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Last active December 13, 2019 14:20
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* Signs release build with the specified signature parameters. When parameters are omitted the
* release APK file will be left unsigned.
* By default, file in the project's or root project's folder will be used as a
* source of required signing data:
* storeFile=/Users/me/keyvault/release.keystore
* storePassword=pass123
* keyAlias=sampleAlias
* keyPassword=pass123
* Otherwise you can use this optional command line parameters:
* keystorePropertiesFile - path to your properties file with "storeFile", "storePassword",
* "keyAlias", "keyPassword" properties
* storeFile - path to your keystore file
* storePassword, keyAlias, keyPassword - all other signature data for the specified keystore
* Examples:
* gradlew assembleRelease -PstoreFile=/Users/me/keyvault/release.keystore
* -PstorePassword=pass123 -PkeyAlias=sampleAlias -PkeyPassword=pass123
* gradlew assembleRelease -PkeystorePropertiesFile=/Users/me/keyvault/
* It is ok to specify partial data in properties file and all the other data with command line
* parameters:
* gradlew assembleRelease -PkeystorePropertiesFile=/Users/me/keyvault/
* -PstorePassword=pass123 -PkeyPassword=pass123
String inputStoreFile, inputStorePassword, inputKeyAlias, inputKeyPassword
// try to read signing data from local or custom
File keystorePropertiesFile
if (project.hasProperty('keystorePropertiesFile') && project.keystorePropertiesFile) {
keystorePropertiesFile = file(project.keystorePropertiesFile)
} else {
File[] keystorePropertiesLocations = [
keystorePropertiesFile = keystorePropertiesLocations.find { it.exists() }
if (keystorePropertiesFile?.exists()) {
Properties keystoreProperties = new Properties()
inputStoreFile = keystoreProperties.getProperty('storeFile')
inputStorePassword = keystoreProperties.getProperty('storePassword')
inputKeyAlias = keystoreProperties.getProperty('keyAlias')
inputKeyPassword = keystoreProperties.getProperty('keyPassword')
// then try to read all command line parameters
if (project.hasProperty('storeFile') && project.storeFile) {
inputStoreFile = project.storeFile
if (project.hasProperty('storePassword') && project.storePassword) {
inputStorePassword = project.storePassword
if (project.hasProperty('keyAlias') && project.keyAlias) {
inputKeyAlias = project.keyAlias
if (project.hasProperty('keyPassword') && project.keyPassword) {
inputKeyPassword = project.keyPassword
// if all needed info is supplied then generate signing config
if (inputStoreFile && inputStorePassword && inputKeyAlias && inputKeyPassword) {
android {
signingConfigs {
release {
storeFile file(inputStoreFile)
storePassword inputStorePassword
keyAlias inputKeyAlias
keyPassword inputKeyPassword
android.buildTypes["release"].signingConfig = android.signingConfigs.release
println "Release configuration generated. Release APK will be SIGNED."
} else {
println "Release configuration omitted. Release APK will be left UNSIGNED."
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