Sign in Instead',
'ERROR_INVALID_EMAIL': 'The email address is badly formatted.',
'ERROR_WRONG_PASSWORD': 'The password is incorrect. Please try again.',
'The email address is not registered. Sign up Instead',
'We have blocked all requests from this device due to unusual activity. Try again later.',
'This sign in method is not allowed. Please contact support.',
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