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Last active January 27, 2017 15:27
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Angular 1 substitution
placeholder-link-value='' placeholder-link-action='showTermsAndConditions(2)'
placeholder-date-value='' placeholder-date-class="'stage-connect'"
The [link] have been agreed by [user] on [date], and name is [name]
app.directive('uiSubstitute', function() {
return {
scope: false,
template: function(tElem, tAttr) {
let template = tElem.html();
const placeholders = {};
angular.forEach(tAttr, function(attrValue,attrKey) {
if (attrKey.substr(0,11)!='placeholder') return;
let [phKey, phType] = attrKey.substr(11).match(/([A-Z][a-z]*)/g);
phKey = phKey.toLowerCase();
if (attrValue.indexOf('"')>=0) throw "Please use single quotes: "+attrValue;
(placeholders[phKey]|| (placeholders[phKey] = {}))[phType]=attrValue;
angular.forEach(placeholders, function(phDef, ph) {
let elem = phDef.Action?'a':'span';
let attrs = [{key:'ng-bind', val:phDef.Value}];
if (phDef.Class) attrs.push({key:'ng-class',val:phDef.Class});
if (phDef.Action) attrs.push({key:'ng-click',val:phDef.Action});
attrs = => `${v.key}="${v.val}"`);
template = template.replace(`[${ph}]`,`<${elem} ${attrs.join(' ')}></${elem}>`);
return template;
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