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Last active January 6, 2021 13:59
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func updatePlayer(event js.Value) {
mouseX := event.Get("clientX").Float()
mouseY := event.Get("clientY").Float()
// basically threads/async/parallelism
// TODO difference with Web Workers
// TODO difference with Service Workers
go log("mouseEvent", "x", mouseX, "y", mouseY)
// next gist
if isLaserCaught(mouseX, mouseY, gs.laserX, gs.laserY) {
go playSound()
// no this isn't some magic; it's straight from HTML5
func playSound() {
window.Get("navigator").Call("vibrate", 300)
// basically a rest+spread from javascript
// ...interface{} is more or less `any` from Typescript
func log(args ...interface{}) {
window.Get("console").Call("log", args...)
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