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Created November 30, 2022 03:38
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Type definition for meteor/matb33:collection-hooks
declare module 'meteor/matb33:collection-hooks' {
import { Meteor } from "meteor/meteor"
type TGlobalOptions = {
all?: any
insert?: any
update?: any
upsert?: any
find?: any
findOne?: any
remove?: any
interface CollectionHooks {
defaultUserId?: string
directEnv?: Meteor.EnvironmentVariable<any>
GlobalOptions?: TGlobalOptions
defaults?: {
all?: TGlobalOptions
before?: TGlobalOptions
after?: TGlobalOptions
declare module 'meteor/mongo' {
import {CollectionHooks} from "meteor/matb33:collection-hooks";
module Mongo {
type THookThis<UnderlyingMethod extends (...args: any) => any> = {_super: UnderlyingMethod, context: ThisType<UnderlyingMethod>, args: Parameters<UnderlyingMethod>}
type THookBeforeInsert<T,O = void> = (this: THookThis<Collection<T>["insert"]>, userId: string|undefined, doc: T) => O;
type THookBeforeUpdate<T,O = void> = (this: THookThis<Collection<T>["update"]>, userId: string|undefined, doc: T, fieldNames: string[], modifier: any, options: any) => O
type THookBeforeRemove<T,O = void> = (this: THookThis<Collection<T>["remove"]>, userId: string|undefined, doc: T) => O
type THookBeforeUpsert<T,O = void> = (this: THookThis<Collection<T>["upsert"]>, userId: string|undefined, selector: any, modifier: any, options: any) => O
type THookBeforeFind<T,O = void> = (this: THookThis<Collection<T>["find"]>, userId: string|undefined, selector: any, options: any) => O
type THookAfterFind<T> = (this: THookThis<Collection<T>["find"]>, userId: string|undefined, selector: any, options: any, cursor: Cursor<T>) => void
type THookBeforeFindOne<T,O = void> = (this: THookThis<Collection<T>["findOne"]>, userId: string|undefined, selector: any, options: any) => O
type THookAfterFindOne<T> = (this: THookThis<Collection<T>["findOne"]>, userId: string|undefined, selector: any, options: any, doc: T) => void
type THandler<F> = {remove(): void, replace(callback: F, options: any): void}
interface Collection<T, U = T> {
hookOptions: CollectionHooks["GlobalOptions"]
direct: Pick<Collection<T, U>, "insert"|"update"|"find"|"findOne"|"remove">
before: {
insert<Fn = THookBeforeInsert<T,void|false>>(fn: Fn): THandler<Fn>
update<Fn = THookBeforeUpdate<T,void|false>>(fn: Fn): THandler<Fn>
remove<Fn = THookBeforeRemove<T,void|false>>(fn: Fn): THandler<Fn>
upsert<Fn = THookBeforeUpsert<T,void|false>>(fn: Fn): THandler<Fn>
find<Fn = THookBeforeFind<T,void|false>>(fn: Fn): THandler<Fn>
findOne<Fn = THookBeforeFindOne<T,void|false>>(fn: Fn): THandler<Fn>
after: {
insert<Fn = THookBeforeInsert<T>>(fn: Fn): THandler<Fn>
update<Fn = THookBeforeUpdate<T>>(fn: Fn): THandler<Fn>
remove<Fn = THookBeforeRemove<T>>(fn: Fn): THandler<Fn>
upsert<Fn = THookBeforeUpsert<T>>(fn: Fn): THandler<Fn>
find<Fn = THookAfterFind<T>>(fn: Fn): THandler<Fn>
findOne<Fn = THookAfterFindOne<T>>(fn: Fn): THandler<Fn>
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