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Created October 31, 2010 22:16
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; vim:ts=8:sts=8:sw=8:filetype=nasm:
; This is the real bootstrap of the kernel, and
; it is this part that is loaded by the boot sector (boot.asm)
org 0
bits 16
%macro define_descriptor 6 ; 0-6 0,0,0,0,0,0
dw %1 ;seg_limit
dw %2 ;addr_00_15
db %3 ;addr_16_23
db %4 ;flags
db %5 ;access
db %6 ;addr_24_31
; Bit Field
; 7 Present = 1
; 6..5 Ring == 0
; 4 Descriptor type == 1
; 3..0 Type = cs: 1010, ds: 0010
RX_ACCESS equ 10011010b
RW_ACCESS equ 10010010b
code_seg equ 8
data_seg equ 16
mov ax,cs
mov ds,ax
mov ax,0x0e00+'A'
mov bl,0x0f
int 10h
mov al,0xff
out 0xa1, al
mov al,0xfb
out 0x21, al
mov ax,0x0e00+'B'
mov bl,0x0f
int 10h
; Protect Enable -> 1
mov eax,cr0
or eax,1
mov cr0,eax
lidt [idtr]
lgdt [gdtr]
; Reset cs by far-jumping to the other side
jmp code_seg:dword start32+0x8000
bits 32
mov ax,data_seg
mov ds,ax
mov es,ax
mov fs,ax
mov gs,ax
mov ss,ax
mov ebx, 0xb8000
mov edi, ebx
xor eax,eax
mov ecx,2*80*25/4 ; 125 << 3
rep stosd
mov word [ebx],0x0f00+'P'
; magic flag time:
; All entries have the same lower 4 bits (all set to 1 here):
; - present (bit 0)
; - Read-only/Writable (bit 1), 1 = Writable
; - User/Supervisor bit (bit 2), 1 = Accessible from user mode
; - Page-level writethrough (bit 3)
; For the final one, we set a couple more flags:
; - Global (bit 8), along with PGE, the page will remain in TLB after
; changing the page tables, we promise that the page has the same
; mapping in all tables.
; - Page Size (bit 7), this is the final page entry rather than a link
; to another table. In our case, this makes this a 2MB page since the
; bit is set already in the third level.
; Write PML4 (one entry, pointing to one PDP)
mov edi, 0xa000 ; base address, where we put the PML4's
mov eax, 0xb00f ; 0xb000 is where the PDP starts, 0xf is magic
xor eax,eax
mov ecx, 0x03ff ; number of zero double-words in PML4
rep stosd
; Write PDP (one entry, pointing to one PD)
mov eax, 0xc00f ; 0xc000 is the start of the PD
xor eax,eax
mov ecx, 0x03ff ; number of zero double-words in PDP
rep stosd
; Write PD (one entry mapped, address 0, plus flags)
mov eax, 0x018f ; magic constant (see above)
xor eax,eax
mov ecx, 0x03ff
rep stosd
; Start mode-switching
mov eax, 10100000b ; PAE and PGE
mov cr4, eax
mov edx, 0xa000 ; address of PML4
mov cr3, edx
mov ecx, 0xc0000080 ; EFER MSR
or eax, 0x100 ; Set LME
mov eax,cr0
or eax,0x80000000 ; Enable paging
mov cr0,eax
; Set code segment to L=1,D=0
xor eax,eax
mov edi,gdt_start+0x8000+8
mov ecx,4
rep stosd
mov word [gdt_start+8+5+0x8000], 0x2098
mov byte [gdt_start+16+5+0x8000], 0x90
jmp code_seg:dword start64+0x8000
bits 64
mov ax,data_seg
mov ds,ax
mov edi,0xb8004
; Just do something silly that should fail if we weren't in long mode
shl rdi,32
test edi,edi
jnz not_long
shr rdi,32
; Then proceed to write a message
mov esi,message+0x8000
mov ecx,2
rep movsq
mov rax,8 ; Random
jmp $
dq 0x0747074e074f074c, 0x07450744074f074d
define_descriptor 0,0,0,0,0,0
define_descriptor 0xffff,0,0,RX_ACCESS,0xcf,0
define_descriptor 0xffff,0,0,RW_ACCESS,0xcf,0
align 4
dw gdt_end-gdt_start-1 ; Limit
dd gdt_start+0x8000 ; Offset
dw 0
dd 0
times 4096-($-$$) db 0
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