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Last active July 30, 2023 14:30
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//php 5.6 compatible
$debug = true; //until this runs smoothly, look at system emails to get details if running in crontab
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
ini_set('display_startup_errors', 1);
//set this to your timezone
//enter your Ambient api key and app key information
$site['AWNdid'] = 'XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX'; // your xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx device ID on
$site['AWNkey'] = 'XXX'; //apiKey - request this from Ambient
$site['SWXAWNAPPID'] = 'XXX'; //applicationKey - request this from Ambient
//set your mysql database variables
$hostname = 'XXX'; //usually localhost
$database = 'XXX';
$password = 'XXX';
$username = 'XXX';
$table = 'XXX';
//connect to mysql
$link = mysqli_connect($hostname, $username, $password, $database);
if($link === false){ die("ERROR: Could not connect. " . mysqli_connect_error()); }
//get unix timestamp for last entry
$sql_last = 'SELECT dateutc FROM `'.$table.'` WHERE dateutc=(SELECT MAX(dateutc) FROM `'.$table.'`);';
$result = mysqli_query($link,$sql_last);
$row = mysqli_fetch_array($result);
$last_update = $row['dateutc'];
date_default_timezone_set('UTC'); //I think time() is the unix timestamp independant of timezone, but just to be sure . . . ) AW stores timestamps UTC
$now = time();
date_default_timezone_set('America/Denver'); //now switch it back
$limit = floor( ($now - $last_update)/300 ); //database has a new record every 300 seconds
if ($limit > 288) {$limit = 288;} //max number of records
if ($limit == 0) {
echo "\nThere is no time gap in the database presently, ending script.\n";
$end_date = time()*1000; // UTC by default and the timestamp is in microseconds on the Ambient server
///////////// URLs from AW to get data //////////////////
// Provides a list of the user's available devices along with each device's most recent data.
$AWNDEVurl = ''.
//We won't use this, but I put it in here in case I want it later
// Fetch data for a given device. Data is stored in 5 or 30 minute increments.
$AWNurl = ''.$site['AWNdid'].
$AWNurl = $AWNurl.'&endDate='.$end_date;
$AWNurl = $AWNurl.'&limit='.$limit;
//echo 'URL to fetch is :'.$AWNurl.'<br><br>';
if ($debug) {
echo "\nThe last row in the MySQL database is from: ".date('g:ia jS F Y', $last_update )." \n";
echo "Current system time is: ".date('g:ia jS F Y', $now )." \n";
echo "Thus, we will be trying to add ".$limit." records to the MySQL database.\n";
//A list of all possible fields is here:
// endDate =
// The most recent datetime. Results descend from there.
// If left blank, the most recent results will be returned.
// Date format should be in milliseconds since the epoch or
// string representations outlined here:
// Note: datetimes are stored in UTC.
// limit =
// The maximum number of results to return (max: 288) Default: 288.
list($RC,$data) = AWN_fetchData($AWNurl); // do the data fetch
if($RC == 0 || $RC == 429) {
if ($debug) {
echo "\nDid not get any data - RC = ".$RC.". Exiting script\n";
$weather_dataJSON = '';
elseif($RC == 200) {
$weather_dataJSON = json_decode($data, true); //this means we got data y'all!!
elseif ($RC = 401 || $RC = 404) {
//$json = json_decode($content);
if ($debug) {
print "\nError: returns ERROR: ".$RC.". Exiting script\n";
$weather_dataJSON = '';
else {
if ($debug) {echo "\nAWN_fetchData error, RC = ".$RC." on fetch of ".$AWNurl.". Exiting script\n"; }
$weather_dataJSON = '';
if($weather_dataJSON){ //assuming we got weather data back...use the first array data set to get the data names. That way if a weather sensor is not reporting, we don't get a row mismatch error from mysql
$sql = 'INSERT IGNORE INTO '.$table.' ('; //We're building the mysql insert statement!!!
foreach ($weather_dataJSON[0] as $server_column_name=>$server_value ) { //use the first data set to get this info
$server_columns_arr[] = $server_column_name; //we'll need an array of the data headings to call the actual values from the data arrays later. . .
$sql = $sql.' '.$server_column_name.','; //and adding column names to the statement
$sql = rtrim($sql, ','); // get rid of that last comma to avoid an error . . . .
$sql = $sql.') '; // and close the parenthesis
$sql = $sql.'VALUES ';
$data_set_counter = 0;
//if ($debug) { echo "\nEnding date/time for the data we got = ".date('g:ia \o\n l jS F Y', ($weather_dataJSON[0]['dateutc']/1000) )." \n"; }
foreach ($weather_dataJSON as $key=>$data_arr) { //here $key is going to be an integer
$date = ($data_arr['dateutc']/1000) - 25200;
$date = ($data_arr['dateutc']/1000);
$date = date('g:ia \o\n l jS F Y', $date);
//echo '<p>At '.$date.':<br>';
$sql = $sql.' (';
//foreach ($data_arr as $measure=>$value){
foreach ($server_columns_arr as $value){ //loop through the keys of the data we got from the server
//if($measure == 'date' || $measure == 'lastRain' ) {
if($value == 'date' || $value == 'lastRain' ) {
//$value = str_replace('T', ' ', $value);
//$value = str_replace('.000Z', '', $value);
//$value = '\''.$value.'\'';
$data_arr[$value] = str_replace('T', ' ', $data_arr[$value]); //make date into a mysql format
$data_arr[$value] = str_replace('.000Z', '', $data_arr[$value]); //make date into a mysql format
$data_arr[$value] = '\''.$data_arr[$value].'\''; //escape the quotes
//probably should mysqli_real_escape_string this stuff . . .
if($value == 'loc') { $data_arr[$value] = '\''.$data_arr[$value].'\'';}
if($value == 'dateutc') { $data_arr[$value] = $data_arr[$value]/1000;}
//echo $value.' = '.$data_arr[$value].', ';
$sql = $sql.' '.$data_arr[$value].',';
$sql = rtrim($sql, ','); // get rid of that last comma to avoid an error . . . .
$sql = $sql.'),';
//echo '</p>';
$sql = rtrim($sql, ','); // get rid of that last comma to avoid an error . . . .
if ($debug) { echo "\nWith api limit set to ".$limit.", API rest call sent us ".$data_set_counter." records in total \n"; }
$last = count($weather_dataJSON)-1;
if ($debug) {
echo "\nStarting date/time for the API data we got = ".date('g:ia jS F Y', ($weather_dataJSON[$last]['dateutc']/1000) )." \n";
echo "Ending date/time for the API data we got = ".date('g:ia jS F Y', ($weather_dataJSON[0]['dateutc']/1000) )." \n";
//echo '<br><br><br><br>MySQL statement =<br><br>'.$sql;
if (mysqli_query($link, $sql)) {
if ($debug) { echo "\nMySQL query: ".mysqli_affected_rows($link)." new rows added successfully. \n"; }
else {
if ($debug) { echo "\nError: ".$sql."<br>".mysqli_error($link)." \n"; }
//see if there is a data gap > 7 minutes in the data stream
//$last_update = $row['dateutc']; //remember this from above?
$first_record_added = $weather_dataJSON[$last]['dateutc']/1000;
$data_gap = $first_record_added - $last_update;
if($data_gap < 430) {
if ($debug) {
echo "\nData appears to be in continuity - time gap between the last record on the database and the new added data rows is ".$data_gap." seconds. (".($data_gap/60)." minutes). \n\n\n";
else {
if ($debug) {
echo "\nThere may be a data continuity issue, the time gap was '.$data_gap.' You may want to check data. \n\n\n";
mysqli_close($link); //close it down, nuthin' to see here . . .
////////////////////////// FUNKSHINS ///////////////////////
function AWN_fetchData($AWNurl) {
$numberOfSeconds = 3; //you may have to futz with this depending on your server connectivity
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $AWNurl); // connect to provided URL
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0); // don't verify peer certificate
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, '');
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array( "Accept: text/plain,application/json" ) ); // request LD-JSON format :
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); // return the data transfer
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_NOBODY, false); // set nobody
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, FALSE);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, $numberOfSeconds); // connection timeout
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, $numberOfSeconds); // data timeout
$data = curl_exec($ch); // execute session
$cinfo = curl_getinfo($ch); // get info on curl exec.
if(isset($cinfo['http_code'])) { $RC = $cinfo['http_code']; }
else { $RC = 0; }
$to_return = array($RC,$data);
return $to_return;
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