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Created July 5, 2024 22:01
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one perl contiguous subsequences benchmark run and code
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use Benchmark qw(timethese);
use List::Util qw(all);
my $count = shift || 100_000_000;
my $mother = [qw(qn qn qn)];
my $father = [qw(qn qn qn qn)];
timethese($count, {
ology => sub { contiguous_subsequences($mother, $father) },
tirnanog => sub { tirnanog($mother, $father) },
botje => sub { botje($mother, $father) },
sub ology {
my ($little_set, $big_set) = @_;
my $little_set_size = @$little_set;
my $big_set_size = @$big_set;
my @matches;
my $i = 0; # little set index
my $j = 0; # big set index
my $k = 0; # matches found
my $p = 0; # initial big set position
my $f = 0; # failed to find match
while ($i < $little_set_size && $j < $big_set_size) {
if ($little_set->[$i] eq $big_set->[$j]) {
$k++; # We match
$j++; # Move to the next element in the big_set
$f = 0; # failed to find match
else {
$i++; # Move to the next element in the little_set
if ($f || $i >= $little_set_size) {
push @matches, $p if $k == $little_set_size;
$p++; # increment the big set position
$i = 0; # reset the little set position
$j = $p; # set the big set index to the big set position
$k = 0; # no matches seen
return \@matches;
sub tirnanog {
my ($needles, $haystack) = @_;
my @indices;
my $length = $needles->@*;
if ($length > 0 && $haystack->@* >= $length) {
my $i = 0;
my $j = $haystack->@* - $length;
while ($i <= $j) {
if ($length == grep { $needles->[$_] eq $haystack->[$i + $_] } keys $needles->@*) {
push @indices, $i;
return \@indices;
sub botje {
my ($needles, $haystack) = @_;
return () unless $needles->@*;
my @results = grep {
my $i = $_;
$needles->@* == grep { $needles->[$_] eq $haystack->[$i + $_] } keys $needles->@*;
} 0 .. $haystack->$#* - $needles->$#*;
return \@results;
Benchmark: timing 100000000 iterations of x, y, z...
ology: 135 wallclock secs (134.81 usr + 0.03 sys = 134.84 CPU) @ 741619.70/s (n=100000000)
tirnanog: 84 wallclock secs (83.55 usr + 0.02 sys = 83.57 CPU) @ 1196601.65/s (n=100000000)
Botje: 93 wallclock secs (92.89 usr + 0.01 sys = 92.90 CPU) @ 1076426.26/s (n=100000000)
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