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Last active December 13, 2019 14:21
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* Initializes versionName and versionCode from file.
* Just create file in the project's or root project's folder with the next
* properties:
* major=1
* minor=2
* patch=3
* Optional command line parameters:
* versionMetadata - metadata that will be added at the end of versionName
* Example:
* gradlew assembleDebug -PversionMetadata=0df74f19
final int MAX_MINOR_DIGITS = 2
final int MAX_PATCH_DIGITS = 2
static int readIntegerProperty(Properties properties, String key) {
String value = properties.get(key)
if (!value) {
throw new GradleException("Cannot read '${key}' property")
if (!value.isInteger()) {
throw new GradleException("'${key}' property is not integer")
return value.toInteger()
File[] versionPropertiesLocations = [
File versionPropertiesFile = versionPropertiesLocations.find { it.exists() }
if (!versionPropertiesFile) {
throw new GradleException("Cannot find ${VERSION_PROPERTIES_FILENAME} file")
Properties versionProperties = new Properties()
int major = readIntegerProperty(versionProperties, 'major')
int minor = readIntegerProperty(versionProperties, 'minor')
int patch = readIntegerProperty(versionProperties, 'patch')
if (minor >= 10**MAX_MINOR_DIGITS) {
throw new GradleException("Minor version cannot contain more than ${MAX_MINOR_DIGITS} digits." +
" Current minor version is ${minor}.")
if (patch >= 10**MAX_PATCH_DIGITS) {
throw new GradleException("Patch version cannot contain more than ${MAX_PATCH_DIGITS} digits." +
" Current patch version is ${patch}.")
int versionCode = (major * 10**MAX_MINOR_DIGITS + minor) * 10**MAX_PATCH_DIGITS + patch
String versionName = "${major}.${minor}.${patch}"
if (project.hasProperty('versionMetadata') && project.versionMetadata) {
versionName = "${versionName}+${project.versionMetadata}"
android.defaultConfig.versionName = versionName
android.defaultConfig.versionCode = versionCode
println "versionName " + android.defaultConfig.versionName
println "versionCode " + android.defaultConfig.versionCode
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