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Created April 7, 2016 23:38
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TypeScript Annotations for Angular 1 (full version)
import * as ng from 'angular';
interface Function {
$inject?: any;
injectableType?: string;
injectableName?: string;
type BindingType = '<' | '@' | '&' | '=';
interface Bindings {
export interface IComponentDefinitionObject {
$routeConfig?: ng.RouteDefinition[];
interface InjectableComponentDefinitionObject {
controller: Function;
injectableType: string;
injectableName: string;
function component(name:string, definition:IComponentDefinitionObject):any {
return (target:Function) => {
const injectee = <InjectableComponentDefinitionObject>definition;
injectee.controller = target;
injectee.injectableName = name;
injectee.injectableType = 'component';
return injectee
function injector(type:string, name:string, values:string[]):any {
return (target:Function) => {
const injectee:Function = (...args:any[]):Object => {
return ((classConstructor:Function, args:any[], ctor:any):Object => {
ctor.prototype = classConstructor.prototype;
const child:Object = new ctor;
const result:Object = classConstructor.apply(child, args);
return typeof result === "object" ? result : child;
})(target, args, () => {
return null;
injectee.$inject = values;
if (name) injectee.injectableName = name;
if (type) injectee.injectableType = type;
return injectee;
var inject = injector.bind(null, null, null);
var service = injector.bind(null, "service");
var directive = injector.bind(null, "directive");
var controller = injector.bind(null, "controller");
function register(module:ng.IModule, o:any) {
throw Error("Can't register an undefined component!");
var registrant = module[o.injectableType];
if (!registrant) throw `Unknown injectable type '${o.injectableType}' for '${o.injectableName}'`;, o.injectableName, o);
export {inject, service, directive, controller, component, register};
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