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Created November 17, 2020 22:28
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Graph Subdivide Benchmark
use criterion::{criterion_group, criterion_main, BatchSize, Criterion};
use decorum::R64;
use nalgebra::Point3;
use plexus::geometry::AsPositionMut;
use plexus::graph::{EdgeMidpoint, FaceView, GraphData, MeshGraph};
use plexus::prelude::*;
use plexus::primitive::Tetragon;
use smallvec::SmallVec;
const DEPTH: usize = 8;
type E3 = Point3<R64>;
pub trait Circumscribe<G> {
fn circumscribe(self) -> Self;
impl<'a, G> Circumscribe<G> for FaceView<&'a mut MeshGraph<G>>
G: EdgeMidpoint + GraphData,
G::Vertex: AsPositionMut,
// Subdivide the face such that a similar polygon is formed within its
// perimeter.
fn circumscribe(self) -> Self {
// Split each edge, stashing the vertex key and moving to the next arc.
let arity = self.arity();
let mut arc = self.into_arc();
let mut splits = SmallVec::<[_; 4]>::with_capacity(arity);
for _ in 0..arity {
let vertex = arc.split_at_midpoint();
arc = vertex.into_outgoing_arc().into_next_arc();
// Split faces along the vertices from each arc split.
let mut face = arc.into_face().unwrap();
for (a, b) in splits.into_iter().perimeter() {
face = face.split(ByKey(a), ByKey(b)).unwrap().into_face().unwrap();
// Return the face forming the similar polygon.
fn tetragon() -> MeshGraph<E3> {
// Create a graph from a tetragon.
(1.0, 0.0, -1.0),
(-1.0, 0.0, -1.0),
(-1.0, 0.0, 1.0),
(1.0, 0.0, 1.0),
fn subdivide(mut graph: MeshGraph<E3>) {
// Get the face of the tetragon.
let key = graph.faces().nth(0).unwrap().key();
let mut face = graph.face_mut(key).unwrap();
// Circumscribe and extrude the face recursively.
for _ in 0..DEPTH {
face = face.circumscribe().extrude_with_offset(0.5).unwrap();
fn benchmark(criterion: &mut Criterion) {
criterion.bench_function("subdivide", move |bencher| {
bencher.iter_batched(tetragon, subdivide, BatchSize::SmallInput)
criterion_group!(benches, benchmark);
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